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刘维沂  黄兰英 《福建电脑》2013,(5):76-77,90
随着信息技术在教育领域日益广泛的应用,对教育技术的理论与实践产生了深刻影响,为了反映信息技术在教育领域的发展和变化,本文从云的相关概念和信息技术教育的现状以及云计算在信息技术教育中的优势地位三个方面,对云计算在地方学校信息技术教育的应用做了初步探讨。  相似文献   

中职教育是一种有别于普通高中教育的教育形式,中职学生毕业后大多数都直接走向社会,因此,其需要培养满足社会需求的各种应用型人才。中职学校信息技术课程教学随着社会对人才需求情况的变化而进行同步改革。本文主要对中职学校信息技术课程教学方法改革中的"精讲多练法"、"任务驱动法"、"自主-协作学习"进行分析。  相似文献   

随着社会的高速发展,网络信息的不断普及,信息教育越来越受到重视,尤其是高中阶段,非常有必要将信息技术教育重视起来。然而,由于信息技术教育的课程没有被列入高考的范围,从而导致学生、教师乃至学校对此门课程的忽视;此外,信息技术是一门比较复杂枯燥的学科,这也使得学生对此课程的学习兴趣大大降低。为了使高中信息技术教学更好地普及和发展,学校要从教师开始对此门课程给予重视,对一些教学方法的应用要灵活掌握,充分引起学生对信息技术课程的兴趣。本文对高中信息技术教学的方法以及应用策略进行了探讨,以便使高中信息技术教学更好地发展。  相似文献   

中小学信息科技教育迎来了一个最好的时代,这个时代正是编程教育的最好时代。在这样一个编程教育的最好时代,社会和学校、家长和学生以及教师和领导,从来没有如此关注信息技术教育的厚重内涵,这都是因为信息技术课程终于突破了软件操作训练的困局,这都是因为大家开始重视信息科学中的原理和信息技术中的设计,这都是因为人们开始追求编程技能的发展与编程文化的塑造。这个最好时代,必将以编程为标志,广泛运用数学、物理、逻辑等对现实世界与虚拟世界进行更深度的认知、更激情的创造。  相似文献   

刘玉明 《福建电脑》2014,(2):180-182,192
以计算机为核心的信息技术不断发展及其在教育中的应用,学校教育教学随之发生了广泛而深刻的变化。本文通过分析中学的信息技术模式在中学学科教学的应用,期望信息技术与教学能更好地整合,以图促进中学教学水平不断提高。  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的提高,人们对物质的要求也越来越高,计算机作为人们生活中必不可少的工具,为人们的学习、工作提供了很大的方便,在学校教育中都是将培养学生的整体素质作为核心部分,信息技术核心素质也已成为新的概念,在利用信息技术教学时应让学生掌握基础的计算机知识,还要培养学生操作计算机的能力,这样有助于促进学生能力的提升,笔者就对利用信息技术培养学生核心素养的方法进行分析。  相似文献   

随着经济的高速发展,信息技术在各个领域都起到了至关重要的作用,同时给高校教育也带来了变革和发展。有效地应用信息技术,对于高等教育的发展具有重要意义。它使高等教育在教育教学、学校管理、人才培养等方面发生了很大的变化。本文对信息技术的应用进行分析,揭示信息技术的重要意义,以便通过信息技术实现高等教育的改革和发展,从而满足我国经济社会的发展对人才培养的需要。  相似文献   

教师的教学方式对一个学生的影响非常深远,尤其是对于小学生来说更是如此。小学教育中信息技术的课堂教育是较为重要的教育环节,而许多学校的教学方式仍然存在问题,导致学校课堂的教学水平很难得到的进一步提高。本文分析了我国小学信息技术课堂教学的现状,并论述了影响小学信息技术课堂教学有效性的因素以及提高小学信息技术课堂教学有效性的对策。  相似文献   

在学校建设和管理过程中,科学合理地应用现代信息技术对学校的快速、健康、长远发展有重要意义.本文在分析学校教育应用现代信息技术的状况的基础上,对学校发展初期如何科学合理地应用现代信息技术提出了-些建议.  相似文献   

文章旨在探讨现代信息技术在技工学校《信息技术》课程教学中的应用。通过多媒体教学平台、虚拟实验室、在线协作学习环境和数据分析工具等应用,学生可更深入地理解和应用信息技术知识,提升他们的学习兴趣和能力。然而,这些应用也带来一些挑战,通过合理的解决方案,可克服这些挑战并进一步优化教学效果。因此,现代信息技术在技工学校《信息技术》课程教学中具有广阔的前景与展望。  相似文献   

结合实例举证.指出与分析了涉密信息在计算机及办公自动化设备使用保密管理过程中的常见泄密隐惠,并提出了有效的防范对策。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的发展,计算机技术和信息技术在我们的工作学习中都得到了广泛的应用。以计算机技术来 讲,是属于信息技术的重要一部分,但是以单纯计算机应用来看已经无法满足大多数人的需求,因此在技术飞速发展的新形势 下,只有将计算机技术和信息技术进行联用分析,才能更好地满足社会发展的需要。本文通过对两者间的区别进行分析,寻求 更好地实现两者联用的方式,并针对两者联用进行分析。  相似文献   

Abstract. Thispaper explores some of the reasons that may underlie the gender segregation and declining levels of female participation within the field of computing in Europe during the 1990s in both the professional (industrial) and academic spheres. The interrelationships between three areas – communicative processes, social networks and legitimizing claims to knowledge overlaid by gendered-power relations – are used to analyse and explain the existing situation. The paper draws upon statistical data to explore the extent of gender segregation and then focuses on the authors' own experiences within the UK and Scandinavia in order to explore some of the underlying causes. While direct discrimination does still occur, the paper suggests that indirect, deep-rooted discrimination is the major reason for the situation that currently exists. Drawing upon our own experiences in academia and business and acknowledging the importance of the institutional context, the paper offers a number of recommendations as to how the current situation may be improved. We suggest first that consideration is given to the pedagogical design and marketing of computing courses so that individuals are initially attracted to computing from far more diverse backgrounds, approaches and interests than at present. Second, we suggest that those with influence in the field reflect upon the constitution and behaviours of the informal networks in which they are involved and seek to include female researchers more actively here. Finally we suggest that consideration is given in more general terms to how the field may become more gender neutral and, thus, more inclusive in the future. Masculine discourses and 'hard' skills have dominated within computing for too long and contribute significantly to the declining participation of women within computing.  相似文献   

池建 《物联网技术》2013,(7):50-52,56
物联网技术的发展需要空间信息理论与技术的支撑,而空间信息技术也必将在物联网的时代背景与机遇下推广其应用。文中分别介绍了空间信息技术与物联网的产生及其应用,在此基础之上总结归纳了空间信息技术在物联网中的作用,同时探讨了空间信息技术在物联网中的应用。  相似文献   

The need for a link between information technology (IT) use and organizational strategy has been identified and discussed for a number of years. The thrust of this work argues that the motives for investment in IT should derive from firm objectives and, more particularly, from the strategic plan which the organization wishes to pursue. This paper argues that, often, mere lip service is paid to the strategic nature of IT. Further, strategy justification has become a tool for securing investment in IT by circumventing established organizational policy on investments. Many IT investments labelled ‘strategic’ appear to be operational in nature. This paper discusses the nature and evaluation of strategy and relates it to the literature on IT as a strategic tool. The extent to which the relationship between IT and strategy has altered over recent years is subsequently investigated. The implementation process is investigated and evidence of IT investment activities and the returns available to investing organizations are reviewed. The paper argues that there are a number of alternative views on the IT-strategy relationship, some of which are organizationally detrimental.  相似文献   

This study traces attempts to introduce information technology into a management college in Africa, over a 10-year period from 1991 to 2001. The study uses an interpretative approach and is informed by information technology (IT) implementation literature. The case shows little progress over the 10-year period studied and the authors identify several explanations for this. The findings related to implementation, or the lack thereof, tie in well with the general IT implementation literature, suggesting that some of the key elements in the literature are of a fairly general and universal nature. The general nature of the literature does not provide the background for a deeper understanding of the issues and underlying levels of explanations. For this, more contextual factors need to be taken into account. The authors have been able to point to some of these sociocultural factors. However, this is an area where further research is needed. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

21世纪是信息产业的世纪,是科技智能化和高度发展的世纪。由于在网络技术和电子工程技术方面不断取得飞速发展,使得原本高科技化的电子信息工程技术成为人们生活中不可分开的组成部分。我们需要了解电子信息工程技术发展应用的潮流和技术趋势,不断完善我国的电子信息工程产业和技术,更好地为建设现代化和小康社会服务。  相似文献   

朱宗杰 《数字社区&智能家居》2009,5(7):5161-5161,5175
医院信息化建设水平已成为体现现代化医院管理水平的主要标志,在医院信息化的进程中,怎样构筑一个科学、合理、安全的医院信息管理系统(HIS)是应当首先考虑的重要问题之一。具体分析医院不同层面对信息化的需求,结合医院实际状况,制定切实可行的医院信息化建设方案及详细的实施措施,是医院信息化建设成功的基础。  相似文献   

医院信息化建设水平已成为体现现代化医院管理水平的主要标志,在医院信息化的进程中,怎样构筑一个科学、合理、安全的医院信息管理系统(HIS)是应当首先考虑的重要问题之一。具体分析医院不同层面对信息化的需求,结合医院实际状况,制定切实可行的医院信息化建设方案及详细的实施措施,是医院信息化建设成功的基础。  相似文献   

Most previous studies of the impact of information technology (IT) on firm performance have relied on the Cobb–Douglas production function, which makes unrealistic assumptions. These include assuming that (1) the scale elasticity, i.e. returns to scale, is constant throughout the entire output range; (2) the elasticity of substitution between inputs is one, whereas it can be anywhere from zero to infinity in practice; and (3) there are no complex interrelationships between inputs, i.e. no squared or product terms. The translog production function (used in two previous studies) does not make these assumptions and is therefore more accurate. However, the two previous studies found no significant difference between the two. This research has extended previous work on the impact of IT investments by providing more accurate results in some areas and new findings in others. IT's importance is shown to be much greater than previously thought. The translog function is used to demonstrate that the productivity paradox does not hold (i.e. both IT labor and capital indeed have a significant impact on firm revenues), but with considerably different results, i.e. the impact of IT is markedly more significant than that obtained from the Cobb–Douglas. Another interesting finding is that of scale elasticity. Our results show that this is less than 1, implying decreasing returns to scale of output. Finally, the substitutability between inputs was determined, which is not possible with the Cobb–Douglas. It was found that the partial elasticities of substitution for IT labor with IT capital and non-IT labor were quite substantial.  相似文献   

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