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介绍了近期国内外生物质多孔碳的最新研究进展,并对以生物质作为前躯体制备多孔碳材料的制备方法、孔结构的控制以及微观形貌的调控等进行了综述,并对其在超级电容器中的应用情况进行了总结和展望。  相似文献   

近年来,生物质碳基材料凭借其本身优异的化学性能引起研究者的青睐,本文主要介绍了超级电容器的构造及工作原理;综述了影响碳基超级电容器比容量大小的因素,并讨论了生物质在超级电容器中的应用及其应用前景。  相似文献   

综述了目前国内外利用,植物类生物质、动物类生物质和其他类生物质制备活性炭材料的研究进展及存在问题,展望了生物质制备活性炭材料的未来发展方向。  相似文献   

能源消费增加促使绿色能源开发成为趋势,同时推动能源存储系统快速发展,超级电容器以高功率密度和长循环寿命的优势得到广泛关注,其中电容炭材料逐渐成为研究热点。用来源广泛、有可再生性、价格低廉、绿色环保的生物质制备超级电容器用多孔炭材料,在开发绿色能源的同时解决了能源存储问题。多孔炭材料结构调控与性能完善是提高超级电容器性能的重要途径之一。综述了生物质衍生多孔炭材料及其在超级电容器领域的应用,按原料来源(植物、动物和微生物)及材料维度(0D、1D、2D和3D)的分类体系,多孔炭材料制备方法及技术现状。将多孔炭的制备分为炭化和活化,简述了炭化与活化机理、活化方式选择和常见活化剂特性,但生物质衍生多孔炭材料制备过程中影响因素多,且性能不及传统煤基碳材料,需进行多方面设计优化,包括选择生物质前驱体、合理使用炭化技术、调控活化过程各影响因素和选择改性过程中掺杂物等。基于在超级电容器领域的应用需求,重点探讨生物质多孔炭材料优化方式,包括孔结构调控、表面元素掺杂及与石墨烯复合形成新型炭材料等。梳理多孔炭材料用于超级电容器中时的难题与重点,通过寻找多孔炭材料在高比表面积、均匀孔隙分布和高导电性3方面的最优...  相似文献   

以法国梧桐絮为原料、KOH为活化剂,通过碳化制备多孔纤维碳材料,并在此基础上组装了超级电容器器件。通过SEM、EDS、XRD、Raman、FTIR、BET等对制备的多孔纤维碳材料进行表征,并研究了多孔纤维碳材料电极的电化学性能。结果表明:在扫描速率为50 mV·s~(-1)时,800℃下碳化制备的梧桐絮多孔纤维碳材料电极的比电容可以达到236 F·g~(-1);所组装电极在循环10 000次后,比电容仍维持原来的99.8%,表明梧桐絮多孔纤维碳材料在超级电容器领域有巨大的应用潜力。  相似文献   

郭冠伦  刘锐  余洋洋  汪云 《化工进展》2022,41(2):781-790
塑料制品的过度使用,导致了严重的环境问题。将废旧塑料回收并转化为高附加值的碳材料并用于超级电容器等储能装置有着重要的意义,能够有效地降低环境污染并节约能源。本文首先对超级电容器的应用情况和塑料的使用以及回收处理现状进行了简单叙述,介绍了常见的废弃塑料处理方法、超级电容器的储能特点以及利用废弃塑料制备超级电容器碳材料的潜在价值;接着介绍了多孔碳电极材料的制备方法,对不同的制备方法的具体要求及其优缺点进行了简单分析;随后介绍了几种生活中常见的塑料,按照这些塑料的种类,分别对这些常见塑料回收用作超级电容器碳材料的研究现状进行了详细概述;最后对目前的研究现状进行总结,并对未来的研究方向进行展望。将废弃塑料回收并转化为超级电容器用活性碳材料,是一种新型的废弃塑料回收再利用的有效手段,能够有效地解决白色污染问题。  相似文献   

轻便灵活的柔性超级电容器在可穿戴和便携式电子储能装置中有着潜在的应用前景。碳材料因具有优异的柔韧性、良好的导电性和较大的比表面积,通常在柔性超级电容器中发挥着柔性基底和导电活性填料的作用。本文首先综述了双电层、赝电容以及混合型超级电容器的储能机理。其次分别介绍了以碳材料作为柔性基底和导电活性填料的最新研究进展。碳材料作为柔性基底复合赝电容材料时,既可以提供大的比表面积,也可为氧化还原反应提供大量活性位点;而作为其他柔性基底的导电活性填料时,既能够改善赝电容材料稳定性的问题,也为电解质离子提供传输通道。文章最后提出了当下柔性超级电容器电极在力学性能、制备方法和评价标准中面临的相关问题。  相似文献   

唐纪平  王秀华 《安徽化工》2018,44(2):111-113
通过扫描电子显微镜、透射电子显微镜和拉曼对纳米碳材料进行表征。测试结果表明,样品纳米碳具有较高的纯度。循环伏安、充放电及循环等电化学性能测试表明,纳米碳电极的比电容较高,循环稳定性较好,且具有良好的电化学性能。  相似文献   

为改善碳材料比电容低的问题以及氧化铁(Fe2O3)导电性和循环稳定性差的问题,采用氧化铁修饰生物质衍生碳(ATC)表面制备氧化铁/生物质碳(Fe2O3/ATC)复合材料,通过氧化铁和生物质衍生碳的协同效应使复合材料获得更高的比电容和更好的稳定性。利用扫描电镜(SEM)、X射线光电子能谱(XPS)、拉曼(Raman)光谱等技术手段对样品进行了表征。结果表明,制备的复合材料存在一定的孔隙结构,氧化铁纳米粒子被锚定在碳表面。当氧化铁和生物质衍生碳的质量比为1:1时,制备的复合材料具有最优的电化学性能,在3.0 mol/L氢氧化钾溶液中显示出430.8 F/g(电流密度约为1.0 A/g)的高比电容,电流密度增大20倍时电容保持率大于60%。将其作为负极构建的不对称超级电容器具有较高的电压窗口(0~1.6 V),并且实现了39.1 W·h/kg的高能量密度;同时表现出优异的循环稳定性,在电流密度为10 A/g下循环5 000次后拥有111%的电容保持率。  相似文献   

《Ceramics International》2020,46(5):5811-5820
Nano-porous carbon materials derived from various natural plants are fabricated by a facile, cost-effective and efficient approach. The influence of well-dispersed intrinsic elements in different precursors and chemical activation process under different temperatures on the morphology, surface chemistry, textural structures and electrochemical performance have been studied and analysed in detail. These as-prepared nano-porous carbons possess high accessible surface area (685.75–3143.9 m2 g−1), well-developed microporosity and high content of naturally-derived heteroatom functionalities (16.43 wt%). When applied as electrode materials for supercapacitors in a three-electrode system with 6 M KOH, the obtained nano-porous carbons derived from lotus leaves at 700oC possess a high specific capacitance of 343.1 F g−1 at 0.5 A g−1 and a capacitance retention of 96.2% after 10000 cycles at 5 A g−1. The assembled symmetrical supercapacitor presents a high energy density of 24.4 Wh kg−1 at a power density of 224.6 W kg−1 in Na2SO4 gel electrolyte. This work provides guiding function for unified and large-scale utilization of agricultural biomass waste. The obtained sustainable activated carbon products can be used in diverse applications.  相似文献   

超级电容器电极材料研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
作为一种介于传统电容器和锂离子电池之间的新型环境友好型储能体系,超级电容器具有许多其它储能器件无法比拟的优异特性,可为化石能源枯竭和环境恶化等问题提供绿色解决方案。在介绍超级电容器工作原理、应用前景、发展状况及特点的基础上,概述了超级电容器电极材料,特别是碳基电极材料的研究进展。  相似文献   

王锡民  魏潇然  冯瑛  黄国勇  王春霞 《化工进展》2022,41(10):5456-5464
离子选择性电极作为一种常见的电位型化学传感器,具有结构简单、制作成本低、易微型化、可穿戴化等特点,被广泛应用到工业分析、环境监测、生物医疗等领域。固态转导层作为全固态离子选择性电极的组成部件之一,对电极的性能起着至关重要影响。碳基材料具有良好的离子-电子信号转换效率和化学稳定性,被认为是理想的固态转导层材料。本文阐述了碳基材料在全固态离子选择性电极中的响应机理,综述了石墨烯、碳纳米管、多孔碳材料及其他碳基材料作为固态转导层材料的研究进展,分析对比了上述材料的导电性、电容性、比表面积、疏水性等性能,并展望了其未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

吴爽 《当代化工》2012,(10):1054-1058
淀粉、纤维素、木质素等生物质是一类天然高分子材料,具有原料来源广泛、价格低廉、易生物降解的优点,在高分子材料领域具有重要的地位。综述了生物质高分子材料在可降解塑料、橡胶和纤维方面的应用情况以及存在问题并分析了发展趋势。  相似文献   

陈新丽  李伟善 《广东化工》2006,33(7):52-54,57
本文简单介绍了超级电容器的类型,综述了近年来超级电容器电极材料的研究进展以及现状。  相似文献   

Hierarchical porous activated carbon (HPAC) materials with fascinating porous features are favored for their function as active materials for supercapacitors. However, achieving high mass-loading of the HPAC electrodes remains challenging. Inspired by the concepts of carbon/carbon (C/C) composites and hydrogels, a novel hydrogel-derived HPAC (H-HPAC) encapsulated H-HPAC (H@H) composite material was successfully synthesized in this study. In comparison with the original H-HPAC, it is noticed that the specific surface area and pore parameters of the resulting H@H are observably decreased, while the proportions of nitrogen species are dramatically enhanced. The free-standing and flexible H@H electrodes with a mass-loading of 7.5 mg/cm2 are further prepared for electrochemical measurements. The experiments revealed remarkable reversible capacitance (118.6 F/g at 1 mA/cm2), rate capability (73.9 F/g at 10 mA/cm2), and cycling stability (76.6% of retention after 30,000 cycles at 5 mA) are delivered by the coin-type symmetric cells. The cycling stability is even better than that of the H-HPAC electrode. Consequently, the findings of the present study suggest that the nature of the HPAC surface is a significant factor affecting the corresponding capacitive performances.  相似文献   

利用数字黏度测量仪对生物质复合材料的浆料阶流变特性进行研究,采用SEM分析浆料中纤维空间结构,最后研究了管道输送料的温度。实验结果表明:浆料中纤维搭接呈网状结构,其黏度随时间先增大后减小,最终趋于稳定。剪切速率和剪切应力之间能够利用卡森模型进行良好的拟合。随浆料温度升高,浆料黏度减小;在温度介于55~85 ℃的,充分搅拌900 s后,浆料黏度较小且稳定,最适合管道输料。  相似文献   

This review provides a brief summary of the recent research developments in the fabrication and application of conducting polymer nanostructures and their derivatives as electrodes for flexible supercapacitors (SCs). By controlling the nucleation and growth process of polymerization, conducting polymers (CPs) with different nanostructures can be prepared by employing chemical polymerization, electrochemical polymerization and photo-induced polymerization. These CPs (such as polyaniline and polypyrrole) with special nanostructures possess high capacitance, superior rate capability ascribed to large electrochemical surface, and optimal ion diffusion path in the ordered nanostructures. The composites of nano-structured conducting polymer and some conductive flexible substrates (such as carbon nanotube film and graphene film) are proved to be ideal electrode materials for high performance flexible SCs. Furthermore, high N-containing CPs are very prospective for preparing N-doped carbon materials used as flexible electrodes for flexible SCs. With respect to the extra pseudo-capacitance induced by N atoms and superior stability derived from the conjugated graphitic structure of carbon materials, the obtained flexible SCs based on N-doped carbon materials could achieve high capacitance, high rate performance, and superior cycling stability.  相似文献   

The electrochemical capacitor (EC), also known as supercapacitor, is an energy storage device possessing a near infinite life‐cycle and high power density recognised to store energy in the double‐layer or through pseudocapacitance as a result of an applied potential. Fundamental principles of charge storage in relation to the important physical and chemical characteristics of electrode materials are addressed in the following review, with carbon‐made electrodes, specifically activated carbon, carbon fibres and aerogels, carbon nanotubes and graphene emphasised in regards to their enhancement of the characteristic energy and power densities of ECs. Pseudocapacitive materials, notably transition metal oxides and nitrides, and conducting polymers are remarked by the potential to further improve EC performance through synergistic effects and asymmetric design. Research towards gaining a better understanding of charge storage in sub‐micropores, material design and improving the performance of alternative electrolytes are expected to greatly enhance the capabilities of these devices in the near future.  相似文献   

Commercially available supercapacitors offer very limited advantages over other energy storage devices. Balancing their electrochemical performance such as capacitance, energy density, and cyclability is challenging. Studies have shown that this challenge can be overcome by using light and cheap substrates that are highly stable with solvents, and have high loading capacities and compatibility with nanomaterials. Nanocellulose, derived from wastes or biomass, is a good candidate for integrating with other nanosize conductive materials, such as carbon, conducting polymers, and metal oxides, as active materials or nanocomposites for supercapacitors. This review focuses on the properties and preparation of nanocellulose sourced from wastes (biomass) and bacteria, and extends to emerging materials, such as metal–organic frameworks and MXene, for nanocellulose-based supercapacitors. Even though supercapacitors are mainly composed of electrodes, electrolytes, and separators, this paper focuses on the overall electrochemical performance of nanocellulose-based supercapacitors to evaluate the influence of nanocellulose. In addition, the potentials and possible limitations of nanocellulose in supercapacitors are discussed. Overall, the incorporation of waste-derived nanocellulose into energy storage applications is an initiative that improves the circular economy and supports environmental sustainability.  相似文献   

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