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In this paper we present the initial design of a novel and versatile high frequency gyrotron with parameters suitable for application to various spectroscopic studies that require coherent radiation in the subterahertz frequency range (such as NMR/DNP spectroscopy, ESR spectroscopy, spectrometer based on the X-ray detected magnetic resonance etc.). The most characteristic feature of the design is that it utilises a compact, cryogen-free 8 T superconducting magnet. As a result, the overall dimensions of the entire device are considerably reduced in comparison with the previously developed tubes belonging to the Gyrotron FU and Gyrotron FU CW series. This makes the novel gyrotron highly portable to diverse laboratory environments and easily embeddable to different measuring systems. The electron-optical system (EOS) of the tube is based on a compact low-voltage magnetron injection gun (MIG), which has been specially designed and optimized together with the resonant cavity using our problem-oriented software package GYROSIM for CAD of gyrotrons. The tube operates at the second harmonic of the cyclotron frequency and generates a radiation with an output power of about 100 W and a frequency tunable up to around 424 GHz, respectively.  相似文献   

In this paper we present results that demonstrate the utility of a continuously frequency-tunable 0.4 THz-gyrotron in a dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP)-enhanced solid-state NMR (SSNMR) spectroscopy at one of the highest magnetic fields, B 0 = 14.1 T (600 MHz for 1H Larmor frequency). Our gyrotron called FU CW VI generates sub-mm wave at a frequency near 0.4 THz with an output power of 4–25 W and a tunability over a range of more than 1 GHz by sweeping the magnetic field at the gyrotron cavity. We observed overall down shifting of the central frequency by up to ~1 GHz at high radiation duty factors and beam current, presumably due to the cavity thermal expansion by a heating, but the tunable range was not significantly changed. The frequency tunability facilitated the optimization of the DNP resonance condition without time-consuming field-sweep of the high-resolution NMR magnet, and enabled us to observe substantial enhancement of the SSNMR signal (ε DNP = 12 at 90 K).  相似文献   

For application of high frequency gyrotron to high power THz technology, Gyrotron FU CW series is being developed in FIR FU. Gyrotron FU CW CI is developed as one of sub-THz gyrotrons included in the series. The advantage of the gyrotron is compactness using a compact superconducting magnet and compact power supply system, which makes the accesses of the gyrotron to applied large-scale devices easier and extends the applications of gyrotron to wider fields. The designed frequency and cavity mode are 394.5 GHz and TE26 mode for application to the 600 MHz DNP-NMR spectroscopy. As the operation results, the frequency and the output power were 394.03 GHz and around 30 W, respectively, which are available for the application to the 600 MHz DNP-NMR measurement. In addition, this gyrotron can operate at many other frequencies and cavity modes for application to high power THz technologies in wide fields. In this paper, the design and the operation results including long pulse or CW mode are presented.  相似文献   

回旋管作为一种重要的真空电子源,能够在毫米波和太赫兹频段生成高峰值以及高平均功率的电磁辐射,在波谱学、雷达、通信、生物医学等领域具有广泛的应用前景。传统的回旋管将不可避免地面对激烈的模式竞争问题,引入准光谐振腔将有望大大减小模式竞争的激烈程度。本文基于电子回旋脉塞理论,将准光谐振腔及带状电子注进行结合,以期实现更高的输出功率及效率。仿真结果表明,在电子电压为40 kV,背景磁场为8.4 T时,设计的准光回旋管能在220 GHz频点处产生6.1 kW的输出,电子效率达到6.1%且在一段时间内能稳定运行。本文结构将可能为高频段乃至高次谐波工作的回旋管设计提供全新方案,从而进一步用于通信、雷达等领域。  相似文献   

低电压频率可调太赫兹回旋管在生物医学和波谱学等领域具有重要应用。文章分析了超低电压(<1 kV)下采用传统开放腔互作用电路的330 GHz 回旋管输出功率和频率调谐特性,探讨了超低电压下由于电子相对论效应减弱而导致的回旋管中电子注-波互作用耦合强度降低的问题。在此基础上,针对330 GHz 超低电压回旋管提出了一种改进的互作用电路结构,其下倾式尾端结构有助于增大反向波幅度,提高弱相对论电子注与电磁波之间的耦合强度,从而提高回旋管的输出效率及频率调谐带宽。非线性模拟结果表明,在低至0.3 kV 的超低电压下,采用此种互作用电路结构仍可获得大于1 W 的连续波输出功率及22 GHz 的连续调谐带宽,峰值输出效率大于7%。  相似文献   

In this paper we present some initial results from a conceptual design study focused on the development of a novel frequency tunable gyrotron for nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy with signal enhancement based on the utilization of high field radiation and dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) technique. The first variants of both the electron optical system and the resonant cavity which have been designed aiming continuous frequency tunability in a broad frequency band are presented and discussed. The selected method for frequency tunability is based on the excitation of higher order axial modes and smooth transition between them. It was selected after a critical examination of the known theoretical and practical results related to the frequency control in gyrotrons. It is believed that the current conceptual design is an appropriate basis for development of the next (optimized) design which will include also a detailed design of other components (mode converter, output window etc.) and magnetic circuit (superconducting magnet and supplementary solenoids) as well as for the overall mechanical design and fabrication of the prospective gyrotron.  相似文献   

The paper is divided into two main parts. The first gives a formal representation of perturbation theory in terms of manifolds in phase space, with particular reference to gyrotron theory. The second considers the extension of the linear coupled modes theory for the gyrotron travelling-wave tube presented in Lindsay et al. (1982) to include an electron density distribution. We call the resulting theory a ‘hybrid’ model. The paper concludes with the development of a dispersion equation for this model using a full Fourier-Laplace transform method.  相似文献   

Dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) in high-field nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy requires medium-power terahertz radiation, which nowadays can be provided basically by gyrotrons with superconducting magnets. As the electron cyclotron frequency is very close to the frequency of electron paramagnetic resonance for the same magnetic field, under certain conditions the gyrotron can be installed inside the same solenoid used for NMR spectrometer. This eliminates the need for an additional superconducting magnet, results in a shorter terahertz transmission line, and can make DNP systems practical. In addition to an extremely low-voltage gyrotron (“gyrotrino”), we analyze also advantages of strong magnetic field for a slow-wave electron device as an alternative terahertz source.  相似文献   

In this paper we present, discuss and compare several concepts based on both well-known and novel ideas for tunable gyrotron cavities. Although theoretical and design considerations are presented and discussed together the main focus is on the underlying principles and feasibility of different approaches rather than on their specific implementations. Illustrative examples are provided for configurations and frequency range appropriate for gyrotrons used as radiation sources for NMR spectroscopy with signal enhancement through DNP.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe the design and experimental results from the rebuild of a 250 GHz gyrotron used for Dynamic Nuclear Polarization enhanced Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy on a 380 MHz spectrometer. Tuning bandwidth of approximately 2 GHz is easily achieved at a fixed magnetic field of 9.24 T and a beam current of 95 mA producing an average output power of >10 W over the entire tuning band. This tube incorporates a double disk output sapphire window in order to maximize the transmission at 250.58 GHz. DNP Signal enhancement of >125 is achieved on a 13C-Urea sample using this gyrotron.  相似文献   

A quasi-optical cavity of special configuration suitable for use in a high-power gyrotron operating at short millimetre and submillimetre wavelength has been developed. A gyrotron using this new type of cavity is under development. Both the linear and non-linear analyses are worked out. Digital calculation predicts efficiency of 37% at V 0 = 50 kV.  相似文献   

ESR device using a submillimeter wave gyrotron as a radiation source and a pulse magnet for high field up to 30 T has been constructed. Our gyrotrons (Gyrotron FU series) were developed as millimeter and submillimeter wave radiation sources and have attractive advantages for ESR spectroscopy, for example, high power and frequency tunability over broad range. The ESR device has been successfully applied to three cases of ESR measurements. In the first case, the temperature dependence of ESR was measured for a typical antiferromagnetic material MnO at the frequency of 301 GHz. In the second case, the dependence of the fine structure constant of the ruby on the magnetic field intensity was measured in the millimeter to submillimeter wave region. In these two cases, the gyrotron was operated by complete cw mode. In the final case, a pulse technique was applied to the ESR, the gyrotron was operated in pulse mode and the pulsed magnetic field was generated in the synchronized phase with the gyrotron operation.  相似文献   

Self-consistent non-linear equations of a relativistic gyrotron with the operational mode E 01 as well as the E 01 and H 01 modes interacting are presented. On their basis, we have optimized the efficiency of a number of gyrotron variants—with uniform and non-uniform magnetic field and regular or irregular waveguide systems. An analysis of the peculiarities of the interaction in such variants has been performed. It has been shown that the total electron efficiency of relativistic gyrotrons with E01 working mode can reach 35-45%. The interaction of the E01 and H01 modes (at the E 01 working mode) is of an interference nature and under optimal conditions the efficiency may increase by 10%. An algorithm has been suggested to optimize the profile of the gyrotron waveguide output converter based on the optimization parameters separation technique. Results are presented for the case of the H01 working mode.  相似文献   

Non-linear analysis of a gyrotron using an axially grooved rectangular waveguide operating at the high harmonic l of the cyclotron frequency Ωc is given. We use 120 electrons in the simulation of the electron beam. The growth rate, electric field, relativistic factor γ and phase factor are calculated as functions of the slip parameter χ = lΩ0ωγ0 for the chosen optimized operating parameters of the gyrotron. Efficiency of ~20% in the electron-beam frame is possible for the sixth harmonic of the cylotron frequency which increases to 58% in the second harmonic.  相似文献   

The feasibility of a high-power sub-THz gyrotron with smooth wideband frequency tuning suitable for direct measurement of the positronium hyperfine structure is demonstrated numerically using both averaged equations and PIC-code simulations. Analytical estimates show that the frequency-tunable powerful sub-THz radiation can be generated through the excitation of high-order axial modes in a gyrotron with short cavity driven by an electron beam with high current. Simulations show that an output power of 0.5–1 kW can be obtained at a frequency of about 0.2 THz within a 10-GHz band which are the parameters needed for testing of quantum electrodynamics predictions through the spectroscopy of positronium.  相似文献   

The review summarizes recent experimental results in the field of THz gyrotrons developed for various applications. A CW gyrotron with the operation frequency of 0.26 THz has been successfully used for DNP spectroscopy A pulsed high-harmonic Large Orbit Gyrotron (LOG) with the frequency of 0.55 THz and kW level of output power has been used for THz breakdown and obtaining dense plasma in gases. A powerful pulsed 0.67 THz/200 kW gyrotron is under development for remote detection of ionization sources.  相似文献   

A high frequency gyrotron with a 15 T superconducting magnet named Gyrotron FU CW VI has achieved continuous frequency tuning through the relatively wide range of 1.5 GHz near 400 GHz. The operation is at the fundamental cyclotron resonance of the TE06 cavity mode with many higher order axial modes. The output power measured at the end of the circular waveguide system ranges from 10 to 50 watts at the low acceleration voltage of 12 kV for beam electrons. The beam current is also low. It is around 250 mA. This gyrotron is designed as a demountable radiation source for the 600 MHz DNP-NMR spectroscopy. The design and operation results of the gyrotron FU CW VI are presented.  相似文献   

A CW gyrotron for the sensitivity enhancement of NMR spectroscopy through dynamic nuclear polarization has been designed. The gyrotron operates at the second harmonic and frequency of 394.6 GHz with the main operating mode TE0,6. Operating conditions of other neighboring cavity modes such as TE2,6 at frequency of 392.6 GHz and TE2,3 at frequency of 200.7 GHz were also considered. The experimental conditions of the gyrotron at low and high voltages are simulated. The output power of 56 watts corresponds to the efficiency of 2 percent at low voltage operation and frequency of 394.6 GHz is expected.  相似文献   

This paper presents an experiment in which the phase- and amplitude-flattened output of a 168 GHz gyrotron was converted into the HE11 mode, the basic transmitting mode in corrugated waveguides, by means of an external matching box (MBOX) comprising two curved-surface mirrors. In estimating the coupling efficiency between the gyrotron output wave and the HE11 mode, an improved method was proposed in which the reconstructed phase of the gyrotron output wave at four distances are averaged. From the phase reconstruction with averaging, it was found that 76% of the gyrotron output coupled into the HE11 mode in a corrugated waveguide, while a coupling efficiency of 85% was calculated for an ideal gyrotron output. A detailed discussion on the MBOX performance as well as the accuracy of phase reconstruction shows that this low coupling efficiency is due to the nonideality of the actual gyrotron output and that designing the MBOX mirrors based on the actual measurement at the gyrotron window can improve the coupling efficiency  相似文献   

Gyrotron oscillators are of great interest as sources of high power mm wave radiation for electron cyclotron resonance heating and current drive in magnetic fusion research devices. Gyrotrons capable of efficiently generating cw power ? 1 megawatt will be required in future magnetic fusion studies. However, as gyrotron power approaches the megawatt level, a very large, overmoded cavity must be employed in order to keep ohmic power losses in the cavity at an acceptable level, and the problem of mode overpopulation becomes severe. Also, it becomes increasingly important to optimize gyrotron efficiency for a number of important reasons including minimizing the problem of collecting the electron beam energy. In the present paper, a detailed experimental and theoretical study of mode competition and mode locking in an overmoded gyrotron is presented. Efficiency enhancement (to 60%) and high peak power (430 kW) were achieved in the TE2,4,1 mode using magnetostatic profiling in the cavity. With selective mode suppression, peak power of 475 kW was generated in the TE0,4,1 mode.  相似文献   

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