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智能合约在法律层面的关注度不断提高,如何将现实法律合同转化为智能合约程序,保证法律元素提取和程序转换的规范化已经成为当前的研究热点.据此,从合约模板化和语义规范化的角度出发,提出一种合同文本置标语言(CTML),通过对合同中语法、结构、词汇的内容进行标注,实现合同要素的提取与转化.首先,构建合同元模型并建立“要素-属性-成分”的三层语义结构与数源标记语法规则,基于元模型设计面向合同文本的置标语言语法规则,通过CTML完成法律信息规范化提取,形成标注合同;其次,通过递归抽象语法树(AST)并建立映射关系,设计由标注合同到智能法律合约的转换规则,完善法律合同到智能合约可执行代码的转化链条.进而,以保理合同为例,演示了合同文本置标语言的语义提取和代码生成的实际效果,为普通法律合同转化成为智能合约提供了一种技术方法.  相似文献   

随着软件服务交易模式由提前付费向“先服务后结算”转变,软件即服务(SaaS)所依赖的订阅模式面临着软件服务金融化与法律化的挑战—既无法按实际使用量进行金融支付,也难以通过法律形式规范服务提供方、消费方、交易平台之间权利义务关系。据此,本文将智能法律合约(SLC)引入到服务计算平台中,提出一种服务即合约(SaaSC)架构。在法律化方面,SaaS+SaaSC的组合支持SLC软件订阅合约中设立服务注册、发现、定制化三种条款,从交互动作、服务状态、状态转移流程等方面规范了各方当事人在服务注册、发现与消费三阶段的交互行为;在金融化方面,将服务接口声明添加到智能法律合约中,借助智能合约自动执行和检查条款实现了细化到服务接口调用级别的精准计费模式。进一步,以天气预报服务作为案例实现了基于区块链智能合约的在线软件服务获取、交付及合约化支付,验证了SaaS+SaaSC方案的合理性和有效性,表明软件服务合约化是一种新的可行技术路线。   相似文献   

从智能合约、智能法律合约等概念入手,依据现行法律条目的要求对智能合约法律化问题进行探讨,指出智能合约法律化需满足文法要求、非赋权原则、审查准则三个基本规则,并以典型智能法律合约语言SPESC、CML为实例剖析了其法律效力,辨析使其与原合同文本具有同等法律效力需满足的条件。进而,结合智能合约系统架构及部署运行过程,在对所部署智能合约进行法律化辨析基础上对区块链智能合约及其链码的法律地位进行了论证。最后,对当前智能法律合约逻辑模型与语言模型的研究进展进行总结,并加以讨论和评价。上述工作表明当前智能法律合约研究是一条解决智能合约法律地位的可行途径,有利于从现行法上把握智能合约在合约逻辑、仲裁流程、形式化验证等方面的未来发展方向。   相似文献   

专利权人即指享有专利权的人。专利权人可以通过订立专利实施许可合同许可其他人使用其专利技术;专利权人还可以向其他人转让其专利技术;专利权人应当按时向专利局交纳年费,以维持其专利权的有效性;当有人提出宣告专利权无效的请求时,专利权人将作为被请求人出庭应诉;当专利局颁发强制许可或政府有关部门发放”计划许可”时,专利权人也将作为当事人参与该法律关系等等。  相似文献   

盖丽娜 《冶金管理》2012,(10):46-50
合同作为企业从事经营活动和对外经济交往的主要载体,是企业获取经济效益的主要途径。现代企业的运营过程实际就是合同签订和履行的过程。在此意义上,合同管理可视为企业法律风险管理的核心。企业的合同管理,涉及合同的订立、履行、变更、终止、违约、索赔、争议处理等诸多方面,本文仅从企业制度管理与具  相似文献   

从区块链的设计和需求出发,阐明了区块链技术中的基本概念与特征及其基础架构;其次,以比特币为例详细介绍了区块链中各种机制,包括:区块结构与防篡改机制、交易结构与脚本语言、交易人员身份鉴别机制以及网络高效交易传播机制等;而且,按照证明类、拜占庭类、传统共识类及混合共识类等类型,详细描述了当前几种主流的区块链共识算法;此外,对智能合约的概念、组织结构及模块关系以及执行方式与过程进行了讨论;最后,对区块链面临的主要安全挑战进行了总结,从而达到系统地把握区块链技术发展和趋势的目的.   相似文献   

现场总线引入MCC,使智能MCC成为一种先进、简洁、高效的自动控制系统.本文简要介绍了包钢二炼钢转炉散装料下料、汽化冷却系统MCC智能化改造过程.  相似文献   

法律解释是一门关于实践和应用的学问,是在应用法律的过程中使不确定、不明白的法律概念和规定得以明确化、具体化的必要途径和重要手段.因此,法律解释在法律的适用中具有重要意义.法律解释既是对法律含义的解读,又是法律发展的重要方法.但关于何谓法律解释,迄今为止学界尚未达成一致意见.  相似文献   

陈晓云 《冶金管理》2002,(11):50-51
工程造价的确定包含两种含义:对业主而言就是以尽可能少的投资或以同样多的投资获得较大的投资效益;对承包商而言就是在建成符合业主或者国家规定的标准和要求的建设项目的同时,尽可能地降低成本,以赚取较多的利润。在实际工作中,采取各种有效措施,加强该阶段工程造价的管理和控制,尽而提高建设资金的投资效益、社会效益,特别是企业的经济效益,有着十分重要的意义。一、施工阶段工程造价的控制措施1.加强合同管理。根据《中华人民共和国合同法》、《建设工程施工合同管理办法》的规定,依照招标文件、投标文件,双方签订施工合同…  相似文献   

品质管理已成为企业竞争力的最重要指针,ISO9001质量管理体系的建立几乎为所有重视品质的企业所认知.而对ISO9001质量管理体系文件的有效控制是控制产品及过程质量的基础,之前在企业实际应用中大量使用的多为书面化的纸质文件.但是随着社会的进步、电脑的普及,上述的这些书面化纸质文件在很多企业也采用电子文本的形式进行管理(以下简称电子文件),对这些电子文件如何进行有效管理?本文将对电子文件的控制以及质量管理体系认证的相关规定加以对比,结合企业应用实际案例,讨论如何有效控制电子文件,使其满足ISO9001质量管理体系对文件控制的相关要求.  相似文献   

The obligations and rights of the contracting parties are typically set out in the conditions of contract. The attempt to have a “water-proof” contract that caters to all eventualities has turned contracts into management manuals with detailed contractual procedures to deal with, inter alia, performance, changes, payment, approval, and dispute resolution. Contract disputes, therefore, have to be negotiated within the ambits of the contracts. This study revisits the assumption of free negotiation that underpins most conventional negotiation studies, i.e., negotiation is free with rational negotiators who can walk away from the negotiating table at will. Constraints imposed by a contract are collectively described as contract governance. With taxonomies developed through principal component factor analyses for contract governance (CG) and negotiating behaviors (NH), the influence of CG and NH is explored by a Pearson correlation analysis. In general, it was found that dominating and obliging behaviors are mostly influenced by CG while compromising behavior is the least influenced. It was further found that procedural requirements influence all types of negotiators under the Rahim organizational conflict inventory except integrators. This suggests that if negotiators are having concern for both themselves as well as their counterparts, amicable settlement is possible notwithstanding the complex procedural requirements.  相似文献   

For many years, the construction industry has relied on formal contracts to define and enforce the obligations and rights of contracting parties. Legal scholars have suggested that, based on their transaction characteristics, there are three different forms of contracts: classical, neoclassical, and relational. Of these, which form is more appropriate for use in construction projects? With increasing awareness of the importance of teamwork in construction, there is clear evidence of a rising trend in adopting a partnering approach to construction project delivery. For projects that seek to achieve a partnering relationship, relational contracts that value relationships, trust, and communication appear to be the appropriate form of contract. This paper discusses the application of relational contracts in construction by examining the fundamental question “How relational are construction contracts?” The degree of relationalism is assessed using a relational index comprising eight factors: cooperation, organizational culture, risk, trust, good faith, flexibility, the use of alternative dispute resolution, and contract duration. It was found that in the traditional design–bid–build form of delivery, the main contract and domestic subcontract forms are more relational than those of the nominated subcontract and the direct labor contract. The study was conducted in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

格式合同是当事人预先拟订的条款,具有快捷、高效、可预见性以及可反复适用等特点。但目前,我国法律对格式合同的有关规定主要体现在《消费者权益保护法》、《合同法》中,尚欠缺专门的规范格式合同的立法,没有形成一个有效保护消费者利益的法律体系。同时,格式合同的订立程序没有法律的专门规定,立法解释不完善,内容抽象,违背了契约自由原则,实践中存在"霸王条款",需要在行政、立法、司法方面予以规制。  相似文献   

Civil procedure rules (CPRs) in the English jurisdiction were introduced to restrain the adversarial and expensive litigation activities of the legal profession. Judges use case management to fix timetables for preaction meetings, disclosure, and trial dates. Under CPR both the judiciary and the parties have a duty to consider ADR alternatives such as mediation. Costs sanctions were implemented to keep in check unreasonable litigation practices and prevent the parties and their lawyers from creating delay and unwarranted expense. Evidence exists that construction parties are beginning to utilize mediation tactically both in the settlement phases activated by CPR and during the mediation process itself and some lawyers are reported to adopt an adversarial approach in mediation. This paper examines case law from the English jurisdiction on the application of the principle of “unreasonable behavior” in litigation to analyze how effective the specialist Technology and Construction Courts (TCCs) are in countermanding the strategic interplay of mediation within CPR and to determine the developing legal rules on mediation. Case law indicates that judges in the TCC are using costs sanctions to control abuse of the preaction protocols where there is a “substantial” lack of compliance but the Halsey criteria demonstrates an uncertainty in the application of the guidelines for delay and the timing of mediation, which can impact on the expense of litigation and may result in abuse or costs injustices. Further case analysis shows that negotiations in mediation are protected by the privileged status of “without prejudice statements” but unreasonable conduct in mediation will be examined by the court if both parties waive privilege or the abuse is such that it reaches the bar set for “unambiguous impropriety.” Further protection is provided through a developing principle of confidentiality but judges are likely to use their discretion in the “interests of justice,” for example, where there are allegations of economic duress. Neither unambiguous impropriety nor economic duress is likely to encompass uncooperative or adversarial approaches within the process or hard negotiations.  相似文献   

In the modern world, some traditions are falling faster than others. The threat to end the legal concept of freedom of contract may be realized sooner than expected with the statutory interference of not only consumer contracts but contracts between nonconsumers. The family of security of payment legislation, beginning from the United Kingdom has been adopted by New South Wales and now in Singapore, regulates a business-to-business contract to facilitate progress payment in the construction industry by introducing statutory adjudication to resolve disputes producing the effect of nonpayment. The struggle between two parties, one with a right to demand payment and the other with the right to withhold payment because of his right to set-off and counter-claim, is examined in light of the new legislation called the Singapore Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 2004. Having examined specific provisions of the Act and the experience of New South Wales—as Singapore has no relevant case law, it is concluded that the Act is a blunt but practical and equitable instrument to achieve its intention.  相似文献   

Over the past few decades, both the guaranteed maximum price (GMP) and target cost contracting (TCC) arrangements have been regarded as alternative integrated procurement strategies for clients to mitigate risks, minimize claims, integrate the diverse interests of a complex construction project, and offer incentives to provide value-added services. However, the adoption of GMP/TCC contracts may also generate significant risks and difficulties that merit considerable attention. This paper aims to provide a concise review of the potential pitfalls of the GMP/TCC scheme in general and identifies the key risk factors and potential difficulties associated with GMP/TCC in comparison with other procurement strategies in construction in particular via an empirical survey of clients, contractors, and consultants in Hong Kong. The survey data gleaned from 45 valid replies were analyzed using the mean score ranking technique, Kendall’s concordance test, and Spearman’s rank correlation test. The survey results indicated that “involvement of inexperienced or claim-conscious contractors in a project procured by a GMP/TCC contract” was considered to be the most significant risk factor; while “design development must keep pace with main contractor’s program for tendering the domestic subcontractors’ works packages” as the major difficulty in implementing GMP/TCC projects. The research findings derived from this study are particularly essential in assisting the contracting parties to mitigate the detriments brought about by potential risks or difficulties when embarking on GMP/TCC contracts. It has also generated valuable insights into developing effective recommendations for alleviating the barriers to GMP/TCC success for future construction projects.  相似文献   

Delay and disruption claims often generate conflict and contract dispute in the delivery of building and civil engineering projects. If construction delay claims conflict can be avoided or mitigated, there could be substantial financial savings on projects. This study explores the effect of precontract negotiation as a means of avoiding or mitigating delay and disruption claims conflict. The data collection instrument was a structured questionnaire administered face to face on 41 contractors’ personnel on 41 completed projects in Singapore. The data were analyzed using structural modeling with partial least squares estimation approach. The results indicate that when the contractors received an unfavorable outcome from the contract administrator’s decision on their claims for delay, the intensity of conflict was lower when there was precontract negotiation and precontract agreement regarding the rules for quantifying and assessing the impact of anticipated delays than when there was none. It was also discovered that the higher the level of precontract negotiation and precontract agreement on the rules for quantifying and assessing delays, the higher the contractors perceived the quality of the decision-making process for delay claims during the construction phase. Further, the higher the contractors perceived the quality of the decision-making process for delay claims, the lower the intensity of conflict. At the time of entering into contracts, owners and their project management team need to pay more attention to precontract negotiation and agreement with their contractor to clarify and agree on the rules for quantifying and assessing the impact of anticipated delay and disruption. Aspects that require precontract negotiation, agreement, and clarification include: the rules of evidence for claims, the record requirements for claims and the procedure for keeping the records, form of construction program including the software for the preparation of the program and the procedure updating the program, the methodology for analyzing delay claims, formula for quantifying unabsorbed head office overhead component of prolongation cost, the method for quantifying disruption cost, the handling of concurrent delays, profit—whether claimable and the rate of profit to be paid, acceleration—circumstances under which it will be compensated and basis of compensation, and the question of who owns the float. These are, typically, not adequately covered by most standard forms of contracts. The agreements on these matters may be incorporated as part of partnering agreement or as a supplement to the contract agreement. Precontract negotiation, clarity, and agreements could produce instrumental and noninstrumental (social psychological) effects, which could facilitate delay and disruption claims assessment and their resolution. It could mitigate conflict even when the outcomes are unfavorable to a party.  相似文献   

段秀琴  蔺钰 《包钢科技》2012,38(3):82-83,96
文章从工程总承包合同管理与控制出发,对总承包现场管理人员进行详细合同交底、理解和把握合同的执行情况及合同管理程序、行文制度、跟踪监督及平时资料收集进行详细论述,对现场合同管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

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