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2013年7月7~11日,四川盆地大部分地区出现了持续性强降雨天气(以下简称四川"7.9"暴雨)。此次过程的降水中心稳定少动、降水强度及总量大、持续时间长,累积降水量最高达到了1000mm以上,造成严重灾害。为分析位于孟加拉湾地区的大气河对四川"7.9"暴雨的影响。利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,通过研究孟加拉湾大气河水汽对这次暴雨的作用及影响,得到的结果表明:此次持续性暴雨过程中,孟加拉湾大气河受西太平洋副高东撤影响,并在200 h Pa和850 h Pa高低空急流的共同作用下,不断向四川地区输送水汽。这种水汽输送一直持续到11日才停止,此时降水也趋于结束。在整个暴雨过程中,850 h Pa上孟加拉湾大气河输送的水汽由于云贵高原阻挡,而绕开云贵高原在南海地区与西太副高外围的水汽以及南半球的越赤道气流汇合后,在低空急流左侧辐合气流作用下输送到四川盆地,为暴雨产生提供水汽。同时,700 h Pa上的水汽直接越过云贵高原到达四川盆地。孟加拉湾大气河的这两种输送方式为四川盆地持续性暴雨提供了充足的水汽供应。  相似文献   

2013年7月7~11日,四川盆地大部分地区出现了持续性强降雨天气(以下简称四川“7.9”暴雨).此次过程的降水中心稳定少动、降水强度及总量大、持续时间长,累积降水量最高达到了1000ram以上,造成严重灾害.为分析位于孟加拉湾地区的大气河对四川“7.9”暴雨的影响.利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,通过研究孟加拉湾大气河水汽对这次暴雨的作用及影响,得到的结果表明:此次持续性暴雨过程中,孟加拉湾大气河受西太平洋副高东撤影响,并在200 hPa和850 hPa高低空急流的共同作用下,不断向四川地区输送水汽.这种水汽输送一直持续到11日才停止,此时降水也趋于结束.在整个暴雨过程中,850 hPa上孟加拉湾大气河输送的水汽由于云贵高原阻挡,而绕开云贵高原在南海地区与西太副高外围的水汽以及南半球的越赤道气流汇合后,在低空急流左侧辐合气流作用下输送到四川盆地,为暴雨产生提供水汽.同时,700 hPa上的水汽直接越过云贵高原到达四川盆地.孟加拉湾大气河的这两种输送方式为四川盆地持续性暴雨提供了充足的水汽供应.  相似文献   

利用NCEP/NCAR逐日风场和湿度场再分析资料(1°×1°)和深圳气象站地面气象观测资料,通过水汽通量、水汽通量散度的计算,对深圳2014年"5.11"特大暴雨过程与水汽输送的配置关系进行了分析。研究表明:南海为此次暴雨过程的主要水汽源地,暴雨落区位于边界层偏南风低空急流的前方;此次特大暴雨过程中存在两支低空急流——西南风低空急流和边界层偏南风低空急流,它们作为水汽通道,为暴雨的发生发展提供了充沛水汽,其中,边界层偏南风低空急流对此次暴雨影响更大,边界层的摩擦辐合和水汽堆积,为本次强降水过程提供了十分有利的条件。  相似文献   

针对2012年8月16~19日成都地区出现短时、局地暴雨、特大暴雨的异常强降水天气,利用常规气象资料、1°×1°NCEP再分析资料和客观物理量场、卫星云图等资料,对造成此次强降水主要集中在成都地区西部沿山一带的原因进行了分析。分析得出:在有利的环流背景下,中小尺度系统发生发展和演变是这次暴雨产生的直接原因;中低层维持偏南气流,暖湿气流西进北抬,低空急流为这次暴雨提供了大量的水汽和不稳定能量;中低空的水平风切变不仅为暴雨提供了强烈的辐合上升运动,同时对水汽的水平辐合和垂直输送非常有利;另外,强对流云团的生成、移动与强降水的发生密切相连相关。  相似文献   

为探讨西北地区东部的持续大暴雨过程成因及预警指标,利用2010年7月22~23日500~700hPa大气环流背景及天气影响系统和西峰新一代多普勒天气雷达回波资料分析,结果得到:500hPa西太平洋副热带高压外围河套地区环境场的演变高压外围低涡发展及维持,是这次持续性大暴雨过程的大气环流背景和影响天气系统,700hPa强盛的水汽场输送场与汇聚作用为这次持续性大暴雨过程提供了充沛的水汽条件,随着500hPa河套地区低涡-切变辐合系统的准静止维持造成这次持续性大暴雨过程;大暴雨前1.5~9.7km垂直方向上,存在明显的东南风场与西南风场的切变,风向随高度顺转,对应持续的暖平流;天气雷达强度回波反射率因子≥40dBz,暴雨期间维持少变;径向速度回波的水平辐合和气旋性涡旋运动与河套低涡切变天气系统对应一致;垂直液态水含量≥35kg.m2的雨团范围大、持续时间长;云顶回波高度维持在8km以上,对监测预警持续大暴雨天气具有一定指示意义。  相似文献   

采用天气学、动力诊断等方法对2010年7月陕西出现两次大暴雨过程综合分析。目的在于揭示近海台风活动对陕西区域性暴雨作用和影响,结果表明:近海台风活动是影响造成两次大暴雨的一个关键因子。两次暴雨的水汽输送均由登陆后的台风低压环流东侧的偏南急流来实现,且以700hPa表现最为显著。前一次暴雨过程中热力条件和高层抽吸对增强上升运动和对流作用明显。后一次暴雨过程是因持续、深厚和稳定少动的河套低压自身不断发展加深的作用,加剧了上升运动发展,其上升运动区与暴雨区吻合较好。  相似文献   

2011年7月陕西一次区域性暴雨过程分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探索陕西区域性暴雨发生发展的机制,提高暴雨预报准确率,利用实况高空观测、自动站观测资料和NCEP1°×1°格点资料,采用天气学诊断方法,对2011年7月28日陕西区域性暴雨过程进行分析。结果表明:500hPa西风槽、西太平洋副热带高压、700hPa及其以下的切变是这次暴雨的主要影响系统,低层大风速带和南海台风的远距离作用是暴雨增幅的重要因子;暴雨区具有强的能量锋和对流不稳定,降水产生在850hPa温湿能等值线密集区偏高值一侧;水汽主要来源于孟加拉湾和南海台风外围;辐合、辐散中心下移是强降水即将发生的一个信号,850hPa以下出现比湿猛增现象对位于秦岭以北的渭河流域暴雨预报有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

为了探索陕西暴雨天气发生发展的机制,采用天气学、动力诊断等方法对2011年7月5~6日陕西南部出现的暴雨过程进行分析。结果表明:中尺度对流复合体是造成此次暴雨的直接原因,强降水发生在中尺度对流复合体云顶亮温北边界的等值线密集区;沿海至陕西建立起水汽和温湿能的输送通道,高温高湿的暖湿空气源源不断地向暴雨区输送;不同暴雨阶段的中低层大气稳定性有明显的差异,对流不稳定和条件性对称不稳定是暴雨发展维持的重要机制;对流层低层较大的垂直螺旋度东侧可能预示着大暴雨的发生。  相似文献   

为了探索川西南山地大暴雨天气发生发展的机制,利用实况观测资料、NCEP再分析资料和卫星云图对2012年8月30~31日发生在凉山州北部的一次致洪局地大暴雨过程进行了中尺度诊断征分析。结果表明:此次局地大暴雨过程是在有利的环流背景下,由两高之间的切变和较强的西南低空急流共同作用产生的。暴雨区位于能量锋南侧,中低层不稳定能量丰富;垂直方向上相对涡度显著增大,低层辐合、高层辐散并伴随强烈的上升运动成为暴雨发生重要的动力条件;显著增大的水汽通量与强水汽辐合是大暴雨天气发生的重要水汽条件。MCS维持时间较长且稳定少动是导致暴雨的直接原因;近地层的中尺度辐合线是触发强对流的关键因子。  相似文献   

【目的】探究华南汛期旱涝异常时空特征,旱涝急转前/后大气环流和水汽输送的变化,及其与赤道太平洋、南海海温异常的关系。【方法】基于华南地区129个站点的降水资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和海温资料,采用合成分析、相关分析等统计学方法,拉格朗日后向气流轨迹模式(HYSPLIT_4.9),分析华南汛期旱涝急转特征及其成因。【结果与结论】涝转旱事件旱期相比于涝期,西太平洋副热带高压西伸加强,水汽辐散,来源于洋面的水汽贡献率减少,不利于降水的形成。旱转涝期涝期相较于旱期,副热带高压强度无太大变化,但副热带高压位置南落至华南地区南侧,水汽辐合,来自洋面的水汽通道向西偏移至印度洋,来自印度洋的水汽贡献增多,西南到偏南风向华南输送充足水汽,有利于降水产生。赤道中东太平洋海温正异常引起华南地区气旋式环流异常,有利于将暖湿气流输送至华南地区,使得华南地区降水异常偏多,而ENSO正位相减弱渐变为负位相的过程中,华南地区降水相应减少,会发生涝转旱事件。反之,赤道中东太平洋海温负异常易造成旱转涝事件的发生。  相似文献   

针对长江中下游持续性降水的研究多为个例诊断,很少从合成的角度考虑,利用长江中下游地区89站的1961~2011年的逐日降水资料和NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料,采用数理统计和合成分析的方法,统计长江中下游地区夏季持续性降水事件,并合成分析了其环流特征。结果表明:1961~2011年,长江中下游地区夏季持续性异常降水事件发生了50次,主要集中在6月和7月,长江中下游地区持续性异常降水事件平均每2~3年发生一次。厄尔尼诺次年多有持续性异常降水发生;长江中下游地区持续性异常事件发生时,总伴有环流场的异常调整,低纬西太平洋副热带高压西伸,南北经向风在长江流域交汇,高层上,南亚高压东移,长江中下游地区出现强的辐散中心,为异常降水提供了重要条件。水汽来源主要是索马里越赤道气流途径暖湿的阿拉伯海,孟加拉湾和我国南海北部,进入长江中下游地区。  相似文献   

We analyzed interdecadal variability of the South China Sea monsoon and its relationship with latent heat flux in the Pacific Ocean, using NCEP wind field and OAFlux heat flux datasets. Results indicate that South China Sea monsoon intensity had an obvious interdecadal variation with a decreasing trend. Variability of the monsoon was significantly correlated with latent heat flux in the Kuroshio area and tropical Pacific Ocean. Variability of latent heat flux in the Kuroshio area had an interdecadal increasing trend, while that in the tropical Pacific Ocean had an interdecadal decreasing trend. Latent heat flux variability in these two sea areas was used to establish a latent heat flux index, which had positive correlation with variability of the South China Sea monsoon. When the latent heat flux was 18 months ahead of the South China Sea monsoon, the correlation coefficient maximized at 0.58 (N=612), with a 99.9% significance level of 0.15. Thus, it is suggested that latent heat flux variability in the two areas contributes greatly to interdecadal variability of the South China Sea monsoon.  相似文献   

川北一次大暴雨过程的物理量诊断分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2005年7月16日至19日的高空地面资料,对当年7月18日至19日发生在川北的一次大暴雨天气过程进行了环流形势分析和物理量诊断分析,得出了产生此次大暴雨过程的环流特点,并利用假相当位温、水汽通量散度和改进的湿Q矢量散度场分析了暴雨的落区、强度和持续时间。  相似文献   

The nonwind-driven mechanism of the winter circulation in the northern South China Sea is discussed. Linked by the Bashi Strait to the Pacific Ocean, the northern South Cnina Sea is treated as a part of the Pacific western boundary where the circulation variation (except the very thin surface layer) is closely related to that of the ocean interior and the effect of local wind might be neglected (at least for some seasons). Based on the assumption that the thick and strong westward current which flows in through the Bashi Strait can effectively prevent water exchange between the northern and southern South China Seas, the model sea only includes the northern part. Barotropic numerical experiments show that part of this westward current is deflected by the continental slope and forms the slope area NE current—the South China Sea Warm Current. Besides, the topographical flow fed by the extension of the western boundary current and the anticyclonic eddy born near the eastern boundary are also fundamental components of the South China Sea Warm Current. The reflection of the incident Rossby waves by the continental slope is found to be of significance in the intensification of the South China Sea Warm Current. Contribution No. 1362 from Institute of Oceanology, Academia  相似文献   

Based on an analysis of drifter data from the World Ocean Circulation Experiment during 1979-1998, the sizes of the eddies in the North subtropical Pacific are determined from the radii of curvature of the drifter paths calculated by using a non-linear curve fitting method. To support the drifter data results, Sea Surface Height from the TOPEX/POSEIDON and ERS2 satellite data are analyzed in connection with the drifter paths. It is found that the eddies in the North Pacific (18^*- 23^*N and 125^*-150^*E) move westward at an average speed of approximately 0.098 ms^-1 and their average radius is 176 km, with radii ranging from 98 km to 298 km. During the nineteen-year period, only 4 out of approximately 200 drifters (2%) actually entered the South China Sea from the area adjacent to the Luzon Strait (18^*-22^*N and 121^*-125^*E) in the winter. It is also found that eddies from the interior of the North Pacific are unlikely to enter the South China Sea through the Luzon Strait.  相似文献   

By using Season-reliant Empirical Orthogonal Function (S-EOF) analysis, three dominant modes of the spatial-temporal evolution of the drought/flood patterns in the rainy season over the east of China are revealed for the period of 1960-2004. The first two leading modes occur during the turnabout phase of El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) decaying year, but the drought/flood patterns in the rainy season over the east of China are different due to the role of the Indian Ocean (IO). The first leading mode appears closely correlated with the ENSO events. In the decaying year of El Nino, the associated western North Pacific (WNP) anticyclone located over the Philippine Sea persists from the previous winter to the next early summer, transports warm and moist air toward the southern Yangtze River in China, and leads to wet conditions over this entire region. Therefore, the precipitation anomaly in summer exhibits a ’Southern Flood and Northern Drought’ pattern over East China. On the other hand, the basin-wide Indian Ocean sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) plays a crucial role in prolonging the impact of ENSO on the second mode during the ENSO decaying summer. The Indian Ocean basin mode (IOBM) warming persists through summer and unleashes its influence, which forces a Matsuno-Gill pattern in the upper troposphere. Over the subtropical western North Pacific, an anomalous anticyclone forms in the lower troposphere. The southerlies on the northwest flank of this anticyclone increase the moisture transport onto central China, leading to abundant rainfall over the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and Huaihe River valleys. The anomalous anticyclone causes dry conditions over South China and the South China Sea (SCS). The precipitation anomaly in summer exhibits a ’Northern Flood and Southern Drought’ pattern over East China. Therefore, besides the ENSO event the IOBM is an important factor to influence the drought/flood patterns in the rainy season over the east of China. The third mode is positively correlated with the tropical SSTA in the Indian Ocean from the spring of preceding year(-1) to the winter of following year(+1), but not related to the ENSO events. The positive SSTA in the South China Sea and the Philippine Sea persists from spring to autumn, leading to weak north-south and land-sea thermal contrasts, which may weaken the intensity of the East Asia summer monsoon. The weakened rainfall over the northern Indian monsoon region may link to the third spatial mode through the ’Silk Road’ teleconnection or a part of circumglobal teleconnection (CGT). The physical mechanisms that reveal these linkages remain elusive and invite further investigation.  相似文献   

Characteristics of water exchange in the Luzon Strait during September 2006   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
The Luzon Strait is the only deep channel that connects the South China Sea(SCS) with the Pacific.The transport through the Luzon Strait is an important process influencing the circulation,heat and water budgets of the SCS.Early observations have suggested that water enters the SCS in winter but water inflow or outflow in summer is quite controversial.On the basis of hydrographic measurements from CTD along 120° E in the Luzon Strait during the period from September 18 to 20 in 2006,the characteristics of t...  相似文献   

Empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis reveals a co-variability of Sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the Southern Hemisphere (0°-60°S). In the South Indian and Atlantic Oceans, there is a subtropical dipole pattern slanted in the southwest- north-east direction. In the South Pacific Ocean, a meridional tripole structure emerges, whose middle pole co-varies with the dipoles in the South Indian and Atlantic Oceans and is used in this study to track subtropical Pacific variability. The South Indian and Atlantic Ocean dipoles and the subtropical Pacific variability are phase-locked in austral summer. On the inter-decadal time scales, the dipoles in the South Indian and Atlantic Oceans weaken in amplitude after 1979/1980. No such weakening is found in the subtropical South Pacific Ocean. Interestingly, despite the reduced amplitude, the correlation of the Indian Ocean and Atlantic dipoles with El Nio and Southern Oscillation (ENSO) are enhanced after 1979/1980. The same increase in correlation is found for subtropical South Pacific variability after 1979/1980. These inter-decadal modulations imply that the Southern Hemisphere participates in part of the climate shift in the late 1970s. The correlation between Southern Hemisphere SST and ENSO reduces after 2000.  相似文献   

近些年,对于东亚季风区石笋δ18O的气候环境指示意义的争论较多,主要在东亚季风区石笋δ18O代表夏季和风强度、夏季风降水还是水汽源变化。基于中国东部华北地区降水与长江中下游地区降水反相变化和长江中下游地区降水与菲律宾海降水反相变化(遥相关),从年际-年代际到千年-轨道尺度对石笋δ18O与夏季风降水、厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)的相互关系进行了探讨分析。通过对比石笋δ18O记录与华北和梅雨区降水,发现石笋δ18O偏负对应华北降水增加,梅雨区降水减少;石笋δ18O偏正对应华北降水减少,梅雨区降水增加。这种对应关系不仅存在年际-年代际尺度,而且在千年-轨道尺度同样存在,石笋δ18O不仅反映夏季风强弱变化,同时与中国东部区域降水关系是明确对应的。通过降水的空间相互关系,发现ENSO活动主要通过影响中国东部降水的空间分布格局而作用于石笋δ18O。La Ni?a态导致南海及菲律宾海对流加强,西太副高位置偏北,长江中下游地区梅雨期缩短,华北夏季降水增加,东亚季风区石笋δ18O偏负。El Ni?o态,南海和菲律宾海对流受到抑制,西太副高位置南移,长江中下游地区梅雨期延长,华北夏季降水减少,东亚季风区石笋δ18O偏正。另外,水汽源分析发现,菲律宾海水汽输送对东亚季风区降水及降水δ18O贡献相对较小。因此,综合分析认为,东亚季风区石笋δ18O主要反映了亚洲夏季风的强弱变化。   相似文献   

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