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为了实现智能电网“源-网-荷-储”协调互动优化运行的目标,需要对发、输、变、配、用“物理一张网”进行数字建模,构建为各个业务部门提供数据服务的“电网拓扑结构关联一张图”。文章在介绍智能电网构成和云雾边技术架构的基础上,提出了基于变电站自动化系统和智能台区分别建设能量管理系统的雾节点和边节点,对“电网一张图”提供在线维护和自动更新的策略,然后讨论了这一策略涉及到的图数据库与电力图计算、电网图模型在线更新、低压配电网拓扑结构辨识等关键技术。此策略将“源-网-荷-储”各种环节以“电网一张图”的形式紧密连接,为智能电网的高效运行提供了技术基础。  相似文献   

  [目的]  为了理清智能电网作为新一代能源体系核心平台的相关概念和发展思路。  [方法]  利用文献综述法梳理了微电网、泛能网和能源互联网的概念及其与智能电网的关系。结合我国的能源发展现状和战略需求,探讨了我国智能电网的建设思路和重点。  [结果]  智能电网是传统电力系统和现代信息技术的深度融合,而能源互联网是智能电网和互联网思维模式、技术的深度融合。智能电网是能源互联网的基础平台,微电网、泛能网、智能电网和能源互联网都以实现更加清洁、高效、灵活的用能为目标。  [结论]  智能电网建设应在强调高压侧智能化控制的同时,同步建设智能配电网,鼓励以多能互补为核心的泛能网的发展。  相似文献   

依托泛在电力物联网及大云物移智等互联网技术,促进可再生能源消纳、向用户提供经济高效的综合能源服务是未来电网公司适应市场环境、实现能源互联网企业转型的重要途径。从分布式可再生能源消纳、配电网运营、负荷预测和需求响应等方面梳理了泛在电力物联网下未来能源互联网的整体架构;从综合能源供给与综合服务两方面构建电力市场改革和能源转型背景下区域电网公司的综合能源服务体系;总结了未来电网公司的功能形态、演化路径,并在此基础上提出了需要进一步深入研究的关键问题和管理要点。  相似文献   

正互联网浪潮席卷并改变了全社会,将能源与互联网技术进行深入融合,能够提高能源利用效率。能源互联网的实质是"特高压电网+智能电网+清洁能源",可全面消钠各类能源,提升清洁能源开发和利用效率。推动能源互联网规划建设,服务支撑清洁能源发展,是破解化石能源困局,实现绿色发展的治本之策。在能源转型的过程中,互联网将对传统能源行业产生强  相似文献   

<正>当前,能源革命与数字革命融合交汇,能源电力企业面临来自经济周期性、结构性的压力,必须转变发展方式,走一条符合时代发展需要、满足人民需求的高质量发展道路。2019年初,国家电网公司提出了建设"枢纽型""平台型""共享型"企业的宏伟愿景,标志着电网企业已经深刻认识到能源电力行业发展的新趋势、新任务与新担当。在新的责任使命下,电网企业建设"三型"企业过程中要加快数字化转型,打造能源生态系统的协同发展新格局。  相似文献   

能源互联网是一种互联网与能源生产、传输、存储、消费以及能源市场深度融合的能源产业发展新形态,有助于建设安全、清洁、高效、可持续的能源系统。本文梳理了国内外对能源互联网内涵的理解,美国与德国政府对能源互联网及智能电网的推进历程,并在此基础上提出我国应抓住能源互联网这一产业发展新形态,鼓励各类主体探索创新,实现能源和互联网的融合发展。  相似文献   

GIS地理空间数据作为电网空间信息服务平台的基石,其质量的好坏直接影响日常业务人员对电网空间信息服务平台的使用感受。以南方电网公司电网GIS平台建设为依托,以"分建共享、协同服务"为指导原则,介绍了南方电网公司地理空间数据一张图实施的详细技术流程及关键技术方案。  相似文献   

  目的  面对“互联网+”智慧能源发展的机遇与挑战,众多能源企业都在探索转型,打造繁荣的能源生态圈,其中一项重要手段是运用互联网思维和云大物智移链等技术,构建开放共享、敏捷灵活的能源服务平台。  方法  针对能源服务平台扩展快、业务多变、可靠性要求高等特点,分析了传统单体式架构的不适应性,并提出应用互联网行业流行的微服务技术进行平台构建,阐述了一种基于微服务的“互联网+”智慧能源服务平台设计和实现的技术方法及要点。  结果  作者基于该方法构建了“互联网+”智慧能源服务平台,在此基础上建设了多个面向不同用户的能源互联网应用,实现了业务微服务的动态扩展。  结论  实践和测试结果表明基于微服务搭建的“互联网+”智慧能源服务平台具有良好的扩展性、可靠性以及部署的灵活性,可以支撑“互联网+”智慧能源业务应用的快速发展。  相似文献   

本文较详细分析了国家电网打造"三型两网",即:枢纽型、平台型和共享型企业,建立坚强智能电网和泛在互联网的具体内涵及存在问题,以期读者关注国家电网建设,共同努力为建设世界一流能源互联网企业作出应有贡献。  相似文献   

正6月28日,"2018首届长三角区域能源互联网创新发展论坛"上,中国工程院翁史烈院士就能源互联网有关问题作了讲话。他指出,当前,能源互联网较正规、权威性的描述有三种。第一种是智能电网与新能源的融合;第二种是大电网、分布式能源网、热网、冷网、天然气网等与信息互联网的深度融合,形成智慧能源系统;第三种是运用信息互联网的思维与理念,在对能源构架进行改造和改革的基础上,形成能源互联网,使能源  相似文献   

在配电网的建设与管理方面,现有的技术路径和管理模式还无法将业务链、数据链和图块链融合贯通,导致各业务环节难以贯通融合、海量数据组织难度大和拓扑电系图精准度不够。针对这些问题,聚焦电网一张图建设,打通业务流程,实现"三链融合",按业务逻辑组织海量数据形成数据资产,从而形成一张精准拓扑电系图。同时结合以图为核心的各类应用,提升了基层供电公司数字资产交付和管理能力,从而以技术创新提升管理水平。  相似文献   

为促进能源产业的优化升级,可再生能源的开发利用力度不断加大,电网的规划运行和调度管理将面临重大变革,亟需先进的大规模储能技术来改善可再生能源发电特性。本文从电化学储能技术在电网系统应用进行探讨,从各种电化学储能安全性、成本、技术特点等进行深入解析,归纳各种类型电化学储能的优势与不足,并对未来电化学储能在电网系统的应用前景做出展望。  相似文献   

As part of the ongoing information revolution, smart power grid technology has become a key focus area for research into power systems. Intelligent electrical appliances are now an important component of power systems, providing a smart power grid with increased control, stability, and safety. Based on the secure communication requirements of cloud energy storage systems, this paper presents the design and development of a node controller for a cloud energy storage network. The function division and system deployment processes were carried out to ensure the security of the communication network used for the cloud energy storage system. Safety protection measures were proposed according to the demands of the communication network, allowing the system to run safely and stably. Finally, the effectiveness of the system was verified through a client-side distributed energy storage demonstration project in Suzhou, China. The system was observed to operate safely and stably, demonstrating good peak-clipping and valley filling effects, and improving the system load characteristics.  相似文献   

智能用电楼宇是智能电网用电环节的重要组成部分。在上海世博园智能电网综合示范工程中,以国家电网企业馆为建设对象,通过开发楼宇智能用电能量管理系统,采用双向互动技术实现楼宇节能综合控制,展示楼宇节能减排的效果。文章从系统设计角度,阐述了楼宇用电智能化的实现方式。  相似文献   

With the growth of wind energy conversion systems (WECSs), various technologies are developed for them. Permanent-magnet synchronous generators (PMSGs) are used by these technologies due to special characteristics of PMSGs such as low weight and volume, high performance, and the elimination of the gearbox. In this paper, a new variable-speed WECS with a PMSG and $Z$-source inverter is proposed. Characteristics of $Z$-source inverter are used for maximum power tracking control and delivering power to the grid, simultaneously. Two control methods are proposed for delivering power to the grid: Capacitor voltage control and dc-link voltage control. Operation of system with these methods is compared from the viewpoint of power quality and total switching device power (TSDP). In addition, TSDP, current ripple of inductor, performance, and total harmonic distortion of grid current of proposed system is compared with traditional wind energy system with a boost converter.   相似文献   

在碳达峰、碳中和目标背景下,下一代互联网升级(IPV6+)作为能源“新基建”信息化基础设施的高质量底座,对实现碳达峰、碳中和目标具有重要的推动作用。本文分析了“IPV6+”智慧能源产业生态的现状、实现价值、发展模式、应用场景和存在的问题。发现“IPV6+”在推动能源革命和数字革命深度融合、提升企业运营效率、提升用户用能体验和满意度等方面具有重要价值,可以赋能新能源发电管理数字化和大规模并网、能源消费电气化和智能化转型以及综合能源服务。目前,我国“IPv6+”在能源领域的应用尚处于初级阶段,仍存在一些瓶颈问题,提出构建自主开放的“IPv6+”智慧能源产业国际化技术标准等建议,增强我国参与国际“IPv6+”能源产业技术标准制定的影响力和话语权。  相似文献   

Traditional seawater desalination requires high amounts of energy, with correspondingly high costs and limited benefits, hindering wider applications of the process. To further improve the comprehensive economic benefits of seawater desalination, the desalination load can be combined with renewable energy sources such as solar energy, wind energy, and ocean energy or with the power grid to ensure its effective regulation. Utilizing energy internet (EI) technology, energy balance demand of the regional power grid, and coordinated control between coastal multi-source multi-load and regional distribution network with desalination load is reviewed herein. Several key technologies, including coordinated control of coastal multi-source multi-load system with seawater desalination load, flexible interaction between seawater desalination and regional distribution network, and combined control of coastal multi-source multi-load storage system with seawater desalination load, are discussed in detail. Adoption of the flexible interaction between seawater desalination and regional distribution networks is beneficial for solving water resource problems, improving the ability to dissipate distributed renewable energy, balancing and increasing grid loads, improving the safety and economy of coastal power grids, and achieving coordinated and comprehensive application of power grids, renewable energy sources, and coastal loads.  相似文献   

The European power grid is one of the largest regional interconnected power grids in the world. It realizes a multinational grid operation, which is rare. The total installed capacity of the European power grid is the largest throughout the world. In addition, the integration and utilization of renewable energy in this grid is a great benchmark for other countries and can help promote energy transformation and achieve a high proportion of renewable energy consumption. Based on the analysis of the existing status of the European interconnected power grid and the development history of this power grid, this paper summarizes four key development stages of the European power grid. In addition, the characteristics of each stage and the development prospect of the European power grid are analyzed. On this basis, this paper gives suggestions for the development and construction of China’s energy internet; this can provide valuable reference for further studies on China’s energy internet.  相似文献   

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