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By using the atmosphere-ocean coupled model (CGCM) which is composed of a 2-level global atmospheric general circulation model and a 4-layer Pacific oceanic general circulation model developed in the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and two model climatological fields got from the two independent models' numerical integrations respectively, the Pacific sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) from 1988 to 1989 are simulated in this paper with observed atmospheric general circulation data and sea surface temperature fields as initial conditions and monthly coupling scheme. In order to remove systematic biases of the model climatological fields, interaction variables between atmosphere and ocean are also corrected simultaneously. The experiments show that the simulation results can be improved effectively if these interaction variables are corrected in spite of the fact that there always exist systematic biases in independent numerical simulations of atmospheric part and oc  相似文献   

-In this paper the variations of the sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) in the Equatorial Eastern Pacific are analysed. The results show that there are two peaks in the spectrum. One is the low frequency oscillation with a period of 3 - 5 years, and the other is the quasi-biennial oscillation. The former shows a westward migration in the warm episode of SSTA and the latter has the opposite trend. The El Nino events will be formed while the two frquency bands are in phase in the warming stage of SSTA in the Equatorial Eastern Pacific  相似文献   

赤道中东太平洋海表温度异常是研究ENSO(El Ni?o-South Oscillation)的重要指标。本文利用海洋再分析数据,着眼于西太平洋暖池暖水体三维结构的年际变异特征,分析西太平洋暖池水体变动与赤道中东太平洋海表温度异常的关联性,并从前期西太平洋暖池三维暖水体的结构演变及其在上层海洋质量与热量配置中的作用角度,探究了赤道中东太平洋关键Ni?o分区海表温度异常变化的内在一致性,以期为ENSO的预测预报提供新的思路和依据。分析表明,ENSO尺度上西太平洋暖池三维结构变异主模态表现为暖水体平均约以170oE为轴的纬向时空振荡,其可超前赤道中东太平洋海表温度异常变化约达6个月,并以在赤道中东太平洋及附近海域形成双舌状异常"暖池"为显著特征。前期暖池暖水体的纬向振荡是赤道中东太平洋海表温度异常变化的重要前兆信息之一。作为海洋中ENSO暴发的重要源区和驱动因子,西太平洋暖池纬向振荡通过在中东太平洋形成不同强度(泛指暖水量及其深度和范围等的大小)的异常"暖池",进而在上层海洋质量和热量的纬向配置中起关键性作用,并且可能与不同EI Ni?o事件的触发机制密切相关,从这种意义上讲,不同ENSO事件的发生和发展存在一定的同源一致性。  相似文献   

北太平洋海表温度及各贡献因子的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘珊  王辉  姜华  金啟华 《海洋学报》2013,35(1):63-75
采用1958年1月至2007年12月SODA海洋上层温度的月平均资料,基于海温变化方程和统计分析方法,分析了北太平洋海表面温度(SST)异常特征及各局地因子贡献比例的变化。结果表明,伴随着1976/1977风场最强中心位置的南北移动,形成了两个北太平洋SST年际-年代际变化的异常中心:一个是位于30°N附近的副热带海盆内区,SST异常主要受风应力强度的主导;一个是位于40°N附近的副热带和副极地环流交汇区,SST异常主要受风应力旋度的位置即风场位置的影响。在副热带海盆内区,最强降温发生在1978-1982年,SST异常的主要局地贡献因子为海表热通量和经向平流,二者所占比例和约为50%~60%,均为同相增温或降温作用,余项所占比例约为20%~50%。在副热带和副极地环流交汇区,海盆内区和西部边界区的SST异常的跃变时间同为1975年,但是内区的垂直混合项的跃变时间早于西部5年左右。SST异常的主要贡献因子为海表热通量和经向平流,但在1983-1988年海温强降温期间,经向平流项贡献大于海表热通量项的贡献。两个区域的垂直混合项均为降温贡献,虽然量值小却显示出很强的年代际变化信号。平流项中经向平流最大,垂直平流最小。  相似文献   

西太平洋副热带高压变化与赤道太平洋海温场的联系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
陈迪  陈锦年  左涛 《海洋学报》2013,35(6):21-30
通过对西太平洋副热带高压变化的多年统计分析,发现其具有明显的年际和年代际变化特征,副高面积和强度均存在3~4 a和11~14 a显著周期,副高西伸脊点存在3~5 a和准13 a显著周期。副高面积和强度变化基本一致,与赤道中东太平洋海表温度(SST)存在显著的正相关关系,西伸脊点与中东太平洋海表温度变化则存在负的相关关系。赤道太平洋不同经度的SST与副高变化存在明显的差异,赤道中太平洋SST异常与副高变化的关系最为密切,东太平洋相对偏弱,而西太平洋呈现相反的相关关系。由此可以认为,赤道中太平洋异常SST变化是影响副高变化的关键区域。根据它们之间存在的密切关系,通过回归分析,建立了它们二者之间的回归方程,对2013年春夏季副高的强度和西伸脊点位置变化进行了预测,为2013年我国汛期降水预测提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

In this paper, the response of the atmospheric 3-5 year cycle to Northern Pacific SST is discussed, The results are as follows:1. From the simultaneous temporal correlations between the Equatorial Eastern Pacific SST, the westerly dirft area's SST and the Northern Pacific SST at all gridpoints, we find that there are three correlative regions in the Northern Pacific SST field, they are the westerly drift area, the Equatorial Eastern Pacific and the Alaska Bay , and their structures are very similar to the PNA pattern in the atmosphere The difference PTI between the Equatorial Eastern Pacific SST anomaly and the westerly drift area's SST anomaly can indicate the change of the PNA pattern of the Northern Pacific SST anomaly. It can represent SST change of 65 % areas over the Northern Pacific and can keep watch on El Nino and un-El Nino.2. Simultaneous temporal correlative field between PTI and filtered 500hPa (there is 3-5 year cycle only ) of the Northern Hemisphere presents clear PNA structure. The resp  相似文献   

太平洋海平面变化特征及影响因素分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
采用经验模态分解法对太平洋沿岸验潮站的月平均海平面资料进行处理,结合T/P高度计资料、Church(2004)重构SSH资料、Ishii(2005)月均海温资料,研究太平洋海平面年际、年代际变化以及资料长度内海平面变化趋势。太平洋沿岸海平面总体呈上升趋势,平均上升速率为1.4 mm/a,趋势项分布有明显的区域性和纬度特征。ENSO对太平洋地区海平面年际变化有显著影响,海平面年际变化与Nino3指数在西(东)太平洋为负(正)相关,海平面年际变化与Nino3指数的相关性在热带太平洋最大,并随着纬度升高相关性减弱,且不同地区年际变化有滞后ENSO时间不等的最大相关。海平面年际变化与PDO指数在西(东)太平洋为负(正)相关,海平面与PDO的相关性分布有区域性和随时间演变特征。年代际变化对目前使用卫星高度计资料分析海平面长期趋势项的预测有直接影响,可能完全掩盖海平面长期变化趋势。  相似文献   

Satellite-borne sea surface temperature (SST) data were assimilated with the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) in a Northwest Pacific Ocean circulation model to examine the effect of data assimilation. The model domain included the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean and its marginal seas, such as the Yellow Sea and East/Japan Sea. The performance of the data assimilation was evaluated by comparing the simulated ocean state with that observed. Spatially averaged root-mean-squared errors in the SST and sea surface height (SSH) decreased by 0.44 °C and 4 cm, respectively, by the assimilation. The results of the numerical experiments substantiated the effectiveness of the SST assimilation via the EnKF for all marginal seas, as well as the Kuroshio region. The benefit of the data assimilation depended on the characteristics of each marginal sea. The variation of the SST in the East/Japan Sea and the Kuroshio extension (KE) region were improved 34% and those in the Yellow Sea 12.5%. The variation of the SSH was improved approximately 36% in the KE region. This large improvement was achieved in the deep-water regions because assimilation of SST data corrected the separation point of the western boundary currents, such as the Kuroshio and the East Korea Warm Current, and the associated horizontal surface currents. The SST assimilation via the EnKF also improved the subsurface temperature profiles. The effectiveness of SST assimilation was seasonally dependent, with the improvement being relatively larger in winter than in summer, which was related to the seasonal variation of the vertical mixing and stratification in the ocean surface layer.  相似文献   

赤道外北太平洋冬夏海温场的EOF分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用较高分辨率的SODA资料,对赤道外北太平洋海洋上层各层的海温,特别是对中纬度北太平洋海温明显异常的海域(其被定义为关键区)做了海温的EOF分析,得到以下结论:北太平洋第一模态空间场上,冬、夏在中纬度北太平洋中西部均有较强正值带出现。在关键区第一模态空间场上,冬、夏两季近表层在日本本州岛的东、西面海域均分别有较强正值区,而次表层则仅存前者;这表明近表层海温(前者)受辐射、蒸发等影响明显,而次表层海温(后者)则其主要受流场垂直运动的影响,前者属海温的热力变化而后者则属海温的动力变化,两者性质不同。北太平洋和关键区的第一模态冬、夏海温变化的趋势均相近,两者在年尺度上均有持续性;两者的年际变化冬、夏均不明显,但均有明显的约20年的年代际变化;两者时间系数的演变均与太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)中的冷、暖位相期有较好的对应;这两个模态均可称为PDO模态。  相似文献   

海水三维温度场是海洋研究和海洋工程领域中最重要的数据资料之一。本研究基于量纲分析法获得海面参数和海水内部温度剖面之间的函数关系,进而提出了一种利用海面温度和海面动力高度反演大洋月平均三维温度场的方法。本研究基于该方法估算了西太平洋海域0~1 000 m深度范围月平均三维温度场,并将反演结果与基于Argo资料获得的三维温度场进行了比较,其结果证明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Distributions of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) as determined by high temperature catalytic oxidation (HTCO) method, are reported for 5 stations located from 15°N to 5°S along the transect of 180° in the central Equatorial Pacific. Vertical profiles of DOC suggest that levels of DOC in the photic layer at a given station are dependent on the vertical stability of the water column and meridional currents in the central Equatorial Pacific. Concentrations of DOC determined by the HTCO method in the northern North to Equatorial Pacific and those of total organic carbon (TOC) determined by Wet Chemical Oxidation (WCO) method during the GEOSECS Pacific cruises indicated that DOC determined by both methods, taken together with the levels of DOC in the surface water, showed clear meridional differences in the areas from north of 40°N to the equatorial region in the Pacific: values were low at high latitudes, namely, in productive areas, but high at low latitudes, namely, in oligotrophic areas, even though the values of DOC determined by the two methods were different.  相似文献   

Zhang  Kun  Wang  Qiang  Yin  Baoshu 《Journal of Oceanography》2022,78(5):381-395
Journal of Oceanography - Three decadal sea surface height (SSH) modes in the low-latitude northwestern Pacific over 1958???2018 were revealed by empirical orthogonal function...  相似文献   

The termination of the Equatorial Undercurrent (EUC) in the eastern tropical Pacific has been studied through analysis of the historical hydrographic station data in the region bounded by 5°N, 10°S, 80°W and 100°W. Three distinctive hydrographic features associated with the EUC are used, along with dynamic topography, to trace the mean path of the EUC and to investigate aspects of its seasonal variation. These features are (1) the 13°C thermostad, (2) the high-salinity core, and (3) the high dissolved oxygen concentration tongue.The thermostad is thickest just south of the equator to the west of the Galapagos Islands, with a decreasing maximum extending southeast to the coast of South America near 7°S. The thermostad is poorly developed in the mean near the equator east of the Galapagos Islands. This pattern appears to be produced by convergence of eastward flow in the EUC and in the Southern Subsurface Countercurrent, as the EUC flows southeastward from the Galapagos. This interpretation is supported by the geostrophic flow calculated from the mean dynamic topography. The isolated high-salinity core is found to the south of the equator and is traced all the way to the coast of South America. The high oxygen tongue associated with the EUC splits at the Galapagos, with the southward projecting branch disappearing rapidly as an identifiable feature. The other branch of the tongue continues around the islands to the north and along the equator to the coast of Ecuador. Some evidence of recirculation of EUC water in the South Equatorial Current is seen to the northwest of the Galapagos.A strong seasonal pulsation of the EUC affects these features in a consistent way, with the pulse occurring first west of the Galapagos, and later along the coast. The thermostad first reaches maximum development, and then a pronounced downwelling of the thermocline occurs rapidly, leading to minimum thermostad extent. Associated wtih this downwelling is an eastward protruding high-salinity tongue near the equator which is later seen as an isolated core along the coast at 4°S and 6°S. Pressure gradients along the equator and the coast inferred from dynamic topography suggest that this pulse is associated with an increase in the flow of the EUC, and ultimately the Peru-Chile Undercurrent. The pressure gradient reversal along the equator occurs prior to the annual wind reversal, suggesting that remote forcing plays a role in the seasonal pulse of the EUC in the eastern Pacific.  相似文献   

赤道太平洋近表层上升流的估计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1979-2006年间的卫星跟踪漂流浮标资料计算得到多年平均的赤道太平洋近表层流场,并估计赤道中东太平洋上混合层水平流场的散度和上升流流量.主要结论包括:1)赤道中东太平洋上升流区域主要集中在日界线以东以赤道为中心的±2°纬度带内,并且赤道南北约4°处各有一下沉流区域;2)赤道中东太平洋附近(165°E-85°W,2°S-2°N)散度平均约为2.0×10-7s-1,对应30m深处上升流区域整体体积输送约为43Sv,其中大约一半的上升流水体随热带流圈在赤道外4°N/S附近下沉,其余部分向两极输送;3)赤道中东太平洋辐散在春季达到最大值2.1×10-7s-1,而在秋季最弱;4)在El Ni(n)o期间辐散减弱,而在La Ni(n)a期间辐散增强,其中纬向流所致的辐合辐散也起到一定作用.  相似文献   

依托中国“大洋一号”第20和第21调查航次,分析测定了东、西赤道太平洋4个站位的颗粒态生物硅浓度及其粒级结构。结果显示赤道太平洋采样站各层位颗粒态生物硅(PBSi)总浓度分布范围为5~65 nmol/dm3,东赤道太平洋的调查站位颗粒态生物硅的总浓度平均值达46 nmol/dm3,是西赤道太平洋的近3倍。PBSi的粒径结果显示在东赤道太平洋调查站位0.8~20 μm粒径颗粒是PBSi的主要来源,其平均贡献率高达64%;而在西赤道太平洋2种粒径的生物硅贡献率相当。营养盐分布对PBSi的浓度及粒径分布有显著的影响,并在一定程度上控制了“硅质泵”的组成结构,是控制大洋生物泵运转的重要因素。  相似文献   

Turbulent mixing in the central equatorial Pacific has been quantitatively evaluated by analyzing data from microstructure measurements and conductivity temperature depth profiler (CTD) observations in a meridionally and vertically large region. The result that strong turbulent mixing with dissipation rate ε (>O(10?7) W kg?1), continuing from sea-surface mixed layer to low Richardson number region below, in the area within 1° of the equator, shows that turbulent mixing has a close relationship to shear instability. ε > O(10?7) W kg?1 and turbulent diffusivity K ρ  > O(10?3) m2 s?1 were obtained from near-surface to 85 db at stations even southwardly beyond 3°S, where it is already far from the southern boundary (~2°S) of the Equatorial Undercurrent. Turbulence-induced heat flux and salinity flux were calculated, and both had their maxima in the equatorial upwelling region, though the former was downward and the latter was upward. Accordingly, vertical velocity in the upwelling region was estimated to be similar to the results derived by other methods. These fluxes and the vertical velocity suggest the critical importance of turbulent mixing in maintaining the well-mixed upper layer. Secondly, in the intermediate region (>500 db), turbulent eddies were investigated by applying Thorpe’s method to the CTD data. A large number of overturns were detected, with spatial-averaged K ρ (700–1,000 db) being 3.3 × 10?6 m2 s?1, and the corresponding K ρ-max reaching to O(10?4) m2 s?1 in the north (3°–13°N). The results suggest that, in the intermediate region, considerable turbulent mixing occurs and moderates the properties of the water masses.  相似文献   

本文详细分析了TeraScan系统反演NOAA/AVHRR卫星海表温度的过程,解决了反演过程中的海陆匹配问题和云检测过程中的误检、漏检问题,处理得到2002年(5°~45°N)、(105°~150°E)区域内的卫星海表温度数据.利用东北亚地区海洋观测系统NEAR-GOOS提供的现场海表温度数据做比较,印证NOAA/AVHRR海表温度在西北太平洋海域的精度,并分析其误差产生的来源.  相似文献   

赤道太平洋西风爆发事件(简称“西风事件”)对厄尔尼诺有重要的触发作用。基于ERA-Interim和NCEP2(NCEP-DOE Reanalysis 2)风场资料以及OI(NOAA OI SST V2 High Resolution Dataset)海表面温度资料,本文对西风事件的时空特征进行了研究诊断,并初步分析了ENSO(ElNi?o-Southern Oscillation)对西风事件的影响。结果显示,西风事件发展初期主要集中在中西部太平洋,季节性变化表现为冬春季较强,夏秋季较弱。西风事件频次和强度都有一定的年际变化特征,其中中太平洋西风事件的强度与ENSO信号的关系更紧密。当Ni?o3.4指数大于1℃时,西风事件的频次和强度与ENSO信号相关性好;当Ni?o3.4指数小于1℃时,西风事件频次的随机性增加,但其强度仍受到赤道中东太平洋海温异常信号的制约。  相似文献   

刘子龙  史剑  蒋国荣 《海洋科学》2017,41(3):122-129
基于海浪模式WAVEWATCH Ⅲ模拟北太平洋海浪要素,结合NDBC浮标资料进行验证,发现模拟出的有效波高与浮标测量值具有很好的一致性。基于改进型白冠覆盖率耗散模型,利用海浪模式模拟出的有效波高、有效波周期和摩擦速度等海浪要素计算出单位面积水柱内因海浪破碎产生的湍动能通量。通过改变环流模式sbPOM湍动能方程的上边界条件,引入海浪破碎产生的湍动能通量,并探究海浪破碎对北太平洋海表面温度模拟的影响。研究表明,由于海浪破碎的引入,环流模式sbPOM对北太平洋海表面温度模拟的准确程度得到提升,这为大气模式提供一个准确的北太平洋下边界条件具有重要意义。  相似文献   

南海表层水温场的时空特征与长期变化趋势   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文利用月平均表层水温(SST)、850hPa经向风和西太平洋副热带高压等资料分析了南海表层水温距平(SSTA)场的时空特征和长期变化趋势,并探讨了SST的年际和长期变化原因.结果表明,南海SSTA场分别存在着以全域同位相振荡和东南一西北向反位相振荡的两个主要模态.其中,前者是主要模态,以年际振荡为主,而后者则是次要模态,以季节振荡为主.进一步分析发现,南海中部的SST存在着显著的年际和年代际变化,并在1981年前后发生了一次由低到高的气候转变,而且南海中部SST的长期变化趋势非常明显,在1950—2006年间增温0.92℃.相关和合成分析表明,南海SST的年际和长期变化可能是由南海上空的经向风异常和西太平洋副热带高压的纬向变动引起的.  相似文献   

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