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九顶山西坡汶川段维管植物区系研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
汶川是"五·一二"特大地震的中心地带,也是受灾最为严重的区域.本文基于震前3 a的实地调查资料,对龙门山脉主峰--九顶山西坡汶川段的植物区系进行了系统分析,以期为灾后生物多样性的监测评估提供依据.在对九顶山西坡汶川雁门沟的野外调查中共发现维管植物111科、363属、733种,其中有种子植物94科、333属、687种.科的物种丰富性很高,含10种以上的种子植物科有19个,含216属、455种植物,分别占该区维管植物总属数和总种数的59.50%和62.07%,是该区植物区系构成的主导成分.种子植物区系成分复杂,15种分布类型在该区均有分布;温带分布的属和种远远超过热带分布类型,体现了该植物区系明显的温带性质.在东亚分布类型中,属于中国-喜马拉雅类型的属和种所占比例远远高于中国-日本成分,说明九顶山虽处于中国-喜马拉雅森林植物亚区与中国-日本森林植物亚区的交界线附近,但其西坡汶川段依然属于中国-喜马拉雅森林植物亚区的范畴.有367个中国特有种分布于该区,占物种总数的53.42%,其中半数以上的物种属于中国西南特有种或横断山区特有种,进一步证明中国西南高山区特别是横断山地区是温带植物物种的分化中心这一事实.图1表5参11  相似文献   

对福建莆田市老鹰尖植物区系和群落物种多样性的调查与分析,结果表明,老鹰尖植物种类丰富,计有维管束植物181科737属1003种(含变种),其中蕨类植物35科72属89种,裸子植物9科18属19种,被子植物137科647属901种;植物区系成分复杂,联系广泛,以热带亚热带成分为主,属、种分别占55.17%和57.48%,其植被为中亚热带向南亚热带过度类型;11个主要森林群落的物种多样性以米槠林为最高,D_(ah)达3.5109,其次为罗浮栲+丝栗栲林和米槠+栲树林,D_(ah)指数值分别达2.8945和2.7854,而篓竹林群落为最低,D_(ah)指数值仅1.0081,群落各层片物种多样性以灌木层为最高,呈灌木>乔木层>草本>藤本的变化趋势,说明老鹰尖的水热资源较为丰富。  相似文献   

城市野生草本植物种类构成的特征——以宁波市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市野生草本植物物种丰富,在全球城市化的背景下,对城市生物多样性、生态系统健康与环境质量具有重要作用。为剖析城市野生草本植物的种类结构特征,通过分层随机抽样法调查宁波市野生草本植物及立地条件,分析多样性、来源、区系等植物种类结构特征,并通过方差分析、独立样本t检验、LSD多重比较等方法计算不同立地条件下样方植物多样性的差异显著性。结果显示:(1)宁波市野生草本植物物种丰富,60个样方中共记录到野生草本植物48科101属127种;(2)植物地理区系分布广泛,涉及12个地理区类型和4个地理区系变型,其中泛热带分布属的比例最高,占总属数的30.8%;(3)乡土植物占调查植物的大多数,占总种数的89.9%、总盖度的83.3%、总株数的83.3%;(4)多年生与一年生草本是主要的生活类型,占总种数的73.4%;(5)优势种具有明显的优势性,种的频度分布曲线显示,高频植物种仅占少数,频度1.0%以内的低频植物种类则占到81.1%;(6)立地条件因子的分析结果,仅Pilou均匀度指数和Patrick丰富度指数在不同土地利用类型间具有显著差异性。文章系统剖析了宁波市城市野生草本植物的种类结构特征,揭示了土地利用类型等因素的潜在影响作用,可为城市规划及设计过程中保护野生草本植物以提高城市植物多样性、保护城市生态系统提供参考。  相似文献   

双台河口自然保护区滨海湿地的维管束植物区系特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辽宁双台河口自然保护区滨海湿地维管束植物区系中有56科117属155种维管束植物,有蔷薇科、菊科、禾本科、蓼科、豆科、唇形科、香蒲科、眼子菜科、莎草科等9大科51属76种,9大科的属数、种数占区系总属数和总种数的43.59%、49.03%;区系内小科、单种属多,说明科、属的分化程度较高。区系中有15种盐生植物、25种水生植物、34种湿生植物、79种中生植物和4种旱生植物,湿地植被的优势种和建群种均为盐生植物、水生植物和湿生植物,这表明保护区内滨海湿地植被的形成不仅受海水、土壤盐渍化影响,更受辽河径流淡水的影响。区系中有地面芽植物、地下芽植物72种,占总种数的46.45%,说明冷湿气候对保护区内滨海湿地植被的形成有重要作用。区系中有世界分布属31属,占区系总属数的26.50%,这反映了湿地植被的隐域性;有温带分布属57属、热带分布属23属,分别占区系总属数的48.72%、19.66%,这分别表明保护区滨海湿地植被具有一定的地带性特征,雨量充沛、冬季气温较高的海洋性气候特征对湿地中起源于热带的维管束植物生存限制较小。  相似文献   

浙江古田山自然保护区青冈林植物物种多样性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
分析了浙江古田山自然保护区青冈林的植物区系组成和群落物种多样性。结果表明,8个样地中共有维管束植物147种(含变种),隶属51科92属。其中蕨类植物5科7属14种,裸子植物1科1属1种,被子植物45科84属132种。青冈林植物区系成分复杂,具有较高的热带成分比例。群落科、属、种组成多样性较高,植物种类丰富,组成复杂。群落垂直结构中,物种多样性依灌木层→乔木层→草本层的次序递减,乔木层、灌木层的物种多样性指数明显大于草本层。  相似文献   

重庆大木山木本植物区系及植物资源特点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于野外调查资料,对位于三峡库区腹心地带的大木山的木本植物区系及资源特点进行研究,以期为该地区生物多样性保护和可持续利用提供依据.野外调查共发现木本植物738种,隶属于86科、288属.其中裸子植物6科、10属、15种,双子叶植物77科、271属、699种,单子叶植物3科、7属、24种.乔木268种,灌木398种,木质藤本72种.科的组成优势现象十分明显,含10种以上的科有26个,包含164属、526种植物,分别占该区木本植物总属数和总种数的56.94%和71.27%,是该区木本植物区系构成的主导成分.木本植物区系成分复杂,属的分布类型有14个,种的分布类型有12个,区系具有明显的过渡性特征.有483个中国特有种分布于该地区,占总种数的65.71%,其中27.12%的物种为华中植物区特有种.13个地区的聚类分析表明大木山与华中植物区和华东植物区关系最为密切.木本植物资源以药用、材用、观赏、食用类为主,古老孑遗植物和珍稀濒危植物丰富.图l表5参35  相似文献   

梅州城区植物群落的结构特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年4—10月,采用群落调查法、主成分分析法对梅州城区5种绿地类型65个种植的植物群落进行研究,结果表明:1)各类植物共计43科105属147种(含变种),其中乔木62种(42.17%)、灌木45种(30.61%)、草本植物31种(21.09%)、藤本植物9种(6.12%);2)群落垂直结构为乔、灌、草3层复合结构者9个(13.85%),为乔、草2层结构者34个(52.31%),乔或草单层结构者12个(18.46%);3)乔木树种平均胸径16.7cm,其中平均胸径〈10cm者23种(37.09%),平均胸径10~20cm者29种(46.77%),平均胸径20~30cm、〉30Cm者分别为5种(均为8.06%);4)梅州城区植物群落结构的特征,可用乔木高度因子、胸径因子、密度因子及冠幅因子来表述,这4个主因子的方差累积贡献率达到81.55%,可以很好地反映出群落结构的大部分信息;5)梅州市城区乔木层的优势树种是垂榕、大叶榕、大王椰子,次优势种是阿珍榄仁、阴香、海南蒲桃、细叶榕、木棉、麻楝、香樟、洋紫荆,这11个树种分属桑科、棕榈科、使君子科·、樟科、桃金娘科、木棉科、楝科、豆科(云实科),它们是梅州城市森林的骨干树种和基调树种,决定了梅州城市森林的南亚热带性质的外貌。  相似文献   

南岳藏经殿森林群落内有维管束植物63科、102属、129种,属可以划分为以北温带、泛热带和东亚为主的13种分布类型。各占总属数的22.73%、21.59%和17.05%,总的情况是温性质为主,热带性质成分为辅:种可以划分为18种分布类型,其中以华夏、东亚和中国一日本为主,具有明显的“华东—华中”区系过渡性质。群落木本植物和草本植物各占65.12%和34.88%,在木本植物中,常绿成分和落叶成分各占32.15%和67.95%,群落可明显划分为乔、灌、草三层,它是一种尚未报道过的新群落类型。即包石栎—锐齿槲栎—甜槠+箬竹+求米草群丛,在更新演替过程中、群落仍将保持常绿落叶阔叶混交林性质,其优势种,亚优势种很可能会枝云和新木姜、尾叶山茶、山姜、多脉青冈、雷公鹅耳枥和长叶石栎等取代。  相似文献   

运用生态系统定位监测方法,于2011年在上海市奉贤区海湾国家森林公园内设置面积为100 m×100 m的样地,记录样地内的所有植物种类,定位调查高于1.3m的木本植物,分析其种类组成、区系成分、垂直结构和水平结构.结果表明,1 hm2样地内共记录有维管束植物31科68属73种,其中温带区系成分占总属数的51.8%,热带区系成分占46.4%.高于1.3m的木本植株3 094株,其中常绿树种6种,共1 670株,重要值占48.0%;落叶树种7种,共1 424株,重要值占52.0%.女贞(Ligustrum lucidum)、喜树(Camptotheca acuminata)、椤木石楠(Photinia davidsoniae)、乌桕(Sapium sebiferum)、黄山栾树(Koelreuteria integrifoliola)和香樟(Cinnamomum camphora)的重要值位居前6位,在垂直空间上呈分层结构.在0~50 m尺度范围内,女贞种群均呈集群分布,喜树种群呈均匀-随机-集群分布,椤木石楠和乌桕种群表现为集群-随机-均匀分布,黄山栾树和香樟种群表现为随机-集群-随机分布.从群落结构特征看,样地为以北温带成分、泛热带成分为主的常绿落叶阔叶混交林,表征了该地区自然植被的结构特征.建立长期固定样地可为长三角城市化地区平原地貌上城市森林的发生、发展和演替规律提供长期的数据基础.  相似文献   

云南含笑群落有维管植物85科、181属、289种。据科、属区系成分的分析的结果,这种群落主要为热带性质;种的区系组成主要由华西南特有、中国-喜马拉雅、华夏特有、东亚特有以及东亚至南亚与东南亚等成分构成。  相似文献   

Abstract:  Urbanization negatively affects natural ecosystems in many ways, and aquatic systems in particular. Urbanization is also cited as one of the potential contributors to recent dramatic declines in amphibian populations. From 2000 to 2002 we determined the distribution and abundance of native amphibians and exotic predators and characterized stream habitat and invertebrate communities in 35 streams in an urbanized landscape north of Los Angeles (U.S.A.). We measured watershed development as the percentage of area within each watershed occupied by urban land uses. Streams in more developed watersheds often had exotic crayfish ( Procambarus clarkii ) and fish, and had fewer native species such as California newts ( Taricha torosa ) and California treefrogs ( Hyla cadaverina ). These effects seemed particularly evident above 8% development, a result coincident with other urban stream studies that show negative impacts beginning at 10–15% urbanization. For Pacific treefrogs ( H. regilla ), the most widespread native amphibian, abundance was lower in the presence of exotic crayfish, although direct urbanization effects were not found. Benthic macroinvertebrate communities were also less diverse in urban streams, especially for sensitive species. Faunal community changes in urban streams may be related to changes in physical stream habitat, such as fewer pool and more run habitats and increased water depth and flow, leading to more permanent streams. Variation in stream permanence was particularly evident in 2002, a dry year when many natural streams were dry but urban streams were relatively unchanged. Urbanization has significantly altered stream habitat in this region and may enhance invasion by exotic species and negatively affect diversity and abundance of native amphibians.  相似文献   

The landscape pattern of Ma'anshan City was analyzed based on theories and methodologies of landscape ecology, remote sensing, global positioning, and a geographic information system (GIS). The study area encompassed the entire built-up area of 63.88 km2; a north–south transect 3-km wide and 13-km long was established along the long axis of the city. Five major landscape elements were assessed: urban land, urban forest, agriculture, water, and grass. Urban land was the dominant land cover type, and occupied 67% of total land area; while patches of urban forest occupied 16%, with a landscape element dominance of 0.42. Urban forest was classified according to land-use category and location into six types: scenic forest, yard forest, recreational forest, roadside forest, shelter forest, and nurseries. There were 2464 urban forest patches, the largest being 185.1 ha, with an average of 0.43 ha. The low nearest neighbor index and high patch density indicated that urban forest patches tend to be aggregated and have a high degree of fragmentation. This study also demonstrated that the spatial pattern of urbanization could be quantified using a combination of landscape metrics and gradient analysis. Urban forest has distinct spatial characters that are dependent on specific landscape metrics along the urbanization gradient.  相似文献   

城市化影响下北京市外来入侵植物特征及其分布   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过文献资料分析和实地调查相结合的方法,对北京市外来入侵植物的种类、生活型、起源地、引入途径和分布等特征进行了分析,结果表明:该地区共有48种外来入侵植物,隶属39属19科,其中菊科、禾本科、苋科和大戟科植物为优势科,占到了所有入侵植物总数的60.4%.除火炬树外,其余47种植物均为草本植物,以起源于美洲的居多(70.8%),多为伴随种子苗木运输无意引进.入侵植物分布受城市化水平和人口密度影响显著,城市功能扩展区分布有最多的入侵植物,就入侵种分布密度而言,城市功能拓展区和城市核心区均明显高于近郊区和远郊区.目前北京入侵植物主要分布于农田、绿地、花圃等半人工生态系统,尚处于可控范围之内,但北京的自然地理条件及城市化进程使其仍存在较高的入侵风险,在将来的防治工作中应采取更加严格的检疫措施.  相似文献   

Persistence of Forest Birds in the Costa Rican Agricultural Countryside   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
Abstract:  Understanding the persistence mechanisms of tropical forest species in human-dominated landscapes is a fundamental challenge of tropical ecology and conservation. Many species, including more than half of Costa Rica's native land birds, use mostly deforested agricultural countryside, but how they do so is poorly known. Do they commute regularly to forest or can some species survive in this human-dominated landscape year-round? Using radiotelemetry, we detailed the habitat use, movement, foraging, and nesting patterns of three bird species, Catharus aurantiirostris , Tangara icterocephala , and Turdus assimilis , by obtaining 8101 locations from 156 individuals. We chose forest birds that varied in their vulnerability to deforestation and were representative of the species found both in forest and human-dominated landscapes. Our study species did not commute from extensive forest; rather, they fed and bred in the agricultural countryside. Nevertheless, T. icterocephala and T. assimilis , which are more habitat sensitive, were highly dependent on the remaining trees. Although trees constituted only 11% of land cover, these birds spent 69% to 85% of their time in them. Breeding success of C. aurantiirostris and T. icterocephala in deforested habitats was not different than in forest remnants, where T. assimilis experienced reduced breeding success. Although this suggests an ecological trap for T. assimilis , higher fledgling survival in forest remnants may make up for lower productivity. Tropical countryside has high potential conservation value, which can be enhanced with even modest increases in tree cover. Our findings have applicability to many human-dominated tropical areas that have the potential to conserve substantial biodiversity if appropriate restoration measures are taken.  相似文献   

Urban growth is a major threat to biodiversity conservation at the global scale. Its impacts are expected to be especially detrimental when it sprawls into the landscape and reaches sites of high conservation value due to the species and ecosystems they host, such as protected areas. I analyzed the degree of urbanization (i.e., urban cover and growth rate) from 2006 to 2015 in protected sites in the Natura 2000 network, which, according to the Habitats and Birds Directives, harbor species and habitats of high conservation concern in Europe. I used data on the degree of land imperviousness from COPERNICUS to calculate and compare urban covers and growth rates inside and outside Natura 2000. I also analyzed the relationships of urban cover and growth rates with a set of characteristics of Natura sites. Urban cover inside Natura 2000 was 10 times lower than outside (0.4% vs. 4%) throughout the European Union. However, the rates of urban growth were slightly higher inside than outside Natura 2000 (4.8% vs. 3.9%), which indicates an incipient urban sprawl inside the network. In general, Natura sites affected most by urbanization were those surrounded by densely populated areas (i.e., urban clusters) that had a low number of species or habitats of conservation concern, albeit some member states had high urban cover or growth rate or both in protected sites with a large number of species or habitats of high conservation value. Small Natura sites had more urban cover than large sites, but urban growth rates were highest in large Natura sites. Natura 2000 is protected against urbanization to some extent, but there is room for improvement. Member states must enact stricter legal protection and control law enforcement to halt urban sprawl into protected areas under the greatest pressure from urban sprawl (i.e., close to urban clusters). Such actions are particularly needed in Natura sites with high urban cover and growth rates and areas where urbanization is affecting small Natura sites of high conservation value, which are especially vulnerable and concentrated in the Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

Rapid urbanization and a building boom in Chinese cities, together with the increase in human disturbances in ecosystems, have resulted in a range of ecological and land-use problems. The formulation of policies relating to urban land use requires adequate understanding of the landscape dynamics. The objective of the study was to describe spatial patterns and dynamic changes of the regional landscape of Shenzhen in the past 20 years. Based on MSS & TM images from 1978, 1986, 1990, 1995 and 1999, a landscape classification map of Shenzhen was constructed. Three kinds of spatial pattern indices, including landscape diversity, spatial configuration and characteristics of patches, as well as a human disturbance index, were examined using models and GIS. In the past two decades, the regional landscape in Shenzhen has changed dramatically, from a typical agricultural landscape to a rapidly urbanizing landscape. The gradual reduction in the cultivated land area and the dramatic increase in the built-up areas illustrate this progress clearly. Indices for the landscape spatial pattern have changed substantially. Some of the changes, reflecting the reasonable control of urban planning on the regional landscape, are the consequence of careful planning, but many of them are the result of disordered human disturbances that have occurred during the rapid urbanization process. These findings are helpful to future landscape development and land-use planning.  相似文献   

Abstract: Urban development is the most common form of land conversion in the United States. Using a before–after control‐impact study design, we investigated the effects of urbanization on larval and adult stages of southern two‐lined salamanders (Eurycea cirrigera) and northern dusky salamanders (Desmognathus fuscus). Over 5 years, we estimated changes in occupancy and probabilities of colonization and survival in 13 stream catchments after urbanization and in 17 catchments that were not urbanized. We also examined effects of proportion of urbanized area in a catchment and distance of the salamander population to the nearest stream on probabilities of colonization and survival. Before urbanization, adult and larval stages of the two salamander species occupied nearly all surveyed streams, with occupancy estimates ranging from 1.0 to 0.78. Four years after urbanization mean occupancy of larval and adult two‐lined salamanders had decreased from 0.87 and 0.78 to 0.57 and 0.39, respectively. Estimates of mean occupancy of larval northern dusky salamanders decreased from 1.0 to 0.57 in urban streams 4 years after urbanization; however, adult northern dusky salamander occupancy remained close to 1.0 in urban streams over 5 years. Occupancy estimates in control streams were similar for each species and stage over 5 years. Urbanization was associated with decreases in survival probabilities of adult and larval two‐lined salamanders and decreases in colonization probabilities of larval dusky salamanders. Nevertheless, proportion of impervious surface and distance to nearest stream had little effect on probabilities of survival and colonization. Our results imply that in the evaluation of the effects of urbanization on species, such as amphibians, with complex life cycles, consideration of the effects of urbanization on both adult and larval stages is required.  相似文献   

Land use change can have a strong impact on soil carbon dynamics and carbon stocks in urban areas. Due to rapid urbanization, large areas of land have been paved, and other areas have undergone rapid land use change. Evaluation of the impact of urbanization on carbon dynamics and carbon stock (30 cm) has become an issue of urgent concern. The soil carbon dynamics, due to rapid land use change in Tianjin Binhai New Area of China, have been simulated in this paper using the RothC model. Because this area is saline, a modified version of RothC that includes a salt rate modifier provided more accurate simulations than the original model. The conversion to urban green land was not accurately simulated by either of the models because of the undefined changes in soil and plant conditions. According to the model, changes of arable to grassland resulted in a decline in soil carbon stocks, and changes of grassland to forest and grassland to arable resulted in increased soil carbon stocks in this area. Across the whole area simulated, the total carbon stocks in 2010 had decreased due to land use change by 6.5% from the 1979 value. By 2050, a further decrease of 21.9% is expected according to the 2050 plan for land use and the continuing losses from the soils due to previous land use changes.  相似文献   

以中国干旱区嘉峪关市1986、1996、2006和2010年Landsat TM/ETM+影像为数据源,采用道路扩展和城市建设用地扩张强度反映城区建设扩张过程,同时分析了城市景观类型的斑块特征和结构特征,研究结果表明:1)嘉峪关市中心城区主干道路扩展显著,城市面积增加明显。1986—2010年间嘉峪关市道路长度增加了100.20 km,城市面积从1986年的2 220.03hm^2增加到2010年的5 048.22hm^2,年均扩张强度指数达5.10%。2)城市景观格局变化显著,建设用地、城市绿地和水体分别增加了2 003.74hm^2、655.30hm^2和169.15hm^2,未利用地则减少2 828.19hm^2。建设用地和城市绿地破碎度增加,未利用地破碎度减少。3)城市景观斑块类型更趋均衡化,整体景观和异质性多样性增加。4)城市扩张是嘉峪关城市绿地和水体明显增加的重要原因,人类活动对城市生态环境的影响逐渐增强。  相似文献   

Abstract:  Research that connects the effects of urbanization on biodiversity and ecosystem services is lacking. Ants perform multifarious ecological functions that stabilize ecosystems and contribute to a number of ecosystem services. We studied responses of ant communities to urbanization in the Lake Tahoe basin by sampling sites along a gradient of urban land development. We sampled ant communities, measured vegetation characteristics, quantified human activities, and evaluated ant-community responses by grouping ants into service-providing units (SPUs), defined as a group of organisms and their populations that perform specific ecosystem services, to provide an understanding of urbanization impacts on biodiversity and their delivery of ecosystem services. Species richness and abundance peaked at intermediate levels of urban development, as did the richness of 3 types of ant SPUs (aerators, decomposers, and compilers). With increasing land development aerator and decomposer ants significantly declined in abundance, whereas compiler ants significantly increased in abundance. Competing models demonstrated that precipitation was frequently among the strongest influences on ant community structure; however, urban development and human activities also had a strong, negative influence on ants, appearing in most models with ΔAICc < 2 for species richness and abundance patterns of SPUs and generalists. Response diversity was observed within SPUs, which suggests that the corresponding ecosystem services were maintained until development reached 30–40%. Our data provide evidence that ecosystem functions, such as water infiltration and soil productivity, may be diminished at sites subject to greater levels of urbanization and that conserving ant communities and the ecosystem services they provide could be an important target in land-use planning and conservation efforts.  相似文献   

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