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笔者根据Heckscker-Ohlin模型提出了劳工标准与我国出口竞争力关系的理论推论,而后利用我国31个省、直辖市、自治区的面板数据构建了经济计量模型对该假说进行验证,研究结论表明,在适合我国劳工标准演进路径的条件下,SA8000的实施将会促进我国的出口竞争力。  相似文献   

本文通过回顾美国劳工标准与贸易政策挂钩战略形成的历史,对该战略的发展趋势进行了探讨。文章进而指出,美国推行劳工标准与贸易政策挂钩战略带有双重目的:一是借实施劳工标准之名,行贸易保护主义之实;二是通过贸易渠道实现政治干预。为此,我国必须制定积极的应对策略。  相似文献   

本文主要研究的是贸易自由化进程中劳工标准体系分化及发展问题.单边贸易立法、自由贸易协定、跨国公司行为准则或社会责任标准体系,这三者皆于不同程度实现了劳工标准和贸易政策的挂钩,降低了贸易伙伴的国际竞争力,致使劳工标准体系日益分化.这一状况不但影响了全球各国劳工关系与劳工标准的实施水平,对国际贸易发展的影响也在日益深入.本文提出了几条应对劳工体系分化的对策,旨在促进我国的国际贸易健康发展.  相似文献   

我国中小企业的现状与加快发展的思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
2003年我国采用了新的企业规模标准,提高了中小企业界定标准。中小企业界定标准不是一成不变的,世界上不同的国家因经济发展水平不同,对中小企业界定的标准也是不相同的;同一个国家在不同的经济发展阶段,对中小企业的界定标准也是不相同的。总的趋势是,经济发展水平越高的国家,其中小企业的界定标准就越高;同一个国家随着经济水平的不断发展,中小企业界定标准也会不断提高。改革开放以来我国经济发展水平有了很大提高,并随之调整了中小企业界定标准,是很必要和适时的。  相似文献   

贸易与劳工标准挂钩:新的贸易保护主义   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
贸易和劳工标准的关系问题是当今国际经济学界的一个重要问题,本文首先阐述了贸易与劳工标准挂钩的两派观点,然后从实证的角度探讨了贸易与劳工标准的关联性,笔者发现:劳工标准与国际贸易并没有必然联系,将劳工标准与国际贸易挂钩缺乏理论或者事实依据.本文最后把劳工标准问题置于经济全球化背景下进行研究,剖析了发达国家将劳工标准与贸易挂钩的保护主义实质,并提出了我国应采取的对策.  相似文献   

王铂 《生产力研究》2012,(2):126-127,261
文章通过论述国际劳工标准问题的由来和分类,并针对发达国家与发展中国家在劳工标准与国际贸易的关系方面的争论,分析现阶段国际贸易发展背景下劳工标准问题的现在,以及国际贸易中有关劳工标准对我国的影响,提出了我国的应对策略建议。  相似文献   

在经济全球化的大背景下,国际劳工标准是当前国际贸易领域的一个焦点问题.发达国家与发展中国家一直争论是否将国际劳工标准与国际贸易挂钩.因此加入WTO后,我们面临劳工标准问题的严峻挑战.本文阐述了国际劳工标准的概况,运用国际贸易理论分析了国际劳工标准与国际贸易之间的关系,并结合中国实际情况,从国家、企业层面提出在国际贸易中,应对国际劳工壁垒的对策,使得我国劳工标准逐渐提高的同时,对外贸易持续、健康、稳定地发展  相似文献   

单小珂 《时代经贸》2012,(6):100-100
在经济全球化的大背景下,国际劳工标准是当前国际贸易领域的一个焦点问题。发达国家与发展中国家一直争论是否将国际劳工标准与国际贸易挂钩。因此加入WTO后,我们面临劳工标准问题的严峻挑战。本文阐述了国际劳工标准的概况,运用国际贸易理论分析了国际劳工标准与国际贸易之间的关系,并结合中国实际情况,从国家、企业层面提出在国际贸易中,应对国际劳工壁垒的对策,使得我国劳工标准逐渐提高的同时,对外贸易持续、健康、稳定地发展。  相似文献   

欧运德 《时代经贸》2012,(8):104-104,107
劳工标准作为一项新的贸易壁垒近来被许多发达国家反复提及,发达国家主张将劳工标准同贸易协议挂钩,对低劳工标准的发展中国家征收超额关税,从而削弱发展中国家的出口优势。我国与发达国家相比,劳工标准较低,劳动力成本优势显著,劳工标准与贸易协议挂钩将对我国的出口贸易产生影响。本文从劳动收入占GDP的比例出发来衡量我国的劳工标准水平,并分析劳工标准与加工贸易出口额的关系。  相似文献   

劳工标准作为一项新的贸易壁垒近来被许多发达国家反复提及,发达国家主张将劳工标准同贸易协议挂钩,对低劳工标准的发展中国家征收超额关税,从而削弱发展中国家的出口优势.我国与发达国家相比,劳工标准较低,劳动力成本优势显著,劳工标准与贸易协议挂钩将对我国的出口贸易产生影响.本文从劳动收入占GDP的比例出发来衡量我国的劳工标准水平,并分析劳工标准与加工贸易出口额的关系.  相似文献   

比较优势、国际分工与发展战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较优势理论是国际分工与贸易理论的重要组成部分,但是对于一国发展是否适宜以比较优势理论为指导却存在极大争议。以比较优势、国际分工与发展战略三者之间的关系为逻辑起点,从辨析比较优势的概念内涵、梳理比较优势的发展脉络、分析比较优势作为发展战略的适宜性和阐述动态比较优势的形成机制等方面对比较优势理论的发展进行梳理,指出培育动态比较优势应该是发展中国家经济发展的主要战略之一。  相似文献   

刘萍 《技术经济》2006,25(9):62-64,94
我国是一个人口大国,农村剩余劳动力的转移成为我国城市化进程中的核心问题,也是解决我国当前“三农”问题的根本出路:借鉴和吸取国际上劳动力流动的成功经验,遵循劳动力流动的普遍规律,加快我国的城市化进程:  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of exogenous capital inflow on prices, production, labour supply, and welfare in the presence of specialisation-based externalities. The paper utilises a simple model of an economy that produces one-final good by means of capital, labour, and a large number of varieties of an intermediate good. The intermediate good is produced by means of capital and labour. The supply of capital is exogenous but the supply of labour is endogenous. The presence of internal economies of scale in the intermediate good industry gives rise to specialisation-based external economies in the production of the final good. Perfect competition prevails in the final good industry whereas the intermediate good industry operates under Chamberlinian monopolistic competition. It is shown that exogenous capital inflow decreases labour supply and increases welfare only if the elasticity of substitution between leisure and the final good is equal to or less than unity. The paper also shows that, if trade opens up between two otherwise similar economies, a capital rich country would be a net importer of varieties of the intermediate good.  相似文献   

本文以分工为逻辑起点,构建分工——市场——制度(DMI)模型分析我国产业集群升级的机理,指出当前产业集群升级面临的问题是:分工价值链低端状态与国内区域分工趋同导致分工锁定;国内市场分割与无序竞争导致市场锁定;社会资本价值的低端化、企业家创新功能缺失与政府职能错位等导致制度锁定等。必须进行技术创新、市场创新和制度创新,培育分工优势、市场优势与制度优势,分别进行产业组织升级、产业结构升级、制度框架升级,是我国产业集群升级的必然选择。  相似文献   

国内外学者对于劳动力流动进行了大量深入的研究,成果颇丰.然而,由于历史的原因,我国在劳动力流动方面呈现出与其他国家不同的特性,目前,我国的劳动力市场尚未发展成熟,劳动力流动存在很严重的不合理现象.因此,结合我国的现实情况对其进行研究意义更加重大.本文试图结合以往学者的研究成果,构建基于劳动力市场分割的劳动力流动模型,对其进行深入的探讨,为实现劳动力的合理流动提供帮助.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the impact of China’s World Trade Organisation (WTO) accession on trade and economic relations across the Taiwan Strait and its implications for the rest of the world by a recursive dynamic, 17‐region, 25‐sector computable general equilibrium (CGE) model according to actual market access commitments that China and Taiwan have made to date. The simulation results show that both China and Taiwan will substantially benefit from their WTO memberships, and their economic interdependence and their dependence within the rest of the world will further deepen. The rest of the world may also benefit because of the expansion of world trade and improvement of their international terms of trade, but some developing countries with an endowment structure similar to China, like those in South America and Southeast Asia, may experience keener competition in labour‐intensive exports and lower prices for their products. JEL classification: F1, F02, C68, P52.  相似文献   

This paper provides a systematic analysis of the way shifts in property utilization rights in China induced another sequence of institutional changes that led to the rise of rural–urban labour migration from 1980 to 1984, a critical period in the country’s market transition. The paper shows that the 1980s’ Household Responsibility System (HRS), which brought family farming back from the communal system, endowed rural households not only with land use rights, but also with de facto labour allocation rights. These shifts in property relations promoted a growth in agricultural market size as well as the emergence of intraprovincial non‐hukou rural–urban migration, which may have made labour retention policies such as the small township strategy ineffective, and may have given the government an incentive to deregulate its subsequent labour market policy.  相似文献   

Labour market implications of EU product market integration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
European labour markets are in a state of flux due to the changing market situation induced by international integration. This process affects wage formation through more fierce product market competition and increased mobility of jobs. This development is by some observers taken to enforce labour market flexibility, while for others it signals an erosion of social standards and in turn possibly the welfare society. Since labour is not very mobile in Europe, the effects of international integration on labour markets are mostly indirect via product market integration. We review the channels through which product market integration affects labour markets and perform an empirical analysis of the convergence and interdependencies in wage formation among EU countries. We find that integration is changing labour market structures and inducing wage convergences as well as stronger wage interdependencies, but it is a gradual process. Moreover, the present study does not support the view that international integration will lead to a 'race to the bottom' and rapidly erode domestic labour markets standards, nor that it will relieve politicians of the need to consider labour market reforms to improve labour market performance.  相似文献   

Rapid economic growth in China and India has resulted in rapidly rising labour costs in those countries. In this study a Muth-type model is used to assess the potential effects of this development on global supply chains using China’s cotton yarn industry as a case study. The model considers i) product differentiation at the yarn level; ii) imperfect competition in the markets for cotton yarn and raw cotton fibre, iii) input substitution between raw cotton fibre, labour, and capital; and iv) offsetting increases in the demand for cotton yarn caused by rising consumer income. Results suggest the effects of rising labour costs on the supply chain are modest, and easily swamped or obscured by the effects of rising income. Increases in industry market power (both oligopoly and oligopsony) have the same effect on the supply chain as increases in labour costs, raising prices to consumers of cotton yarn, and lowering prices to input suppliers, including foreign suppliers of raw cotton fibre. The combined effects of increases in labour costs and income have increased the factor shares for labour and to a lesser extent capital at the expense of raw cotton fibre.  相似文献   

This article examines the effectiveness of private transnational regulation of labour standards/rights in the clothing industry. It adopts three objectives. First, the study focuses on national states in developing countries, explaining their lack of enforcement of labour law and the suppression of labour rights. Second, the article examines the effectiveness of transnational regulatory networks (TRNs) in raising labour standards/rights in producer countries. We conclude that, in a fragmented and highly competitive global industry, existing TRNs cannot ensure labour decent standards/rights. Third, we investigate the reasons for their limited effectiveness. We empirically investigate the conditions and rights of labour in the clothing industries of China and Turkey. In the case of Turkey, we are able to explain the lack of effectiveness of TRNs by drawing on interviews with a variety of actors in firms and networks.  相似文献   

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