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我国五城市已婚育龄妇女节育状况调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的了解目前我国城市已婚育龄妇女节育状况及其影响因素。方法根据2002年7月所作的五城市已婚夫妇计划生育问卷调查资料,进行流行病学调查分析。结果五城市已婚育龄妇女综合节育率为95.81%。机关妇女低于企业妇女.且不同地区间存在差异。各种避孕方法中,以宫内节育器(IUD)使用率最高,达41.17%。地区、年龄、怀孕次数、夫妇职业、丈夫学历、丈夫原生活地均影响城市已婚育龄妇女节育率,不同职业已婚妇女节育率的影响因素有所不同。结论我国城市已婚育龄妇女的避孕节育在质和量上都达到了较高水平,但不同地区、不同特征的育龄妇女间存在差异。  相似文献   

女用避孕套是80年代中期研制发明的屏障型节育工具,主要由聚氨基甲酸酯材料制成,其物理强度优于男用避孕套的乳胶。其可接受性在不同种族间存在着差异,欧、美地区的接受性高于亚洲地区;避孕效果与其他女用屏障型节育方法相似,能较好地预防性传播性疾病的传播,另外,开展健康教育,增强人们对以HIV为代表的性传播性疾病的认识,能促进和提高阴道套的使用率。据估计,如果能完全遵医嘱使用阴道套,每年可减少90%的人类免疫缺陷性病毒的感染。  相似文献   

Reality女用避孕套的可接受性试验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本研究对30对已婚夫妇300次性生活使用美国Reality女用避孕套(简称阴道套),以询问表的形式进行可接受性评估。从总结性询问表分析结果显示:90%的夫妇认为阴道套可以接受,87%认为使用方便,并是一种好的避孕器具;80%女性和73%男性认为使用阴道套的性快感与平时一样或增强;与阴茎套相比,55.2%更喜欢阴道套。研究还对每对夫妇前5次与后5次应用阴道套进行对照评估。结果提示,如果阴道套上市,有一定比例育龄夫妇是能够选用阴道套作为避孕方法的;作为一种新的避孕器具,阴道套有一个被人们逐渐认识和接受的过程。  相似文献   

目的:了解上海市闵行区流动人口的避孕现状及其影响因素,为以后的避孕节育相关干预研究提供依据。方法:应用流行病学横断面调查的研究方法,对符合入选标准的流动人口进行结构式问卷调查,主要调查研究对象的基本人口学信息、避孕方法的使用情况及相关的避孕知识等。结果:本次调查的1 414名有过性行为的流动人口中,目前避孕措施使用率为91.94%(1 300人)。其中宫内节育器占到51.08%,其次是男用避孕套(25.00%),结扎(17.15%),口服避孕药(3.69%)。与18~24岁的对象相比,年龄在30~34岁,35~39岁,40~44岁以及≥45岁的研究对象的避孕措施使用率较高(OR分别为2.16, 6.67, 2.47和2.84)。与家庭月收入低于500元的对象相比,收入越高的对象,其目前采取避孕的比例就越高(500元~、1 000元~、2 000元~、≥3 000元组的OR分别为2.19,3.11,2.32和3.18);与避孕节育知识得分≤16分的对象相比,得分为17~31分以及得分≥49分的研究对象避孕措施的使用率较高(OR分别为2.46和2.32)。结论:研究对象避孕方法的使用和选择受到年龄、婚姻状况、经济状况、避孕知识等多方面因素的影响,以后应继续加强流动人口避孕节育知识的宣传和教育,要把经济收入低、文化程度低和避孕节育知识薄弱的流动人口作为重点干预人群。  相似文献   

对苏南、苏中计划生育工作基础较好的陆家、沙溪、何市、永红、丰西、凌河等6个乡镇的30843例已婚有孩育龄妇女的避孕节育现状、意愿、需求进行了全面调查。采用分层、等距、随机的方法对其中1385例妇女进行了重点调查。调查资料应用单因素交叉表进行分析。研究结果表明,使用的避孕节育方法中,IUD居首位,占71.30%,其次为绝育,占15.25%,再次为避孕药具,占12.60%。不同文化程度的妇女采用同一种避孕措施比例之间有显著差异,孩次与避孕方法的构成也有显著差异。其中,一孩妇女为22586例;夫妇双方和一方对现采用的避孕方法满意的占99.38%;希望更换避孕方法的有419例,不方便、不习惯、有副反应、使用时间过长是其希望更换的主要原因,而使用安全、简单方便、方法了解是愿意继续使用的主要原因。全部调查对象中,希望进一步提高保健知识和健康保健服务的分别为65.47%和64.25%,均居需求的首位。  相似文献   

张云红  李传圣 《职业与健康》2003,19(12):137-138
目的 了解我院住院患者抗菌药物使用情况。方法 对我院2002年住院患者抗菌药物的使用情况进行调查统计。结果 我院2002年12040名住院患者抗菌药物平均使用率为6482%,不同科室中,以综合ICU病房的使用率最高,达80.98%,其次为呼吸内科及儿科使用率最高,分别为80.47%和79.94%。且在这些科室抗菌药物联合使用的比例也较高。结论 我院住院患者抗菌药物使用率较高,应加强抗菌药物的管理,严格控制和规范使用抗菌药物。  相似文献   

目的了解西部地区育龄女性流动人口避孕节育情况、生殖道感染情况以及避孕方法对生殖道感染的影响。方法于2014年5月-2015年4月,采用多阶段抽样方法在宁夏和新疆两地选择18~49岁、采取避孕节育措施的育龄女性流动人口作为调查对象,通过自填式问卷调查一般人口学特征和避孕方法的使用,实验室检测调查生殖道感染情况。结果本次共调查1165名育龄女性流动人口,其中宁夏616人(52.88%),新疆549人(47.12%);避孕套、宫内节育器、结扎术、口服避孕药使用比例分别为45.92%、33.82%、4.64%、3.00%,另有12.62%的对象选择其他方式;生殖道感染总患病率为38.28%,其中细菌性阴道病为15.28%,慢性宫颈炎为13.30%;调整地区、年龄、文化程度、职业、收入等变量后,多因素logistic显示,性生活中使用避孕套可以降低生殖道感染(RTIs)的患病风险(OR=0.76,95%CI=0.58~0.99)。结论西部地区女性流动人口生殖健康水平有待提高,而在性生活中使用避孕套可以降低患RTIs的风险。  相似文献   

中国避孕套市场的研究报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 避孕套是落实避孕节育措施的主要方法之一。1970年,我国开始实行避孕药免费发放。1974年,避孕套纳入免费发放范围,发放对象是已婚育龄夫妇。据国家计生委统计,2000年全国使用避孕套避孕的夫妇有900多万对,占当年全国采取节育措施人数的4%左右。目前,国家每年收购大约12亿只避孕套,通过计划生育药具供应管理网络,免费分发给已婚育龄夫妇。另外,随着社会经济的发展,流动人口及其  相似文献   

目的:了解上海市已婚流动人口中女性避孕状况,并探讨其影响因素,为避孕节育相关干预研究提供依据。方法:应用横断面调查研究方法,通过面对面访谈收集资料,对已婚流动妇女避孕现状进行描述性统计分析,对有关因素进行多因素分析。结果:本次调查的1 828名已婚流动妇女中,目前避孕措施使用率为92.5%(1 691人)。其中男用安全套使用率最高(38.6%),其次为宫内节育器(33.7%),输卵(精)管绝育占8.6%,口服避孕药占2.1%,其他避孕方法占17.0%。logistic回归分析发现:和高年龄、低学历、低收入及已生育的流动人口相比,低年龄、高学历、高家庭收入及未生育的已婚流动人口更倾向于使用宫内节育器、男用安全套、口服避孕药等非永久避孕措施。结论:研究对象避孕方法的使用和选择受到年龄、学历、经济状况及是否生育等多方面因素的影响,今后应继续加强流动人口避孕节育知识的宣传、教育、动员和咨询工作,促进流动人口的避孕节育知情选择。  相似文献   

深圳市育龄妇女避孕状况调查   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
对深圳市 3个人群共 4744例育龄妇女进行了问卷调查。结果显示 :深圳市育龄妇女避孕措施使用率较高 ,一般人群中 94.8%的人采取过各种避孕措施 ,其中采用宫内节育器方法最多 ;高危人群避孕套的使用率最高 ,但也仅达 49.9%。在一般人群中 ,有 51.7%的妇女有人工流产史 ,2 0 .3 %多次人工流产。文化程度较高的妇女选取避孕方法种类较多 ,平均妊娠次数较少。但高的避孕措施使用率并没有导致意外妊娠率的下降。提示 :应进一步提高避孕节育措施的效果 ,开展知情选择 ,做好节育手术后的咨询指导 ;应关注高危人群的避孕节育 ,推广避孕套的使用 ,防止性传播疾病的流行 ;应关注婚前同居现象和青少年的生殖健康问题。  相似文献   

卢皖雯 《现代保健》2010,(29):37-38
目的通过对笔者所在医院325例人工流产后接受随访的育龄妇女进行问卷调查,论证社区规范开展流产后服务的必要性。方法择2008年10月~2009年2月自愿到笔者所在医院接受人工流产并在社区进行术后随访的325名妇女,由专业医生对其进行面对面询问调查,填写自行设计的调查表,并对调查结果进行分析。结果在单因素分析中,与人工流产有关的因素有文化程度、避孕方法等;多因素分析显示,控制文化程度因素后,以前有人丁二流产和引产史(重复流产)、未采用宫内节育器、使用短效避孕药具等因素仍然增加意外妊娠和流产的危险性。结论社区医院妇科医师在社区工作中,要重视计划生育工作的重要性,加强流产后咨询、访视及科普宣传工作,做好规范化流产后服务,从而有效减少重复性流产的发生率,降低人工流产术后的并发症,更好地保障广大育龄妇女的生殖健康,提高妇女的生存质量。  相似文献   

刘丽平 《现代预防医学》2016,(21):3902-3905
目的 了解武汉未婚重复人流女性对避孕节育的知识、态度、行为(KAP)及生殖健康状况,为降低重复人工流产率提供科学依据及思路。方法 设计KAP问卷调查表进行队列研究,然后在队列数据库中,随机抽取来自武汉13个辖区的共1127名未婚重复人流女性的调查问卷进行分析。结果 未婚女性重复人流的高发年龄段在20-30岁之间,占77.37%;重复人流者对避孕知识的掌握情况较差,答题正确率仅35.89%;在避孕态度方面,表示愿意采取避孕措施的占83.85%;但有53.24%的人对人流的危害认知不足;采用低效避孕措施如体外排精、安全期避孕、紧急避孕药的占50.67%;通过学校、医院、社会宣教等相对正规渠道获取避孕知识的比例不高。结论 社会应关注未婚人群的生殖健康需求,扩大避孕知识的普及率,提高未婚重复人流女性避孕措施使用率。  相似文献   

The overall impact of the family planning movement on the Indian birth rate has been negligible so far, with only token areas of success. In 1961 there were 75 million couples of reproductive age; the present estimate is 84 million. Of these couples, 1.1 million have been sterilized and 400,000 fitted with IUDs, while 500,000 use other forms of contraception. Thus only 2.4% of reproductive age couples are contraceptive users, instead of the 65% who would have to use completely efficient contraceptive means in order to reduce the present birth rate of 40 per 1000 to 25 per 1000 by 1975: this indicates the vast size of the problem. Education and propaganda are needed, but the results of research into the best way of approaching the people about planning would come too late. An all-out communication and education programme would be launched in the field, together with an effective service programme. Communication experts, doctors, and demographers are all needed to formulate and carry out family planning policies. All the main methods of contraception should be offered. Sterilization, generally regarded as irreversible, is not attractive to younger couples; the IUD is becoming more and more popular and condoms are used quite extensively. No mention is made of oral contraception.  相似文献   

Many couples will have a long period in which they will practice contraception as a family planning choice. Contraceptive failure rates recently published in the US by Elise Jones and Jacqueline Forest were based on short-term studies. This article extends these short-term failure rates by 3 differing models over a 10-year period. A 95% effective contraceptive method has a monthly 1% chance of failure. Taken over 10 years, this method has a 70% chance of failure. For many couples, 20 years of contraceptive usage is chosen and they may want to be able to choose their contraceptive according to its long-term efficiency. This article focuses on the individual and not on the group because the group's chance of unwanted pregnancy will rapidly decline as the most fecund become pregnant and drop out of subsequent analysis. The individual's risk will not diminish. The 3 models for extending short-term failure rates over 10 years are: 1) annual risk remains constant; 2) annual risk declines by 1/2 over 10 years; and 3) failure rates for various methods reduce to 0 over 10 years. Using the conservative 3 model, the risk of unwanted pregnancy over 10 years is still high for all forms of contraception outside of sterilization (e.g. Pill=27% failure, Condom=52% failure, Diaphragm=56% failure, Rhythm Method=57% failure, Spermicide=76% failure, and IUD=26% failure). There findings have implication for the occurrence of unwanted child bearing and abortion, and the need to look at long term risk is choosing a temporary contraceptive method.  相似文献   

Records of the occurrence of vaginal bleeding were obtained from women using either a natural method of contraception or one of four types of hormonal contraceptive. The relationships between their bleeding patterns and a number of demographic variables were examined, with the aim of identifying subgroups of women who, if they used a particular hormonal method of contraception, would be likely to suffer more or less disruption to their bleeding pattern than the 'norm'. Within contraceptive method, bleeding patterns were more closely related to the women's geographical region of residence than to any other factor. Some of the differences between regions were consistent across contraceptive methods. European women tended to have more bleeding/spotting days than women in other regions; Latin American women had relatively short episodes and long bleeding-free intervals, whether they were using the ovulation method, combined pills or a vaginal ring. Other differences were method-specific. Women using combined pills in India or Pakistan had fewer spotting episodes than women using the same method elsewhere; those using progestogen-only pills had more. Regional variations in bleeding patterns were particularly marked among women using DMPA, and increased over time: by their fourth injection interval, 25% of European women had amenorrhea, as compared with 72% of subjects in North Africa. These findings need to be confirmed by carefully controlled studies of menstrual bleeding patterns and their acceptability in various ethnic groups. The results would be valuable in counselling new contraceptive acceptors, and could eventually guide the choice of methods for introduction into national family planning programmes.  相似文献   

目的探讨人工流产术后立即口服复方短效避孕药妈富隆的临床效果。方法选择人工流产终止妊娠的妇女240例,随机分组,研究组120例,于人工流产术后立即服用复方短效口服避孕药妈富隆、抗生素及益母草冲剂;对照组120例,仅在人工流产术后服用抗生素和益母草冲剂,并采取其他避孕方法。观察两组术后出血时间、出血量、月经恢复情况、避孕效果、生殖道感染等。结果术后出血时间、出血量、月经恢复情况、避孕效果、生殖道感染率,研究组均优于对照组(P〈0.05)。结论人工流产术后使用复方短效口服避孕药妈富隆既可做到有效避孕,降低反复人工流产率,又能明显缩短术后出血时间,减少出血量,促进月经周期的恢复,有效减少术后生殖道感染的发生。  相似文献   

目的:了解外来已婚育龄妇女的避孕现状及对避孕节育相关知识的知晓率,为这一特殊人群提供针对性保健服务,降低重复流产,保障外来已婚育龄妇女的身心健康。方法:采用自制问卷,以自填方式为主,选择2011年1月~2011年8月在4所二级医院计划生育门诊要求人工流产的外来已婚育龄妇女进行调查分析,问卷内容包括调查对象的基本情况、人工流产的次数、人工流产的原因、避孕节育相关知识等方面。结果:外来已婚育龄妇女重复人工流产占比55.51%;人工流产的首要原因是避孕失败占56.75%;避孕失败的主要原因是使用安全套避孕占42.35%;未避孕的首要原因是侥幸心理占50.32%;大专及以上的文化程度对相关避孕知识的知晓率得分均数最高。结论:外来已婚育龄妇女重复人工流产比较高,对避孕节育相关知识匮乏。加强对外来已婚育龄妇女避孕节育的指导和宣教,提高这一弱势群体的自我保健意识,降低重复人工流产率,保障他们的生殖健康。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Despite reluctance to conceive, approximately 30% of couples do not use any method of contraception. Health concerns, side effects, failure of the method and some demographic issues such as education, age, residential region and number of living children have a major effect on contraceptive use. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to determine those factors which influence contraceptive use in Tehran. METHODS: Data from the project "The Study of the Effectiveness of Postpartum Consultation about Family Planning on Contraceptive Practice during 2 years after Parturition in University Hospitals of Tehran in 1996" were applied for the analysis of those factors which influence contraceptive use by Iranian couples. A total of 4177 women of reproductive age who gave birth in one of the 12 hospitals in Tehran during the 24 hours following the interview of the initial study and had at least one living child were enrolled in the present study. The questionnaire used included some questions about socio-demographic status, fertility history, knowledge of contraceptives and the source of this knowledge, and previous contraception practice and its effectiveness. RESULTS: Using a logistic regression model, it was found that age, women's level of education, their husbands' level of education and previous familiarity with contraceptive methods were the most significant factors influencing contraceptive use. CONCLUSIONS: It is suggested that health policy makers strengthen the family planning services through providing appropriate counselling in family planning clinics.  相似文献   

育龄妇女使用避孕措施后随访服务的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的通过对已使用避孕措施育龄妇女进行随访服务的调查分析,为计划生育优质服务进一步深化提供依据。方法对南海区桂城街道980名已使用避孕措施的育龄妇女采用随机抽样的方法进行随访调查。结果随访对象中使用避孕措施种类以IUD最多,占44.8%,对IUD、男女绝育手术、避孕套知晓率最高,愿意继续使用现用避孕措施的对象比例较大。落实避孕措施的单位以区、镇街计划生育服务机构为主,占60.8%,对现用避孕措施接受程度有94.6%的对象表示坚持使用。随访对象满意度较高的服务内容主要有:服务态度、服务质量、服务环境。对随访服务认为很有必要的占88.7%,随访形式以面对面或电话随访模式最受对象认可,随访对象最想知道的宣教知识以避孕节育、生殖健康知识为主。结论为育龄群众提供全程、高质量和形式多样的随访服务是提高避孕措施使用率和续用率的有效途径,能避免或减少意外妊娠的发生;日常化、常规化的随访服务使优质服务内容更加完善,服务质量更加提升。  相似文献   

In India, interviews were conducted with 250 couples who had at least 2 living children and at least 1 son so researchers could examine the effect of child loss on contraceptive usage. The interviewees lived in the area served by the rural health center in Pohir. 67 couples had lost a child. The child loss group had an acceptance rate for contraception of 41.7% compared to 44.8% for the group who had not experienced child loss. The difference was insignificant. Caste, literacy, and parity did not affect contraceptive usage. These findings suggest that child loss does not play a crucial role in contraception acceptance. On the other hand, some studies show that it is a barrier to fertility limitation. Additional studies are needed to resolve the issue of child loss and fertility.  相似文献   

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