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多通道人工耳蜗在语前聋儿童及青少年中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 通过对植入人工耳蜗的语前聋儿童和青少年的听力和语言能力的评估 ,探讨我国儿童在使用人工耳蜗后的听力和言语能力发展规律及影响因素。方法  2 5例行人工耳蜗植入的语前聋儿童及青少年患者参与本组测试。选用《聋儿听觉言语康复评估方法》作为测试材料 ,分别进行声音、言语声和环境声的辨别 ,数词、单字词、双字词、3字词、韵母、声母、声调、封闭项列短句的识别 ,开放项列字词和开放项列短句识别 ,语言清晰度 ,模仿句长 ,听话识图和看图说话等方面测试。结果 受试者术后均能感知到声音 ,辨别不同类别的声音。封闭项列测试结果全部大于机会水平 ,正确识别率随人工耳蜗使用时间而不断增加 ,随植入时年龄的增长而呈下降趋势。术后约半年显现开放项列识别能力 ,使用人工耳蜗后对患儿的言语发育具有较大帮助。结论 尽早对语前聋患儿植入人工耳蜗及进行术后康复 ,以达改善听力 ,提高语言能力 ,促进身心全面发展的目的。  相似文献   

先天性语前聋中国儿童双耳人工耳蜗植入疗效观察   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目的:评估双侧耳人工耳蜗植入对极重度感音神经性语前聋患儿的听觉与言语康复疗效。方法:2例先天性极重度感音神经性聋儿童,单侧耳人工耳蜗植入术后2年和3年分别施行对侧耳人工耳蜗植入。术后1年评估患儿左、右耳单耳及双耳人工耳蜗助听听阈和言语识别率。以及言语清晰度。结果:①双耳人工耳蜗助听与单耳人工耳蜗助听相比。平均听阈降低分别为13dB和11dB;②在安静环境中双耳人工耳蜗植入儿童的言语识别率(开放项列)分别平均提高为9%和10%,2例双耳人工耳蜗植入儿童的言语识别率(开放项列)分别达97%和95%;③在嘈杂环境中对言语的识别能力明显提高;④言语清晰度有明显改善。结论:双耳人工耳蜗植入可明显提高极重度感音神经性语前聋患儿在安静和噪声环境下的言语识别率,对语前聋儿童的言语和语言发育有明显的帮助。  相似文献   

通过客观及主观听力学评估来确定人工耳蜗植入是否对语前聋成年患者言语发育有促进作用。采用回顾分析患者术后的开放式言语识别率等客观指标及患者生活质量等主观指标。结果是 1989~ 1999年共完成 198例成年患者人工耳蜗植入手术 ,其中4 4例为语前聋 ,分别植入美国Nucleus 2 2、Nucleus2 4或Clarion人工耳蜗装置。患者平均手术年龄 34岁 (14~ 6 2岁 ) ,通过开放式言语识别率测试 (包括字词、短语和短句识别 )可以发现自幼接受不同听力训练的语前聋患者之间存在显著性差异。结论 :接受人工耳蜗植入手术的语前聋患者手术效果的确不如语后…  相似文献   

目的 通过对语前聋儿童人工耳蜗植入术后不同康复时段的听觉言语识别能力评估,探索人工耳蜗植入儿童术后听觉言语识别能力的获得规律,为评价及预测聋儿康复效果提供参考.方法 采用标准化的儿童言语听觉测试环境及测试词库,对863例不同年龄、不同康复时段的语前聋人工耳蜗植入儿童进行听觉言语识别能力评估,包括自然环境声响、声母、韵母...  相似文献   

语前聋儿童人工耳蜗植入效果的评估   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的探索语前聋儿童人工耳蜗植入效果的评估方法.方法受试者为18名接受人工耳蜗植入的语前聋儿童,耳蜗植入时平均年龄6岁.按人工耳蜗使用时间长短分为四个阶段进行评估:第一阶段18名患儿,使用人工耳蜗1~12个月;第二阶段12名,使用人工耳蜗13~24个月;第三阶段8名,使用人工耳蜗25~36个月;第四阶段6名,使用人工耳蜗在36个月以上.描述性分析,以问卷的形式了解儿童在人工耳蜗植入后声音接受、言语表达及行为等方面的变化;言语测试,进行言语识别能力和发声能力测试.结果第一阶段患儿,能够感知和辨别来自家庭和环境中的声音;第二阶段患儿,封闭项词识别率是51%,开放项词识别开始启动;第三阶段患儿,封闭项词识别率达到72%,开放项词识别率是40%,能正确发出的单词数是42%;第四阶段患儿,封闭项词识别率和开放项词识别率分别达到84%和53%,能正确发出的单词数达62%,部分患儿已有自发的口语表达.结论人工耳蜗植入对语前聋患儿的言语发育有帮助,患儿的言语能力随着人工耳蜗使用时间的推移不断进步.  相似文献   

42例语前聋儿童人工耳蜗植入术后效果分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的初步分析语前聋儿童人工耳蜗植入后听觉言语的康复进程。方法通过对42例行人工耳蜗植入的语前聋儿童进行重建听阈测试、双音节词封闭项识别,主题对话测试及智力评估,以了解他们术后的听力水平、听觉言语能力及智力情况。结果受试者术后平均听阈在35 dB HL左右,在术后6个月以上的聋儿中扬扬格双音节词识别率≥80%的占95.45%;主题对话达到3~4级水平的占70.83%。双音节词识别率≥80%的聋儿言语能力为3~4级水平的占70.97%。结论对于智力发育正常,术后及时在康复机构接受科学、系统的康复训练的语前聋人工耳蜗植入的患儿,术后半年以上大多数患儿的听觉和言语能力的提高是较为明显的。  相似文献   

人工耳蜗植入儿童听力言语辨别能力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 评估人工耳蜗植入儿童听力言语辨别能力,为听力言语康复训练提供科学依据.方法 应用儿童听力言语康复分类训练及评估的汉语视听系统对32例人工耳蜗植入儿童进行字词长短、声调辨别、元音辨别及辅音辨别测试,通过分析其言语辨别得分情况,评估人工耳蜗植入儿童的听力言语辨别能力.结果 字词长短、声调辨别、元音辨别及辅音辨别得分分别为96.69、81.52、87.96和69.28分,经统计学分析,不同测试项目和不同受试者间的辨别差异均具有统计学意义. 结论 ①人工耳蜗植入儿童对于字词长短、声调辨别、元音辨别及辅音辨别的难易度具有显著性差异,听力言语康复训练应遵从难易程度循序渐进的开展;②人工耳蜗植入儿童在声调辨别、元音辨别及辅音辨别测试中呈现出较大的个体差异;③人工耳蜗植入儿童声调辨别得分与其在语音学中难易程度相比明显下降.  相似文献   

目的 评估儿童和青少年人工耳蜗植入术后听觉和言语感知发展,探讨哪些因素与预测术后效果有关。方法 选取128名儿童和青少年,均为语前双侧重度感音神经性听力损失。收集所有受试者术后听觉言语情况,以及植入年龄、人工耳蜗使用时间、受试者接受的教育系统及家长文化水平。以听觉感知类别(CAP)和语言清晰度(SIR)结果测量康复效果。结果(1)植入年龄越小,预后越好;(2)听觉表现和语言清晰度在术后2年趋于平稳;(3)在主流学校就读的学生较聋哑学校学生预后更好。结论 语前聋儿童及青少年人工耳蜗植入年龄、使用人工耳蜗的时间、接受的教育系统是评估言语预后结果的相关因素。  相似文献   

目的通过对植入人工耳蜗的语后聋成人听力言语感知能力的测评,探讨人工耳蜗对语后聋成人言语康复的作用.方法受试者为14名语后聋成人患者,男性9例,女性5例;耳蜗植入年龄22岁~67岁,平均46岁;耳聋时间6年-42年,平均16年.在人工耳蜗植入6个月、12个月及24个月时,进行开放性单词和短句言语感知测试.分别在三种模式下进行:只听模式(开放人工耳蜗)、听觉加视觉模式(开放人工耳蜗加唇读)及视觉模式(关闭人工耳蜗只用唇读).结果在听觉模式及听觉加视觉模式下,患者对单词和句子的正确感知随人工耳蜗使用时间而不断改善.术后6个月,听觉模式下的开放性单词和短句的正确感知率分别是38%和54%;听觉加视觉模式下的开放性单词和短句的正确感知率分别是70%和76%.术后24个月,听觉模式下的开放性单词和短句的正确感知率分别是65%和72%;听觉加视觉模式下的开放性单词和短句的正确感知率分别是84%和88%.结论人工耳蜗植入能显著改善语后聋成人的言语感知能力,并随着人工耳蜗使用时间的增加,言语感知能力逐渐得到提高.  相似文献   

目的:人工耳蜗植入技术(Cochlear Implant)使双侧重度及极重度感音神经性耳聋的语后聋患者和年龄较小的语前聋患者在言语识别方面改善较大,但对语前聋青少年人工耳蜗植入患者术后是否受益尚存在争议。本文研究语前聋青少年人工耳蜗的获益情况。方法:以语前聋青少年为研究对象,关注交流能力和生活质量改善等情况,设计语前聋青少年CI使用效果和满意度的调查问卷并分析患者人工耳蜗术后获益效果和满意度以及相关影响因素。结果:调查结果显示所有家长均对孩子植入人工耳蜗后的声音获得非常满意,且认为人工耳蜗对整体综合交流能力的改善有一定帮助,患者本人及家长都愿意选择CI。结论:对语前聋青少年CI植入者不应把言语测试识别率得分的提高作为评判人工耳蜗获益情况的唯一标准,还应考虑人工耳蜗在提高患者综合交流能力和生活质量方面的帮助效果。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to examine the speech perception skills of prelingually deafened French children with preoperative residual hearing who received multichannel cochlear implants. DESIGN: The design of the study incorporated a within-subject, repeated measures design for assessing speech perception skills. SETTING: Montpellier, Toulouse and Lyon Pediatric Cochlear Implant Centers. SUBJECTS: Seven prelingually deafened children demonstrating marginal benefit from conventional amplification prior to implantation with a Nucleus multichannel cochlear implant, served as subjects for the speech perception assessment (a speech recognition score less than 30% defines marginal benefit from acoustic amplification on open set materials). The mean age at implantation was 7 years, 9 months. OUTCOME MEASURES: Speech perception skills were assessed using open set materials and the MUSS and MAIS questionnaires. RESULTS: Open-set speech recognition averaged 21.4% before implantation, and 83.6% after 1 year's cochlear implant experience. All children demonstrated an open-set score over 60% after 12 months of CI use. MAIS test scores averaged 18.1/40 before implantation and 35.1/40 after 9 months of CI use. MUSS test scores averaged 24.4/40 before implantation and 34.1/40 after 9 months of CI use. CONCLUSIONS: Cochlear implantation should be considered for prelingually hearing impaired children demonstrating marginal benefit from hearing aids, with a speech recognition score less than 30% on open set materials, in order to improve their speech discrimination skills.  相似文献   

This study examined the variables that contribute to the large individual differences in the speech perception skills of children with the Nucleus multichannel cochlear implant. Sixty-one children were tested on four measures of speech perception: two tests of closed-set word recognition, one test of open-set recognition of phrases, and one open-set monosyllabic word test, scored on the basis of the percentage of phonemes as well as words identified correctly. The results of a series of multiple regression analyses revealed that the variables of processor type, duration of deafness, communication mode, age at onset of deafness, length of implant use, and age implanted accounted for roughly 35% of the variance on two tests of closed-set word recognition, and 40% of the variance on measures that assessed recognition of words or phomenes in an open set. Length of implant use accounted for the most variance on all of the speech perception measures.  相似文献   

A group of 10 children, adolescents, and prelinguistically deafened adults were implanted with the 22-electrode cochlear implant (Cochlear Pty Ltd) at the University of Melbourne Cochlear Implant Clinic and have used the prosthesis for periods from 12 to 65 months. Postoperative performance on the majority of closed-set speech perception tests was significantly greater than chance, and significantly better than preoperative performance for all of the patients. Five of the children have achieved substantial scores on open-set speech tests using hearing without lipreading. Phoneme scores in monosyllabic words ranged from 30% to 72%; word scores in sentences ranged from 26% to 74%. Four of these 5 children were implanted during preadolescence (aged 5:5 to 10:2 years) and the fifth, who had a progressive loss, was implanted during adolescence (aged 14:8 years). The duration of profound deafness before implantation varied from 2 to 8 years. Improvements were also noted over postoperative data collection times for the younger children. The remaining 5 patients who did not demonstrate open-set recognition were implanted after a longer duration of profound deafness (aged 13:11 to 20:1 years). The results are discussed with reference to variables that may affect implant performance, such as age at onset of loss, duration of profound loss, age at implantation, and duration of implantation. They are compared with results for similar groups of children using hearing aids and cochlear implants.  相似文献   

The speech perception performance of 10 congenitally deaf and 3 postlingually deafened children who received the Cochlear Corporation multichannel cochlear implant was examined and compared. The children were tested preimplant and at 6-month intervals up to 2 years using the Monosyllable-Trochee-Spondee test (MTS), the Word Intelligibility by Picture Identification test (WIPI), and Phonetically Balanced Kindergarten (PB-K) or Northwestern University List 6 (NU-6) word lists. The postlingually deafened children exhibited significantly improved performance on open- and closed-set tests of word recognition after 6 months of implant use, a pattern similar to that of postlingually deafened adult implant users. In contrast, the congenitally deaf children did not exhibit measurably improved performance on speech perception tests until after 12 months or more of implant use. With as much as 18-24 months of use, however, some congenitally deaf children demonstrated limited open-set word recognition.  相似文献   

Cantonese language rehabilitation in 28 prelingually deaf children who underwent cochlear implantation was evaluated. All patients were implanted with multichannel devices and the operations went smoothly. They all had improved scores on audiological assessments and speech perception tests. The speech evaluation tests included the recognition of sounds, vowels, consonants and tone. Sentence recognition and story comprehension were both improved after training for 2 years. Cochlear implantation is a useful measure for the speech rehabilitation of prelingually profound deaf children when hearing aids are of no benefit. The multichannel implant device is of clinical significance in the rehabilitation of those patients using tonal language.  相似文献   

Cantonese language rehabilitation in 28 prelingually deaf children who underwent cochlear implantation was evaluated. All patients were implanted with multichannel devices and the operations went smoothly. They all had improved scores on audiological assessments and speech perception tests. The speech evaluation tests included the recognition of sounds, vowels, consonants and tone. Sentence recognition and story comprehension were both improved after training for 2 years. Cochlear implantation is a useful measure for the speech rehabilitation of prelingually profound deaf children when hearing aids are of no benefit. The multichannel implant device is of clinical significance in the rehabilitation of those patients using tonal language.  相似文献   

《Acta oto-laryngologica》2012,132(2):209-213
The goals of this study were to report on mean values of speech perception performance in prelingually deaf children implanted with a Combi 40/40+ cochlear implant. A total of 31 patients were included in the study. The time span ranged over 3 years, during which time the Evaluation of Auditory Responses to Speech (EARS) test battery was used with the children. The EARS battery contains four measures of closed-set speech perception and three open-set tests. The mean test results exhibited steady improvement on all parts of the EARS test battery, even up to 3 years post-implantation. The preoperative scores for the Listening Progress Profile (LiP) were 4%, rising to 93% at 36 months post-implantation. Results for the open-set testing measures were most encouraging, with some children reaching fairly high levels of speech perception, receiving scores as high as 100% by the 36-month evaluation. The congenitally and prelingually deaf children in our study showed continuous improvement in both closed and open set speech perception following cochlear implantation, although variability in individual performance among the children was noted.  相似文献   

The goals of this study were to report on mean values of speech perception performance in prelingually deaf children implanted with a Combi 40/40 + cochlear implant. A total of 31 patients were included in the study. The time span ranged over 3 years, during which time the Evaluation of Auditory Responses to Speech (EARS) test battery was used with the children. The EARS battery contains four measures of closed-set speech perception and three open-set tests. The mean test results exhibited steady improvement on all parts of the EARS test battery, even up to 3 years post-implantation. The preoperative scores for the Listening Progress Profile (LiP) were 4%, rising to 93% at 36 months post-implantation. Results for the open-set testing measures were most encouraging, with some children reaching fairly high levels of speech perception, receiving scores as high as 100%, by the 36-month evaluation. The congenitally and prelingually deaf children in our study showed continuous improvement in both closed and open set speech perception following cochlear implantation, although variability in individual performance among the children was noted.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to present speech perception achievements of implanted children using commercially available cochlear implant devices: Nucleus, Clarion or Med-El. STUDY DESIGN: A retrospective analysis. METHODS: Speech perception data of 96 hearing-impaired children: 27 with Clarion, 49 with Nucleus and 20 with Med-El were collected. Speech tests included the Hebrew Infant Toddlers Meaningful Auditory Integration Scale (HIT-MAIS) for the infants, the Hebrew Early Speech Perception (HESP) closed-set word-identification test and Hebrew Arthur Boothroyd (HAB) open-set one-syllable word recognition test were used for the older children. RESULTS: I HIT-MAIS: (1) Infants showed similar rate of progress, regardless of device. (2) Children implanted under two years of age reached performance within normal development on this test. II HAB: (1) Most children achieved open set results with mean HAB between 40 and 50%, within 1-1.5 years post implantation. (2) Linear regression analyses revealed no statistical differences between the Clarion the Nucleus and the Med-El devices on the mean final measurement of this test. (3) Age of implantation and mode of communication were significant covariate variables: (a) the younger the child is implanted the better the results and (b) oral communication prior to implantation results in better performance than sign language. CONCLUSIONS: There are no apparent differences in speech perception performance between implant devices when considering background variables. The data have important implications on the rehabilitation process of hearing impaired children with cochlear implants in relation to device selection, age at implantation and mode of communication prior to implantation.  相似文献   

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