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目的探讨散发性包涵体肌炎(sIBM)患者的临床及病理诊断规律。方法收集7例于2001年至2005年就诊并明确诊断为sIBM的患者临床、病理资料,发病年龄为41—75岁,平均57.4岁,病程2~10年,平均5.4年。全部患者均有股四头肌无力和萎缩,4例出现肢体远端无力,1例出现延髓部和颈部无力。其中伴随高血压和腔隙性脑梗死者2例,伴随脑出血、周围神经病和糖尿病各1例。7例患者均进行了肌肉活体组织检查标本的组织学、酶组织化学染色,5例进行电镜检查,3例进行了tau蛋白免疫组织化学染色。结果7例患者肌酶均升高,但未超过正常上限8倍。肌电图检查示5例呈肌源性损害,2例呈神经源性损害。所有患者的骨骼肌病理改变主要是肌内衣炎细胞浸润、肌纤维直径变异加大和镶边空泡(出现率2%一10%),5例出现不整红边纤维,3例有细胞色素C氧化酶染色阴性肌纤维。5例进行电镜检查者均存在管丝包涵体。3例免疫组织化学染色者均显示肌纤维内tau蛋白沉积。结论sIBM以股四头肌损害最明显,常合并其他老年性疾病。肌纤维内出现tau蛋白也可以作为该病诊断标准之一。  相似文献   

目的 探讨散发性包涵体肌炎(sIBM)的临床和肌肉病理特点。方法 回顾性分析5例sIBM患者的临床和肌肉病理资料。结果 本组5例患者中,男3例,女2例;发病年龄36~68岁,平均49.8岁;出现症状至确诊时间为2~12年,平均6.2年。5例患者均以双下肢无力隐匿起病,症状缓慢进展,逐渐发展为四肢无力。脑神经正常,四肢肌张力减低,腱反射减低或消失,上肢近端肌力Ⅲ~Ⅴ级,远端肌力Ⅲ~Ⅳ级;下肢近端肌力Ⅱ~Ⅴ级,远端肌力Ⅲ~Ⅳ级。5例患者均有不同程度的肌肉萎缩。EMG检查示4例呈肌源性损害,1例呈肌源性和神经源性共存的混合性损害。肌肉病理表现为肌纤维大小不等,可见萎缩和肥大肌纤维,散在有变性坏死肌纤维,伴炎性细胞浸润。5例患者均可见镶边空泡,4例可见炎性细胞侵入非坏死肌纤维现象。淋巴细胞亚群免疫组化染色可见CD8和CD68阳性淋巴细胞浸润。结论 sIBM好发于中老年人,除上肢远端指屈肌和下肢股四头肌无力以外,部分患者早期可有下肢远端肌无力。肌肉病理发现肌纤维中有镶边空泡和炎性细胞浸入非坏死肌纤维是确诊sIBM的重要依据。  相似文献   

目的探讨我国老年人散发性包涵体肌炎(sporadic inclusion body myositis,sIBM)的临床特征及病理表现。方法总结分析10例60岁以上的sIBM患者临床资料及肌肉病理表现。结果 10例老年sIBM患者均有四肢无力症状,首发症状多为双下肢无力(7例);肌酸激酶(CK)正常(5例)或轻度增高(5例,最高423u/L);肌电图提示10例均存在肌源性损害,其中2例合并神经源性损害,1例伴有强直性电位;肌肉病理主要表现为肌纤维萎缩呈小角形(8例)和小圆形(7例),肌膜下或肌浆内可见裂缝状镶边空泡(7例),单核细胞浸润非坏死肌纤维吞噬现象(2例)以及单核细胞浸润坏死肌纤维吞噬现象(3例)。结论老年sIBM患者以股四头肌无力起病为多,确诊需依靠肌肉病理检查。  相似文献   

目的探讨Nonaka肌病的临床、肌肉病理及肌肉磁共振特点。方法入选2例患者,女性1例,男性1例,临床表现均以双下肢远端肌肉无力、萎缩为主,双上肢仅轻度受累。血清肌酸激酶轻度升高,肌电图提示肌源性损害,神经传导速度均正常。对患者完善大腿及小腿肌肉磁共振检查,并予以左上肢肱二头肌活检,进行组织学、酶组织化学及免疫组织化学染色,抽取外周静脉血2mL送基因公司进行遗传性肌肉病相关基因测序。结果肌肉病理提示,肌纤维肥大、萎缩、再生,肌纤维内可见镶边空泡,符合肌病样病理改变。肌肉MRI提示,大腿股四头肌脂肪化程度较轻,尤其是股外侧肌未受累及,大腿后组肌群及小腿胫前肌、胫后肌脂肪化程度严重。基因结果均提示GNE基因突变。结论 Nonaka肌病是一种与GNE基因突变相关的常染色体隐性遗传性远端肌病,临床表现特点为胫前肌首先受累,而股四头肌早期不受累。病理改变特点为肌纤维内镶边空泡形成。肌肉MRI可提示肌肉脂肪化的程度及分布规律,为诊断提供依据。  相似文献   

目的 探讨伴有破碎红纤维的包涵体肌炎的临床及病理学特点.方法 回顾性分析1例伴有破碎红纤维的包涵体肌炎患者的临床资料.结果 本例为中年男性,四肢近端进行性肌萎缩,血清肌酶轻度增高,肌电图示肌源性损害.肌活检示部分萎缩的肌纤维出现镶边空泡,空泡内含有嗜碱性颗粒,部分坏死肌纤维有吞噬细胞及炎症细胞浸润,改良Gomori染色见破碎红纤维,细胞色素酶染色见蓝纤维;泛素染色示肌纤维中有泛素阳性物质沉积.mtDNA突变分析未见线粒体DNA突变.结论 伴有破碎红纤维的包涵体肌炎以近端肌肉受损为著,病理表现除包涵体和炎症性改变外,还存在代谢紊乱和异常折叠的蛋白沉积的特征.  相似文献   

目的探讨散发性包涵体肌炎的临床、电生理及病理特点。方法回顾性分析5例散发性包涵体肌炎患者的临床资料。结果 5例患者均为男性,发病年龄30~54岁,平均43.2岁,出现症状至确诊平均8年。5例患者受累肌肉分布无规律,肌酸激酶正常或轻度增高,EMG呈肌源性损害、部分伴神经源损害或周围神经损害或肌强直电位,肌肉活检5例均有镶边空泡伴肌纤维炎性浸润,1例见不整边红纤维,电镜下3例有管丝包涵体。结论因无特征性临床表现,散发性包涵体肌炎早期诊断较为困难,其诊断主要依赖于肌肉活检。  相似文献   

目的 探讨包涵体肌炎的临床与病理特点。方法 对2例包涵体肌炎患者的临床表现、肌肉组织化学、酶组织化学和超微结构等资料进行分析。结果 本组2例患者分别于41岁及54岁发病,均以双下肢无力起病,远端重于近端,并逐渐向上肢发展;血清肌酶轻~中度升高;肌电图示肌源性损害;肌肉活检光镜下主要表现为肌纤维内出现镶边空泡,少数变性坏死纤维,伴炎性细胞浸润。电镜观察证实肌浆内有大量涡轮状髓样小体及管状细丝包涵体。结论 包涵体肌炎临床表现缺乏特异性,肌肉病理学检查是诊断包涵体肌炎的重要手段。  相似文献   

目的 报道1例Danon病患者的临床表现、病理改变特点和基因突变位点.方法 16岁男性患者表现为缓慢进展的骨骼肌无力和萎缩,以近端为主,伴随轻度脊柱强直.心电图示Ⅰ度房室传导阻滞,心脏超声示二尖瓣局限性增厚伴舒张功能损害,肌电图提示神经源性合并肌源性损害.患者左腓肠肌活体组织检查后,进行组织学、酶组织化学、电镜观察及抗肌营养不良素蛋白、层黏连蛋白α2、C5b9等免疫组织化学染色.患者及其父母进行溶酶体相关膜蛋白2(LAMP2)B基因的直接测序.结果 骨骼肌纤维内出现大小不一的自嗜空泡和镶边空泡,空泡内缺乏糖原,免疫组织化学显示多数肌纤维内的空泡边缘出现肌营养不良素蛋白、层黏连蛋白α2和C5b9的表达.电镜显示肌纤维内大量膜性空泡和溶酶体聚集.患者的LAMP2B基因9号外显子存在K402X突变,患者母亲无此突变,50名健康对照无此突变.结论 LAMP2B的9号外显子羧基末端的截断突变可以导致相对良性的Danon病,其心脏损害相对轻微.  相似文献   

dysferlinopathy患者八例临床及分子病理学特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨中国dysferlinopathy患者的临床及分子病理学特点。方法分析已确诊的4例肢带型肌营养不良2B型、4例Miyoshi远位型肌营养不良患者的临床、骨骼肌活体组织检查和免疫组织化学染色病理特点。并以Duchenne肌营养不良4例,多发性肌炎和包涵体肌炎各2例作为对照。结果dysferlinopathy患者均以进行性加重的肌无力、萎缩为主要症状,符合进行性肌营养不良的临床表现。组织化学染色示dysferlinopathy患者出现不同程度的肌纤维变性、坏死、再生,结缔组织增生;多数病例可见炎性细胞浸润;抗dysferlin单克隆抗体免疫组织化学染色显示8例dysferlinopathy患者均出现dysferlin蛋自在肌纤维膜上和胞质内的缺失。结论(1)dysferlinopathy符合进行性肌营养不良的临床、病理表现;(2)抗dysferlin单克隆抗体免疫组织化学染色病理分析是诊断dysferlinopathy的可靠方法,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

目的 报道1例以泡沫细胞浸润为特点的炎性肌肉病伴随大量巨噬细胞的临床和病理特点.方法 患者男性,44岁,因“双上肢无力13个月,加重伴双下肢无力11个月”于2010年6月就诊于我院门诊,病程后期对免疫抑制治疗效果差,既往有类风湿性关节炎病史.肌酸激酶(CK)轻度升高,多种肌炎相关抗体和副肿瘤综合征抗体均为阴性.肌电图示肌源性损害,静止时有强直发放.先后对该患者进行左、右肱二头肌活体组织检查,标本进行组织学、酶组织化学染色和免疫组织化学染色.结果 第1次肌肉活体组织检查显示个别肌纤维坏死和再生,以及CD8阳性T淋巴细胞浸润肌内衣和非坏死肌纤维,肌纤维膜主要组织相容性复合物(MHC) -Ⅰ阳性.第2次肌肉活体组织检查显示束周肌纤维变性,肌束衣的纤维结缔组织呈碎片状改变,可见大量CD6s阳性的泡沫细胞和Touton多核巨细胞浸润.在个别血管周围可见CD20阳性B淋巴细胞和浆细胞,肌内衣中见到散在CDs阳性的T淋巴细胞,MHC-Ⅰ肌纤维膜阳性表达.结论 炎性肌肉病伴随大量巨噬细胞可以表现为肌内衣大量泡沫细胞的浸润,该病可以伴随类风湿性关节炎并对糖皮质激素抵抗.  相似文献   

Summary In order to investigate the pathological basis of muscle hypertrophy in Duchenne dystrophy, 9 biopsy specimens of the lateral gastrocnemius and 7 of the vastus lateralis were compared. All patients had calf hypertrophy and normal strength in gastrocnemius-soleus, whereas the quadriceps biopsied were all atrophied and weak. The patients' ages ranged from 4 to 11 years. The pathological and histochemical changes were assessed semi-quantitatively. Comparison of the gastrocnemius and quadriceps groups showed that the number of hypercontracted fibres, the degree of endomysial fibrosis and the degree of fat infiltration were significantly higher in the quadriceps. The fibre type differentiation was better in the gastrocnemius group. The mean fibre diameter was above normal in all gastrocnemius biopsies and showed no increase with age. In the quadriceps, fibre hypertrophy was found early in the disease but had changed into fibre atrophy in the three oldest patients. When present, fibre hypertrophy involved both fibre types. The amount of fat-fibrosis per unit area was increased in both groups, but more severely so in the quadriceps. These results indicate that there is no true muscle hypertrophy in the gastrocnemius, in which the fat-fibrosis component was increased in all patients and that the dystrophic process is more active in the quadriceps. The finding of persistent fibre hypertrophy in the gastrocnemius is discussed with respect to the postural abnormalities observed in the lower limbs in Duchenne dystrophy.  相似文献   

The clinical and pathological features in a patient with quadriceps myopathy are presented. The pattern of progression of the disorder, during a period of 18 years observation, suggests that it represents an unusual and perhaps specific syndrome within the clinical spectrum of the limb-girdle muscular dystophies.  相似文献   

远端型肌病71例的临床及肌肉病理分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 探讨远端型肌病的临床表现及肌肉病理特点。方法 对71例远端型肌病患者进行回顾性分析。结果 71例患者中,Nonaka型26例,呈散发或常染色体隐性遗传,多以胫前肌无力为首发症状,肌肉坏死较轻,镶边空泡(rimmedvacuole,RV)多见,可见管状细丝包涵体;Miyoshi型38例,呈散发或常染色体隐性遗传,多以腓肠肌力弱为首发症状,肌肉变性坏死严重,RV少见;TMD型2例,均为散发病例,病变主要局限于胫前肌,病情进展较慢,有肌肉变性坏死,可见RV;Welander型4例,呈散发或常染色体显性遗传,以手指、腕部无力为首发症状,可波及下肢远端,轻度肌肉变性坏死,偶可见RV;OPDM型1例,呈常染色体显性遗传,表现为下肢远端肌无力伴眼外肌、面部肌肉、咽肌无力,肌肉坏死不显著,可见RV。结论 在中国Miyoshi型、Nonaka型、TMD型、Welander型及OPDM型远端型肌病均可见到,各型临床表现及病理改变与国外报道基本一致。  相似文献   

It has previously been suggested that the pathological abnormalities seen in muscle biopsies from patients with motor neuron disease (MND) are of predictive value in relation to the rate of progression of the disease. In this study, quadriceps muscle biopsies from 19 patients with MND and 20 age matched controls were prepared for histochemistry and analysed morphometrically. Pathological features of denervation and reinnervation were observed in all MND patients although considerable variation between patients was noted. Motor neuron disease biopsies also showed increased connective tissue, an increased variation in fibre size, and a random fibre type distribution. Several of these abnormalities were more severe in female patients. Many of these 'abnormalities' were also frequent, albeit to a milder degree, in control biopsies and emphasize the need for age matched controls. The morphometric data was not related to the age of the patient, disease duration, type of MND or muscle strength, thus suggesting that the progression and severity of MND and its prognosis cannot be judged on the basis of quadriceps muscle pathology alone.  相似文献   

Sporadic inclusion body myositis (sIBM) is a slowly progressive idiopathic inflammatory myopathy. The characteristic early quadriceps and finger flexor muscle weakness often leads to the diagnosis of sIBM, especially when all canonical pathological features of sIBM are not present on muscle biopsy. Weakness of the paraspinal muscles, resulting in head drop and/or camptocormia, is a rare clinical finding along the course of sIBM, and even more rare as the presenting feature. We describe two patients with sIBM manifesting with camptocormia as the sole clinical manifestation for several years prior to the diagnosis by muscle biopsy. This observation emphasizes the role of sIBM in the etiology of camptocormia and the need to consider this common myopathy as a cause of weakness, despite the lack of classic quadriceps and finger flexor muscle weakness years after the onset of the paraspinal muscle weakness.  相似文献   

全身性癫癎伴高热惊厥附加症致病基因的连锁定位研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的 定位全身性癫癎伴高热惊厥附加症的致病基因。方法 采用全基因组扫描的连锁分析方法对全身性癫癎伴高热惊厥附加症4个家系进行研究。结果 在染色体5q34多点连锁分析显示最大LOD值为3. 815。染色体单体型分析将连锁范围缩小至D5S820至D5S1476之间4. 0厘摩(cM)的区域。结论 全身性癫癎伴高热惊厥附加症致病基因定位在染色体5q34。  相似文献   

目的:探讨类固醇肌病的临床和病理特点。方法:收集2007至2011年收治的10例有使用糖皮质激素史,并经肌肉活检病理证实的类固醇肌病患者的临床资料,分析并总结其临床和病理特点。结果:10例类固醇肌病患者中女性6例、男性4例,年龄14~79(51.1±18.5)岁。使用激素后至起病时间为7 d至14个月。所有病例均表现为四肢近端无力,股四头肌均呈不同程度萎缩,7例以双下肢近端受累为主,3例同时有上臂肌群萎缩;血清肌酸激酶(CK)和CK-mb均正常,9例乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)值高于正常上限;肌电图示轻度肌源性损害;肌肉活检均可见肌纤维大小不一;酶学染色提示:Ⅱ型纤维选择性萎缩。结论:类固醇肌病好发于中老年人群,多在使用糖皮质激素数周至数月后发生,肌无力和肌萎缩以下肢近端为主,血清CK基本正常,LDH轻度增高,肌肉病理示选择性Ⅱ型纤维萎缩为其病理特点。  相似文献   

Quadriceps myopathy: forme fruste of Becker muscular dystrophy   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We examined dystrophin, the protein product of the Duchenne muscular dystrophy gene, in muscle biopsy specimens from 4 male patients with quadriceps myopathy, all of whom showed a mild and slowly progressive myopathy confined to the quadriceps muscles. All 4 patients had clear abnormalities of dystrophin, and were diagnosed as having Becker muscular dystrophy by both immunofluorescence and immunoblot examinations; that is, dystrophin of an abnormal molecular mass was visualized in muscle cryosections as "patchy" or discontinuous immunostaining at the surface membrane of the muscle fibers. One patient had a brother who showed widespread myopathic changes consistent with typical Becker muscular dystrophy. We conclude that the syndrome called quadriceps myopathy includes a group of forme fruste Becker muscular dystrophy.  相似文献   

Autosomal recessive hereditary inclusion body myopathy (AR-HIBM), with sparing of the quadriceps, is characterized by adult-onset, with weakness and atrophy of distal lower limb muscles, and typical histopathological findings in muscle biopsy. AR hIBM is associated with mutations in the UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 2-epimerase/N-acetylmannosamine kinase (GNE) gene on chromosome 9p12-13 . We report two unrelated Tunisian families with clinical and pathological features of AR HIBM. One distinct homozygous GNE missense mutation, M712T, previously reported in Middle Eastern Jewish patients, and a newly identified one, L379H, were found in one patient from each family. We conclude that AR HIBM in Tunisia shows an allelic genetic heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Evidence from animal and human models has demonstrated the importance of hip proprioceptors and vestibular inputs in modulating lower-extremity muscle activity through reflex pathways. Comprehension of the role of these sensory inputs following stroke may be important in understanding pathological muscle activity during functional activities. We therefore examined the influence of both hip and head/trunk position on volitional quadriceps activity in chronic stroke and control subjects. With the knee held at 60 degrees, maximal voluntary isometric quadriceps contractions were elicited with trunk orientation (head position) and hip angle systematically positioned at 0 degrees, 45 degrees, and 90 degrees. Integrated electromyographic activity from the quadriceps was compared between groups and conditions. Vasti activity in the stroke group was greater in a seated upright posture (hip flexed) than supine (hip neutral). Controlling for vestibular input, the stroke group demonstrated greater quadriceps activity (VL and RF) with a neutral hip compared to flexion. Such findings may have implications for understanding inappropriate muscle activity during walking after stroke, as hip extension occurs immediately prior to toe off, when inappropriate quadriceps activity is commonly observed.  相似文献   

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