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该文在分析我国高校电力电子学科人才培养现状的基础上,提出案例式思政元素融入专业课程章节设计、主题式思政背景贯穿实践活动的电力电子“课程思政”建设路径。并以东南大学电力电子类课程和研究生培养环节为例,分别结合第一课堂(知识传授)、第二课堂(科研实训)和第三课堂(文化传承)阐述在专业课程和研究生培养环节的思政建设上采用的措施、掌握的规律、形成的机制和取得的成效,以期为我国工科专业类课程的“课程思政”建设提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

课程思政的目标是注重发挥专业课深化和拓展作用,在知识传授中强调主流价值引领,切实解决学生在专业发展和专业认知上的困惑,培养专业兴趣,使思想政治理论教育与专业教育协调同步、相得益彰。本文将思政元素融入《水工建筑物》课程中,为《水工建筑物》课程思政的改革提供新的模式,对同类专业课程融入思政元素具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

正为贯彻落实"三全育人"教育理念,推动课程思政在工科课程教学中的改革,本文以《电力系统分析》课程为依托探索了包含爱国主义、环保意识、职业素养和法律法规四个方面人文素养和工程素养的培养方法,对思政教育融入工科专业课程思政的方式进行了初步思考与设计,并提出了学生人文素养和工程素养的考核评价方式,为实现新时期高校德育工作提供有效辅助。  相似文献   

正课程思政是高等教育理念的创新,是将思政教育与专业教育有机结合,通过挖掘专业课程中的思政德育元素,形成专业教学与立德树人同向同行的协同效应。本文以电子技术实验课程为例,结合具体课堂案例,从课程思政的目标、融合方式、思政元素、教学方法及实施路径等方面进行了探讨,对工科电类实验教学具有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

正本文分析了核心专业课程《发电厂电气主系统》的现状,阐述了该课程的思政建设要求,最后对该课程的理论教学环节进行了深度改革,使得该课程与专业课程思政建设的内涵要求相一致,初步体现了思政建设的要求。2017年,《发电厂电气主系统》成为上海电力学院(以下简称"学院")"课程思政"试点建设课程之一,《发电厂电气主系统》是"电气工程及其自动化"的核心专业课程,是学习本专业其他专业课的基础,其性质介于学科基础课和专业课之间。  相似文献   

一流本科课程建设对专业课程的教学提出了更高的要求。本文以《电力电子技术》课程为例,基于以学生为中心的教学理念及线上线下混合式教学模式,建立知识传授、能力培养、价值观塑造三位一体的教学目标,挖掘知识点中所蕴含的思政元素,探讨专业课程教学和思政教育有机融合的有效途径,并将课程思政映射点梳理、规划与整合,从而实现一流课程建设与课程思政建设相结合,做到育人与育才相统一。  相似文献   

按照教育部《高等学校课程思政建设指导纲要》要求,各类课程应与思想政治理论课同向同行,形成协同效应。"电机学"是电气工程及其自动化专业的专业基础课,本文从与课程相关的行业中充分挖掘思政元素,激发学生爱国情怀,通过课程实践环节培养学生工匠精神,将唯物辩证法融入课程教学以提高学生辩证性分析和解决问题的能力,在达成课程思政教学目标的同时有效提升了课程教学效果。  相似文献   

科技革命、产业变革和新经济发展,对高等工程教育产生深远影响,新工科建设的社会意义在于其超越传统工程领域,塑造未来工程人才的“新素养”。该文首先分析新工科背景下电气工程专业人才培养的新需求;接着,针对当前课程思政教育存在的不足,以华中科技大学电气与电子工程学院对专业课程思政改革实践为例,提出建立包括家国情怀、责任担当、个人修养、科学精神、工程师精神和创新精神六维课程思政教学目标体系框架,体现“大思政”理念,具有鲜明的时代特色和工程特色;最后,文中给出全面构建课程思政教育体系的整体设计、可具体操作的建设思路、实施路径和效果,引导学生建立正确的价值观和工程观,以期对我国电气工程专业人才培养提供有益借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

本文以"电力系统分析"课程为对象,根据工程教育专业认证理念及课程思政内涵,探讨如何从教学内容、环节、手段等方面实施课程思政。提出了以学生能力效果为核心的评价方法,通过优化教学大纲,将思政理念融入课程教学全过程,将课后作业、专题研究与课堂思政相结合,建立一种思政教育与专业授课相融合的模式,为培养具有较高人文素质的电力专业人才及专业教学改革提供了新思路。  相似文献   

大学工科专业课教学是学生学习专业知识、培养专业素质和技能的重要阶段。通过对工科专业课课堂教学、实践教学、成绩考核以及卓越工程师背景下的工科专业课程改革的实践分析,建立了工科专业课教学质量的评价体系,为工科专业课的教学与评估做出了有益探索。  相似文献   

The needs and objectives of a societal systems curriculum in engineering education is discussed. Basic concepts in technology assessment are explicated and the organization of an undergraduate course in technology assessment and social choice is portrayed. Desirable characteristics in the format of similar courses are described and recommendations are made for similar courses on the basis of experience accrued from teaching this course.  相似文献   

《微特电机》课程的教学与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《微特电机》是电气工程及其自动化专业的一门专业课.为提高教学质量,培养高素质复合型人才,本文从教学内容、方法、手段以及实践环节几方面提出了《微特电机》课程建设的改革与实践.主要措施有:增加预备知识;引入最新科研成果,丰富教学内容;将多媒体技术与黑板书写相结合;引入现场直观教学,提高学生的参与性;开放实验室,培养研究分析...  相似文献   

As electrical engineering has expanded and diversified with the technology it creates, it has also more firmly established itself as a well-respected profession that has provided significant benefits to society. Electrical engineering education is continually diversifying to keep step with the profession. For instance, the area of professional and ethical aspects of electrical engineering is increasingly found in electrical engineering programs, either as a stand-alone course or as a topic discussed in conjunction with design (courses). Most view this as a positive development since it is often thought that the focus on professionalism and ethics is likely to help maintain the integrity and respect of the profession as a whole. In this paper we identify resource materials, background information, a syllabus, and outline for teaching a course on professional and ethical aspects of electrical engineering. Special attention is given to issues encountered when this topic is taught to a large class. In particular, it is explained how to turn the large class “problem” into an advantage that can actually enrich the educational process of teaching professional and ethical aspects of electrical engineering  相似文献   

Engineering education has placed its major emphasis on developing graduates with a high degree of technical competence in the traditional engineering disciplines. However, society's expectations for the role of an engineer now reflect the increased concern for inclusion of social policy considerations in engineering decision making. Engineering education must respond to these changes so that engineers will be better prepared to meet today's changes. The authors have focused their discussion on suggested modifications to the power system engineering curriculum as an example of the changing needs of a typical engineering program. The paper discusses some of the limitations the authors perceive in the present education of most power system engineers including a lack of study of nontraditional alternatives to central station power generation. Many of the suggested topics can be added to existing courses; for example, power system planning which could be expanded to cover topics such as load management systems and innovative rate designs which influence load patterns. The addition to the curriculum of a course which provides engineers with a broad overview of the laws affecting engineering decisions and the social policy these laws seek to implement is recommended. Such a course should broaden an engineer's perspective of his/her role in society. The authors feel that this overall proposal is responsive to the needs to be faced by many of the future power engineering graduates. The suggested curriculum changes and additions should aid power system engineers in understanding their role in solving society's energy-related problems.  相似文献   

Petroleo Brasileiro SA (PETROBRAS) in conjunction with Synergetics Science and Technology Inc. has developed a comprehensive graduate level educational program in intelligent system design technology. The primary goals of this program are: training professionals to apply artificial intelligence (AI) and neural networks (NN) techniques to managerial and technological problem solving, and to do this in a manner that is both time- and cost-effective. This particular program has been centered around two distinct areas of specialization: symbolic AI and the connectionist approach (NNs). The AI section of the course is titled CAVIAR. The NN section of the course is titled CERN. Short courses and seminars were also part of the program. For this paper, our focus has been to deal with the special needs of graduate-level education in large companies as part of employee professional training. We also explore the nuances of, and the various needs associated with teaching intelligent system design technologies to such a diverse group, as is found in large companies like PETROBRAS. This paper also describes the needs that led to the development of such a broad-based program, the goals and structures of the various courses, the student profiles, educational facilities (libraries and computer laboratories), and the lessons learned. Finally, the conclusion offers recommendations  相似文献   

Curriculum development in microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) in the Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics (MEAM) Department at the University of Michigan is presented. A course curriculum structure that integrates both mechanical and electrical engineering courses is proposed for mechanical engineering students. The proposed curriculum starts from undergraduate study and finishes at the Ph.D. level. Two new graduate-level MEMS courses are proposed: “Introduction to MEMS” for senior undergraduate students and entry-level graduate students and “Advanced MEMS” for graduate students. The first course has been experimentally taught at the University of Michigan for three years and the class assessments are summarized and analyzed in this paper. It is clear from the student responses that they are interested in taking courses in emerging technologies such as MEMS and more courses in the MEMS area should be offered. Future MEMS curriculum development and a new MEMS course for undergraduate-level students in the college of engineering are discussed  相似文献   

半导体照明是重要的新兴产业,日亚、Axitron、Osram、Philps、Cree等国际主要光源生产公司在传统照明及半导体照明领域中已经占据了一定的领先优势。我国的光源及照明生产企业也在奋起直追,发展非常迅猛,在人才需求方面也更为急切和严格。本文提出围绕新兴产业的人才需求,以国际工程师认证要求为培养目标,建立光源与照明等特色学科的专业课程和工程教育培养体系。各校需要根据当地产业集群发展和本校实际情况来因地制宜地开展工程教育教学和实践,以产学研结合的模式实现人才的综合培养。最终完善专业工程教育评价机制,力促半导体照明专业的工程教育系统地开展,培养符合国际水准的工程师。  相似文献   

The teaching of computer ethics has taken on a new focus and importance in Australia since the publication in 1997 of the Australian Computer Society's (ACS) body of knowledge for computing professionals. This includes the teaching of ethics in computing courses as mandatory for professional level accreditation of a tertiary degree. The ACS core body of knowledge states that computing students should be "encouraged to develop a personal ethical framework." In order to achieve this I believe it is essential to include the teaching of ethical theory in computer ethics courses as this knowledge gives students the means to analyze and resolve any ethical dilemma be it professional or personal. There are a number of different ways that computer ethics can be presented to students during a computing degree. Some of these are as a junior or senior stand alone course, as modules in other courses or integrated into the technical course. The course described is a senior stand-alone course  相似文献   

Project-based courses offer one of the greatest education opportunities in an electrical engineering student's undergraduate curriculum. The ultimate success of this type of educational experience is keyed primarily to 1) the selection of a project with a high chance of success along with the right amount of challenge and 2) adequate planning. Faculty may choose to avoid a microcomputer-based design/ project due to their lack of experience in selecting suitable projects and planning for the support required. This paper describes a project which has considerable flexibility for individual definition of goals and, hence, the amount of challenge can, in some sense, be customized. The support required for a microcomputer-based design/project is distinct from that of a conventional design/project course. These planning and support requirements for microcomputer-based projects are described along with the course structure, content and approach to grading  相似文献   

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