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国务院国资委监事会技术中心副主任陈立波IT服务需要诚信,只有建立起可持续、共赢的合作基础,才能赢得日益膨胀的IT应用市场、赢得用户。IT服务需要深化,业务应用在深化、业务模式在变化,IT应用在"进化",  相似文献   

在这一讲中,将以IT的进展所带来的与人的亲和性,和以可以增加信息组合自由度的IT功能为基础,探讨一下业务改善和信息应用的质的提高。在商务活动和IT变化非常显著的今天,需要同时具备"站在商务活动的角度考虑IT应用"的视角和"站在IT发展的角度考虑商务活动"的视角。一  相似文献   

正VMware通过"共融",能够让用户跨现有数据中心和云计算资源,实现在IT演进过程中传统应用、云计算和移动应用的高效部署及管理。让IT管理者高效满足IT安全和合规要求,同时为业务创新提供高效的自我部署管理功能和高弹性IT平台,且不再需要在"传统"和"新一代"之间做取舍。此外,VMware的"共融"还能够让用户在IT演进过程中,灵活、动态根据业务需求选择管理IT资源,以优化IT资源利用率。在"共融"的理念下,VMware软件定义数据中心为用户提供包括软件定义计算、软件定义存储(Virtual SAN)  相似文献   

我国信息产业与国际化接轨需要大量既懂英语又懂技术的复合型国际IT人才。高职院校作为高等职业教育的主力,应该在IT职业英语教育方面担负起培养中国优秀IT行业人才的使命。本文围绕着高职IT职业英语课程建设,澄清了"IT职业英语"的真正含义,分析了国内IT职业英语教学现状,然后在教材建设和语音实验室建设、IT职业英语师资培养、IT职业英语教学方法等方面提出了有效的方法和措施。  相似文献   

曼哈顿北亚区总裁说过:"随着零售供应链技术成为成功的关键,IT总监认识到随着他们的职责范围扩大,更需要关注如何能衔接好各大部门IT系统。"北京燕莎友谊商城信息中心主任马爱杰曾说到:"企业应当在充分发挥IT技术优势的同时,更加重视信息化创新,重视人才队伍的培养和锻炼。同时IT人士除了在技术方面要有所作为、有所争气,还要学会将技术与企业业务的有机融合,让实践检验与证实IT成果。"  相似文献   

SOA提高IT系统质量SOA是一种彻底地实现企业"系统需要整合"和"业务需要灵动"目标的方法。SOA是动态IT的实现方式,SOA的价值在于跨越了不同应用系统、不同技术整合,这种整合将改变企业现有的商业模式。  相似文献   

正打开百度,登陆微博,漫天飞来无数"教授","教授"去哪儿了?"教授"在哪里?"教授",我需要你!无数中小企业和SOHO一族都在翘首企盼着一名IT"教授"帮助他们解决IT设备维护难的问题。终于,禁不住召唤,扬天为大家送来了IT界的"教授"-扬天在线顾问,为中小企业和SOHO一族们提供专业工程师的服务,解决他们的后顾之忧。  相似文献   

IT经理走进一家拉面馆,问:"你们需要客户端吗?"老板:"面一般是伙计端,忙的时候才需要客户端……"  相似文献   

《哈佛商业评论》说,IT不是竞争力。意思不是说IT不重要,而是说,一旦大家都认识到IT的价值,企业就不会因使用IT技术而更具竞争力。就像电一样,因为大家都在使用,它就不再是一种优势,但离开它却又举步维艰。对于国内烘焙企业来说,正是普及用"电"的时刻,谁都不想输在起跑线上,就需要及时认识到IT的价值——信息化对于企业的应用价值。  相似文献   

对于虚拟化应用,CIO们需要像业务战略一样重新审视它,而不仅仅把其视作为一个IT战略。"对于虚拟化应用,CIO们需要像业务战略一样重新审视它,而不仅仅把其视作为一个IT战略。"2008年9月9日,在惠普召开的年度技术大会上,惠普公司亚太及日本区副总裁兼  相似文献   

当前现有的IT基础架构无法满足未来发展需要,IT基础架构虚拟化是大势所趋且炙手可热,已经为部分企业带来了前所未有的应用和体验,从行业发展的长远角度看,"虚拟化"理念得以成熟,技术上得到提高,应用实践上获得检验,标示着企业应用已经大踏步迈向虚拟化时代,虚拟化技术必将为企业信息化建设保驾护航。  相似文献   

《IT Professional》2002,4(4):14-21
Although increasingly important, IT infrastructure remains poorly defined. IT professionals need a practical framework to systematically discuss the nature, scope, evolution, and management of IT infrastructure. The guidelines presented can help one to think more clearly about infrastructure issues.  相似文献   

《IT Professional》2002,4(4):22-26
Today's tight budgets and the increasing complexity of IT infrastructures place incredible stress on the IT environment. IT managers are working hard to keep up with new technologies while supporting existing infrastructure. As the demands on a business infrastructure grow and expand to new areas, an IT infrastructure must support these new and varied needs. Taking a hard look at ones systems can uncover hidden opportunities for savings and provide funds to help one prepares for future demands.  相似文献   

E-learning systems are increasingly essential in universities, schools, government departments and other organizations that provide an education or training service. The objective for adopting e-learning systems is to provide students with educational services via electronic channels. The focus of this study is on the impact of IT infrastructure services and IT quality on perceptions of usefulness of e-learning systems. A model is proposed which includes five constructs: IT infrastructure services, system quality, information quality, service delivery quality, and perceived usefulness. A quantitative study was conducted at an Australian university with 720 survey responses from students who were enrolled in online courses. The results suggest that IT infrastructure services play a critical role in generating information with high quality, enhancing the aspects of e-learning system quality, and improving service delivery quality. The impact of IT infrastructure services, system quality, and information quality on perceived usefulness is fully mediated by service delivery quality. Universities need to be aware of the critical impact of IT infrastructure services and consider how investment in these services could improve system and information quality, service delivery quality, and the usefulness and success of e-learning systems.  相似文献   

Decisions to invest in information technology (IT) infrastructure are often made based on an assessment of its immediate value to the organization. However, an important source of value comes from the fact that such technologies have the potential to be leveraged in the development of future applications. From a real options perspective, IT infrastructure investments create growth options that can be exercised if and when an organization decides to develop systems to provide new or enhanced IT capabilities. We present an analytical model based on real options that shows the process by which this potential is converted into business value, and discuss middleware as an example technology in this context. We derive managerial implications for the evaluation of IT infrastructure investments, and the main findings are: (1) the flexibility provided by IT infrastructure investment is more valuable when uncertainty is higher; (2) the cost advantage that IT infrastructure investment brings about is amplified by demand volatility for IT-supported products and services; (3) in duopoly competition, the value of IT infrastructure flexibility increases with the level of product or service substitutability; and (4) when demand volatility is high, inter-firm competition has a lower impact on the value of IT infrastructure.  相似文献   

IT infrastructure, such as servers and networking equipment, accounts for a large proportion of the IT costs in modern organizations. Typically, this IT infrastructure is shared among multiple applications and customers. Cost allocation of shared IT infrastructure is difficult and regularly based on biased cost allocation keys, which often causes free-rider problems. Measuring usage is technically difficult and incurs high costs. In this paper we propose a method to derive adequate estimators for the resource consumption of a customer-oriented service. These so-called resource profiles can then provide a basis for cost allocation keys. The estimators are derived from a series of load tests, as they are typically done before an application is launched in larger organizations. Such profiles need to be unbiased and precise even in cases of varying workloads and in rather heterogeneous environments. We describe the results of a set of experiments in an infrastructure provided by the BMW Group, and illustrate how the estimation can be integrated into existing IT service management processes. In our experiments we use Queuing Networks to validate the estimated resource profiles under different workloads.  相似文献   

随着IT领域人才培养"两旺两难"等问题的出现及TOPCARES-CDIO教育理念的深入课堂,迫使在案例教学逐渐普及的新型教学过程中,融入"金字塔"式课程设计模式。在此就.NET程序设计课程当前存在的问题进行分析,并探讨将一种新的"金字塔"式课程设计模式引入课堂并全面实施,从而更合理、有效的纵向划分课程,改变以往"填鸭式"的教学方法,以提高学生的专业能力和综合素质,培养面向应用的一体化人才。  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of information technology (IT)-enabled knowledge ambidexterity on innovation performance, and the potential moderator role of social media capability on a sample composed of 100 small U.S. firms. The empirical analysis suggests that IT infrastructure enables the firm to explore new knowledge and exploit existing/new knowledge to innovate more and better. We also find that social media capability has a positive moderator role in this equation: IT infrastructure and social media capabilities work together to enable knowledge ambidexterity.  相似文献   

To help companies compete in a world of rapid change, the IT function is assuming a new role of anticipating and meeting the infrastructure and information needs that support organizational flexibility. This article describes the new aligned IT organization and its implications for IT professionals.  相似文献   

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