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BackgroundThe COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in an infodemic about the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 outbreak to build knowledge and develop mitigation strategies. In addition, scientific journals across the world have studied the impact of COVID-19 on trauma and orthopaedics.MethodsA cross-sectional, bibliometric analysis of the literature was undertaken on COVID-19 related articles from three Pubmed and Scopus indexed orthopaedic journals from India, namely, Indian Journal of Orthopaedics(IJO),Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics and Trauma(JCOT), and Journal of Orthopaedics (JOO), in May 2021. All the article types and study designs were included for this review. The authors, institutions, countries, keywords, and co-authorship mapping were studied.ResultsA total of 112 COVID-19 related documents were retrieved. Period of these publications was from 2nd April 2020 to 31st May 2021. Vaishya R. (n = 16) was the most cited author, and Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals (n = 16) was the most cited research Institution. India led the list of countries in academic publication output. On keyword mapping, telemedicine was the most prominent Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) search word.ConclusionThe Indian orthopedic journals have addressed the impact of COVID-19 on orthopaedic practice in India and aborad whilst continuing to publish knowledge about basic science and clinical orthopaedic research studies. The JCOT has outperformed and become the most leading orthopaedic journal from India during the pandemic. COVID -19 articles have been fast tracked, open accessed and attracted more citations in reduced duration of time compared to non-COVID-19 papers.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThis study evaluates the publication output of the Indian authors on the topic of Arthroplasty research from 2002 to 2021, using bibliometric methods.MethodsThe Indian publications as listed in the Scopus database were identified by using “Arthroplasty” or “Joint Replacement” in the keyword (“Key”) tag.ResultsIndia contributed 872 publications on Arthroplasty research, constituting a 1.36% share of global output, in the last two decades. Knee Arthroplasty accounted for the largest share (52.4%) in India's output, followed by Hip (35.7%) and others. 841 authors from 413 organizations participated unevenly in the research on this topic, with IISc-Bangalore contributing the largest number of publications (97), followed by Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals (46), Breach Candy Hospital, Bombay(40), and PGIMER, Chandigarh(38). R. Malhotra contributed the largest number of publications (55), followed by R. Vaishya (35 papers) and G.M. Shetty (23 papers). S. Bhan (31.0 and 3.17), A.B. Mullaji (30,13 and 3.08), N.P. Jain (25.75 and 2.63) and H.Pandit (21.88 and 2.24) registered the highest CPP & RCI. The journals which published the highest number of Arthroplasty articles were the Journal of Arthroplasty (123), followed by the Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics & Trauma (50) and International Orthopaedics (32).ConclusionIndia's contribution in the field of Arthroplasty-related publication is still low on a global platform, however, has shown a positive and increasing trend in the last two decades. The maximum publications were related to knee and hip arthroplasty and were from institutions in the major Indian cities of Delhi and Mumbai. More international and multicentric collaboration and external funding may help improve the number of arthroplasty publications in the future.  相似文献   

Joint replacement surgery is becoming increasingly popular globally and recently,?in India. The phenomenon of medical tourism has also contributed to increasing number of arthroplasty surgeries being done every year in our country. The surgeons who work in this highly specialized field of orthopedic surgery, have been publishing their research work in reputed journals. In this paper, we have discussed the most cited Indian papers in the field of arthroplasty. It was observed that publications in high impact and reputed journals attract more citations and therefore it is recommended that the ‘good’ scientific research work should preferably be submitted to these journals to create greater impact and awareness about ones’ research.  相似文献   

背景与目的 近年来,减重代谢外科发展迅速,新的术式不断涌现、理念不断更新,同时,由此所产生的大量文献为进一步的科学研究奠定了基础。因此,本研究通过对2021年减重外科领域的英文文献的计量可视化分析,探讨该领域进展和研究热点,为今后的临床与科研的发展方向提供参考。方法 检索Web of Science数据库2021年收录的减重代谢外科领域英文文献,采用文献计量学方法对文献数量、机构来源、发表期刊、关键词等进行分析。结果 最终纳入5 335篇文献进行分析,发文量前三的国家分别为美国、中国、意大利;发文量前三的机构为哈佛医学院(n=204)、密歇根大学(n=141)和圣保罗大学(n=135);发文量前三的期刊为Obesity Surgeryn=510)、Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseasesn=221)及Nutrition Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseasesn=157);美国是对外合作最多及最广的国家,虽然中国的发文量位列世界第二,但在对外合作方面仅位列第十二;哈佛医学院(90次)、梅奥诊所(70次)及密歇根大学(41次)是世界对外合作量排名前三的机构;2021年减重外科研究方向除侧重于外科手术外,还包括了与心血管、营养学、癌症等方面相关的研究;引证网络分析中“Once-weekly semaglutide in adults with overweight or obesity”是2021年减重外科领域中最高被引文献(202次)。被引网络分析“Bariatric surgery versus intensive medical therapy for diabetes-5-year outcomes”为2021年该领域被引网络中被引用次数最高文献(179次);Obesity Surgery(1 526次,发文量510),the New England Journal of Medicine(1 355次,发文量2),Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases(1 246次,发文量221)等为该领域最高被引期刊。关键词共现网络中显示“Gut Microbiota”、“Glucose”是目前及未来该领域的研究热点及研究趋势。共被引分析网络图中Sj?str?m L(277次),Schauer PR(274次),Buchwald H(223次),为该领域的高被引作者。结论 在2021年美国发文量仍居世界第一,中国虽位居第二,但在外合作及学术影响力方面仍相对较弱。除外科手术外,心血管、营养、癌症等同样是该领域的研究侧重点。肠道菌群与肥胖症及相关代谢疾病的关系,以及减重手术对血糖的改善情况及作用机制仍然是目前及未来的研究热点。  相似文献   

BackgroundThe Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics and Trauma (JCOT) is one of the top three orthopaedic journals from India. We set out to analyse the top 50 cited articles from JCOT since indexing in PubMed and Scopus.MethodsWe looked into the bibliometrics of the top 50 cited articles and compared citations from PubMed and Scopus, and depicted outputs from VOS viewer analysis on co-authorship and keywords.ResultsTotal citations for top-cited articles were 1076 in numbers, with a maximum of 103.2016 and 2018 were the most productive years. The major contribution was from India with 74%, followed by the USA. New Delhi published maximally at 72%. Clinical topics and narrative reviews were the most common types of studies. Trauma and Adult reconstruction was the most common sub-specialities, and Level 4 was the most frequent level of study. The basic science and COVID-19 related articles received the maximum citations. The authors from Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals published the maximum number of top-50 cited articles in the JCOT.ConclusionsThere is a steady increase in the number of publications in the JCOT, with an increasing number of citation counts. Both the Indian and foreign authors have been publishing in this journal at a comparative rate. Although the citation counts in Scopus are more than those in PubMed for given articles, more than 80% of articles are listed in both databases as top 50 cited articles. The majority of top-cited articles belonged to trauma and adult reconstruction, level III studies, and narrative reviews.  相似文献   

背景与目的:胰岛素瘤是胰腺最常见的功能性内分泌肿瘤。然而很少有关于胰岛素瘤的文献计量学研究。因此本研究将通过文献计量分析这一方法描述近20年来胰岛素瘤领域研究的热点和趋势。方法:通过Web of Science核心数据库(WoSCC)检索1999—2021年间与胰岛素瘤相关的出版文献,并以纯文本格式导入VOSviewer和CiteSpace软件。数据使用文献计量方法进行处理,对作者、国家、机构、高被引文献、共被引、关键词和参考文献进行文献可视化分析。结果:共检索到3 863篇文献,包括19 310位作者,3 268个组织,83个国家/地区和1 005种期刊,文献共引用了来自7 494种期刊合计55 619位作者的85 078篇文章。其中,相关研究主要在美国进行,Lernmark A是最高产的作者,华盛顿大学是最主要的贡献机构,Journal of Biological Chemistry是胰岛素瘤领域发文的主要期刊。关键词分析显示,目前重点主要集中在“Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor”“ENTS Consensus Guideline”“Marker”“M...  相似文献   

背景与目的:近年来,结直肠癌肝转移(CRLM)问题广受学界关注,相关研究文献大量涌现。本研究通过分析近20年国际上CRLM研究的文献分布规律和研究热点,为把握该领域未来研究方向提供参考依据。方法:从Web of Science核心合集数据库检索2000-2019年CRLM领域的相关文献,使用文献计量工具Bibexcel提取年发文量、国家、期刊、关键词等字段,并通过Excel软件和Pajek软件绘制图表和知识图谱。利用VOSviewer软件对作者个体、机构、国家合作网络和高频关键词进行共现和聚类分析。结果:共检索到CRLM相关文献7 965篇,2007年以后年发文量均在400篇以上,美国、日本和中国是发文量最多的国家,分别为1 728、1 108、1 078篇;从基金分布来看,高产文章主要来自国家级基金。期刊主要集中于JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY、ANNALS OF ONCOLOGY等肿瘤学科高质量期刊;H指数20及以上的作者美国有12位,法国有5位;高频关键词53个,聚类分析将高频关键词聚类为5类,依次手术和化疗、预后因素、辅助诊断、化疗药物、腹膜转移癌。结论:在过去的近20年间,国际CRLM研究活动和合作不断增加,但是不同国家之间仍具有较大差距。总的来说,这项文献计量学研究确定了CRLM研究的三大热点:手术治疗及预后、化学治疗和辅助诊断。因此,对这些课题的进一步研究,可能更有助于促进治疗策略的临床转化,在不久的将来使CRLM的诊疗和个性化防治更加精准和有效。  相似文献   

背景与目的:短肠综合征是一类因广泛小肠切除而引起的罕见疾病,近年来逐渐引起学者关注。然而目前却暂无该病文献计量学方面的相关研究。因此,本研究通过文献计量分析这一方法描述近30年来短肠综合征研究的热点和趋势。方法:通过Web of Science核心合集(WoSCC)数据库检索1991—2021年间与短肠综合征相关的出版文献,并以纯文本格式导入VOSviewer和CiteSpace软件。数据使用文献计量方法进行处理,对作者、国家、机构、高被引文献、共被引、关键词和参考文献进行文献可视化分析。结果:共检索到3 439篇文献,包括12 457位作者,2 557家机构,74个国家/地区和779种期刊,文献共引用了来自8 713种期刊合计43 194位作者的64 834篇文章。其中,美国的贡献最为卓越,Wales PW是产出最多的作者,多伦多大学是发文最多的机构,Journal of Pediatric Surgery是该领域的核心期刊。关键词分析显示,Short Bowel Syndrome、Intestinal Failure、Children、Parenteral Nutrition是高频...  相似文献   



To evaluate the scientific contribution of Brazilian Spine Surgeons not only in number of publications but also in their quality between January 2000 to December 2011.


A literature search of publications by Brazilian spinal surgeons on topics concerning the spine or spinal cord was performed using an online database; Pubmed.gov. The results were limited to articles published from January 2000 to December 2011. A total of 1,778 articles were identified after a Medline search. After exclusion criteria, the study comprised 206 articles. The quality of the Journals was assessed with IF and the article quality using the Oxford classification.


An increasing number of publications by Brazilian spine surgeons was observed in recent years: 45.1 % of those papers were published during the last 4 years (2008–2011). Clinical studies and case reports were the most frequent types of article published (37.5 vs 31.1 %). An increasing number of Brazilian publications in non-Brazilian journals has been observed in recent years (linear-by-linear association: 5.449, P = 0.020). The Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria was the most frequent journal in which the papers were published (N = 67, 32 %). The IF of the publications varied from 0.021 to 8.017. The analysis of quality of the articles using the Oxford classification demonstrated that most of them provided LOE 4 (N = 113, 54.9 %) or 5 (N = 45, 21.8 %).


There have been an increasing number of publications by Brazilian spine surgeons in recent years and the quality of the articles published has improved. Also the number of publications by Brazilians in non-Brazilian journals has increased in recent years.  相似文献   


目的 基于CiteSpace软件和中国知网(CNKI)数据库、中国社会科学引文索引数据库(CSSCI)和Web of Science(WoS)对围术期针刺领域2012—2021年的研究状况和趋势进行可视化分析。

方法 以针刺和围术期相关检索词对CNKI、CSSCI、WoS收录的中英文文献分别进行检索,检索范围为2012年1月1日至2021年12月31日发表的文献。采用CiteSpace 5.7.R5进行文献计量学分析,包括人员和机构发文情况、人员和机构共现情况、关键词热度、突现度及时间线图。

结果 共纳入1 607篇中文文献和1 201篇英文文献。整体发文数量随年度有一定波动,2019年度发文数量最多。中英文发文数量最多的作者分别为上海中医药大学附属曙光医院的沈卫东(32篇)和韩国的Inhyuk Ha(19篇),最多的机构为上海中医药大学附属曙光医院(66篇)和上海中医药大学(43篇)。出现频次最高的关键词为“针刺”和“经皮穴位电刺激”等技术,以及“针刺镇痛”和“术后恶心呕吐”等适应证。代表研究趋势的关键词为“脑功能网络”、“加速康复外科”、“睡眠质量”和“老年”。

结论 针刺减少术后并发症、改善患者术后转归是围术期针刺持续关注的领域,老年患者、脑功能和加速康复外科是未来应重点关注的研究方向。  相似文献   

目的 通过对国内16种骨科学核心期刊的总被引频次、影响因子、他引率、学科影响指标等进行分析,评价其学术影响力. 方法以2005~2007年的<中国科技期刊引证报告>为数据来源,利用引文期刊评价指标的修正思想,对国内16种骨科学期刊的总被引频次、影响因子、他引率、学科影响指标等值进行归一化处理,然后排序并进行分析. 结果 综合以上四种指标,<中华骨科杂志>在多项指标中排名第一,<中华创伤杂志>和<中国修复重建外科杂志>也在多项指标中排名较前.<中华创伤骨科杂志>虽创刊时间较短,但各项指标均进步较快. 结论 骨科学期刊的整体学术质量较高,学术影响力较大.  相似文献   

目的分析国际临床肺移植文献概貌,了解肺移植研究现状。方法利用汤森路透的TDA、UCINET等软件,分析PubMed数据库收录的临床肺移植相关论文的时间分布、国家分布、机构分布、期刊分布,并采用共词分析法分析了高频主题词。结果临床肺移植文献始于1966年,1988年后文献数量增长。美国在临床肺移植研究领域具有领先优势,英国、丹麦、法国、德国、加拿大发文量也较多,我国临床肺移植研究进展相对缓慢。开展临床肺移植研究的前30个机构中,有17个机构为美国机构,占56.67%。中国尚未有在国际上排名前列的肺移植核心机构。发文量前20位的作者中,有9位美国研究人员、5位英国研究人员。刊载肺移植研究论文最多的期刊是《心肺移植杂志》(The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation)。临床肺移植研究高频主题词涉及移植物排斥、手术后并发症、免疫抑制剂、闭塞性细支气管炎等。结论临床肺移植文献出现已有40多年,但数量增长不快。美国、英国是肺移植研究大国。肺移植供受者选择、术后并发症处理、受者长期存活等是临床主要关注点。  相似文献   



Electronic patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) enable real time reporting back to the patient and medical team, comparison between similar patient cohorts and long-term cost effective outcome measurement. The primary objective of this three-phase pilot study was to measure uptake using a web-based PROM system following the introduction of two separate process improvements.


Eighty consecutive new elective orthopaedic patients in a single surgeon’s practice were recruited for the study. Patients in Group 1 (n=26) received only a letter reminding them to complete a symptom score. Those in Group 2 (n=31) also received a reminder SMS (short message service) message via their mobile or home telephone and those in Group 3 (n=23) also had access to a tablet computer in clinic.


The mean patient age in Group 1 was 55 years (range: 24–80 years), in Group 2 it was 60 years (range: 23–85 years) and in Group 3 it was 58 years (range: 37–78 years) (p>0.05). Overall, 79% of patients had internet access, and 35% of Group 1, 55% of Group 2 and 74% of Group 3 recorded an electronic PROM score (p=0.02). In Group 3, 94% of patients listed for an operation completed an electronic PROM score (p=0.006).


Collecting PROM data effectively in everyday clinical practice is challenging. Electronic collection should meet that challenge and improve healthcare delivery but it is in its infancy. This pilot study shows that the combination of an SMS reminder and access to a Wi-Fi enabled tablet computer in the clinic setting enabled 94% of patients listed for an operation to complete a score on a web-based clinical outcomes system. Additional staff training and telephone call reminders may further improve uptake.  相似文献   



Increasing evidence is placed on the evidence-based quality of publications. We classified the publication type and assessed the reporting quality of the highest evidence level publications from the Canadian Association of Pediatric Surgeons between 1998 and 2007.


All publications from Canadian Association of Pediatric Surgeons issues in the Journal of Pediatric Surgery from 1998 to 2007 were classified by study type and level of evidence (Oxford Center for Evidence-based Medicine Levels of Evidence). Cohort studies (level 2) were evaluated by 2 independent assessors using the Newcastle-Ottawa Quality Assessment Scale (NOQAS). Reliability and χ2 analyses were performed.


Three hundred two publications were classified by level of evidence as follows: level 2, 46; level 3, 13; level 4, 109; and level 5, 134. The median NOQAS score of the 46 level-2 cohort studies was 8 (range, 5-9), and the interrater reliability was 0.94 (95% confidence interval, 0.89-0.96). There was a significant increase in the number of level-2 evidence publications (P = .001) over the study period.


Level-2 evidence cohort studies met a high scientific standard as assessed by the NOQAS and significantly increased in number over the study period. However, there were no level-1 evidence (randomized controlled trial) publications, and most were in the lower evidence classification levels (3-5).  相似文献   

近10年3911例烧伤病例分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
检索了1983年1月~1992年12月收治的3911例烧伤病人的病历资料,对一般情况、年龄分布、致伤原因、烧伤面积、复合伤、常见并发症、休克发生率、死亡率及死亡原因等进行了统计分析。结果显示,在132例死亡病人中,91.7%有吸入伤、内脏并发症和全身性感染。提示吸入伤、内脏并发症和全身性感染仍是烧伤病人的三大主要死亡原因。  相似文献   

检索了1983年1月~1992年12月收治的3911例烧伤病人的病历资料,对一般情况、年龄分布、致伤原因、烧伤面积、复合伤、常见并发症、休克发生率、死亡率及死亡原因等进行了统计分析。结果显示,在132例死亡病人中,91.7%有吸入伤、内脏并发症和全身性感染。提示吸入伤、内脏并发症和全身性感染仍是烧伤病人的三大主要死亡原因。  相似文献   

PurposeOne of the most common adverse events after orthopaedic surgery, with a potential for subsequent serious morbidity and mortality is venous thromboembolism (VTE). Bibliometric analysis has been performed regarding many topics and across orthopaedics. As DVT prophylaxis is a major component of both orthopaedic surgery considerations and research, a bibliometric analysis in this area would prove beneficial in not only in understanding the research done in the field thus far, but would also direct future research efforts.MethodsThe Web of Science (WoS) database from the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI) was used to compile articles for bibliometric analysis using Boolean search: ((Orthopaedic1 OR Orthopaedic1) AND (thromboprophylaxis OR Thromboembolism OR Deep vein thrombosis OR thrombus OR embolism OR anticoagulation OR Embolus OR prophylaxis)).ResultsThe Top 100 cited articles included in the final list generated a total of 21,099 citations. The highest cited article was Prevention of venous thromboembolism by Geerts et al. published in Chest, which had a total of 2802 on WoS, and a calculated citation density of 215.54 of citations/years since publication. Comparing the overall citation against the year of publication there was a slight positive trend favoring more recent publications (R-value: 0.142; adjusted R-squared: 0.01; p = 0.16). Analysis of an articles Level of Evidence (LOE), 17 were grade with a level of I.ConclusionsOrthopaedic thromboprophylaxis is an ever-changing field that is at the forefront of orthopaedic literature. The significant trend favoring high quality research within orthopaedic thromboprophylaxis demonstrates the importance of this topic and there was a need for a guide to best understand the evolution of DVT prophylaxis.  相似文献   

乐燕娜  朱瑾  陈坤 《消化外科》2013,(12):963-966
目的从载文、著者的角度研究《中华消化外科杂志》的学术水平和影响力。方法利用万方数据库、中国知网数据库,检索2002年至2012年《中华消化外科杂志》刊出论文情况,对全文进行浏览并保存,录入Excel软件进行各项数据统计,用文献计量学的方法对该杂志2002年至2012年的载文和著者情况进行统计分析。结果《中华消化外科杂志》11年载文1917篇,每期平均载文量29.05篇,基金项目论文占30.62%,被引率为58.52%;著者来自32个省、直辖市及中国香港特别行政区,重庆、北京、上海3个地区作者发文分别为446篇(23.27%)、240篇(12.52%)、203篇(10.59%),位居前3位,其次为四川省、江苏省和广东省。医学院校附属医院发文1382篇(72.09%)。合著率为90.03%,合作度为4.37。结论《中华消化外科杂志》是一个高质量的学术期刊,具有一定的社会影响力。该刊著者分布范围广,合作率高,但总体分布尚不均衡。  相似文献   

The most important factor contributing to short‐term and long‐term success of cementless total joint arthroplasties is osseointegration. Osseointegration leads to a direct structural and functional connection between living bone and the surface of an implant. Surface contaminants may remain on orthopaedic implants after sterilization procedures and impair osseointegration. For example, specific lots of hip replacement Sulzer Inter‐OPTM acetabular shells that were associated with impaired osseointegration and early failure rates were found to be contaminated with both bacterial debris and machine oil residues. However, the effect of machine oil on implant integration is unknown. Therefore, the goal of this study was to determine if machine oil inhibits the osseointegration of orthopaedic implants. To test this hypothesis in vivo we used our murine model of osseointegration where titanium alloy implants are implanted into a unicortical pilot hole in the mid‐diaphysis of the femur. We found that machine oil inhibited bone‐to‐implant contact and biomechanical pullout measures. Machine oil on titanium alloy discs inhibited early stages of MC3T3‐E1 osteogenesis in vitro such as attachment and spreading. Inhibition of osteoblast attachment and spreading occurred in both areas with and without detectable oil. Osteoblast growth was in turn inhibited on discs with machine oil due to both a decrease in proliferation and an increase in cell death. Later stages of osteogenic differentiation and mineralization on titanium alloy discs were also inhibited. Thus, machine oil can inhibit osseointegration through cell autonomous effects on osteoblast cells. These results support routine testing by manufacturers of machine oil residues on orthopaedic implants. © 2015 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Orthop Res 33:979–987, 2015.  相似文献   

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