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中晚粳稻区褐飞虱防治策略的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张夕林  张建明 《昆虫知识》1999,36(3):129-132
为了解二代褐飞虱对粳稻的为害损失,确定合理的防治指标和防治策略,为科学使用噻嗪酮、吡虫啉等药剂防治稻飞虱提供依据,作者在武育粳3号上,通过接不同的虫量,并进行笼罩的方法,研究了二代褐飞虱的增殖规律和为害损失及防治指标。并进行了锐劲特防治不同世代褐飞虱策略试验。结果表明,不同水稻生育期,不同虫口密度的褐飞虱的增长速度不一样;在水稻同一生育期,低密度的增殖速度要大于高密度,但总虫量高密度区显著高于低密度区。二代褐飞虱百丛虫量与水稻产量损失呈极显著正相关( r= 0.9576**),关系式为 y=- 18.3302+ 10. 2892lgx(x为 8月上旬褐飞虱百丛虫量),防治指标为 110-120头。因此,在早发年,迁入量较大的年份必须采取“治二压三控四”的策略,1996-1997年全面推广这一策略,成效显著。  相似文献   

褐飞虱又一种危害方式及其损失估计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
褐飞虱Nilaparvatalugens(Stal)是水稻的主要害虫,常年其自然为害损失超过其它任何一种害虫。对褐飞虱的刺限为害同人早有共识,但有一种为害方式──以产卵器划破德颈产卵,导致水稻产量下降,至今未有报道。为了弄清其危害损失程度,给测报和防治提供依据,我们就此进行了调查,现将结果报道于下。1调查方法1.1田间调查:选择褐飞虱不同密度的稻田(品种汕优63),在水稻收获前跳跃式取样,每点2穴,共查20穴;并数得20穴总株数。将20穴所有穗颈有产卵痕的稻穗取下,观察产卵痕部位,同时在同一穴中取相当数量和大小的无褐飞虱产卵痕…  相似文献   

杨丽梅  陈焕瑜 《昆虫知识》1991,28(4):193-196
经1987~1990年盆栽、小区和大田试验,结果表明褐稻虱和纹枯病对水稻孕穗期复合为害造成的产量损失主要表现在千粒重和结实率的降低。建立了复合为害产量损失预测式=0.08699+0.243521x_1+0.206998x_2。并将该预测式于1988~1989年进行了大田检验,结果经卡平方分析表明,符合大田实际褐稻虱和纹枯病复合为害产量损失,适用于预测。不同生育期水稻受害损失试验结果表明幼穗形成期至灌浆期受害,水稻产量均受到严重影响。在褐稻虱和纹枯病复合为害允许损失水平为3~5%时,防治指标定为:2~3龄若虫5~8头/丛,纹枯病病株率10~15%。  相似文献   

二代褐飞虱对粳稻危害损失及防治指标研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
不同水稻生育期.褐飞虱的不同虫口密度的增长倍数不同;同一生育期.以低密度的增殖倍数大于高密度.但总虫量仍以高密度处理极显地高于低密度处理。水稻产量损失与二代褐飞虱百丛虫量间呈显正相关(r=0.9557^ ),两关系式为:Y=-16.3732 9.437tg(x);防治指标为150-200头/百丛。当二代楫飞虱早发、中等以上发生程度时.必须施药防治。  相似文献   

稻飞虱为害损失率测定的研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
褐稻虱、白背稻虱是我国广大稻区混合为害的主要害虫。对这两种飞虱混合为害的损失率测定,国内外未见报道。为了解决生产实践中两种飞虱混合为害的防治指标和发生程度计算问题,我们于1983至1984年对褐稻虱、白背稻虱混合为害损失率测定进行了研究,结果如下。 试验材料和方法 一、供试品种 郴晚三号(晚稻)、威优40(杂交早稻)、梅六早(早稻)。  相似文献   

<正> 褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens Stal是水稻上的主要害虫之一。它除直接取食为害使水稻减产外,还通过传播病毒间接引起损失。进入70年代后,褐飞虱在亚洲各国直至澳大利亚北部等地相继普遍发生为害。抗性育种是防治褐飞虱最经济有效的途径之一。但褐飞虱新生物型的出现使得抗虫育种更加复杂化,国际水稻所(IRRI)于1973年育成并推广的世界上第一  相似文献   

褐飞虱吸食量的估测   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
都健  丁锦华 《昆虫学报》1991,34(1):122-125
褐飞虱吸食量的研究,对阐明该虫田间为害特性,改进为害损失率测定的方法,为制定动态的经济阈值和混合种群的复合防治指标等,均具有重要意义。 本文参照 Aculiar(1959)和Bank(1964)研究蚜虫吸食量的方法,结合褐飞虱的特点加以改进后,在实验条件下对有关数据进行了定量的测定,估算了各虫态的吸食量。  相似文献   

【目的】褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens是为害水稻的重要害虫。本研究旨在明确褐飞虱为害诱导的抗性水稻品种(IR64, ASD7和IR56)挥发物对感性品种TN1抗虫性的影响,为褐飞虱的绿色生态防控提供理论和技术指导。【方法】以水稻-褐飞虱-稻虱缨小蜂Anagrus nilaparvatae为研究对象,利用未被为害和经褐飞虱雌成虫为害(褐飞虱为害诱导)的水稻(IR64, ASD7, IR56和TN1)挥发物处理TN1植株,测定TN1植株上褐飞虱单雌产卵量和单雌蜜露分泌量、若虫存活率和卵孵化率;分别利用H型嗅觉仪和Y型嗅觉仪测定褐飞虱雌成虫和稻虱缨小蜂对上述不同处理TN1植株的选择性。【结果】褐飞虱为害诱导的抗性水稻挥发物处理TN1植株后均可降低褐飞虱单雌产卵量,而未被为害的抗性水稻挥发物处理后不影响褐飞虱单雌产卵量。健康TN1植株经褐飞虱为害诱导的IR64挥发物处理后可降低单雌蜜露分泌量,但对卵孵化率和若虫存活率无影响;同时还降低对褐飞虱的引诱作用,而增强对稻虱缨小蜂的引诱作用。且健康TN1植株经褐飞虱为害IR64和TN1诱导的挥发物处理后,其挥发物组分中仅2-庚酮的相对含量发...  相似文献   

褐飞虱种群生命系统管理模型的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文引用太湖稻区单季晚稻褐飞虱种群动态和为害损失研究的结果,以车厢法(boxcar train)原理为基本框架,建立褐飞虱种群动态模拟模型,并结合Bellman的动态规划最优化原理组建褐飞虱种群生命系统管理模型。经川沙县1984—1989年预测圃资料验证,模型模拟值与田间实查值相当吻合,累积虫量误差在1.4%—16.3%之间,平均11.4%;种群管理的模型决策与实际经验决策的准则不同,造成两种决策结果的差异。  相似文献   

赵静方  潘国兴 《昆虫知识》1993,30(4):199-202
试用灰色局势决策理论,研究了褐飞虱防治策略。在综合考虑产量、产值、经济效益目标下,最佳防治策略为三代主峰、四代主峰各防治1次,其次是三代防冶2次、四代防治2次。在1988~1990年褐飞虱防治中得到验证和推广,3年全县挽回稻谷损失共计28245kg,比常规防治节约资金1.674千万元。  相似文献   

褐稻虱再猖獗原因的探讨   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
近十几年来,褐稻虱(Nilaparvata lugens)(Stál),大量杀虫剂用于褐稻虱的防治,用药不当往往造成褐稻虱的再猖獗,严重影响产量。本文报道了:(1)浙江稻田天敌的控制作用:缨小蜂对褐稻虱卵的寄生率约22%;褐稻虱的成、若虫被螯蜂、线虫等的寄生率在1984年为29.4%,在1983年为15.2%。黑肩绿盲蝽的功能反应为: N_a=N/(8.294+0.058N) (2)杀虫剂对害虫——天敌(蜘蛛)的影响,介绍了简单的杀虫剂内禀选择性测定方法: a)在室内,内禀选择性指数 P=天敌的L_(D50)/害虫的L_(D50)-1 b)在田间,某些杀虫剂对褐稻虱一蜘蛛的杀伤试验。 (3)某些杀虫剂对褐稻虱生育力的影响。 本文认为引起褐稻虱再猖獗的因素是复杂的,但是从害虫一天敌系统在种群动态,生态学上可分二类:一类是杀虫剂促进菜种害虫的种群增加:如刺激生育力,另一类是破坏了天敌的自然控制作用如使用大量杀伤天敌的药剂、不适当的施药方式和施药时间等。  相似文献   

针对我国褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens(Stl)近年来严重为害及其对当家农药品种抗性急剧上升的现状,本项目在华中、华南、华东地区等代表性地区开展褐飞虱灾变规律、抗虫品种培育、抗药性监测及复配农药新剂型开发、生态治理新技术研究、预测预报技术、可持续治理技术集成与示范研究。结果表明:越南、老挝等境外虫源地及我国华南、长江中下游等地田间褐飞虱种群仍以2型为主,3型次之。田间小气候是褐飞虱逃避高温的关键因素,褐飞虱在上午气温升高时大量向温度较低的水稻基部20cm范围内转移以逃避高温,将高温天气造成的不利影响降至最低。不同栽插方式对褐飞虱发生量有明显影响,手栽稻田褐飞虱发生最重,机插稻次之,直播稻最轻。不同水稻品种、N肥施用水平对褐飞虱的发生有明显的影响:超级杂交稻褐飞虱虫口密度明显高于常规杂交稻,高N肥施用量促进褐飞虱的发生,且水稻品种与N肥施用量对褐飞虱发生量的影响有明显交互作用。抗药性监测结果表明:我国褐飞虱对吡虫啉有极高水平抗性(168.1~561.5倍),对噻嗪酮为低到中等水平抗性(4.2~33.1倍),对氟虫腈为敏感性降低到高水平抗性(2.7~67.7倍),对烯啶虫胺与毒死蜱为低水平抗性。筛选出噻虫嗪、吡蚜酮、唏啶虫胺和仲丁威4种高效低毒的防治单剂。研制出3种农药复配新制剂,其中1种新制剂已获得农业部药检所正式登记,且规模化生产,2种新制剂已进入农药登记程序。精细定位水稻抗褐飞虱基因Bph6、Bph7、Bph9、Bph15、BG1222,并找到了它们的近距离共分离分子标记。培育出高产、优质、熟期适宜、含有抗稻飞虱基因Bph14的水稻新品种广两优476。储备了一批聚合多抗稻飞虱基因的水稻亲本材料。研发出在田埂种植芝麻、大豆等天敌诱集植物,增加褐飞虱卵期寄生蜂和捕食性天敌蜘蛛的种群数量的轻简化生态调控技术;研发出对褐飞虱成、若虫取食及雌成虫产卵均有驱避作用的植物提取物混配剂3种;研发出显著提高稻虱缨小蜂对田间褐飞虱卵寄生率的引诱剂1种。建立了褐飞虱环境友好防控技术集成体系,并在湖南、湖北、广东、广西、浙江、江西6省区示范应用,取得了良好的经济、生态、社会效益。  相似文献   

模拟酸雨对农作物生长和产量影响的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
 本文报道了模拟酸雨对小麦、水稻、大豆和白菜的生长与产量影响的试验。模拟酸雨含自然酸雨中已知的离子成分。模拟酸雨PH值为5.6、4.5、4.0、3.5、3.0、2.5和2.0。结果指出:大豆和白菜叶片的可见伤害阈值为pH2.5,水稻和小麦的可见伤害阈值分别为pH2.0和pH3.0,大豆和白菜的电导度随酸雨的pH值下降而增加,pH3.5的模拟酸雨可引起白菜叶片叶绿素含量减少,叶绿素a/叶绿素b的比值发生变化;pH3.0的模拟酸雨使大豆和小麦叶片叶绿素含量下降,叶绿素a/叶绿素b比值改变。pH3.5的模拟酸雨就可抑制白菜生长;pH3.0的模拟酸雨对小麦和大豆生长产生抑制.pH3.5的模拟酸雨造成小麦和白菜减产;pH3.0引起大豆产量下降;pH2.5时,对水稻生长和产量没有影响。大麦和大豆减产主要由酸雨引起籽粒重下降而造成的。  相似文献   

Mature seed‐derived callus from an elite Chinese japonica rice (Oryza sativa L.) cv. Eyi 105 was cotransformed with two plasmids, pWRG1515 and pRSSGNA1,containing the selectable marker hygromycin phosphotransferase gene (hpt), the reporter β‐glucuronidase gene (gusA) and the snow‐drop (Galanthus nivalis) lectin gene (gna) via particle bombardment. After two rounds of selection on hygromycin‐containing medium, resistant callus was transferred to hygromycin‐containing regeneration medium for plant regeneration. Twenty‐six independent transgenic rice plants were regenerated from 152 bombarded calli with a transformation frequency of 17%. Seventy‐three percent of transgenic plants contained all three genes, which was revealed by PCR/Southern blot analysis. Thirteen out of 19 transgenic plants containing the gna gene expressed GNA (68%) at various levels with the highest expression being approximately 0.5% of total soluble protein. Genetic analysis confirmed Mendelian segregation of transgenes in progeny. From R2 generations with their R1 parentplants showing 3:1 Mendelian segregation patterns, we identified three independent homozygous lines containing and expressing all three transgenes.Insect bioassay and feeding tests showed that these homozygous lines had significant inhibition to the rice brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens, BPH) by decreasing BPH survival and overall fecundity, retarding BPH development and reducing BPH feeding.This is the first report that homozygous transgenic rice lines expressing GNA, developed by genetic transformation and through genetic analysis‐based selection, conferred enhanced resistance to BPH, one of the most damaging insect pests in rice.  相似文献   

江涛  赵俊玲  程建军  徐帅  苏文  包善微  刘芳 《昆虫知识》2011,48(5):1359-1368
于2010年在田间条件下研究了水稻品种和氮肥施用水平(250 kg/hm2有效氮,125 kg/hm2有效氮及不施氮肥的处理)对褐飞虱Nilaparvata tugens(St(a)l)发生的影响.结果表明,8月10日-9月10日期间,南粳44、宁粳1号、丙123、淮稻9号4个水稻品种上褐飞虱虫量显著低于感虫对照TN1...  相似文献   

Liu C  Hao F  Hu J  Zhang W  Wan L  Zhu L  Tang H  He G 《Journal of proteome research》2010,9(12):6774-6785
Brown planthopper (BPH) is a notorious pest of rice plants attacking leaf sheaths and seriously affecting global rice production. However, how rice plants respond against BPH remains to be fully understood. To understand systems metabolic responses of rice plants to BPH infestation, we analyzed BPH-induced metabolic changes in leaf sheaths of both BPH-susceptible and resistant rice varieties using NMR-based metabonomics and measured expression changes of 10 relevant genes using quantitative real-time PCR. Our results showed that rice metabonome was dominated by more than 30 metabolites including sugars, organic acids, amino acids, and choline metabolites. BPH infestation caused profound metabolic changes for both BPH-susceptible and resistant rice plants involving transamination, GABA shunt, TCA cycle, gluconeogenesis/glycolysis, pentose phosphate pathway, and secondary metabolisms. BPH infestation caused more drastic overall metabolic changes for BPH-susceptible variety and more marked up-regulations for key genes regulating GABA shunt and biosynthesis of secondary metabolites for BPH-resistant variety. Such observations indicated that activation of GABA shunt and shikimate-mediated secondary metabolisms was vital for rice plants to resist BPH infestation. These findings filled the gap of our understandings in the mechanistic aspects of BPH resistance for rice plants and demonstrated the combined metabonomic and qRT-PCR analysis as an effective approach for understanding plant-herbivore interactions.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2002,5(1):75-83
We tested the hypothesis that early-planted seedbeds of rice are more heavily infested with brown planthopper (BPH) than later seedbeds, and that transplanted plants with BPH are a source of subsequent population increase and possible outbreaks. The experiments were conducted at CARDI and Takeo province in wet season 2000 and early wet season 2001. BPH at 0, 25, 50, 100, 200 /m2 were infested onto plants with low and high fertilizer treatments. Rice seeds of varieties moderately and highly susceptible to BPH were sown 3 weeks early, 2 weeks early, at the normal time, and later than normal (5 weeks) and treated with low and high fertilizer rates. At Takeo, the 3 weeks early seedbeds were infested by BPH migration, and both varieties with high fertilizer caught more immigrant insects and subsequently had damaging outbreaks of BPH in the third generation. At CARDI, no seedbeds were infested with immigrant BPH. Seedbeds in areas with continuous cropping of rice have a high risk of BPH attack. Seedlings infested with 200, 100, and 50 BPH/m2 resulted in death of the plant. Plants with 100 and 200 BPH/m2 were killed sooner. With 25 BPH/m2 plants were not killed, but subsequent population increase caused yield reduction. Yield loss was high in high fertilizer treated plants.  相似文献   

褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens(Stal)属迁飞性水稻害虫,其成虫有短翅和长翅两种翅型。 褐飞虱迁入雌虫均未经过交配,其短翅型由一对显性等位基因控制。翅型分化同时受到遗传和内分泌系统的协调控制,外界条件如密度和寄主等因子通过内分泌系统来影响翅型的分化。褐飞虱翅型分化的敏感龄期雌虫为1~3龄,而雄虫为1-5龄;不同若虫蜜度处理对褐飞虱成虫的前翅形成有一定的影响。分蘖期水稻饲养的褐飞虱短翅型比例明显高于孕穗期水稻饲养的褐飞虱。不同密度下各生物型间的翅型分化差异不显著。迁入地的浙江各种群属温带型,其雌虫短翅率低且与密度呈显著负相关;菲律宾热带种群雌虫在不同密度下均为短翅型,而雄虫的短翅率随密度增加而上升。广西种群接近热带型,其雌虫短翅率高但不随密度而变化。试验各种群的雄虫在中等密度甚至高密度时其短翅率出现最高。  相似文献   

针对福建省2015年水稻褐飞虱暴发成灾,从昆虫种群生态学原理出发,结合历史相关资料,总结研究了导致2015年褐飞虱暴发成灾的主要原因.褐飞虱本地虫源和外来迁入虫源是重要诱因,极高的种群增长率是决定性关键内因,异常气候与水稻抽穗灌浆期契合形成的适宜环境及食物营养条件是决定性关键外因,田间防治技术问题则是导致灾害并造成重大损失的直接原因.褐飞虱持续治理对策方面,需加强褐飞虱种群监测与预警,开展抗药性监测与治理,实施稻田肥料和农药减施技术,并加强防控应用技术的研究与推广及技术培训,加快推进实施褐飞虱专业化防治.  相似文献   

Brown Planthopper (BPH, Nilaparvata lugens (St?l)) is one of the most serious pests of rice in both temperate and tropical regions of East and South Asia and has become especially problematic over the past few years. In order to analyze the effect of the change of rice cropping system on the population dynamics of BPH, field surveys of the occurrence and distribution of BPH were performed and other relevant data, including light trap data and ovary dissection data were collected in nearly 40 Chinese counties encompassing six provinces (or municipalities), including Hainan, Guangxi, Anhui, Shanghai, Fujian and Guangdong from April to October in 2007.The mixed planting areas of single- and double-cropping rice in China include Hubei, South and Central Anhui, North Hunan, and North Jiangxi. In these areas, double-cropping rice has now been greatly reduced and single-cropping rice has been rapidly increasing since 1997. The surveys revealed that when the immigration peak of BPH occurred in June and July, the single-cropping rice was at the tillering to booting stage and fit for BPH, but early rice had already matured and most of late rice had not yet been transplanted. BPH immigrants from southern rice areas prefer to inhabit and breed in single-cropping rice paddies. Moreover, farming activities between early rice and late rice interrupted the continuous growth of BPH populations in double-cropping rice paddies. As a result, in comparison with data collected 30 years ago, the spatiotemporal dynamics and migration patterns of BPH have dramatically changed in the lower-middle reaches of the Yangtze River. In the mixed planting areas, due to their high suitability, the BPH population in single-cropping rice grew so quickly that it caused serious local damage and there was mass emigration of macropterous progeny to the Yangtze River Delta in late August and early September.Global warming may also affect BPH populations, where results suggest steadily warmer autumns have occurred from the 1990s on, with such conditions gradually the norm. The combination of 'cooler summer' and 'warmer autumn' are conditions known to promote outbreaks of BPH in the lower-middle reaches of the Yangtze River. Immigrant BPH arrivals in late August and September now cause serious damage to late-maturing mid-season rice and late rice in the lower-middle reaches of the Yangtze River.  相似文献   

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