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本文介绍了国际医用磁共振协会及其主办的国际会议情况,即InternationalSocietyforResonanceinMedicine-ISMRM。该协会代表了世界上医用磁共振成像方面的最高水平,从第4次年会开始,会议在每年的4月份进行。本文作者参加了1997年在加拿大温哥华召开和1998年在澳大利亚悉尼召开的年会。会议主要讨论的题目包括功能磁共成像(fMRI),结构磁共振成像(aMRI)波谱成像(MRI/S)和血管造影等方面的内容,以及磁共振成像技术协会方面关于诊断方法,显像增强剂技术,磁共振成像设备及其部件技术,以及数据处理方面的技术进步等课题。推动该领域发展的主要动力显然是对人类自身的研究和对疾病诊疗的需要,尤其对脑功能研究、功能性疾病的诊断和治疗的需要。但是磁共振成像目前在心脏、肺脏以至软骨方面的诊断已经有很大进步,在设备技术和数据处理方法方面的进步同样也是很快的。  相似文献   

MR成像中脂肪抑制技术的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文措施了磁共振成像中的几种脂肪抑制技术,包括相位对比,短TI反转恢复和脂肪饱合技术,介绍了脂肪抑制的磁共振扫描床适应症,指出脂肪抑制磁共振扫描可对脂肪来源病变作出特征诊断,还可增加TI加权成像中造影剂增强效果。  相似文献   

目的探讨激素诱导股骨头缺血性坏死早期磁共振成像特征,和激素应用剂量,时间长短与股骨头缺血性坏死之间关系。材料和方法对108例患者有短期大量激素应用史患者行双髋关节平片及磁共振成像检查,分析图像特征,并应用统计学方法评价股骨头坏死与激素的关系。结果108例平片检查均为阴性,磁共振成像出现异常征象者35例,激素总量,日最大剂量及应用时间与股骨头坏死有统计学意义。结论:磁共振成像可以早期诊断激素诱导股骨头缺血性坏死,影像上单线征和双线征具有特异性;激素可以导致股骨头缺血性坏死。  相似文献   

<正>《磁共振成像临床应用入门(第2版)》由王振常教授、孙波教授、徐建民教授担任名誉主编,靳二虎教授、蒋涛教授、张辉教授担任主编,范占明教授、刘佩芳教授、程晓光教授担任副主编,集全国21位磁共振成像临床应用专家之智慧,在《磁共振成像临床应用入门(第1版)》的基础上耗时1年修订而成。人民卫生出版社已于2015年2月出版该书。《磁共振成像临床应用入门(第1版)》自2009年10月出版以来,深受读者欢迎,期间虽  相似文献   

本文复习了大部分快速成像磁共振扫描技术,包括:半傅里叶技术,矩形视野,多层激励,快速自旋回波,快速梯度回波和回波平面技术。磁共振快速成像技术的使用可减少检查时间和运动伪影,提高病人检查耐受性以及获取动态影像等。使磁共振扫描有一更广的临床适应症。  相似文献   

西门子公司AR·C断面扫描系统和IMPACT-磁共振成像系统在煤炭部总医院应用的经验煤炭部总医院影像科,100028数字形像设备的配置和应用情况,已成为衡量现代化医院的重要标准.而X线计算机断面扫描系统和磁共振成像系统,又是最重要的两大数字影像设备....  相似文献   

目的:评价磁共振胆胰管成像在肝内外胆管梗阻中的临床应用.方法:回顾分析49例磁共振水成像在胆胰管成像临床中的应用.使用GE1.5T超导型磁共振扫描仪,软件aw4.2,利用重T2使胰胆管显影并结合常规MR检查.结果:MRCP结合常规MR扫描,共49例.定位准确率100%,定性准确率91.8%.结论:MRCP结合常规MR扫描,能更好地显示腔内及腔外病变,更准确地定位、定性.  相似文献   

磁共振成像(MRI)是继X线CT之后的另一举世公认的医学伟大成就,对医学实践产生了巨大影响。近十年来新的MRI技术不断发展,除屏气动态增强扫描等各种成像序列外,更加安全可靠、特异性高的新型磁共振造影剂不断涌现,使MRI既能显示组织器官的形态  相似文献   

目的:探讨超高场强磁共振SWI对脑静脉血管的检出率和诊断价值。方法:选取5只健康绵羊,然后对羊脑部静脉血管进行3.0T超高场强磁共振成像,对磁共振成像所得T1WI、T2WI及SWI图像进行对比分析。结果:分析所得T1WI、T2WI及SWI图像,将额部脑浅静脉在MRI图像上的表现分为4级(Ⅰ-未显示,Ⅱ-显示模糊,Ⅲ-显示较清楚,Ⅳ-显示清楚),在20支脑静脉血管中,SWI显示Ⅲ级共2支血管,Ⅳ级共18支血管,无I级和Ⅱ级血管显示。结论:超高场强磁共振SWI序列对检测脑静脉血管具有重要价值。  相似文献   

《轻松学习磁共振成像100问》由首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院靳二虎主任医师和牛明哲工程师主编,马大庆教授与贺文教授审阅。  相似文献   

In the coastal waters of European countries and in the offshore waters of the north-east Atlantic, there is an increasing need for scientists to meet challenging objectives, such as to identify meaningful measures of 'quality', and to recommend 'indicators' to underpin implementation of directives, conventions, statutes and other more informal national and international initiatives. Those indicators may relate to particular species or habitats, to changes in physical and chemical characteristics, and even to the use to which the system is put. The problems to be overcome are difficult, but new and developing approaches will make a significant contribution. The approaches include: criteria to identify 'sensitivity' and 'importance', structures to organise information and electronic information resources to access data.The real challenge is to make the results of the various scientific initiatives relevant to and understandable by a wide range of customers with similar overlapping requirements, and thus make a genuine contribution to protecting the marine environment. Above and beyond that is the need for scientists to drive the agenda to enable real and lasting progress to be made towards ecosystem-based management of our seas and a proper consideration of what 'sustainability' may mean in the marine environment and how we utilise its resources.  相似文献   

陈宇卫  陆远忠 《地震》1994,(2):11-18
在中国,孕震空间已经比较广泛地应用于地震预报的实践,并多次取得实际预测强震的效果。但经过系统震例研究发现,利用孕震空间预报地震的虚报漏报率比较高。本文运用解决临界相变问题的重正化群方法所求出的孕震空间区可能发生失稳破裂,导致强震发生的判据对孕震空间的危险性作出进一步鉴别,并用突变论方法求解尖拐空变方程,预测孕震空区未来发生强震的时间和震级,并进一步确定孕震空区的危险性。对26个中国大陆强有的孕震空  相似文献   

为进一步了解普通民众对汶川MS8.0地震灾害的认知与响应程度,并为政府防震减灾战略的制定和实施提供科学依据,根据地震灾害认知与响应结构体系设计了普通民众地震灾害认知与响应调查问卷,主要指标体系包括地震灾害知识、防震减灾技能、自救互救和震后信息传播等4个方面。基于权重和赋分,构建了指标体系各部分评价模型和地震灾害认知与响应总体评价模型,以此来计算普通民众地震灾害认知与响应的综合得分。测评结果表明:1)勉县灾区民众认知与响应地震灾害的综合水平与能力均处于不及格水平;2)在认知与响应地震灾害方面,民众的防震减灾技能最差,对地震灾害知识的了解水平次之,而震时及震后自救互救与震后信息传播2个层面稍好一些;3)普通民众对地震知识和观点的理解还停留在表面现象上,对复杂、抽象的地震知识的理解和掌握,特别是对地震知识掌握的准确性和深层次理解还有待于进一步提高;4)从震后民众获取地震灾害信息的主渠道来看,加大政府关于地震灾害知识和防灾技能的宣传力度以及使地震信息公开透明化是降低地震灾害风险的有效途径之一  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in coastal debris on Awaji Island, Japan   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The subject of our study was Awaji Island, an island located in the west of Japan that is surrounded by sea and that has serious problems relating to coastal debris. We conducted a long-term investigation focusing on three beaches and evaluated the results. The study was designed to develop an understanding of the actual situation, to inform local citizens, and raise their concerns about the problem of debris with a view to taking action against it. We obtained the following results: the amount, type, and ratio of debris changed according to weather and ocean conditions; debris also differs according to geographical conditions; social and economic activities of the surrounding area influence the type of debris encountered. Following this study, we have continued our investigation, and are continuing to gather data. At the same time, it is important to spread our ideas and enlighten people so as to encourage them not to dump debris. We hope that these actions manage to raise the level of consciousness among local citizens and to expand their anti-debris activities.  相似文献   

开发坑(井)一地电阻率成像技术数据处理软件包,对分布式地面一坑道电磁信号接收仪记录的时间序列进行分析处理,最终得到相应的视电阻率和相位参数。实际资料处理结果表明,在远区情况下,需考虑信噪比水平,选择合适的计算方法。当信噪比很低或较高时,可选择根据卡尼亚电阻率定义式直接比值的方法,该方法计算简便、效率高;当信噪比一般时,采用最小二乘或Robust等估算方法,能在一定程度上改善数据处理质量。  相似文献   

《Journal of Geodynamics》2006,41(4-5):487-493
The focus of this paper is to present the concepts for a new dynamic, i.e. database-driven information system for the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS). Its goal is to coordinate the data and information flow between the participating institutions. Therefore, all relevant data and products of the IERS should be archived to guarantee their long-term availability. At the same time the consistency and timeliness of the contents of the information system can be guaranteed by managing the information in a database. Additionally, the metadata of all products (including the IERS publications) should be modelled in a database to allow the users to search for specific data or topics with respect to space, time and content. In order to be able to link related data the heterogeneous formats of the products have to be transformed into a common format. The eXtensible Markup Language (XML) is going to be used, to perform this ambitious task. The usage of XML not only allows to link related data but also to easily exchange data and to present them in different ways like Web pages, pdf, etc. The system will be completed by several tools to manage and coordinate the tasks of the Central Bureau (CB) and by an information system with respect to IERS-related topics. The standardised database tools will also allow an easy exchange of information with and links to other databases within the IGGOS project to realize a powerful instrument to serve the Earth observing system.  相似文献   

本文是科学数据共享政策法规体系研究系列文章的收笔之作.撰写本文的目的,就是为说明科学数据共享政策法规体系的研究是建立在大量的基础调研之上.调查研究是谋事之基、成事之道.从实践中寻求解决现实问题的方法,才能制定出切实可行的政策、法规,调查研究是制定政策、法规的客观依据.为使制订政策、 规章制度适应社会经济发展和变化的新情况,就深入开展调查研究,认真听取各方面的意见,深入研究相应的管理规律和运行机制.本文详述了调查过程、调查方法,以佐证政策法规研究不能脱离实际.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the responses of hydrology and sediment yield with impacts of land‐use and climate change scenarios in the Be River Catchment, using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) hydrological model. The calibration and validation results indicated that the SWAT model is a powerful tool for simulating the impact of environmental change on hydrology and sediment yield in this catchment. The hydrologic and sediment yield responses to land‐use and climate changes were simulated based on the calibrated model. The results indicated that a 16.3% decrease in forest land is likely to increase streamflow (0.2 to 0.4%), sediment load (1.8 to 3.0%), and surface runoff (SURQ) (4.8 to 10.7%) and to decrease groundwater discharge (GW_Q) (3.5 to 7.9%). Climate change in the catchment leads to decreases in streamflow (0.7 to 6.9%) and GW_Q (3.0 to 8.4%), increase in evapotranspiration (0.5 to 2.9%), and changes in SURQ (?5.3 to 2.3%) and sediment load (?5.3 to 4.4%). The combined impacts of land‐use and climate changes decrease streamflow (2.0 to 3.9%) and GW_Q (12.3 to 14.0%), increase evapotranspiration (0.7 to 2.8%), SURQ (8.2 to 12.4%), and sediment load (2.0 to 7.9%). In general, the separate impacts of climate and land‐use changes on streamflow, sediment load, and water balance components are offset each other. However, SURQ and some component of subsurface flow are more sensitive to land‐use change than to climate change. Furthermore, the results emphasized water scarcity during the dry season and increased soil erosion during the wet season. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The impossibility of observing magma migration inside the crust obliges us to rely on geophysical data and mathematical modelling to interpret precursors and to forecast volcanic eruptions. Of the geophysical signals that may be recorded before and during an eruption, deformation and seismicity are two of the most relevant as they are directly related to its dynamic. The final phase of the unrest episode that preceded the 2011–2012 eruption on El Hierro (Canary Islands) was characterized by local and accelerated deformation and seismic energy release indicating an increasing fracturing and a migration of the magma. Application of time varying fractal analysis to the seismic data and the characterization of the seismicity pattern and the strain and the stress rates allow us to identify different stages in the source mechanism and to infer the geometry of the path used by the magma and associated fluids to reach the Earth’s surface. The results obtained illustrate the relevance of such studies to understanding volcanic unrest and the causes that govern the initiation of volcanic eruptions.  相似文献   

Forced-gradient tracer tests in fractured aquifers often report low mass recoveries. In fractured aquifers, fractures intersected by one borehole may not be intersected by another. As a result (1) injected tracer can follow pathways away from the withdrawal well causing low mass recovery and (2) recovered water can follow pathways not connected to the injection well causing significant tracer dilution. These two effects occur along with other forms of apparent mass loss. If the strength of the connection between wells and the amount of dilution can be predicted ahead of time, tracer tests can be designed to optimize mass recovery and dilution. A technique is developed to use hydraulic tests in fractured aquifers to calculate the conductance (strength of connection) between well pairs and to predict mass recovery and amount of dilution during forced gradient tracer tests. Flow is considered to take place through conduits, which connect the wells to each other and to distant sources or sinks. Mass recovery is related to the proportion of flow leaving the injection well and arriving at the withdrawal well, and dilution is related to the proportion of the flow from the withdrawal well that is derived from the injection well. The technique can be used to choose well pairs for tracer tests, what injection and withdrawal rates to use, and which direction to establish the hydraulic gradient to maximize mass recovery and/or minimize dilution. The method is applied to several tracer tests in fractured aquifers in the Clare Valley, South Australia.  相似文献   

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