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小麦离体颖果饲喂~14CO_2后,经冷冻取代,于膜显微放射性自显影,追踪与检查了包括可溶性糖在内的~14C标记同化物在胚珠内的分配与定位。颖果绿色层细胞的高光合效率不仅保证了同化物的即时输出,而且还可以淀粉形式暂贮在叶绿体内。绿色层光合产物主要向腹沟处汇集,通过该处的维管束与珠心突起向胚乳方向迁移。~14C标记同化物以逆浓差梯度方式从珠心向珠心—胚乳交界处质外体空间输出并在胚乳内呈不均匀分布和富集于原胚端活跃增殖生长的区段内。绿色层同化物以多种方式进入原胚,主要以可溶态形式存在。同化物可能通过珠孔直接就近为原胚吸收。 相似文献
该研究以春性小麦品种‘扬麦15’和半冬性小麦品种‘烟农19’为实验材料,在小麦花后6~8 d进行低温处理,对花后不同发育阶段的小麦颖果进行取样,利用树脂切片技术观察了果皮、胚乳和养分运输组织的显微结构,以探明花后低温条件下小麦颖果发育的显微结构特征。结果表明:(1)花后低温延缓了两个小麦品种颖果早期和中期发育过程,推迟了‘扬麦15’灌浆期,缩短了‘烟农19’的灌浆期,最终降低了两小麦品种的粒重。(2)花后低温减缓了小麦颖果发育早期果皮细胞的凋亡以及中果皮细胞中淀粉体的降解速率。(3)花后低温明显降低了小麦胚乳发育早期和中期淀粉体和蛋白体的积累量,缩短了灌浆时期,降低了胚乳充实度。(4)花后低温条件下小麦颖果韧皮部发育缓慢,筛管分布范围缩小;同时胚乳传递细胞的发育变慢,细胞壁上壁内突数量明显减少。研究发现,花后低温使得两小麦品种颖果早期发育过程延缓,具体表现在果皮的凋亡推迟,贮藏物质积累量减少,养分运输组织变得不发达,胚乳充实度降低,单粒颖果干重下降;同时两小麦品种对低温的响应又存在差异,花后低温下春性小麦颖果灌浆期被延长,半冬性小麦灌浆期被缩短。 相似文献
转反义Wx基因水稻颖果中与淀粉合成和积累相关酶活性的变化 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
将反义Wx基因转入水稻,导致Wx蛋白不同程度减少,颖果中的直链淀粉含量不同程度下降,总淀粉含量显著降低,直链淀粉与总淀粉的比值极显著降低。在水稻颖果发育过程中,ADPG-PPase、GBSS、SSS和SBE的活性在灌浆前期迅速升高,达最大值后很快下降,在灌浆中后期下降趋缓。Wx蛋白减少后的转基因水稻颖果中的GBSS活性明显下降,下降幅度与直链淀粉含量相一致,而且活性高峰期比其亲本有所提前。转基因水稻颖果中ADPG-PPase和SSS的活性在颖果发育的前中期,SBE则在中后期高于相应的亲本。 相似文献
盐生植物碱蓬果皮的去离子水浸提液明显抑制小麦种子萌发和幼苗生长以及萌发过程中的α-淀粉酶活性。 相似文献
以普通小麦(Triticum aestivumL.)为材料,研究了NaHSO3对不同盐度胁迫下小麦幼苗氮素同化酶和脯氨酸含量的调节。结果表明,盐胁迫降低了叶片中硝酸还原酸(NR)的活性,加入NaHSO3之后,NR活性表现出进一步的降低。谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)在低浓度盐胁迫下活性增加,在高浓度盐胁迫下活性降低;NaHSO3加入时,即便在低盐浓度下GS活性也降低。依赖于NADH的谷氨酸脱氢酶(NADH-GDH)和依赖于NADP的异柠檬酸脱氢酶(NADP-ICDH)的变化趋势一致,在盐胁迫下它们的活性都明显增加;NaHSO3加入促进了它们活性的进一步增加,尤其对NADH-GDH活性的促进更为明显。游离脯氨酸在高浓度盐胁迫下大量积累,在低浓度盐胁迫下含量增加不明显;NaHSO3促进了盐胁迫下脯氨酸的积累,提示了NaHSO3促进了盐胁迫下小麦幼苗碳氮营养元素的贮存。 相似文献
为了解小麦花后介质氮素输入籽粒的同化途径,在不同发育时期不同施氮水平下,采用GS抑制剂(草丁膦)和15N示踪结合,研究了高低籽粒蛋白两种类型品种花后介质氮素的同化特征.结果表明,叶片GS抑制剂处理使豫麦47穗中的NDFF(氮含量中来自介质N的百分比)显著升高,豫麦50则显著降低;穗部GS抑制剂处理使豫麦47叶中的NDFF上升,而豫麦50(开花期)低氮处理上升、高氮处理下降.花后豫麦47的介质N同化量远大于豫麦50,同化介质N的主要器官为根茎,根茎∶叶∶穗的花后介质氮同化量之比约为4∶1∶2;而豫麦50的主要同化器官则为叶片,根茎∶叶∶穗之比约为1∶5∶1.随施N量的增加,豫麦47叶片花后介质N同化量增加,豫麦50则减少;且豫麦47叶片花后同化介质N的输出量显著小于籽粒花后介质N的同化量,而豫麦50叶片花后介质氮的输出量显著大于籽粒介质N的同化量.说明不同类型小麦品种花后N素由根系到籽粒的代谢同化途径具有显著差异,高蛋白品种豫麦47花后由根系流向籽粒的氮素可以不经叶片直接到达籽粒,低蛋白品种豫麦50则必须经过叶片才能到达籽粒. 相似文献
采用盆钵实验和^14C-同位素示踪技术,在节水、淹水、干旱三种灌溉方式下对杂交稻组合C两优396、威优46不同生育期的光合特性及同化产物的运转与分配进行研究。结果表明:在生育前期节水处理的叶绿素含量、净光合速率、同化产物分配比例与淹水处理的差异不显著;水稻抽穗后,淹水处理叶绿素含量与净光合速率下降幅度均大于节水处理,同化产物分配比例显著低于节水处理,最终导致产量也低于节水处理。而十旱处理在整个生育期的剑叶叶绿素含量、净光合速率、同化产物分配比例均低于节水、淹水处理,最终产量显著低于前两种处理。 相似文献
Structural and histochemical studies on grain-filling in the caryopsis of rice (<Emphasis Type="Italic">Oryza sativa</Emphasis> L.) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The endosperm and embryo that constitute the filial tissues of rice caryopsis are isolated from the maternal tissues by the
absence of any symplastic continuity. Nutrients are transported to the endosperm through a single ovular vascular trace present
on the ventral side of the ovary. Initially solute enters through the chalaza into the nucellar projection and then into the
endosperm. At later stages transport occurs through the nucellar epidermis, centripetally towards the endosperm. The cell
walls of the nucellar epidermis are provided with rib-like thickenings. A comparison of grain-filling in C3 and C4 cereals suggests that rice has structural features allied to C3 cereals, such as wheat, but with significant differences. 相似文献
Levels of soluble and bound invertases and amylases were studied in relation to the changes in the free sugars and the accumulation of starch in the developing sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench, cv. spv. 351] caryopsis and its associated bractspedicel. Besides sucrose, glucose and fructose as the principal sugars, small amounts of sugars of the raffinose series were detected in the developing caryopsis. Through out the period of caryopsis development, the amount of reducing sugars was higher than that of sucrose. With the advancement in the development of the caryopsis, the contents and levels of sucrose rose with a concomitant fall in the activity of soluble acid (pH 4.8) invertase (EC in the endosperm. In the pericarp-aleurone layer, the activity of soluble acid invertase predominated over soluble neutral (pH 7.5) invertase (EC The activity of bound acid invertase declined with the ageing of the caryopsis. In bracts-pedicel, the activity of bound invertase and the levels of reducing sugars peaked around 18 days post anthesis. In these organs, the level of starch gradually decreased concomitantly with an increase in its level in the developing caryopsis. Amylases (EC and are distributed in the endosperm as well as in the pericarp-aleurone layer. On culturing detached ears in [U-14C]-sucrose solution for 6 h in the dark at 25°C, 80–90% of the 14C of extracted major sugars (i.e. sucrose + glucose + fructose) of the caryopsis appeared in sucrose alone. In comparison with the effects of glucose or fructose, transport into the caryopsis of 14C from [U-14C]-sucrose supplied to detached ears was promoted by the addition to the radiolabelled sucrose solution of 1% unlabelled sucrose. Addition to the [U-14C]-sucrose solution fed to the detached ears of 20 mM NaN3 or HgCl2 or galactose, lowered the amount of 14C in the free sugars and starch of the earyopsis. 相似文献
为了探讨控制水稻(Oryza sativa L.)颖果发育的因素,选择了颖果干重有显著差异的Ootikara(大粒,36mg/粒)和Habataki(小粒,18 mg/粒)两个水稻品种,比较颖果重量、胚乳细胞数、果皮和胚乳的结构以及某些生理活性等变化.结果指出:与Habataki相比,Ootikara子房壁细胞和颖果的持续生长期长,最终颖果的胚乳细胞数目和每个细胞的平均干重大;Ootikara颖果的脱氢酶和H2O2酶活性、穗的呼吸速率、剑叶的绿色程度和光合速率等维持高水平的时间长;Ootikara子房背部维管束失去功能的时间也较迟.结果表明,大粒品种的库容大和生理活性期长是其颖果能显著增大的生理原因. 相似文献
粒重差异显著的两种水稻颖果发育比较 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
为了探讨控制水稻(Oryza sativa L.)颖果发育的因素,选择了颖果干重有显著差异的Ootikara (大粒,36mg/粒)和Habataki (小粒,18 mg/粒)两个水稻品种,比较颖果重量、胚乳细胞数、果皮和胚乳的结构以及某些生理活性等变化。结果指出:与Habataki相比, Ootikara子房壁细胞和颖果的持续生长期长,最终颖果的胚乳细胞数目和每个细胞的平均干重大; Ootikara颖果的脱氢酶和H2O2酶活性、穗的呼吸速率、剑叶的绿色程度和光合速率等维持高水平的时间长;Ootikara子房背部维管束失去功能的时间也较迟。结果表明,大粒品种的库容大和生理活性期长是其颖果能显著增大的生理原因。 相似文献
Abstract. The movement of fluorescein, a symplastic fluorescent tracer, into isolated caryopses of wheat and barley is described. The dye followed the pathway to the endosperm which has been proposed previously from anatomical studies, namely a movement from the phloem, through cells of the pigment strand and nucellar projection, followed by a radial spread of the dye from the endosperm cavity into the starchy endosperm. By contrast, the fluorochromes calcofluor white M2R and ANS remained confined to the apoplast and failed to cross the 'xylem discontinuity' at the base of the caryopses. 相似文献
Sh. Sh. Chanishvili G. Sh. Badridze T. F. Barblishvili M. D. Dolidze 《Russian Journal of Plant Physiology》2005,52(4):448-453
The source-sink relations in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L., var. Rkatsiteli) plants were disturbed by defoliation at different stages of vegetative growth in order to investigate changes in photosynthetic activity and assimilate partitioning. Defoliation was shown to stimulate photosynthesis in the remaining source leaves, enhance the assimilate export, and diminish the midday suppression of photosynthesis. Defoliation created a powerful sink for assimilates, and stimulated their delivery to the affected zone. It is hypothesized that defoliation-induced stress is accompanied by a substantial enhancement of photosynthetic activity and by redistribution of assimilate flows, which enables a sustained supply of assimilates to the sink organs of grapevine plants.__________Translated from Fiziologiya Rastenii, Vol. 52, No. 4, 2005, pp. 507–512.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Chanishvili, Badridze, Barblishvili, Dolidze. 相似文献
The loading and transport functions of vascular bundles in maize (Zea mays L.) leaf strips were investigated by microautoradiography after application of 14CO2. The concentrations of 14C-contents in thin-walled sieve tubes of individual bundles in the loading and transport regions were determined by digital image analysis of silver-grain density over the sieve tubes and compared. In the loading region, relatively high concentrations of 14C-contents were found in the thin-walled sieve tubes of small bundles and in the small, thin-walled sieve tubes of the intermediate bundles; the concentration of 14C-label in large bundles was very low. In the transport region, at a transport distance of 2 cm, all of the small bundles contained 14C-assimilates, but generally less than the same bundles did in the loading region; by comparison, at that distance intermediate and large bundles contained two-to threefold more 14C-assimilates than the same bundles in the loading region. The lateral transfer of assimilates from smaller to larger bundles via transverse veins could be demonstrated directly in microautoradiographs. A reverse transport from larger to smaller bundles was not found. At a transport distance of 4 cm, all large and intermediate bundles were 14C-labeled, but many of the small bundles were not. Although all longitudinal bundles were able to transport 14C-asimilates longitudinally down the blade, it was the large bundles that were primarily involved with longitudinal transport and the small bundles that were primarily involved with loading. 相似文献
V. I. Chikov G. G. Bakirova S. N. Batasheva A. A. Sergeeva 《Russian Journal of Plant Physiology》2005,52(4):459-462
The content of 14C in the products of photosynthesis of the source leaf and xylem sap was investigated in kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) plants during the stage of mass tillering. 14C partition was measured a day after two-minute photoassimilation of 14CO2 by an individual mature leaf located in the middle part of the shoot. The source-sink relations were disturbed by the excision of all mature leaves (except the source leaf) or all growing axillary shoots. The leaves or growing axillary shoots were excised 15 min after leaf feeding with 14C2. A day later, in plants with excised growing axillary shoots, the content of 14C in the source leaf was by 18% higher and in those with removed leaves by 15% lower than in control plants. The next day after the excision of growing axillary shoots, radioactivity of the xylem sap increased; after defoliation, both the volume of the xylem sap and its specific radioactivity decreased. In the xylem sap of defoliated plants, the proportion of 14C in malate decreased more than six times, whereas the proportion of 14C in amino acids somewhat increased (1.5 times). In two days, the volume of the xylem sap exuded by treated plants became the same as in control plants and its radioactivity decreased almost by an order of magnitude but essentially did not differ in the both types of treatment. It is concluded that the processes occurring in the roots are governed by photosynthesis but its regulatory effect is limited by a photoperiod and largely depends on changes in the ratio between biosynthesis of amino acids in the roots and leaves.__________Translated from Fiziologiya Rastenii, Vol. 52, No. 4, 2005, pp. 518–521.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Chikov, Bakirova, Batasheva, Sergeeva. 相似文献
Paweł Sowiński Agnieszka Dalbiak Jolanta Tadeusiak Piotr Ochodzki 《Acta Physiologiae Plantarum》1999,21(4):375-381
Sucrose and starch concentration, sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) activity in leaves, and long distance transport were studied
in maize seedlings treated with moderate chilling (14 °C/12 °C - day/night).
Two inbred lines were tested: chilling-tolerant KW1074 and chilling-sensitive CM109. Seedlings were grown in phytotrone on
water nutrient until the 4-th leaf appearance. The estimations were done on fully developed 2-nd leaf.
Six days after the temperature was lowered, leaves of line KW 1074 plants contained 5-fold more sucrose and starch than the
control ones. The same treatment of CM 109 seedlings resulted in accumulation of sucrose and starch by 2-fold and 8.5-fold,
As the result of chilling-treatment, 14C assimilation rate (Pa), transport speed in the leaf blade (TS1) and along the plant (TSm) decreased by about 50 % in both lines. On the other hand, time necessary for radiolabel movement into the phloem loading
region (AT) increased strongly, especially in chilling-sensitive line CM 109. It was also noted, that the radioactivity exported
from leaves (R1) and imported by roots (Rm) decreased in line CM 109, and increased slightly in line KW 1074.
The activity of SPS extracted from leaves of both lines decreased by about 3.3 when temperature was lowered form 30°C to 10°C.
There was no effect of 6 day treatment of chilling on SPS activity.
Changes in sucrose and starch concentration, SPS activity as well as differences in transport parameters observed in KW1074
and CM109 seedlings at moderate low temperatures are discussed in terms of mechanism of maize chilling-sensitivity. 相似文献