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不同年龄猕猴(Macaca mulatta)反转学习的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文探讨不同年龄猕猴(Macaca mulatta)反转学习(reversal learning)的比较生理研究。结果表明幼年猕猴(6—11月)的反转学习已达到较高水平,至少不比成年猴的神经过程灵活性差,而接近中年的猴(10—12岁)神经过程灵活性则有所降低。此外,不同年龄猕猴的颜色反转均较形状反转困难,同时,阳性(+)至阴性(—) 的困难反转(即“先—后+”的错误)是不同年龄猕猴反转学习中的共同特征。  相似文献   

海南岛南湾猕猴(Macaca mulatta)种群结构研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
江海声  刘振河 《兽类学报》1989,9(4):254-261
本文根据1981—1986年对海南岛南湾猕猴群体的观察,报道了南湾猕猴群体大小、群体结构和种群结构动态等问题。并在此基础上建立了猕猴雌性图解生命表。  相似文献   

本文通过1年连续野外观察(2015年12月至2016月11月),对比研究了广东省内伶仃—福田国家级自然保护区野生群和台山上川岛猕猴省级自然保护区内半野生投食群的猕猴觅食策略异同,分析了食物数量和食物营养对猕猴觅食行为的影响,探讨了猕猴对生境变化的应对策略及其适应机制。研究结果表明,野生群和半野生群猕猴均偏好取食低灰分果实。另外,比起取食较少的果实,半野生群猕猴主要取食的果实具有低含水量和低蛋白等特点。全年来看,野生群猕猴偏好取食分布数量多的果实;半野生群猕猴食果频率月间波动受环境果实量影响,符合能量最大化理论。野生群和半野生群猕猴采食乔木树叶的行为均不受乔木数量的影响;而且两者采食所有生活型植被的叶的行为不受叶营养的影响。本研究表明猕猴会根据环境的食物资源数量和质量调整其觅食策略,具有对不同生活环境灵活适应的能力。  相似文献   

目的通过对猕猴静脉注射自体RAK细胞,观察猕猴是否出现血管内细胞栓塞等现象,为评价在人体上回输RAK细胞安全性剂量提供依据。方法随机选择健康雄性猕猴5只,进行自体RAK细胞静脉回输,观察动物在回输过程中及回输结束后14d内动物的生理生化指标是否出现异常,是否出现血管栓塞现象。结果自体RAK细胞回输后至观察期14d结束,5只动物均存活,且精神状态良好,各动物的生理生化指标正常,无行为和体征异常出现。结论猕猴静脉注射自体RAK细胞达到拟用临床剂量上限时不会引起毒性反应,不会引起血管内栓塞现象。  相似文献   

为了确定太行山猕猴(Macaca mulatta)的椎动脉沟上3种骨桥(腹桥、侧桥和背桥)的分布特征,以期理解在人类寰椎上观察到的变异,并推测灵长类动物可能的进化趋势。本文分别测量57例(雄性17例,雌性40例)猕猴寰椎标本(成年骨骼标本)3个寰椎桥的宽度。并采用SPSS统计软件进行数据处理,性别之间差异采用方差分析,观察寰椎桥的出现率、形态特征和组合类型。统计结果显示,猕猴寰椎桥变量性差显著(P<0.05),猕猴的腹桥和背桥是恒定出现(100%),侧桥基本恒定,但也有一些缺失个案(90.3%),表明腹桥和背桥是猕猴稳定的特征;猕猴寰椎桥的主要类型为原始的A型,与主要类型为D型的人科动物发生分离。我们基于以上特征后得出结论,猕猴的3个寰椎桥是一种稳定性状,其出现率明显高于类人猿。  相似文献   

丝裂霉素C(MMC)是一种抗癌的双功能烷化剂,能诱发染色体畸变和使姐妹染色单体互换率显著增高,本实验以弥猴为实验材料,探讨强烈致癌因子黄曲霉素D(AFB_1),乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)和MMC在诱发SCE时的相互关系。 四只2—3年龄的猕猴(Macaca mulatta),一只雄性猕猴按公斤体重100微克剂量肌肉注射AFB_1(溶剂为二甲亚砜),另一只雄性猕猴静脉注射乙型肝炎患者血清0.2毫升。半个月后再次静脉注射患者的全血0.5毫升。一只雌性猕猴在注射AFB_1后再按上法注射乙型肝炎患者的血清和全血。另一只雄性猕猴为对照。最后一次注射的次日,抽取静脉  相似文献   

通过齿式及牙齿磨损情况判断年龄及称量体重的方法,对2004 年至2010 年间从云南景东县、镇沅县、宁蒗县三个地区捕获的23 群共670 只野生猕猴进行了种群年龄组成、性别比例及体重差异的调查。结果表明:(1)景东县、镇沅县、宁蒗县三地猕猴种群雄雌性别比分别为1∶ 1. 21、1∶ 1. 55、1∶ 1. 52; (2) 三个地区猕猴种群年龄结构稳定,幼年组、青年组和中壮年组的个体数量占整个种群数量的80% 以上,处于发展阶段;(3)三个地区猕猴种群体重到了中壮年后均出现雄性明显高于雌性(P < 0. 01)的性二型现象,同时,发现宁蒗县猕猴种群体重明显高于其他两个地区(P < 0. 01)。以上三个地区野生猕猴种群均处于较高生育高峰,呈现出发展壮大的趋势。本文为云南省猕猴资源的保护与合理开发利用提供一定的依据,同时也为了解云南省野生猕猴群体结构及生长发育规律,建立人工繁育的不同地域(种、亚种)猕猴种质特性数据库和进一步研究提供相应的基础数据支持。  相似文献   

2013年8至12月,对陕西省米仓山国家级自然保护区境内野生猕猴的种群数量及其社会结构进行调查,并估测该物种栖息环境的偏好性。通过在预先选取的样区域内采用"V"型路线调查法调查,发现该区域生活12群,共有460—500只野生猕猴。结合对其中5个猴群长时间的持续跟踪观察,统计得出成年个体占45.93%,未成年个体占34.45%,幼仔占19.61%,成年与未成年比例为1.33,成年雄雌的比例为0.36。并证实猕猴倾向于选择海拔700—1600m裸露的悬崖峭壁、平缓山坡农田带上缘、灌丛-森林带和半山中部及以上区域的阔叶林带下缘活动。  相似文献   

猕猴(Macaca mulatta)是自然分布最广泛的非人灵长类,因其行为多样且表情丰富,不仅是动物园和野生动物园等处常见的观赏动物,亦是诸多旅游区的重要观赏资源。近年来,国内不时有引入猕猴开展旅游活动的相关新闻报道,但猕猴相关旅游现状尚不清楚。本研究以“猕猴”和“旅游”“景区”“保护区”及“森林公园”等为关键词,利用“百度”搜索引擎进行检索,检索时间设为2000年1月至2021年10月,提取包括猕猴观赏地的行政区域、类别、猕猴来源和状态、引入猕猴年份和数量等信息,旨在了解国内猕猴观赏旅游现状,为猕猴资源保护与管理提供依据。结果表明:1)共检索到164处猕猴观赏区,分布于全国20个省级行政区,冠以“景区”“森林公园”“保护区”和“旅游区”的地区分别有97、36、20和11处;2)猕猴自然分布的观赏区有105处,明确为引入猕猴的有53处,而来源不详的有6处,其中,北京、山东、江苏及河北的23处观赏区内猕猴均为人为引入;3)20世纪80和90年代便有地区开始引入猕猴,2005年至2010年引入猕猴的观赏区最多,达16处;4)在已知的引入猕猴观赏区中,仅13处有明确的猴源输出地,其中包括3处引自猕猴来源较复杂的河南新野猕猴繁殖场。本研究提示,国内猕猴观赏活动在一定程度上改变了猕猴的自然分布格局。建议野生动物管理部门对涉及猕猴观赏项目建立分级审批制度,尤其是针对引入猕猴开展旅游活动的项目应先开展生态安全评估。  相似文献   

从形态学、染色体、蛋白质、DNA水平等方面对中国猕猴的遗传多样性进行了综述,以期为我国猕猴资源的保护和利用提供理论基础,为猕猴遗传多样性的研究提供参考.染色体核型和蛋白质分析表明中国猕猴遗传多样性有限,DNA多态性分析表明中国猕猴具有丰富的遗传多样性.基于线粒体控制区部分序列的分析有助于中国猕猴系统发育与进化的研究,Neighbor-joining进化树和Median-Joining网络图将中国猕猴分为7个类群.  相似文献   

We determined changes in plasma hormone concentrations in gilts after treatment with a progesterone agonist, Altrenogest (AT), and determined the effect of exogenous gonadotropins on ovulation and plasma hormone concentrations during AT treatment. Twenty-nine cyclic gilts were fed 20 mg of AT/(day X gilt) once daily for 15 days starting on Days 10 to 14 of their estrous cycle. The 16th day after starting AT was designated Day 1. In Experiment 1, the preovulatory luteinizing hormone (LH) surge occurred 5.6 days after cessation of AT feeding. Plasma follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) increased simultaneously with the LH surge and then increased further to a maximum 2 to 3 days later. In Experiment 2, each of 23 gilts was assigned to one of the following treatment groups: 1) no additional AT or injections, n = 4; 2) no additional AT, 1200 IU of pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin (PMSG) on Day 1, n = 4); 3) AT continued through Day 10 and PMSG on Day 1, n = 5, 4) AT continued through Day 10, PMSG on Day 1, and 500 IU of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) on Day 5, n = 5; or 5) AT continued through Day 10 and no injections, n = 5. Gilts were bled once daily on Days 1-3 and 9-11, bled twice daily on Days 4-8, and killed on Day 11 to recover ovaries. Termination of AT feeding or injection of PMSG increased plasma estrogen and decreased plasma FSH between Day 1 and Day 4; plasma estrogen profiles did not differ significantly among groups after injection of PMSG (Groups 2-4). Feeding AT blocked estrus, the LH surge, and ovulation after injection of PMSG (Group 3); hCG on Day 5 following PMSG on Day 1 caused ovulation (Group 4). Although AT did not block the action of PMSG and hCG at the ovary, AT did block the mechanisms by which estrogen triggers the preovulatory LH surge and estrus.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the response of anestrous gilts to injections of pregnant mare's serum gonadotrophin (PMSG) alone or in combination with human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG). One hundred and eighty gilts which had failed to exhibit estrus by about 33 wk of age were given one of the following treatments: no injection, 500 IU PMSG, 1000 IU PMSG or 400 IU PMSG + 200 IU hCG. A greater number of gilts injected with 1000 IU PMSG exhibited estrus within nine days of treatment than control gilts (21/37 vs 13/41, X(2) = 5.0, P<0.05). In addition, gilts injected with 1000 IU PMSG exhibited oestrus significantly earlier than gilts receiving the other treatments. In comparisons of the proportion of gilts ovulating within 9 d of treatment and the treatment-to-ovulation interval, there were no significant differences between the three exogenous hormone treatments. There was also no significant effect of treatment on farrowing rate or subsequent litter size. The results of our study indicate that treatment of anestrous gilts with 1000 IU PMSG effectively induces ovulation and fertile estrus. Inadequate expression of estrus often accompanied the ovulation induced by the lower dosages of PMSG used with and without hCG in this experiment.  相似文献   

A surge of LH during the follicular phase triggers multiple pathways, including progesterone and prostaglandin synthesis before culminating in ovulation. Progesterone has been shown to be involved in the ovulatory process in many species. In prepuberal gilts treated with PMSG/hCG the follicular progesterone level has been shown to increase sharply before ovulation. This study was conducted to investigate whether premature elevation of progesterone can accelerate the ovulatory process in Large White PMSG/hCG-treated prepuberal gilts. Fifty-four Large White gilts were treated with 1000 IU, i.m. PMSG to stimulate follicular growth, followed 72 h later by 500 IU, i.m. hCG to induce ovulation. Gilts in the treatment group (n = 27) were given progesterone intermuscularly at 24 and 36 h after hCG. Ovaries were exteriorized to observe ovulation points during laparotomy under general anesthesia at 38 to 50 h after hCG. Ovulation in both groups commenced by 40.05 h after hCG and was completed by 47.71 h in the control group and by 42.87 h after hCG in the treated group. Progesterone shortened (P < 0.01) ovulation time by 4.84 h and the time required (P < 0.01) for the median proportion of follicles to ovulate (40.7 vs 43.5 h after hCG). Progesterone also increased (P < 0.01) the plasma progesterone concentration without altering follicular progesterone concentration.  相似文献   

Genetic engineering of miniature pigs has facilitated the development of numerous biomedical applications, such as xenotransplantation and animal models for human diseases. Manipulation of the estrus is one of the essential techniques for the generation of transgenic offspring. The purpose of the present study was to establish a useful method for induction of the estrus in miniature gilts. A total of 38 pubertal miniature gilts derived from 4 different strains were treated with exogenous gonadotropins. Estrus and ovulatory response were examined after treatment with pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) as 200 IU PMSG and 100 IU hCG, 300 IU PMSG and 150 IU hCG, or 1,500 IU PMSG only, followed by 100, 150 or 750 IU hCG 72 h later, respectively. The optimal protocol was determined to be the combination treatment of 200 IU PMSG and 100 IU hCG followed by 100 IU hCG. The administration of 200 IU PMSG and 100 IU hCG was effective in inducing estrus regardless of the strain, although there was a strain difference in the ovulatory response. These results indicate that treatment with a low-dose combination of PMSG and hCG provides one of the simplest methods for induction of estrus and ovulation in pubertal miniature pigs.  相似文献   

Mature female Chinese hamsters ovulate an average of 8.8 ± 1.0 (mean ± SD) eggs per female in each estrous cycle. Superovulation can be induced in both immature and mature females by subcutaneous or intraperitoneal injections of pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) and either human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) or pituitary luteinizing hormone (PLH). The best superovulation in immature females was induced by the administration of 15 IU of PMSG followed 72 hr later by injection of 15 IU of hCG (about 25 eggs per female) or 0.2 mg (200 IU) PLH (about 46 eggs per female). Ovulation started about 13–15 hr after administration of hCG (or PLH) and was completed during the next 5–6 hr. Superovulation in mature females could be induced by injecting PMSG any day of the estrous cycle, but the best superovulation (about 39 eggs per female) was induced by injecting 15 IU of PMSG on day 1 (day of ovulation) followed by the injection of 0.4 mg of PLH 72 hr later. When immature females treated with the best superovulatory protocol were mated on the evening of PLH injection, only 5% of the eggs were found fertilized 50 hr after PLH administration. On the other hand, about 60% of the eggs were found fertilized in mature females mated following treatment with the best superovulatory protocol. The majority (83–85%) of superovulated eggs obtained from both immature and mature females were normally fertilized in vitro.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to use embryo transfer (ET) for propagation of the Swallow Belly Mangalica population. Mangalica is a native Hungarian pig breed adapted to extreme climate and housing conditions and distinguished for excellent meat and fat quality. However, due to their weak reproductive characteristics and relatively high fat proportion, Mangalica pigs have been replaced by modern breeds. Now, there is an increased interest again to safeguard the properties of this breed. We conducted two experiments. First, we used a total of 18 puberal Mangalica gilts to determine an optimal superovulatory treatment. Following estrus synchronization with Regumate, we injected gilts with either 750, 1000 or 1250 IU PMSG, followed by 750 IU hCG 80 h later. We scanned ovaries endoscopically 3 days after hCG administration. The application of 1000 and 1250 IU PMSG resulted in a higher rate of ovulation compared to 750 IU (24.2 +/- 3.6 and 21.0 +/- 2.3 vs. 13.7 +/- 2.7 P<0.05). The number of follicular cysts increased after administration of 1250 IU PMSG compared to 750 and 1000 IU (2.0 +/- 1.3 vs. 0.3 +/- 0.7 and 0.2 +/- 0.3, P<0.05). Thus, we chose 1000 IU PMSG for further stimulation of Mangalica gilts. In the second experiment, we induced superovulation in 10 Mangalica donor gilts by 1000 IU PMSG and 750 IU hCG. Gilts were fixed-time inseminated, and then five days later embryo collection was carried out surgically (n=6) or endoscopically (n=4). Out of the 187 ova recovered, 92.5% were at the morula/blastocyst stage. The embryo recovery rate was higher following surgical flushing than following endoscopy (91.5 +/- 4.4% vs. 71.4 +/- 12.7%, P<0.05). Altogether 143 embryos were transferred surgically or endoscopically into 8 Landrace recipients. Surgical and endoscopic transfer of Mangalica embryos into Landrace gilts resulted in pregnancies in 3 and 2 gilts, respectively; thus the overall farrowing rate was 62.5%. The birth of 59 Mangalica piglets from 5 embryo recipients equals an average litter size of 11.8 +/- 1.3, which is two times larger than usual in this breed. Therefore, we concluded that an appropriate inter-breed ET program is a suitable tool to propagate the endangered Mangalica breed.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of ovarian status and to find out a suitable hormonal dose for induction of superovulation and its effect on biochemical status of the ovaries, the mice were injected with PMSG in doses of 5, 7.5, and 10 IU on different days of the estrous cycle i.e. proestrus, estrus, metestrus and diestrus followed by hCG injection 48 hr later. All these treatments increased the mean ovarian weight and ovulation rate when compared with that of control animals. Maximum response was observed by treatment with 7.5 IU PMSG on the day of estrus. This treatment resulted in a non-significant decrease in total proteins but a significant increase in the lipid concentrations while no change in cholesterol content of the ovaries of superovulated mice. The activity of acid phosphatase and lactate dehydrogenase significantly increased and alanine aminotranseferase significantly decreased in the ovaries of mice after superovulatory treatment when compared with that of control animals. This reveals that treatment with PMSG and hCG results in metabolic alterations in the ovaries which may perhaps be inducing biosynthetic deficiencies in oocytes as indicated by increased prenatal mortality in superovulated pregnant mice when compared with that of controls in the present studies.  相似文献   

Prepuberal gilts were treated with pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) to study the effects of its dosage on ovulation rate, fertilization rate after artificial insemination, embryo viability, and rate of development and incidence of chromosome abnormalities in Day-4 embryos. Gilts received 750 IU, 1250 IU or 1500 IU of PMSG, followed 72 h later by 500 IU human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Gilts were inseminated 28 to 30 h following the hCG injection, and resulting embryos were collected on Day 4 post ovulation. Ovulation rate was higher in the 1250 IU group than in the 1500 IU group or the 750 IU group. The 1500 IU dose caused excessive stimulation of the ovary, resulting in the occurrence of large (>10mm diameter) unovulated follicles, reduced fertilization rate and low embryo recovery rate. There was no difference in the incidence of chromosome abnormalities among the three groups, although the 1500 IU group had higher embryonic mortality than the two lower dose groups. A dose of 1250 IU PMSG increased ovulation rate above that achieved by 750 IU and, therefore, increased the number of oocytes or embryos available for transfer or for other studies, without sacrificing embryo viability or increasing the incidence of chromosome abnormalities.  相似文献   

Mature nonlactating Altamurana ewes (n = 168) were synchronized in the seasonal anestrus period with FGA-impregnated intravaginal pessaries for 12 d. In Experiment 1, 48 ewes were divided into a 3 x 4 factorial design for anti-PMSG monoclonal antibody (AP) bioassay test. Concomitant injections of PMSG (1000, 1500, 2000 IU) and AP (0, 1, 2, 3 microl/IU PMSG) were given, and ovarian response was evaluated by laparoscopy. In Experiment 2, 120 ewes were divided into 8 experimental groups (n = 15 per group). The ewes treated with 1000 or 1500 IU PMSG at -24 h from sponge removal were given AP intravenously at 50 h after pessary withdrawal, 12 or 24 h after the onset of estrus, while the controls did not receive AP. Blood samples were collected from ewes (n = 6) treated with 1500 IU PMSG with or without anti-PMSG. Ovarian response and embryo production were evaluated on Day 7 after sponge removal upon laparotomy. It was found that 1 microl AP was effective in neutralizing 1 IU PMSG. No significant differences in serum concentrations of progesterone were observed among the groups of superovulated ewes. Estradiol-17 beta levels were reduced following AP treatment 12 h after the onset of estrus. At a lower dosage of superovulatory treatment (1000 IU PMSG), AP injected at 12 or 24 h after the onset of estrus significantly lowered large follicles (P < 0.01) and increased the rate of ovulation (P < 0.05). Moreover, embryo production showed a more than two-fold increase (P < 0.01) of viable embryos following AP injection at 12 or 24 h after the onset of estrus (3.2 to 3.3 vs 1.3, with vs without anti-PMSG). It is concluded that superovulatory treatment with 1000 IU PMSG plus AP administered at a fixed time after the onset of estrus may improve ovarian response and the yield of viable embryos in ewes.  相似文献   

We investigated the fertilization and developmental ability of superovulated eggs obtained from adult Wistar-Imamichi (WI) rats, by using pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) treatment. Female WI rats, 11–13 weeks of age, were divided into four groups by estrous stage (metestrus [ME], diestrus [DE], proestrus [PE], or estrus [E]). PMSG (150 IU/kg) and hCG (75 IU/kg) were injected at an interval of 48 or 55 h and the female rats were mated with mature male rats. The ovulated eggs were collected 20, 24, and 27 h after hCG injection. Regardless of the estrous stage at the time of PMSG injection, the treated rats mated and ovulated similar to the untreated spontaneously ovulated rats (S group). Although the proportion of fertilized eggs in the E- and PE-treated groups was less than the S group 20 h after hCG injection, the proportion was not different among all treated and S groups 24 h after hCG injection. The proportion of fertilized eggs using in vitro fertilization and the proportion of offspring obtained from 2-cell stage embryo transfer did not differ among the treated and S groups. In comparison with PMSG/hCG-treated immature rats, mating and ovulation rate of adult rats were significantly higher. The proportion of fertilized eggs obtained from mated rats did not differ between immature and adult rats. These results demonstrate that adult WI rats are good egg donors for reproductive biotechnological studies using unfertilized or fertilized eggs.  相似文献   

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