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《新安名医考》辨误四则周益新,张芙蓉(山西省大同市基建职工医院037067)关键词《新安名医考》;医史文献李济仁先生主编的《新安名医考》(安徽科技出版社1990年版)一书,取材丰富,考证翔实,全面系统地介绍了668名新安医家的生生平、学术思想、临床诊...  相似文献   

《新安名医考》歙县籍医家补遗杜勇(安徽省庐江县乐桥医院231581)关键词:《新安名医考》;歙县籍医家中图法分类号:R-092《新安名医考》李济仁主编,共收新安名医668人,其中歙县籍医家超过200人,为新安医家之冠,但仍有一部分有影响的歙县籍名医未...  相似文献   

吴洋、吴桥生平及其学术特点童光东,吴华强,指导,王乐(科研处合肥230038)关键词吴洋,吴桥,新安医家吴洋、吴桥为明朝著名的新安医家,生平至今不详。但其医案频繁见于《论医汇粹》、《医述》、《名医类案》等医著中,可见其影响。李济仁《新安名医考》,洪芳...  相似文献   

《新安名医考》休宁和婺源籍名医补遗王旭光(安徽中医学院合肥230038)关键词:《新安名医考》;新安医家;休宁;婺源中图法分类号:R-0921朱升朱升,字允升,号枫林病叟,隆隐老人,墨庄主人,休宁县回溪人,后徒歙县的石门。生于1299年,卒于1370...  相似文献   

读《新安名医考》   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
安徽徽州地区,古称新安郡,历代医家辈出,医籍充栋,其医家之多,典籍之丰,堪为东南冠,形成了独树一帜的新安医学。在我国的医学发展史上,其占有重要地位,是我国医学宝库中不可多得的灿烂明珠。 安徽皖南医学院李济仁教授主编《新安名医考》已于1990年7月由安徽科学技术出版社出版,收集新安医家668人,书名463  相似文献   

新安名医籍里考辨四则刘惠玲童光东指导:王乐陶(安徽中医学院文献研究室合肥230038)关键词:新安医学;吴瑞;汪汲;丁瓒;王国瑞中图法分类号:R-092在新安医学研究中,有一些较著名的医家的籍里或其归属问题一直众说纷云,难以归一。近年我们在对新安医籍...  相似文献   

我国最早的医学协会是明代穆宗隆庆二年(公元1568年)的“一体堂宅仁医会”。 明代名医,徐春甫(1520~1596),甫一作圃,字汝元,号东皋,又号思敏、思鹤。祁门(今安徽歙县)人,出身于诗书之家,父、祖俱业儒。早年攻举业,因苦学失养,体弱多疾,遂改攻医,师事当地医家汪宦。徐氏著有《古今医统大全》100卷,《医门捷径》(又名《医学入门捷要六书》或《医学入门捷径六书》)6卷。《古今医统大全》中的《内经要旨》、《妇科心镜》、《螽斯广育》、《幼幼汇集》、《痘疹泄密》等,都曾单独印行。  相似文献   

程王介与《松崖医径》徐子杭洪军(安徽省黄山市新安医学研究所245000)关键词:程王介;《松崖医径》中图法分类号:R-0921程王介生平及著作程王介,字文玉,号松崖,歙县槐塘人,明代著名新安医家,生卒年代不详。据史料载,程王介为明成化甲辰进士(公元1...  相似文献   

徐春甫,字汝元,号东皋,又字思敏、思鹤,祁门东皋人,是明代著名医家,也是新安医学的代表人物之一。通过对其著作《古今医统大全》中《老老余编》和《养生余录》的研读,体会养生思想,尤其是其关于情志调养的论述,集中代表明代崇尚道学修炼又兼具新安地区特色,既科学严谨又充满人文气息。  相似文献   

徐春甫(1520~1596),字汝元,号东皋(又号思敏、思鹤),皖南新安著名医家。授太医院官,曾于嘉靖35年(1556)完成我国十大医学丛书之一《古今医统大全》。现据该书中《老老余编》、《养生余录》两篇所及,浅析徐氏对老年医学方面的学术贡献。  相似文献   

The Chinese characters 寒 and 热, 虚, and 实 are quite common concepts in Chinese language. However in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), they are used as four principles in syndrome differentiation. In terms of translation, 寒 and 热 are very easy to understand and can be simply translated as "cold" and "heat". But the transla- tion of 虚 and 实 used to be a problem. For a quite long time in translation practice,  相似文献   

Intraditional Chinese medicine (TCM),the so-called津液refers to all the fluid and liquid flowingand maintaining inside the human body.In Chineselanguage,津液is a phrase composed of twoChinese characters which describes two differentkinds of fluid or liquid in the human body .According to the theory of TCM,津refers to thepart of fluid that is thin in texture and flowss moothly inside the body while液refers to thepart of fluid that is thick in texture and mainlymaintains in the joints of the body to nourish andlubr...  相似文献   

《内经》修辞格及英译实例分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
《黄帝内经》(以下简称《内经》)是我国中医学四大经典之一,包括《素问》和《灵枢》两部分。虽然为一部医学著作,但受先秦两汉文风的影响,全书采用半韵半散的文学语体,大量使用修辞格,形象精练地阐述中医学深奥的理论,向世人呈现出中国文化医文互通、医文互用的独特风格,奠定了中医学黑箱理论传承的语言基础。  相似文献   

The so-called eight principles include阴,阳,表,里,寒,热,虚,实which are usually transliterated and translated as yin,yang,exterior, interior,cold,heat,deficiency and excess.These eight principles serve as a theoretical basis for treatment based on syndrome differentiation. These eight principles are easy to understand, translate and standardize.  相似文献   

Li ZG  Chen G 《中西医结合学报》2011,9(10):1150-1157
外伤瘀滞证pattern/syndrome of stasis and stagnation due to traumatic injury:a pattern/syndrome attributedtotraumaticinjury causinglocal stagnation of qi and blood,manifested by local ecchymosis,pain and tendernessIn Chinese language,瘀and滞are two concepts which are si milar to each other in meaning under certain context,  相似文献   

Due to safety concerns and side effects of many antidepressant medications, herbal psychopharmacology research has increased, and herbal remedies are becoming increasingly popular as alternatives to prescribed medications for the treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD). Of these, accumulating trials reveal positive effects of the spice saffron (Crocus sativus L.) for the treatment of depression. A comprehensive and statistical review of the clinical trials examining the effects of saffron for treatment of MDD is warranted. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to conduct a meta-analysis of published randomized controlled trials examining the effects of saffron supplementation on symptoms of depression among participants with MDD. SEARCH STRATEGY: We conducted electronic and non-electronic searches to identify all relevant randomized, double-blind controlled trials. Reference lists of all retrieved articles were searched for relevant studies. INCLUSION CRITERIA: The criteria for study selection included the following: (1) adults (aged 18 and older) with symptoms of depression, (2) randomized controlled trial, (3) effects of saffron supplementation on depressive symptoms examined, and (4) study had either a placebo control or antidepressant comparison group. DATA EXTRACTION AND ANALYSIS: Using random effects modeling procedures, we calculated weighted mean effect sizes separately for the saffron supplementation vs placebo control groups, and for the saffron supplementation vs antidepressant groups. The methodological quality of all studies was assessed using the Jadad score. The computer software Comprehensive Meta- analysis 2 was used to analyze the data. RESULTS: Based on our pre-specified criteria, five randomized controlled trials (n = 2 placebo controlled trials, n = 3 antidepressant controlled trials) were included in our review. A large effect size was found for saffron supplementation vs placebo control in treating depressive symptoms (M ES = 1.62, P 〈 0.001), revealing that saffron supplementation significantly reduced depression symptoms compared to the placebo control. A null effect size was evidenced between saffron supplementation and the antidepressant groups (M ES = -0.15) indicating that both treatments were similarly effective in reducing depression symptoms. The mean Jadad score was 5 indicating high quality of trials. CONCLUSION: Findings from clinical trials conducted to date indicate that saffron supplementation can improve symptoms of depression in adults with MDD. Larger clinical trials, conducted by research teams outside of Iran, with long-term follow-ups are needed before firm conclusions can be made regarding saffron's efficacy and safety for treating depressive symptoms.  相似文献   

2008年,世界卫生组织(World Health Organization,WHO)启动了"疾病名称国际分类第11版"(International Classification of Diseases-11,ICD-11)的修订工作[1]。与ICD前10版不同的是,在第11版的修订工作中,专门设置了第23章,拟将传统医学纳入其中。但就目前的发展来看,能纳入其中的,只有源自中国的传统医学,即中医药学。  相似文献   

李照国 《中西医结合学报》2012,10(10):1179-1184
白淫 white ooze : seminal fluid in the urine or persistent vaginal discharge The so-called 白淫, as defined above , usually refers to seminal fluid in the urine or persistent vaginal discharge.Thus in the current translation , it is translated either as"spermaturia"or"semenuria"if related to male or as"leukorrhagia"if related to female.In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)  相似文献   

谢娟  王瑛 《中西医结合学报》2009,7(11):1093-1095
什么是文化?根据美国著名翻译理论学家奈达(Eugene A.Nida)的观点,文化就是“一个社会全部的信仰和各种实践活动(the totality of beliefs and practices of asociety)”。有些社会学家和人类学家将文化定义为“能够表现出一个社会生活特征的所有信仰方式、习俗、机构、物体和技术(the total pattern of beliefs,customs,institutions,objects and techniques that characterize the life of a human community)”。  相似文献   

《黄帝内经》(以下简称《内经》)被看作是中医界的“圣经”。其语言深奥难懂,辞格古老丰富,需从多层次多角度进行研究,方可对其正确理解,其中从修辞角度进行研究,是不可或缺的重要环节。  相似文献   

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