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目的进一步改进和完善北京协和医院内科临床博士后课程设置。方法参加2017年内科临床博士后课程的学员对课程进行反馈;参加学期中和学期末的多次考核;收集和分析考核与反馈结果。结果共50名学员参加博士后课程,包括博士后学员14人,非博士后学员36人。学员类型是影响历次考核的主要因素,出勤率也对部分阶段考核产生显著影响。博士后课程整体设置合理,根据学员反馈的意见进行相应调整和完善。结论内科临床博士后课程的授课、考核和反馈过程,可有效了解学员对医学知识技能的掌握情况。通过反馈改善课程设置、提高教学质量,保证临床博士后项目及住院医师规范化培训项目顺利进行。  相似文献   

目的介绍北京协和医院内科创立的独立值班考核制度,分析该考核制度在住院医师独立值班能力评价和分层中的作用。方法对北京协和医院内科2017年和2018年内科住院医师独立值班考核的结果进行统计,分析不同来源的住院医师在考试次数、通过考试所需时间和通过率方面的分布。结果内科临床医学博士后、专业型临床硕士研究生和北京市基地规培住院医师在通过独立值班考核所需次数方面无差异;内科临床博士后通过考核用时最短,专业型临床硕士研究生次之,北京市规培住院医师用时最长(χ^2=96.27,P<0.05),可以进行初步分层;通过临床带教,大部分住院医师都能在实习6个月内通过独立值班考核,承担独立值班工作。结论在内科住院医师规范化培训中,独立值班考核制度能够客观评价住院医师的值班能力,最大限度的保证临床安全。北京市基地规培住院医师通过考核时间较长,应注意加强临床教学、提高学员能力。  相似文献   

目的了解参加住院医师规范化培训的内科住院医师共情和自我效能感的现状,并探索其心理学得分情况与客观结构化临床考试(OSCE)的相关性。方法对北京协和医院2015级、2016级内科住院医师进行问卷调查,以医务人员的杰弗逊共情量表(JSE-HP)和一般自我效能感量表(GSES)为测量工具,并收集OSCE成绩。结果共发放101份问卷,回收99份。内科住院医师的共情得分为(111.3±1.2)分,2015级住院医师得分略高于2016级,不同学制、不同来源的住院医师得分无明显差异。内科住院医师的自我效能感得分为(22.77±0.50)分,2015级住院医师得分显著高于2016级,学位较高的住院医师得分越高,北京协和医院住院医师得分高于其他住院医师。住院医师的共情得分与OSCE各项成绩无明显相关性,2015级住院医师的自我效能感得分与病历书写(R=0.35,P0.05)、病例分析(R=0.31,P0.05)、平均成绩(R=0.33,P0.05)有显著正相关。结论住院医师的共情和自我效能感有待提高,可通过加强临床培训予以提升。住院医师规范化培训体系引入心理学测评,可完善OSCE对住院医师的综合考评,有助于改进规范化培训体系。  相似文献   

跨入分子与智能时代的病理科,在精确诊断与治疗评估中起着越来越重要的作用.病理科的重要性和严谨性决定了病理后备人才培养的必要性,病理住院医师规范化培训对病理医师的成长有积极作用.2014年国家卫生和计划生育委员会印发《住院医师规范化培训基地认定标准(试行)》和《住院医师规范化培训内容与标准(试行)》[国卫办科教发(2014)48号],标志着我国住院医师规范化培训制度体系已逐步建立与完善,同时通过遴选、认定的基地更有助于进一步提高培训质量与效果.  相似文献   

目的将客观结构化临床考试(OSCE)应用于规范化培训住院医师的入科评估,全面评价住院医师的各项临床能力,以期发现弱点,利于后续开展针对性培训。方法对2016年至2017年进入北京协和医院内科进行规范化培训的102名住院医师,在入科前设置6站式OSCE作为入科摸底考试,并对考试结果进行分析。结果 2016年至2017年OSCE总成绩均符合正态分布。在病史采集站及总成绩方面,2017年对比2016年考生成绩有显著提高(P0.05)。2017年基地规培住院医师在各考站及总成绩的平均分数均优于并轨硕士研究生,但除体格检查考站外。结论将OSCE应用于规范化培训住院医师的入科考试的总体设计是成功的。该考试能够全面评估不同来源住院医师的临床能力及弱点,对于后续的规范化培训具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

为改进教学质量,进一步提升参加规范化培训的住院医师、研究生、临床博士后、进修医生的临床综合素质,超声医学科设计了以基础级别课程、高级级别课程、上机操作带教、住院医师晨课等内容为主的7个分级培养教学模块。教师在教学过程大胆尝试新方法,教学模式不断更新;学生在教学过程中,主动参与,强化体验互动,课堂生成丰富精彩。多元化教学模式的使用可以提高超声医学科受培训医师的实践能力和理论水平,促进其专业技能的提升。  相似文献   

总住院医师制度是医院人才培养的重要环节。内科总住院医师身处医疗、教学第一线,可以在医疗、教学、管理等方面全面促进住院医师的素质提高。坚持并加强总住院医师制度在内科住院医师规范化培训中的作用,对规范化培训的成功有重要意义。  相似文献   

运用客观结构化临床考试(OSCE)评估新入院规范化培训住院医师,分析考核结果,并据此结果对新住院医师进行分层管理和分层教学,可提高规范化培训的效率和效果。  相似文献   

住院医师规范化培训是毕业后继续医学教育的重要组成部分,是每一位临床医师成长的必由之路。本文针对放射科住院医师规范化培训的现状和存在的问题,从规章制度制定、轮转计划安排、培训过程落实、考核体系建立、培训质量监督等方面进行了初步实践和探索,希望对新时期的放射科住院医师规范化培训提供一些启示和借鉴。  相似文献   

为深化超声医学科住院医师规范化培训,进一步提高住院医师综合素质和核心能力。针对目前教学培训中的盲点,以问卷调查的形式对超声医学科住院医师的教学培训需求进行梳理,开展有针对性的“点菜式”早间课程。根据学员反馈,早间课程主要设置了临床技能、科研专题、医患沟通及人文素养和执业医师考试4个主题。此外根据住陪学员的不同学历背景,采用分层级课程安排和培养计划。早间课程利用早上的碎片时间,有助于协调带教老师和住院医师的工作、学习时间安排,有利于缓解住院医师规范化培训中存在的工学矛盾,有利于提高住院医师的综合素质,提升教学质量。  相似文献   

D M Long 《Academic medicine》2000,75(12):1178-1183
The goal of all graduate medical education is to ensure that the graduating physician is competent to practice in his or her chosen field of medicine. The evaluation of a resident's competency to practice, however, has never been clearly defined, nor has the fixed period of time given for residency training in each specialty been shown to be the right amount of time for each individual resident to achieve competency. To better ensure that new physicians have the competencies they need, the author proposes the replacement of the current approach to residents' education, which specifies a fixed number of years in training, with competency-based training, in which each resident remains in training until he or she has been shown to have the required knowledge and skills and can apply them independently. Such programs, in addition to tailoring the training time to each individual, would make it possible to devise and test schemes to evaluate competency more surely than is now possible. The author reviews the basis of traditional residency training and the problems with the current training approach, both its fixed amount of time for training and the uncertainty of the methods of evaluation used. He then explains competency-based residency education, notes that it is possible, indeed probable, that some trainees will become competent considerably sooner than they would in the current required years of training, quotes a study in which this was the case, and explains the implications. He describes the encouraging experience of his neurosurgery department, which has used competency-based training for its residents since 1994. He then discusses issues of demonstrating competency in procedural and nonprocedural fields, as well as the evaluation of competency in traditional and competency-based training, emphasizing that the latter approach offers hope for better ways of assessing competency.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To test the reliability of the 360-degree evaluation instrument for assessing residents' competency in interpersonal and communication skills. METHOD: Ten-item questionnaires were distributed to residents and evaluators at Monmouth Medical Center in Long Branch, New Jersey, in March/April, 2002. The scoring scale was 1-5; the highest score was 50. Data were maintained strictly confidential; each resident was assigned a code. Completed data sheets were collated by category and entered into a spreadsheet. The total and mean scores by each category of evaluator were calculated for each resident and a rank order list created. Shrout-Fleiss (model 2) intraclass correlation coefficients measured reliability of ratings within each group of evaluators. Reliability/reproducibility among evaluators' scores were tested by the Pearson correlation coefficient (p <.05). RESULTS: Intraclass correlation coefficients showed a narrow range, from.85-.54. The highest ranked resident overall ranked high and the lowest was low with most evaluators. The rank order among fellow residents was markedly different from other evaluator categories. Pearson correlation coefficients showed significant correlation between faculty and ancillary staff, (p =.002). Patients as evaluators did show intraclass correlation, but did not correlate significantly with other categories. Scores from colleagues correlated negatively with all other categories of evaluators. CONCLUSIONS: The 360-degree instrument appears to be reliable to evaluate residents' competency in interpersonal and communication skills. Information from the assessment may provide feedback to residents. Areas of improvement identified by the scores would suggest areas for improvement and further ongoing assessment.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To explore residents' competency in medical knowledge and in empathy, one element of professionalism, and to evaluate the relationship between competencies in these domains. METHOD: In 2003-2004 and 2004-2005, first-year internal medicine residents at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine in Rochester, Minnesota were invited to participate in a prospective, longitudinal study of resident competency. Participating residents completed the annual Internal Medicine In-Training Examination (ITE) each October and the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI), a standardized tool to measure empathy administered at multiple time points during training. Changes in medical knowledge and empathy between the fall of postgraduate years one and two were evaluated, and associations between medical knowledge and empathy were explored. RESULTS: Residents' medical knowledge as measured by the ITE increased over the first year of training (mean increase 8.7 points, P < .0001), whereas empathy as measured by the empathic concern subscale of the IRI decreased over this same time period (mean decrease 1.6 points, P = .0003). No significant correlation was found between medical knowledge and empathy or between changes in these domains of competency over time. CONCLUSIONS: Resident competency in the domains of medical knowledge and empathy seems to be influenced by separate and independent aspects of training. Training environments may promote competency in one domain while simultaneously eroding competency in another. Residency programs should devise specific curricula to promote each domain of physician competency.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The Pediatric Residency Training on Tobacco Project is a four-year randomized prospective study of the efficacy of training pediatric residents to intervene on tobacco. At the start of the study (baseline), the pediatric residents uniformly agreed that environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) and tobacco use pose serious threats to the health of young people, and pediatricians should play a leadership role in the antismoking arena. However, very few went beyond advising patients and parents to modify their behavior by providing actual assistance, and many of them lacked necessary tobacco intervention skills and knowledge. We hypothesized that both standard training and special training programs would yield positive changes in intervention skills and activities, although the changes would be greater in residents exposed to the special training condition. In the present report, we present two-year outcome data from the resident tobacco surveys and objective structured clinical examinations (OSCEs) administered to independent waves of third-year residents in each experimental condition at baseline and year 2. METHODS: Fifteen pediatric residency training programs in the New York/New Jersey metropolitan area were assigned randomly to special and standard training conditions (eight to special and seven to standard training). Resident tobacco surveys and OSCEs were administered to third-year residents at the start of the training programs (baseline) and at years 1 and 2 of the study. Comparisons between sequential waves of third-year residents with no (baseline) or two-year exposure to the training programs permitted assessment of changes in resident beliefs, intervention activities and intervention skills within each experimental condition. RESULTS: By year 2, the residents associated with each training condition benefited from the training program, but the annual surveys and OSCEs revealed more significant positive changes for waves of residents in the special training condition. Most important, third-year residents exposed to the special training condition for two years were more likely than comparable residents in the standard training condition to reveal significant increases in the degree to which they provided active assistance for modifying smoking and ETS. CONCLUSIONS: The two-year findings from the pediatric tobacco project are encouraging and suggest that the special training program is efficacious, although aspects of the program in need of improvement were identified.  相似文献   

BackgroundAccreditation standards in medical education require curricular elements dedicated to understanding diversity and addressing inequities in health care. The development and implementation of culturally effective care curricula are crucial to improving health care outcomes, yet these curricular elements are currently limited in residency training.MethodsA needs assessment of 125 pediatric residents was conducted that revealed minimal prior culturally effective care instruction. To address identified needs, an integrated, longitudinal equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) curriculum was designed and implemented at a single institution using Kern's Framework. This consisted of approximately 25 h of instruction including monthly didactics and sessions which addressed (1) EDI definitions and history and (2) microaggressions. A mixed methods evaluation was used to assess the curricular elements with quantitative summary of resident session scores and a qualitative component using in-depth content analysis of resident evaluations. Thematic analysis was used to code qualitative responses and identify common attitudes and perceptions about the curricular content.Results109/125 (87.2%) residents completed the needs assessment. Over one year, 323 resident evaluations were collected for curricular sessions. Average overall quality rating for sessions was 4.7 (scale 1-5), and 85% of comments included positive feedback. Key themes included lecture topic relevance, adequate time to cover the content, need for screening tools and patient resources, importance of patient case examples to supplement instruction, and novel/ “eye opening” content. In addition, several broader institutional impacts of the curriculum were noted such as recognizing the need for comprehensive support for residents of color, corresponding EDI faculty training, and a resident reporting system to identify learning climate issues.ConclusionsThe implementation of a comprehensive resident EDI curriculum was feasible earning positive evaluations in its first year, with requests for additional content. It has also spurred multiple institution-wide ripple effects. Suggestions for improvement included more case-based learning, skills practice, and simulation. Future steps include expansion of this EDI curriculum to faculty and examining its impact in resident of color affinity groups. Given ACGME requirements to improve training addressing equity and social determinants of health, this curriculum development process serves as a possible template for other training programs.  相似文献   

In July 2001 the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) charged U.S. residency training programs to implement a curriculum and evaluation plan covering six competencies. The authors describe the curriculum and evaluation strategy of the first surgical training program developed to meet the competencies, and list each competency and the teaching method and measurement instruments used. Implementation began July 1, 2001, and the program was fully operational on July 1, 2002. Meeting the curriculum challenges required modification of the existing curriculum and the addition of new instructional units. Nine additional evaluation instruments were needed. The largest investment was in planning and implementation, a one-time development cost. Staff workload increased by 252 hours; this is expected to be a continuing annual requirement. Faculty workload increased by two hours per resident and each resident's workload increased by 112 hours per year (2.3 hours per week). The transition was smoother than expected. Faculty and residents' buy-in was crucial. Faculty and residents were alerted to upcoming changes at the beginning of the year in a grand rounds presentation on the ACGME competencies and the approach to meeting requirements. Updates were presented periodically. The authors recommend that residency programs engaged in similar efforts make effective use of instruments developed elsewhere and collaborate with other programs rather than develop everything locally. The program's benefits include time savings and the availability of validity data and norms to inform decision making on residents' and program progress.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To begin to define indicators of quality in internal medicine residency training. METHOD: In 1995, through a modified Delphi process, the Association of Program Directors in Internal Medicine's Research Committee developed a questionnaire containing 44 items (34 process and ten outcome indicators). The survey was mailed to all 418 internal medicine program directors and a convenience sample of medical residents. RESULTS: Responding at a rate of 78% (326), program directors rated several indicators as important. These included such faculty characteristics as stability, completeness, supervision, clinical skills, and teaching commitment; institutional support; amount of resident evaluation and feedback; encouragement of lifelong learning; and ability to meet its program goals. There was strong agreement between faculty and residents (r = 0.91). Items rated less important included graduates' selecting academic or generalist careers, residents' caring for elective cardiac catheterization patients, resident community service, training minorities and women, and faculty research. CONCLUSION: These results demonstrate the diversity of opinion of what defines quality in residency education and the emphasis placed on process rather than outcome indicators. To be valid, future endeavors must include all those with a stake in graduate medical education, including accrediting bodies, future employers, and patients.  相似文献   

Evaluation of emergency medicine residents by nurses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Emergency medicine residents at William Beaumont Hospital are evaluated quarterly by the nursing staff. The nurse discuss each resident and reach consensus on each evaluation item. Copies of the evaluations are given to each resident, and a copy is used at the resident's biannual evaluation meeting with the program director. Between September 1985 and December 1987, 45 residents in all three years of training were evaluated by the nursing staff on four aspects of performance: managerial skills, communication, teamwork, and clinical organization. The nurses were able to evaluate behavior not usually seen by supervising physicians. Although the residents' attitudes toward these evaluations have not been entirely favorable, overall their behavioral interactions have improved markedly.  相似文献   

Advances in the medical field have increased the need to incorporate modern techniques into surgical resident training and surgical skills learning. To facilitate this integration, one approach that has gained credibility is the incorporation of simulator based training to supplement traditional training programs. However, existing implementations of these training methods still require the constant presence of a competent surgeon to assess the surgical dexterity of the trainee, which limits the evaluation methods and relies on subjective evaluation. This research proposes an efficient, effective, and economic video-based skill assessment technique for minimally invasive surgery (MIS). It analyzes a surgeon’s hand and surgical tool movements and detects features like smoothness, efficiency, and preciseness. The system is capable of providing both real time on-screen feedback and a performance score at the end of the surgery. Finally, we present a web-based tool where surgeons can securely upload MIS training videos and receive evaluation scores and an analysis of trainees’ performance trends over time.  相似文献   

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