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International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy - Background Community pharmacy is undergoing a transition, shifting focus from traditional roles to the provision of cognitive pharmaceutical services....  相似文献   

A multidimensional work-sampling technique was used to quantify a pharmacokinetics resident's duties. Four dimensions were measured: activity, contact, function, and location. A code list of 47 variables was developed to encompass all activities of the resident being observed. A combination of self-reporting and observer reporting was used to test the veracity of the resident's report and to determine whether differences in reporting occurred. Observation was done 20 times a day over a five-week period (24 working days). Random time periods separated the observation points. The observer and the resident recorded 260 and 220 observations, respectively, for a total of 480. The overall reliability measure was 78%, indicating good interobserver agreement. The resident spent about 36% of his time doing work related to pharmacokinetics consultations and 23% of his time attending meetings. He spent a large proportion of time (48.5%) working alone. Much of his remaining time was spent with the Pharm.D. students and the preceptors. Multidimensional work sampling based on a combination of self-reporting and observer reporting is a useful tool for quantifying the work practices of pharmacokinetics residents.  相似文献   



The nature of community pharmacy is changing, shifting from the preparation and distribution of medicines to the provision of cognitive pharmaceutical services (CPS); however, often the provision of traditional services leaves little time for innovative services. This study investigated the time community pharmacists spend on the tasks and activities of daily practice and to what extent they are able to implement CPS-related services in daily practice.


Self-reporting work sampling was used to register the activities of community pharmacists. A smartphone application, designed specifically for this purpose, alerted participants to register their current activity five times per working day for 6 weeks. Participants also completed an online survey about baseline characteristics.


Ninety-one Dutch community pharmacists provided work-sampling data (7848 registered activities). Overall, 51.5% of their time was spent on professional activities, 35.4% on semi-professional activities, and 13.1% on non-professional activities. The proportion of time devoted to CPS decreased during the workweek, whereas the time spent on traditional task increased.

Discussion and conclusion

This study shows it is feasible to collect work-sampling data using smartphone technology. Community pharmacists spent almost half of their time on semi-professional and non-professional activities, activities that could be delegated to other staff members. In practice, the transition to CPS is hampered by competing traditional tasks, which prevents community pharmacists from profiling themselves as pharmaceutical experts in daily practice.  相似文献   

目的:介绍一名优秀的临床药师不但要在临床做好常规工作,而且要开展临床药学科研和临床药学教学改革.方法:从常规工作、创新工作和开拓工作的工作内容、考核方法及如何进行三个方面的工作进行介绍.结果:临床药师要具有开拓能力,推动学科发展,不断扩大影响,成为素质高、能力强、知识精的医教研全面发展的人才.结论:临床药师在工作中应逐步开展上述三项工作.  相似文献   

随着医院药学工作模式和服务职能的改变,以及《医疗机构药事管理暂行规定》中临床药师制度的提出,临床药师以促进合理用药为核心参与临床工作,确保药物使用的安全性、有效性和经济性,已成为医院药学的一项重要内容。但目前这项工作仍处于探索阶段,临床药师具体的工作内容和工作方式还没有规范统一的模式。  相似文献   

目的了解国内临床药师工作状况以及素质能力的不足,提出解决的建议,以促进患者用药的安全、合理。方法通过文献研究了解全国的临床药师工作内容和素质能力的状况;并对天津市部分医院的临床药师进行问卷调查,调查之后的数据采用Execl建立数据库,再对数据进行统计分析,以了解天津市临床药师工作内容及素质能力的第一手资料。以此为参考来研究国内临床药师的素质能力,找出现存的不足及改善方法。结果当前各医院从事临床药师工作的人员已经越来越多,但是临床药师的素质能力仍有待提高。国内临床药师的临床医学相关知识不足,沟通能力及解决问题的能力也需要提高,一些临床药师的文献查阅能力也存在不足,工作内容和职责方面也存在不明确的方面,急需完善。结论通过调查表的研究统计和对国外经验的借鉴,提出了改善的对策包括:a.掌握扎实的药学专业知识;b.重视对临床医学知识的学习,注重医学与药学相结合;c.培养良好的沟通能力;d.增加激励制度;e.重视并规范临床药师的继续教育问题。  相似文献   

Cefazolin utilization guidelines were established by representatives of major participants in the patient care process in a 520-bed teaching hospital. Patients admitted to certain hospital units and placed on cefazolin therapy were concurrently monitored for compliance with guidelines by clinical pharmacists (experimental group), while patients admitted to similar units were not monitored for guideline compliance (control group). When therapy, in the experimental group, was deemed noncompliant to the established guidelines, the pharmacist alerted the physician and made recommendations to correct the deficiency. The percent increase in compliance with guidelines attributed to clinical pharmacist intervention was then measured. Clinical pharmacy monitoring for the experimental group increased the rate of compliance with guidelines and decreased the overall cost of patient care. The projected net annual savings in cefazolin cost was calculated to be $7,913.00.  相似文献   

临床药师慢病管理工作模式的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨临床药师慢病管理的工作模式。方法:以临床药师为主导的临床医生、护士共同参与的药物治疗团队对96例心内科患者进行慢病管理工作。慢病管理的工作包括住院期间的慢病管理及出院后的随访。入出院时分别对患者进行了用药知识评估,4组评价指标分别为适应证、用法用量、不良反应、注意事项。结果:对比入院时,患者出院时对用药知识的了解明显改善,4组指标P=0.000。疾病越多、年龄越大对药物的了解程度越差,应调整用药教育方式。慢病管理工作可提高药师对医生医嘱的干预比例(比同期重点患者增加90.48%)。结论:临床药师参与慢病管理的模式可明显提高慢病管理效果。  相似文献   

目的 探讨县级医院临床药师的工作技能培养和规范化考核指标。方法 通过我院临床药师参与临床药物治疗实践,分析总结县级医院临床药师知识结构的重要性和细化量化临床药师工作指标的必要性。结果 临床药师的知识转型是参与查房与会诊、用药监护和用药指导的必备条件,实施规范化考核是深入开展临床药学工作并持续提升药学服务质量的保障。结论 县级医院临床药师需参与临床多学科的药学服务,在实践中丰富临床知识,在落实考核指标中持续提升工作质量。  相似文献   

目的: 目前我国临床药师数量短缺现象较为严重,医疗机构中未担任临床工作的药学人员成为临床药师可能是改善我国临床药师人力资源储备的措施之一。本研究旨在分析未担任临床工作的医院药学人员成为临床药师的必要性与可行性。方法: 通过文献研究的方法分析我国未担任临床工作的医院药学人员成为临床药师的必要性与可行性。结果: 医院药学向临床转型是目前的趋势,未担任临床工作的医院药学人员成为临床药师具有药学知识充足、熟悉医院药学工作流程、转型便捷高效等优势,能够弥补临床药学专业教育在人才输送方面存在的不足,具有很强的必要性。此外,未担任临床工作的医院药学人员由于已满足基本的学历要求,且对于成为临床药师的意愿较强,人才来源有保障,加之我国临床药师的培训模式逐渐完善,为我国临床药师培养提供了有利条件,未担任临床工作的医院药学人员成为临床药师具有可行性。结论: 未担任临床工作的医院药学人员成为临床药师具有可行性与必要性,为了促进未担任临床工作的医院药学人员转型成为临床药师,本研究提出了几点建议为政策制定者与医院管理者提供参考。  相似文献   

目的对比临床药师在内、外科工作特点的异同,为临床药师更深入地开展工作指明方向。方法回顾该院2013年1-6月临床药师的工作记录,并进行分类汇总分析。结果临床药师解决案例数为449例(内科293例,外科156例),内科工作主要为用药咨询、患者用药教育;外科主要工作为不合理用药干预、调整用药等。结论临床药师需要加强专科药学知识;根据不同类型科室明显不同的工作内容,把握专科服务方向。  相似文献   

目的分析临床药师工作站模式对促进临床合理应用质子泵抑制剂(PPIs)的管控效果。方法建立基于HIS系统的临床药师工作站,临床药师采用电子会诊、药学监护、电子点评、事中干预等手段对PPIs的使用进行管控,选取干预前(2017年1~9月)及干预后(2018年1~9月)本院神内一科、神内二科、神经外科PPIs的相关使用数据,统计分析干预前后PPIs使用率、使用频度、销售金额等指标,并随机抽取干预前后病例60例,对PPIs的不合理使用情况进行分析与评价。结果与2017年同期相比,本院神内一科、神内二科、神经外科PPIs使用率分别由(43.43±5.2)%、(67.93±8.2)%、(67.33±6.3)%下降至(35.6±4.5)%、(55.3%±7.6)%、(60.3±5.6)%,PPIs使用频度(DDDs)分别由(43.4±4.4)、(60.9±5.6)、(112.35±10.5)下降至(37.51±3.0)、(52.36±4.2)、(99.32±8.1);PPIs总销售金额由1034.6万元下降至938.6万元,干预后PPIs的不合理使用情况如用法不规范、用药疗程偏长、重复用药、用量不适宜、无指征用药、溶媒选择不当等均较前明显改善,总体不合理使用率由干预前的38.3%下降至干预后的15.0%,不良反应发生率由23.3%下降至10.0%。结论基于临床药师工作站的工作模式,实现了PPIs的科学化、电子化管控,节省了医疗费用,有效促进了PPIs的合理化使用。  相似文献   

Howard P 《Hospital pharmacy》1984,19(6):425-6, 430-1
The intent of this article is to provide pharmacists with an introduction to the clinical laboratory. As clinical pharmacy services expand, interactions between pharmacists and the laboratory will increase. Laboratory results are an essential tool for pharmacists involved in monitoring drug therapy and adjusting dosing regimens. Laboratory medicine, however, is a complex and rapidly changing field with new analytical techniques and instruments continually being developed. Thus, methodologies vary greatly from one laboratory to another and even within the same laboratory from time to time. Quality control procedures are necessary to ensure accurate and reliable results. The medical technologists who staff clinical laboratories are highly trained professionals. Pharmacists should utilize the medical technologist as a consultant on the interpretation and limitations of laboratory tests. Likewise, there are many areas, such as therapeutic drug monitoring, in which the pharmacist can serve as a consultant to the laboratory. Pharmacists involved in patient care will benefit from a greater understanding of the clinical laboratory, and may also find new opportunities for clinical pharmacy practice and interaction with other health care professionals.  相似文献   

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