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转基因鱼生态风险评价及其对策研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
遗传改良的转基因鱼具有许多优良经济性状, 但转基因鱼迄今尚未进行商业化养殖, 主要原因之一在于对转基因鱼逃逸或放流到自然水体中可能产生的生态风险的担忧. 本文以具有快速生长特性的转生长激素(GH)基因鱼为对象, 分析了转基因鱼潜在生态风险的实质, 简要综述了通过单因子表型与适合度分析、数学模型推演研究转基因鱼生态风险的现状, 阐述了利用人工模拟生态系统开展转基因鱼生态风险评价的新思路及最新研究成果, 同时评述了采用三倍体途径控制转基因鱼生态风险的策略及原理; 在此基础上, 提出生态风险评价与生态风险防范策略是转基因鱼育种研究体系中不可或缺的重要组成、必须与育种研究同步进行的观点, 以期为转基因鱼育种及生态风险评价和对策研究提供启示.  相似文献   

转生长激素基因鱼的生物能量学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1985年,世界上第一批转基因鱼的诞生,开辟了鱼类遗传育种的新领域,同时也揭开了转基因鱼研究的序幕1。过去的20余年,转基因鱼研究取得了长足发展。目前,世界上已经有超过35种的鱼用于转基因研究,绝大多数鱼类的转基因研究以培育具有优良生产性状的新品系为目的2。其中,生长激素转基因鱼由于具有生长速度快、饵料转化效率高等特点而备受关注。    相似文献   

泥鳅受精卵的电脉冲基因转移   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:17  
鱼类具有怀卵量大、受精卵易得,容易进行体外操作、人工孵化及培育等优点,使得它成为转基因动物研究的极好材料。1985年朱作言等首次发表了转基因鱼研究的初步结果,随后又建立了较为完整的转基因鱼模型,并获得了可遗传的转基因鱼及其子一代。这一研究现已扩展到了十多个国家和地区的几十个实验室。已有的研究成果表明,鱼类基因转移与传统育种技术相结合,将有可能带来育种史上的革命,并建立定向、快速的鱼类育种新技术。已发表的转基因鱼研究,都是采用显微注射的方法直接将外源基因导入鱼类受精卵  相似文献   

自首例快速生长转基因鱼在我围诞生以来[1],世界上很多试验室相继开展了转基因鱼研究,以期获得快速生长[2,3]、抗逆[4,5]的养殖新品系.与传统的杂交选育方法相比,转基因育种方法摆脱了物种间遗传壁垒的桎梏,基于对目的基因功能的认识和把握,定向培育优良养殖品种,大幅缩短育种周期.  相似文献   

转基因鱼的研究进展与商业化前景   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ye X  Tian YY  Gao FY 《遗传》2011,33(5):494-503
转基因技术为鱼类育种开辟了新的途径。目前已培育出转生长激素基因鲤、鲑和罗非鱼,转荧光蛋白基因斑马鱼与唐鱼等可稳定遗传的转基因鱼品系,其中快长转生长激素基因鱼的获得对于提高水产养殖的产量与养殖效益具有十分重要的意义。文章简要综述了转基因鱼应用研究的成就、相关技术及生态安全方面的研究进展。显微注射仍是目前基因转植的常用方法,应用转座酶或巨核酸酶介导的转基因新技术可提高基因转植效率与整合率。转基因元件的选择应尽量考虑"全鱼"基因或"自源"基因,以减少转基因鱼食用安全方面的顾虑同时也有利于转植基因的表达与生理功效的发挥。生态安全是转基因鱼商用化面临的最大问题。虽然有研究显示转基因鱼与传统的选育鱼类相比适合度较差,但由于环境与基因型间的相互作用,根据实验室获得的转基因鱼对生态影响的结果,难以预测转基因鱼一旦逃逸会对自然水生态环境产生怎样的影响。因此应建立高度自然化的环境以获得可靠的数据客观评价生态风险,有效的物理拦截、不育化处理等生物学控制策略仍是保证转基因鱼安全应用的关键措施。  相似文献   

澳大利亚是世界上重要的农产品生产国和出口国,本文对澳大利亚转基因生物安全监管从基因工程安全管理立法历程、转基因监管体系及职责、转基因日常监管与执法、转基因标识管理、生物育种新技术研究和监管等方面进行了综述。以澳大利亚转基因生物安全管理经验为启示,结合我国转基因生物安全管理的现状,提出如下建议:对我国现有转基因管理体系、法规制度体系和技术支撑体系等进行完善,严格监管执法,落实相关责任,提高公众参与度、加大信息公开力度,并尽快明确基因编辑等生物育种新技术的监管原则。  相似文献   

转基因技术的研究及应用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
转基因技术的飞速发展不仅为基因表达、调控和遗传研究提供了一个理想的实验体系,更重要的是为生物定向改良和分子育种提供了一种较佳的方法,使其成为基因工程和育种的最有效途径。为了能够深刻地了解目前主要的三种转基因技术——农杆菌、基因枪、离子束介导技术,本文简要地阐述了这三种转基因技术的原理、特点,并通过对比较详尽的说明了各技术目前存在的问题,总结了近年来转基因技术的研究及应用进展,并在最后阐明了三种技术的前景及展望。  相似文献   

外源基因转化棉花育种研究的进展与应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
棉花作为重要的经济作物,新品种的选育和应用对于促进棉花生产至关重要。通过转基因技术将外源基因转化棉花,是棉花育种的新手段。尤其是抗逆、抗除草剂、抗虫、抗病和提高棉花品质的转基因技术研究,有助于加速棉花新品种的培育。棉花的转基因技术主要包括农杆菌介导法、基因枪轰击法和花粉管通道法。利用不同的转基因技术在棉花外源基因遗传转化的育种研究中取得了明显成效,探讨外源基因转化棉花育种研究的进展与应用,为新疆陆地棉的转基因育种研究提供重要参考。  相似文献   

阿根廷是最早采用转基因技术的国家之一,目前已成为全球第三大转基因作物种植国。阿根廷是全球尤其是拉美国家在生物技术产品监管和审批方面的先驱,其在转基因作物监管问题方面的丰富经验以及联合国粮食及农业组织的认可使阿根廷成为全球转基因作物监管的领导者之一。介绍了阿根廷转基因作物研发和应用、转基因作物监管体系、新型育种技术监管体系、转基因作物进出口情况以及追溯体系,讨论了转基因技术的引进对阿根廷的影响,旨在全面了解阿根廷转基因作物及新型育种技术的监管体系,为我国转基因作物安全管理提供参考。  相似文献   

龙华 《实验生物学报》2003,36(3):238-242
转基因技术是二十世纪八十年代初发展起来的一项生物领域高新技术。近年来,外源基因经显微注射导入哺乳类、两栖类、昆虫类以及鱼类的受精卵或胚胎,从而使人们对在整个动物的系统发育期间外源基因表达的研究更加深入。与哺乳类、两栖类以及昆虫类相比,鱼作为在脊椎动物进化的低级阶段,更适合在受精卵或胚胎期的显微操作。转基因鱼模型的研究为鱼类基因工程育种奠定了理论基础,基因导入方法的成熟、胚胎干细胞技术的发展以及基因组学理论的应用则为鱼类基因工程育种提供  相似文献   

Genetically improved transgenic fish possess many beneficial economic traits; however, the commercial aquaculture of transgenic fish has not been performed till date. One of the major reasons for this is the possible ecological risk associated with the escape or release of the transgenic fish. Using a growth hormone transgenic fish with rapid growth characteristics as a subject, this paper analyzes the following: the essence of the potential ecological risks posed by transgenic fish; ecological risk in the current situation due to transgenic fish via one-factor phenotypic and fitness analysis, and mathematical model deduction. Then, it expounds new ideas and the latest findings using an artificially simulated ecosystem for the evaluation of the ecological risks posed by transgenic fish. Further, the study comments on the strategies and principles of controlling these ecological risks by using a triploid approach. Based on these results, we propose that ecological risk evaluation and prevention strategies are indispensable important components and should be accompanied with breeding research in order to provide enlightments for transgenic fish breeding, evaluation of the ecological risks posed by transgenic fish, and development of containment strategies against the risks.  相似文献   

Genetically improved transgenic fish possess many beneficial economic traits; however, the commercial aquaculture of transgenic fish has not been performed till date. One of the major reasons for this is the possible ecological risk associated with the escape or release of the transgenic fish. Using a growth hormone transgenic fish with rapid growth characteristics as a subject, this paper analyzes the following: the essence of the potential ecological risks posed by transgenic fish; ecological risk in the current situation due to transgenic fish via one-factor phenotypic and fitness analysis, and mathematical model deduction. Then, it expounds new ideas and the latest findings using an artificially simulated ecosystem for the evaluation of the ecological risks posed by transgenic fish. Further, the study comments on the strategies and principles of controlling these ecological risks by using a triploid approach. Based on these results, we propose that ecological risk evaluation and prevention strategies are indispensable important components and should be accompanied with breeding research in order to provide enlightments for transgenic fish breeding, evaluation of the ecological risks posed by transgenic fish, and development of containment strategies against the risks. Supported by the Development Plan of the State Key Fundamental Research of China (Grant Nos. 2007CB109205 and 2007CB109206), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 30430540), and the ‘863’ High Technology Project (Grant No. 2006AA10Z141)  相似文献   

It has been more than 20 years since the first batch of transgenic fish was produced. Five stable germ-line transmitted growth hormone (GH) transgenic fish lines have been generated. This paper reviews the mechanisms of integration and gene targeting of the transgene, as well as the viability, reproduction and transgenic approaches for the reproductive containment of GH-transgenic fish. Further, we propose that it should be necessary to do the following studies, in particularly, of the breeding of transgeni...  相似文献   

Fish Growth in Marine Culture Systems: A Challenge for Biotechnology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aquaculture production is constrained largely by the growth efficiency of the species being produced. Nutritional approaches have played an important part in improving this situation, but, it is argued, the room for further improvement using such established techniques is limited. Alternative ways of improving fish production by utilizing recent biotechnological advances are explored and assessed as to their potential for commercialization in the near future. Transgenic technologies promise a revolution in aquaculture, but it is considered that consumer resistance may delay the use of transgenic fish for food production. An alternative approach could be the breeding of transgenic fodder plants without the amino acid deficiencies of existing alternatives to fish meal in aquaculture diets. The use of probiotics could reduce antibiotic use on fish farms while they might also provide the basis for ``smart' diets, tailored to specific purposes by the inclusion of microorganisms. The selection and genetic engineering of nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria could also pave the way for fully enclosed, recirculating marine culture systems, which would allow control of the environmental variables that currently restrain marine fish culture. Received August 10, 1998; accepted October 8, 1998.  相似文献   

本文综述了鱼类转基因研究的意义、鱼类基因转移研究的特点、转基因鱼的构建及检测技术、我国鱼类转基因研究的进展和鱼类基因转移研究中存在的主要问题。  相似文献   

用直接注射法生产转基因鱼   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文报道了对鲤鱼、鲫鱼受精卵不加任何去膜处理,用显微操作器把外源基因直接注射到卵核附近,构建转基因鱼的方法。本法操作方便,孵化条件简单,成活率高。斑点杂交和Southern Blot杂交结果表明,外源基因的整合率与其它方法构建的转基因鱼的外源基因的整合率相近。从1988年至今,本组运用这个方法生产转基因鲤鱼、鲫鱼一万余尾。  相似文献   

精子作载体的转基因鱼研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李晶  李莹 《生物技术》1994,4(3):20-22
本文报道了以精子为载体将美洲拟蝶抗冻蛋白基因导入罗非鱼卵,构建转基因鱼的方法,此法简单易行。斑点杂文和SouthernBlot杂交结果表明,外源基因的整合率为18.1%,与其它方法构建转基因鱼的外源基因整合率相近。  相似文献   

两种不同终止子在转基因鲤鱼中的促生长效应   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
钟山  罗大极  吴刚  徐婧  汪亚平  朱作言 《遗传》2009,31(8):831-836
转基因构建体中启动子的选择会直接影响转植基因的活性, 近年来有研究表明转基因构建体中终止子的选择会一定程度地影响转植基因的活性。为了更好地筛选转基因构建体和培育快速生长的转“全鱼”生长激素(Growth hormone, GH)基因鱼, 文章用鲤鱼β-actin基因终止子和生长激素基因终止子分别构建了转基因构建体, 显微注射得到转“全鱼”GH基因鱼P0代养殖群体, 比较两种不同终止子构建体的活性。统计分析发现, 生长激素基因终止子构建体的养殖群体的体重频率呈正态分布且平均体重显著高于β-actin基因终止子构建体的养殖群体, β-actin基因终止子构建体的养殖群体的体重频率呈右倾趋势的非正态分布。值得一提的是在混合养殖组中得到一条生长最为快速的鲤鱼证实为转基因阳性且为生长激素基因终止子构建体的转基因鲤鱼。该结果表明转“全鱼”生长激素基因鲤鱼可快速生长, 并能将转植基因向下代遗传。实验结果提示生长激素基因终止子构建体比β-actin基因终止子构建体表现的促生长活性要强。  相似文献   

Recent advantages in transgenic fish research are reviewed, with special reference to the methods for gene transfer. These include microinjection, electroporation, particle bombardment, and lipofection. The success and problems associated with each of these methods, and the possible applications of transgenic fish research to aquaculture are discussed. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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