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总结了铝锂合金高强化成分设计的发展过程,综合了课题组主合金元素Cu、Li含量,微合金元素Mg、Ag、Zn及稀土(RE)元素等对Al-Cu-Li系铝锂合金力学性能及析出相影响规律的研究结果。铝锂合金中Cu/Li比例较低时有利于时效时δ′相(Al3Li)析出,但不利于强度的提高;而Cu/Li比增加则有利于时效时T1相(Al2CuLi)及θ′相(Al2Cu)析出,从而有效提高铝锂合金的强度。微合金化元素Mg能有效促进T1相形核析出,加速铝锂合金时效响应速度,提高T1相析出密度,进而提高铝锂合金强度;Mg+Ag及Mg+Zn复合添加能进一步促进T1相析出,提高T1相分布密度;Mg+Ag+Zn三元复合微合金化具有最好的促进T1相形核析出及提高铝锂合金强度的效果。在高Cu/Li比铝锂合金中添加微量RE元素将导致时效时含Cu强化相T1相及θ′相减少,降低铝锂合金强度。铝锂合金高强化成分设计的思路应是在Mg、Mg+Ag、Mg+Zn或Mg+Ag+Zn微合金化基础上,提高Cu+Li总量并保持较高Cu/Li比。  相似文献   

采用浸泡腐蚀试验、锈层XRD分析、环境扫描显微镜(SEM)和电化学分析等方法,研究了不同Cu含量的油轮耐蚀钢在模拟原油船货油舱环境下的腐蚀规律和机理。结果表明:Cu含量增加,油轮钢耐腐蚀性能增加;短期浸泡腐蚀过程中,铜元素的加入可显著提高腐蚀电位、降低腐蚀电流密度;长周期浸泡腐蚀过程中,铜元素改善了产物膜结构和致密度,提高了与基体的结合度,从而有效抑制了基体的进一步腐蚀,提高了低合金钢长周期浸泡的耐蚀性能。  相似文献   

铜合金具有良好的导电性和导热性,是应用最广泛的工业材料之一。铜合金服役过程中常与酸、碱、盐等腐蚀介质接触,易引起铜合金的腐蚀,最终导致失效,对生产制造带来危害。提高铜合金的耐腐蚀性有利于进一步扩展其应用领域。本文主要归纳了Cr, Pb, Ti, Al,Mn, Ni以及稀土元素的添加对合金耐蚀性能的影响,通过合金元素的添加可以改变铜合金表面腐蚀产物膜的组成和形貌,减小相与相之间腐蚀电位差,以及减少有害杂质的存在,以此来改善铜合金的耐蚀性能。塑性变形和热处理是改善铜合金力学性能的常用手段,经塑性变形和热处理过后的铜合金,其微观组织形貌和分布发生了变化,因此对合金耐蚀性能也有一定的影响。本文主要从合金化、塑性变形及热处理3个方面对铜合金耐蚀性能影响进行综述,最后对铜合金的腐蚀防护研究进行总结和展望。  相似文献   

采用通过微合金调控技术,合理控制钢中C、Cu、Cr和P等元素的含量,研发了一种比普通HRB400aE具有更高耐工业大气和含Cl^(-)污染物综合内陆自然环境腐蚀的400 MPa级低合金耐蚀抗震钢筋(NS-HRB400aE)。通过周浸试验、电化学极化曲线和电化学阻抗谱测试试验,对2种钢筋的耐蚀性进行了评价,结果表明合金化后的NS-HRB400AE低合金耐蚀抗震钢筋表面的腐蚀形貌为均匀腐蚀,而普通HRB400AE钢筋的腐蚀形貌主要为点蚀,NS-HRB400aE钢筋相比HRB400aE钢筋具有更低的腐蚀速率、更高的点蚀电位、更低的维钝电流密度和更高的临界Cl^(-)含量,表明微合金调控后钢筋的耐蚀性能显著提升。  相似文献   

耐酸钢具有比碳钢更强的耐酸性能,比耐酸不锈钢更低的合金成本,与涂镀产品相比又减少了电镀/热镀工序,在实际应用中体现出较大的应用价值。本文系统地介绍了合金元素对耐硫酸露点腐蚀钢耐蚀行为、表面质量的影响,对耐蚀钢实际生产中热轧表面缺陷产生原因进行了分析,并提出了有效改进措施。Cu、Sb、Sn、Cr元素的添加在耐硫酸腐蚀方面起着决定性作用,但是,Cu、Sb的选择性氧化会引起一系列表面质量问题,如“铜脆”和氧化铁皮色差,是工业生产的难题。研究发现,Ti能够以鳞片状富集在锈层内部,通过添加钛元素提高晶界密度;优化连铸工艺,避免铸坯在第三脆性区矫直开裂;缩短铸坯在加热炉时间、铸坯加热快速通过铜熔点区间和降低精除鳞温度等措施,在提高强度、有效消除“铜脆”缺陷的同时,还可以有效避免晶间腐蚀。在此基础上,探讨了微合金钛在耐酸钢中的作用及低成本耐酸钢的应用前景。认为,以Sn、Ti替代Sb,实现绿色环保生产,避免耐酸钢在使用过程中的全生命周期污染是新一代耐酸钢发展的趋势。  相似文献   

钛合金的腐蚀机理及耐蚀钛合金的发展现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钛及钛合金作为耐蚀结构材料在腐蚀工程中的应用已越来越广泛。综述了钛合金在不同腐蚀介质中的几种腐蚀行为及其腐蚀机理,概述了不同合金化元素的添加对钛合金耐蚀性能的影响及其作用机理,最后介绍了耐蚀钛合金的发展现状,以及今后耐蚀钛合金研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

针对油轮货油舱底部的高氯离子强酸性腐蚀环境,参照了IMO《货油舱用耐蚀钢实验程序》的要求,深入研究了腐蚀溶液的pH值对其腐蚀特性的影响,对比分析了普通E36级船板钢以及等强度级别的耐蚀船板钢腐蚀行为的差异.研究结果表明,pH值对钢的腐蚀速率有显著影响.pH<3.0时,耐蚀钢的耐腐蚀性能,尤其是耐点蚀性能明显优于传统钢;pH≥3.0时,耐蚀钢和传统钢的腐蚀速率未表现出明显差异.强酸性氯离子环境下,实验钢的纯净度、微量耐蚀合金设计、显微组织共同决定了其耐腐蚀性能.钢中的非金属夹杂物是诱发局部腐蚀的主要原因;Cu、Ni、Sn元素的复合添加能显著提高耐蚀钢的腐蚀电位,同时耐蚀合金元素在锈层内部富集,提高了耐蚀钢表面锈层的致密性与稳定性;单一均匀的贝氏体显微组织有利于提高实验钢在酸性氯离子环境下的耐蚀性能,这主要是由于贝氏体组织中富碳相较少且分布均匀.  相似文献   

08PVRE 耐海水腐蚀结构用铜,经过多年的研究、生产试制和应用,证明该钢种满足了耐海水腐蚀结构用钢的性能要求,具有强度高(屈服强度大于35公斤/毫米~2)、低温韧性好(-40℃梅氏冲击值大于35公斤·米/厘米~2)、耐海水腐蚀性能优良(在飞溅带最大腐蚀率为0.16毫米/年,耐蚀率为碳钢的2~3倍,接近 Mariner 钢的报道水平)等特点。08PVRE 钢立足国内资源,含合金元素少,生产工艺简单,便于掌握,规格为6~16×1600~1800×6000~8000毫米,中板厂可以批量生产。08PVRE 如果经过强韧化处理,可以进一步发挥合金元素的作用,使性能显著提高。该钢种已于1982年10月18日,经冶金部钢铁司组织鉴定转产,可以推广使用。  相似文献   

铜及铜合金材料广泛应用于电子信息、电气控制、电力传输及轨道交通等领域,随着科技进步和社会发展,对高强度、高导电同时兼备耐热、耐蚀、抗应力松弛等高性能铜合金材料的需求十分迫切。目前,铜铬系合金被认为是综合性能最优异的铜合金之一。本文简要回顾了铜铬系合金的发展历史,总结了其应用现状,重点探讨了稀土元素以及Hf, Ag, Ti, In, Mg, Zr和Sn的添加对铜铬系合金组织及性能的影响规律,并按照单一元素添加、复合元素添加、稀土元素添加的方式,分别讨论了稀土元素以及Ti, Mg, Mg与Si, Ni与Si等对铜铬锆合金组织和性能的影响。通过对文献的整理发现,微量合金元素的添加可明显改善铜铬合金强度与导电匹配性,并提高合金抗软化温度。此外,添加多元微量元素对性能的提升要优于单一元素,若匹配以合适的变形加工和热处理工艺,更易获得理想材料。今后,可以在铜铬锆合金基础上添加稀土元素,找到适宜的添加量以达到在最大化提高强度与抗软化温度的同时最小化影响其导电率。  相似文献   

通过对三种不同状态的弹簧钢60Si2Mn开展周期浸润腐蚀试验,并通过计算腐蚀失重率、观察锈层形貌、分析锈层物相组成与元素分布,研究了试验钢在模拟工业大气腐蚀环境中的耐蚀性能。结果表明,调质处理后的60Si2Mn钢比轧态60Si2Mn钢耐蚀性好,添加Cu与Ni元素的耐蚀钢的腐蚀速率均小于其相应的对比钢,且腐蚀速率随腐蚀时间增加而减小,锈层增厚提高了对基体的保护,耐蚀性能较优。同周期下添加Cu、Ni元素的耐蚀钢腐蚀产物更多,产物之间间隙较小,可在基体表面形成相对保护性好的锈层,提高锈层的耐腐蚀性。  相似文献   

TiAl基合金的韧化途径及基础应用研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
TiAl基合金以其低的密度, 优异的高温强度, 良好的抗氧化性和抗蠕变性等特点获得极大关注, 成为一种很有希望的航空、航天及汽车用高温合金, 但室温脆性严重制约了TiAl基合金的工业化应用. 分析了TiAl基合金室温韧性差的原因, 介绍了改善室温脆性的具体途径, 包括添加合金化元素、制备工艺的不断优化以及复合增强等, 从而改善了TiAl基合金室温脆性, 并概述了TiAl基合金的应用研究.  相似文献   

Mechanical alloying is a unique high energy milling process for producing metal powders with a controlled microstructure. When applied to aluminum based alloys, a uniform, equiaxed fine dispersion of oxygen- and carbon-based particles is obtained. In addition, a very fine grain structure, pinned by the dispersoid, is generated. Relatively low volume loadings of dispersoid may be employed to achieve attractive combinations of properties including ambient temperature tensile strength, corrosion resistance and stress corrosion cracking resistance. The development of a dispersion strengthened aluminum-4 pct magnesium alloy is discussed.  相似文献   

钛及钛合金密度低、比强度高且在酸性环境中耐蚀性优异,在氢燃料电池双极板中具有较高的应用价值。回顾了近年来氢燃料电池用钛双极板的研究进展,详述了钛双极板表面改性技术的研究成果,包括掺杂合金元素、钛表面涂覆金属基涂层(贵金属、金属碳/氮化物等)和碳基涂层(石墨、无定型碳等)。涂层结构组织的复合化和纳米化,有利于提升钛双极板的耐蚀性、导电性和疏水性,其对于提升氢燃料电池的性能及保证其运行的稳定性和耐久性具有重要作用。  相似文献   

This article discusses the fundamental basis of high strength Al alloy design and describes the role of alloying elements, mechanical processing parameters and heat treatments toward the evolution of microstructure that controls the desired properties i.e. strength, fracture toughness, stress corrosion cracking (SCC) resistance, fatigue crack initiation and propagation resistance, and weldability in 7xxx series Al alloys. The beneficial effects of suitable micro/trace alloying elements, and deleterious effects of certain impurity elements on a variety of properties are further discussed within the present context.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present investigation is to determine the relative importance of minor variations in alloy chemistry and thermomechanical treatment on the low cycle fatigue behavior of 7000 series aluminum alloys. Two types of alloying variations are considered: changing the alloy purity level by controlling the iron and silicon content, and changing the grain refiner from chromium to zirconium. The effects of these alloying variations, with regard to mechanical properties other than low cycle fatigue, have been discussed elsewhere.1-4The purpose of thermomechanical processing is to provide increased strength over 7075-T7351 with equivalent fracture toughness and corrosion properties.5-7 The effect of the dislocation substructure introduced by thermomechanical processing (TMP) on the high cycle fatigue behavior of 7075 was documented by Reimann and Brisbane.8 The present work was undertaken to determine the relative importance of purity level, dispersoid type, and dislocation substructure (TMP) on the low cycle fatigue behavior of 7000 series aluminum alloys. formerly with the Air Force Materials Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH  相似文献   

For high-temperature applications, creep strength is of major concern, in addition to oxidation and corrosion resistance, and determines the application range of titanium aluminide alloys in competition with other structural materials. Thus, this work was aimed at identifying mechanisms of creep deformation and microstructural degradation and at developing alloying concepts with respect to an enhanced high-temperature capability. The analysis shows that dislocation climb controls deformation in the range of the intended operation temperatures. Further, complex processes of phase transformations, recrystallization, and microstructural coarsening were observed, which contribute to microstructural degradation and limit component life in long-term service. By alloying with high contents of Nb, both room- and high-temperature strength properties can be improved as Nb increases the activation energy of diffusion and increases the propensity for twinning at ambient temperature. For alloys with enhanced high-temperature capability, microalloying with carbon is also of particular use, because carbide precipitates effectively hinder dislocation motion and are thought to increase microstructural stability. This article is based on a presentation made in the symposium entitled “Fundamentals of Structural Intermetallics,” presented at the 2002 TMS Annual Meeting, February 21–27, 2002, in Seattle, Washington, under the auspices of the ASM and TMS Joint Committee on Mechanical Behavior of Materials.  相似文献   

22Cr High-Mn-N Low-Ni Economical Duplex Stainless Steels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 A new family of economical duplex stainless steels in which N or Mn was substituted for Ni with composition of 22Cr-80Mn-xNi-10Mo-07Cu-07W-03N (x=05-20) have been developed by examining the microstructure, mechanical and corrosion properties of these alloys. The results show that these alloys have a balanced ferrite-austenite relation. In addition, the alloys are free of precipitation of sigma phase and Cr-nitride when solution-treated at 750 to 1300 ℃ for 30 min. The yield strength, tensile strength and fracture elongation values of experimental alloys solution-treated at 1050 ℃ for 30 min are about 500, 750 MPa and 400%, respectively. Low-temperature impact properties can be improved distinctly with the increase of nickel content. Among the designed DSS alloys, the alloy with Ni of 20% is found to be an optimum alloy with proper phase proportion, better low-temperature impact properties and higher pitting corrosion resistance compared with those of other alloys. The mechanical and corrosion properties and lower production cost of the designed DSSs are better than those of AISI 304.  相似文献   

Calcium is one of the most widespread and, consequently, low-cost metals on Earth. It has been applied for a long time in modifying and alloying alloys of heavy metals, in particular, lead and copper. It is used as a modifier in cast irons and steels. Calcium began being applied for alloying light alloys based on aluminum and magnesium comparatively recently. In this review, the application fields of metallic calcium and its influence on the structure and properties of various alloys are considered. Alloys based on aluminum–calcium eutectic have been systematically investigated over last few years, and it has been established that they possess casting properties no worse than these of silumins, and they can be hot-rolled and cold-rolled with a high degree of deformation. Ternary and more complex phase diagrams of systems including calcium are constructed and multicomponent alloys based on them are investigated. All these circumstances make it possible to outline several groups of new promising Ca-containing aluminum alloys: (i) alloys hardening without quenching due to the isolation of nanodimensional particles of Al3Zr, Al3Sc, and Al3(Zr,Sc) phases; (ii) high-strength alloys alloyed with traditional hardening elements of the aluminum solid solution, such as zinc and magnesium; and (iii) composite alloys having more than 20% eutectic intermetallic compounds in the structure. All these materials have reduced density, an improved set of operational properties, increased corrosion resistance, and high manufacturability when producing cast and deformed half-finished products.  相似文献   

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