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目的:了解高住低练对高水平游泳运动员血细胞天然免疫功能的影响。方法:6名女子游泳运动员进行2周高住低练,训练前、训练期间及恢复1周分别测试红细胞黏附功能、白细胞计数指标。结果:训练期间运动员红细胞C3b受体花环率(RBC-C3bRR)明显下降(P<0.05),红细胞免疫复合物花环率(RBC-ICR)明显上升(P<0.05),恢复1周后指标回归正常;白细胞、粒细胞在训练期总体上呈显著性下降(P<0.05),训练结束1周后恢复;单核细胞和淋巴细胞训练期间总体趋势是下降,训练结束1周后仍未恢复。结论:红细胞和粒细胞的天然免疫功能下降快,恢复快,但淋巴细胞、单核细胞计数恢复较慢,运动员对本次训练基本适应。  相似文献   

分析了10头二花脸猪乳个主要蛋白质组分在泌乳1-20天的含量及其动态变化。结果表明,α-乳白蛋白(α-La)浓度前4天至上升趋势,1周后略有下降,然而其浓度和百分比均差异不显著。β-轧球蛋白(β-Lg)、总路蛋白(tCN)和清蛋白(SA)的浓度第一天最高,β-Lg有下降趋势,SA缓慢下降,而tCN规律性不强。β-Lg百分比差并不显著。tCN百分比随着泌乳天数逐日上升。SA的百分比在泌乳一周内变化不大,后开始下降。免疫球蛋白(Igs)、乳铁蛋白(Lf)浓度以及Igs百分比第一天显著高于其它泌乳天数,然后急剧下降,在一周后处于很低的水平,Lf百分比至下降趋势。一组高分子量蛋白质(HMWP)浓度和百分比在一周内逐渐上升。  相似文献   

运动员剧烈运动后血中应激免疫抑制蛋白的产生   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
我们曾经报道,大鼠或小鼠在束缚应激后血中产生了一种能抑制免疫功能的应激免疫抑制蛋白,(又称Neu-roimmuneprotein,NIP,神经免疫蛋白)。本工作证明,运动员在大运动量的训练后血清中也产生一种能抑制淋巴细胞转化的物质,它的生化特性及分子量与前述大鼠和小鼠中的应激免疫抑制蛋白相同。在体外实验中,应激大鼠的血清培养人淋巴结细胞,获得了与大鼠实验相同的结果,即人淋巴结细胞也能产生应激免疫抑制蛋白。同时小鼠束缚应激的血清和大运动量的人类血清可以分别抑制人正常淋巴细胞和正常小鼠由ConA诱导的淋巴细胞转化,以上结果表明,这种应激免疫抑制蛋白的种属特异性不强。  相似文献   

目的:通过对血尿素氮、肌酸激酶生化指标的监测,以找出评价举重项目的运动负荷和机能评定的有效指标。方法:采用追踪研究,从2014年6月至8月共12周,对8名陕西省女子举重队员夏训期间生理指标变化进行监测,以3周为一个训练周期,每个训练周期的第一日为测试日。本实验在夏训各周期测试日的清晨6:30~7:00(早操前)空腹抽取静脉血2 ml测试,以本次的测试数值作为上一周期的指标数据。结果:举重运动员血尿素氮安静基础值高。举重运动员大运动量训练后两星期,肌酸激酶具有同步增长的趋势,甚至在很长一段时间不能回到安静值,表明运动员在训练中出现过度训练。结论:血尿素氮、肌酸激酶值有同步增长的趋势,且较长时间亦不能恢复到基础值,表明运动员已达到运动疲劳。说明在第一、二周期时负荷强度偏大,身体机能恢复慢,运动疲劳没有完全恢复。血尿素氮、肌酸激酶值对控制训练负荷,判断运动疲劳,防止过度疲劳和运动损伤的发生,有效的挖掘运动潜力,提高竞技能力等有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

目的:探讨重大比赛前赛前8周训练男子长跑运动员身体机能状态变化特点及其与运动负荷安排之间的关系,从而为运动员训练负荷的科学安排提供依据。方法:选取重大比赛前8周训练为主要研究阶段,早晨空腹状态下对8名长跑运动员进行指尖采血及静脉抽血,用与测定指标相关仪器对血样进行检测与分析,测试指标主要包括血红蛋白(Hb)、血尿素(BU)、肌酸激酶(CK)、血睾酮(T)、皮质醇(C)及T/C等;结果:此次赛前阶段运动员机能指标呈现出"∨"或"∧"型的变化特点,各周指标基本都处于正常范围之内,且第八周运动员各机能指标明显好于其他周次。结论:本次赛前训练运动员运动计划安排基本合理,运动员机能状态良好、无明显的疲劳堆积,但同时训练负荷对运动员身体刺激不够,无效重复训练偏多,今后训练应加以注意。  相似文献   

目的:通过对优秀男子赛艇运动员6周高原训练期间外周血儿茶酚胺浓度变化特点的分析,探讨高原训练期间外周血儿茶酚胺浓度与运动负荷、BU浓度、CK活性等指标的关系。方法:以8名轻量级男子单桨赛艇运动员为研究对象,在6周高原训练期间对运动员外周血儿茶酚胺浓度进行系统测试,同时测试运动员常规机能指标(BU浓度、CK活性),测试时间、次数与外周血儿茶酚胺浓度测试的安排一致。测试时间为高原训练前1周、高原训练1、3、5周末以及下高原2周后;此外,训练期间对运动员的实际训练负荷进行统计。结果:①高原训练5周末,运动员外周血肾上腺素(E)浓度有降低趋势,而外周血去甲肾上腺素(NE)浓度有升高趋势;下高原2周后,运动员外周血E和NE浓度均明显下降,其中E浓度明显低于高原前1周、高原训练1周末和3周末(P均<0.05),NE浓度明显小于上高原前1周、高原训练1周末、3周末及5周末(P均<0.05)。②BU浓度在整个训练过程中都保持较高的水平,高原训练第1周末、下高原后第2周BU浓度在6.5 mmol/L左右,其他各时间点测定数值均大于8 mmol/L;在整个训练期间CK活性的变化较大,与上高原前1周比较,高原训练第1周末CK活性显著下降(P<0.05),但第3周末明显升高(P<0.01),且在高原训练后期保持在较高水平,下高原后CK活性有所下降,与上高原前1周无明显差异。结论:高原训练期间,运动员外周血儿茶酚胺浓度的变化与运动员身体机能状态、运动负荷的大小以及海拔高度等多种因素有关,其内在的关系需进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

目的:探讨有氧渐增负荷量水上划艇训练对赛艇运动员某些血液儿茶酚胺和心率变异性指标的影响。方法:对8名男子公开级赛艇运动员进行持续8周的中等强度有氧渐增负荷量水上划艇训练,运动员每周一至周五上下午和周六上午进行训练,此后至周末恢复休息,每个半天训练120min,第一周的水上划艇负荷量为180km,此后每周递增5km。运动员在训练前1周、训练第4周以及训练第8周结束后的次周一清晨6:00进行安静状态下短时程5min的心率变异性测试,并在心率变异性测试结束即刻进行安静状态下的肘静脉血采集,用于儿茶酚胺指标的检测。结果:与训练前相比,运动员经过有氧渐增负荷量水上划艇训练第4周和第8周后,血浆儿茶酚胺E、NE和DA水平均显著性降低(P<0.05);恢复期心率变异性TP、HF和LF水平,在训练第4周时有所降低,在训练第8周时有所升高,而VLF则在训练第4周和第8周时均有所降低,但这些变化没有统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:运动员经过8周的有氧渐增负荷量水上划艇训练后,运动员安静下迷走神经系统对心血管系统的调节作用得到增强,交感迷走神经的综合调节作用得到提高,自主神经系统的功能状况得到改善。  相似文献   

血红蛋白A_2现象 Ⅰ.A_2现象的发现及其初步应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1.本文报告作者实验室所发现的一种自然现象,并暂时命名为“血红蛋白A_2现象”。2.所谓“血红蛋白A_2现象”,就是溶血液中HbA_2与红细胞中“HbA_2”的差异。这里主要指的是电泳行为不同。3.将正常成人红细胞与其本身的溶血液并排电泳(薄层淀粉胶电泳)时,二者的HbA、碳酸酐酶电泳位置相同,只有HbA_2不一样。与溶血液中HbA_2相比,红细胞中的“HbA_2”电泳速度(向阳极)稍快。4.红细胞及溶血液中的HbF、HbN包头、HbD包头及HbE,都没有上述差异,而且它们对“HbA_2现象”没有影响。5.“HbA_2现象”的机制尚待阐明,但已经发现了它的应用。众所周知,HbE与A_2的电泳行为及层析性质是相同或相近的,鉴别起来比较困难,现在我们可以利用“HbA_2现象”来区分这两种血红蛋白。如上所述,HbA_2有“HbA_2现象”,而HbE本身则没有这类现象。  相似文献   

1.本文报告作者实验室所发现的一种自然现象,并暂时命名为“血红蛋白A_2现象”。2.所谓“血红蛋白A_2现象”,就是溶血液中HbA_2与红细胞中“HbA_2”的差异。这里主要指的是电泳行为不同。3.将正常成人红细胞与其本身的溶血液并排电泳(薄层淀粉胶电泳)时,二者的HbA、碳酸酐酶电泳位置相同,只有HbA_2不一样。与溶血液中HbA_2相比,红细胞中的“HbA_2”电泳速度(向阳极)稍快。4.红细胞及溶血液中的HbF、HbN 包头、HbD 包头及HbE,都没有上述差异,而且它们对“HbA_2现象”没有影响。5.“HbA_2现象”的机制尚待阐明,但已经发现了它的应用。众所周知,HbE 与A_2的电泳行为及层析性质是相同或相近的,鉴别起来比较困难,现在我们可以利用“HbA_2现象”来区分这两种血红蛋白。如上所述,HbA_2有“HbA_2现象”,而HbE 本身则没有这类现象。  相似文献   

目的:探讨有氧渐增负荷量水上划艇训练对赛艇运动员身体机能状态的影响。方法:对8名男子公开级赛艇运动员进行持续8周的有氧渐增负荷量水上划艇训练,运动员每周一至周五上下午和周六上午进行训练,每个半天训练120 min,第一周的水上划艇负荷量为180 km,此后每周递增5 km。运动员在训练前1周、训练第4周以及训练第8周结束后恢复期的次周一清晨进行空腹状态下的肘静脉血采集,检测血中BU、CK、WBC、HB、T、C、T/C等生化指标。结果:与训练前比较,有氧渐增负荷量水上划艇训练第4周结束后,运动员恢复期CK和HB明显升高(P<0.05),BU、T、C和T/C轻微升高(P>0.05),WBC明显降低(P< 0.05);有氧渐增负荷量水上划艇训练第8周结束后,运动员恢复期WBC和T/C降低,其中WBC明显降低(P<0.05);BU、CK、HB、T和C则升高,其中HB明显升高(P<0.05)。结论:运动员经过8周的有氧渐增负荷量水上划艇训练后,其血中生化指标较训练前有所改善,这有利于运动员身体运动能力和适应能力的增强,机能状态的提高。  相似文献   

Fifteen male swimmers (mean age 19.3 +/- 2.1 years) were subjected to a standard 120 min swimming exercise test: a) before, and b) after 5 weeks of intensive training at middle altitude (2000 m). At rest, serum levels of alpha2-macroglobulin, transferrin and copper were elevated in swimmers as compared to untrained subjects. After the altitude training program, significant increases of the parameters of iron and copper metabolism, as well as of alpha2HS-glycoprotein and beta1A-globulin were observed. After the first exercise test (a), a significant rise in serum alpha1-acid glycoprotein, alpha1-antitrypsin, hemopexin, alpha2-macroglobulin, ceruloplasmin, transferrin, iron, copper and alpha2-HS-glycoprotein was noted. The same 120 min-exercise test after the altitude training (b) led to only small changes, especially as concerns the parameters of iron metabolism. The characteristic immediate and long-lasting changes in serum proteins and heavy metals in swimmers and the effects of training in middle altitude on the answer of the organism to swimming exercise with respect to the mentioned biochemical parameters are discussed.  相似文献   

Acid-base parameters of adolescent swimmers (capacitive sport) and of adult weight-lifters (athletoid sport) were investigated before and after training in the submaximally trained phase of a year-round training period. In swimmers, training induced incompensated metabolic acidosis, which persisted at 10 min after the training. This acidosis showed no correlation to the blood lactate level. In weight-lifters, there was only a slight, compensated posttraining acidosis, which tended to decrease 10 min after the training. The weight-lifters had extremely high posttraining ammonia levels. It might be supposed that ammonia-genesis has a role in the compensation of exercise-induced acidosis in weight-lifters. The differences in acid-base status of swimmers and weight-lifters might be related to the different breathing mechanism needed for the two different sports.  相似文献   

The red blood cells of normal adult ducks contain two main hemoglobins. The most abundant type, HbA, comprises approximately 80% of the total, with the remaining 20% being made up of HbD. An attempt was made to determine whether during hemolytic anemia a special alpha globin chain (alpha s) replaces the alpha chain of HbA found in normal animals. This special stress alpha globin, whose existence has been seriously questioned, was originally postulated to explain the sequence discrepancies obtained between alpha chains of normal and anemic chickens and ducks. Using gel electrophoresis, isoelectric focusing, and HPLC peptide mapping techniques no qualitative differences between the alpha A globins of normal and anemic animals were found. The nature of the beta globin chains present in adult ducks has also never been rigorously established. In this work, a variety of techniques, including HPLC, gel electrophoresis, and microcolumn amino acid analysis, were used to examine the beta chains from each hemoglobin. Using these methods, no differences were found between the beta globin chains of the two hemoglobins.  相似文献   

The effects of different physical training regimes on the plasma catecholamine values at rest and the density and responsiveness of adrenergic receptors at rest were investigated. The changes during well-defined training periods of swimmers, long-distance runners, weight lifters and wrestlers were compared with untrained male volunteers. The training of swimmers and long-distance runners, building up endurance, resulted in a significantly lower basal plasma norepinephrine (NE) concentration and a significantly or possibly lower ratio NE:EPI (epinephrine). Both values indicated reduced sympathetic activity and resulted also in a significantly lower beta-receptor density and a higher alpha 2-receptor sensitivity compared with the other groups investigated. However, swimming-specific characteristics provoked labile hypertensive blood pressure regulation with an unchanged heart rate in swimmers. Static training of weight lifters, building up power, also led to a lower NE concentration compared with untrained subjects, whereas beta-receptor density was unchanged and alpha 2-receptor density and sensitivity were decreased. Elevated blood pressure values were observed in weight lifters and swimmers due to a reduced baroreceptor sensitivity. The dynamic training of wrestlers affected only basal heart rate and alpha 2-receptor sensitivity, both of which were decreased. Different kinds of physical training caused various adaptations of the basal activity of the autonomic nervous system in which adrenergic receptors also became adapted. In this context, the stronger adrenergic circulatory component of overall sympathetic activity at rest in swimmers and long-distance runners resulted in lower beta-receptor density, and the reduced noradrenergic component sensitized alpha 2-receptors.  相似文献   

This study assessed the effects of inactivity on GLUT-4 content of human skeletal muscle and evaluated resistance training as a countermeasure to inactivity-related changes in GLUT-4 content in skeletal muscle. Nine young men participated in the study. For 19 days, four control subjects remained in a -6 degrees head-down tilt at all times throughout bed rest, except for showering every other day. Five training group subjects also remained at bed rest, except during resistance training once in the morning. The resistance training consisted of 30 isometric maximal voluntary contractions for 3 s each; leg-press exercise was used to recruit the extensor muscles of the ankle, knee, and hip. Pauses (3 s) were allowed between bouts of maximal contraction. Muscle biopsy samples were obtained from the lateral aspect of vastus lateralis (VL) muscle before and after the bed rest. GLUT-4 content in VL muscle of the control group was significantly decreased after bed rest (473 +/- 48 vs. 398 +/- 66 counts. min-1. microgram membrane protein-1, before and after bed rest, respectively), whereas GLUT-4 significantly increased in the training group with bed rest (510 +/- 158 vs. 663 +/- 189 counts. min-1. microgram membrane protein-1, before and after bed rest, respectively). The present study demonstrated that GLUT-4 in VL muscle decreased by approximately 16% after 19 days of bed rest, and isometric resistance training during bed rest induced a 30% increase above the value of GLUT-4 before bed rest.  相似文献   

To ascertain if muscle damage occurred in swimmers as a result of high-intensity training and to find if fluid and dietary manipulation could affect muscle damage, we studied 40 members of the University of Florida swimming team using creatine kinase (CK) and lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) as markers of muscle damage during a 6-month period of intensive training. During this time, training intensity, fluid intake during exercise and dietary supplementation were all modified one by one to examine their individual effects. During a control period of 4 weeks, all swimmers drank water before and during (120 min) workouts. CK in men at the end of this period averaged 315, SD 122 (normal less than 170 IU.l-1). Half of the swimmers were then given 500 ml of a glucose-electrolyte solution (GES) (Na 21 mmol.l-1, Cl 13 mmol.l-1, K 2.5 mmol.l-1, PO4 5 mmol.l-1 and glucose 6%) before workouts and twice at intervals during the workout, while half continued to drink the same volume of water. One week after division into fluid groups, the workout intensity was increased by about 10%. Another week later CK had increased to 500, SD 180 IU.l-1 in swimmers drinking water, but fell to 280, SD 105 IU.l-1 in those drinking GES (P less than 0.05). The second phase of the study began after a 4-week control period during which all athletes drank water before and during workouts. The swimmers were divided into four matched groups.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Open-water swimming (5, 10, and 25 km) has many unique challenges that separate it from other endurance sports, like marathon running and cycling. The characteristics of a successful open-water swimmer are unclear. The purpose of this study was to determine the physical and metabolic characteristics of a group of elite-level open-water swimmers. The open-water swimmers were participating in a 1-week training camp. Anthropometric, metabolic, and blood chemistry assessments were performed on the athletes. The swimmers had a VO(2)peak of 5.51 +/- 0.96 and 5.06 +/- 0.57 ml.kg(-1).min(-1) for males and females, respectively. Their lactate threshold (LT) occurred at a pace equal to 88.75% of peak pace for males and 93.75% for females. These elite open-water swimmers were smaller and lighter than competitive pool swimmers. They possess aerobic metabolic alterations that resulted in enhanced performance in distance swimming. Trainers and coaches should develop dry-land programs that will improve the athlete's muscular endurance. Furthermore, programs should be designed to increase the LT velocity as a percentage of peak swimming velocity.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of endurance and high-intensity training periods on the plasma catecholamine (CA) concentration at rest; on the basal alpha- and beta-adrenoceptor density, regulation, and function on circulating cells; and on the cardiovascular adaptation in long-distance runners and swimmers. The findings of each period were compared with those of untrained men. Endurance training of the long-distance runners and the swimmers led both to a reduced sympathetic activity at rest, indicated by lower CA values, and to a lower beta-receptor density and responsiveness on circulating lymphocytes and an increased alpha 2-receptor sensitivity on circulating platelets. During the high-intensity training period beta-receptor density and responsiveness increased, alpha 2-receptor sensitivity normalized, and heart rate as well as blood pressure values increased in both trained groups. The basal sympathetic activity remained reduced, but the norepinephrine-to-epinephrine (NE/EPI) ratio increased. The NE/EPI ratio might play an important part in the regulation of adrenoceptor density during these different training periods. Swimming-specific characteristics caused different physiological impacts compared with running training, but an attenuated baroreceptor sensitivity might be indicated in both intensively trained groups.  相似文献   

Iron deficiency caused by 7 weeks of intensive physical exercise   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The present study was designed to evaluate the effect of an intensive physical training program involving both isometric and isotonic activities on the body iron status of 8 females and 11 males (age 20 +/- 1 year). The training was carried out over a 7 week period and included 8 h of varying physical activities each day. Venous blood samples were obtained from the subjects prior to the beginning of the training, on day 2 and in weeks 2, 4, 6 and 7 of the program. Blood samples were analyzed for iron, ferritin and hemoglobin (Hb) concentrations, total iron binding capacity (TIBC) and red blood cell count (RBC). Iron levels of males and females decreased 65% after 2 weeks of training (p less than 0.001). At the end of the training program 5 males and 6 females had lower than normal iron values (less than 13.4 mumol.l-1). TIBC increased 25% in women and 18% in men following 2 and 4 weeks of training (p less than 0.001) and remained at this elevated level throughout the training period. Ferritin levels decreased 50% in both sexes after 4 weeks of exercise (p less than 0.05) and remained at this level until the end of the training. Hb and RBC decreased 8-10% in both sexes during the training period. In two of the women anemia occurred after 4 weeks of training. The development of latent iron deficiency in a substantial number of participants after a relatively short period of training is uncommon and may reflect the high intensity of exercise required in this program.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to analyse the effect of 1 year of intensive swimming training on lung volumes, airway resistance and on the flow-volume relationship in prepubertal girls. Five girls [9.3 (0.5) years old] performing vigorous swimming training for 12 h a week were compared with a control group of 11 girls [9.3 (0.5) years old] who participated in various sport activities for 2 h per week. Static lung volumes, maximal expiratory flows (MEF) at 75, 50 and 25% of vital capacity, 1-s forced expiratory volume (FEV1.0) and airway resistance (R aw) were measured by means of conventional body plethysmograph techniques. Prior to the training period there were no significant differences between the two groups for any of the parameters studied. Moreover, for both groups, all parameters were within the normal range for children of the corresponding age. After 1 year of training, vital capacity (VC), total lung capacity (TLC) and functional residual capacity (FRC) were larger (P<0.05) in the girl swimmers than in the control group, while physical development in terms of height and weight was similar. FEV1.0 (P<0.01), MEF25, MEF50 (P<0.05) and MEF75 as well as the ratio MEF50 / TLC (P<0.05) had increased in the girl swimmers but were unchanged in the control group. R aw tended to be lower in the girl swimmers and higher in the control group. The results indicate that intensive swimming training prepuberty enhances static and dynamic lung volumes and improves the conductive properties of both the large and the small airways. As to the causative mechanism, it can be speculated that at prepuberty intensive swimming training promotes isotropic lung growth by harmonizing the development of the airways and of alveolar lung spaces. Accepted: 5 March 1997  相似文献   

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