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目的为了使食品和环境卫生领域现行有效的检验方法更加规范,国家标准更好地体现其客观公正性和实用规范性。方法收集和归纳食品和环境卫生领域的检验方法和国家标准,分析和提炼出其中存在的问题。结果发现存在检验方法和判断标准项目名称不统一、度量单位不一致、结果表述不严密、检验项目缺乏及公式错误等问题。结论在食品和环境卫生领域的某些检验方法和卫生标准需要进一步修订和完善。  相似文献   

转基因食品的样品检验是安全性评价的重要内容。制定样品检验方案,优化检验项目,选择检验技术是保证检验结果科学性和客观性、提高样品检验工作效率和水平的重要环节。本文从转基因食品样品检验的目的和作用、检验方案制定的依据和原则、检验项目和方法的选择、检验结果的评价等方面,研究制定和优化转基因食品样品检验方案的策略,提出相应的样品检验模型。  相似文献   

黄剑屏 《预防医学情报杂志》1999,15(4):256-256,F003
街头食品是指在城镇街头、集贸市场等公共场所制作和销售的食品,种类繁多,生产经营条件各异,和人民群众日常生活密切相关,理应是食品卫生监督的重点。为了人民群众的身体健康,加强食品卫生管理,本次抽检了64件街头食品。现将细菌检验结果报告如下。1材料与方法1.1样品来源用无菌饭盒采集正在销售的食品,立即送检。采自本市大商场内饮食城19件,采自小吃店、街头小摊点45件。1.2检验方法按照国家标准GB4789.2~3-94检验菌落总数、大肠菌群。2结果为便于分析将食品分为3类:面、饭、粉、包子等小吃类,46…  相似文献   

张玉凤  王頔 《药物与人》2014,(10):372-373
为推测食品的安全性和卫生程度,我国把食品被污染微生物列为评价食品卫生质量的指标。但是,随着食品业对新技术的采用,食品中所含微生物的种类发生了变化,现用的检验方法会对食品中微生物的某些种类造成漏检,如厌氧菌类群、低温菌类群等。检验结果影响了微生物对食品污染程度做出评价的客观性。依照微生物的生理生化特性理论和现用检验方法,对造成污染食品微生物种类及数量漏检因素进行探讨,与专家和同仁们商榷。  相似文献   

ATP生物发光法在微生物检验上的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
微生物检验是食品制造及流通过程中的卫生学检验和质量管理的重要项目。食品的细菌学检验通常采用琼脂平板菌数计数法,一般需要2~3天,检验结果往往滞后。许多食品在生产当天就必须出售,因此急需有即时性的细菌学检验方法。近年来,国外普遍实行HACCP(食品制造...  相似文献   

两种食品霉菌及酵母菌计数检验方法的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1997年~1998年我们在进行食品卫生检验中,使用了“毒苗检测纸片”对食品霉菌及酵母菌进行快速计数检验,并与现行国标GB4789.15-94中推荐的食品霉菌及酵母菌计数检验方法进行了比较.现将检验结果分析如下:1 材料及方法1.1 食品来源 辖区内饭店、  相似文献   

为了解市售食品卫生状况及加强食品卫生监督提供依据 ,本文对2年来普陀区食品供应市场部分食品卫生检验结果进行总结分析 ,结果如下。1材料与方法1.1对象为本站1997年1月~1998年12月在全区抽查持有食品卫生许可证的营销单位及个体经销的熟食、糕点、冷饮、乳制品和豆制品共5类食品 ,进行食品卫生检验。1.2检验项目检验项目包括细菌总数、大肠菌群、致病菌(沙门氏菌、志贺氏菌、副溶血性弧菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、溶血性链球菌等) ,个别食品作霉菌计数。1.3检验方法被检食品均按《食品卫生国家标准汇编》(3)中GB…  相似文献   

目的通过对135份食品样中金黄色葡萄球菌的分离鉴定,探讨食品中金黄色葡萄球菌检验方法的特异性。方法根据GB4789.10-2010金黄色葡萄球菌的检验方法对135份食品样进行检验,将分离的菌株用VITEK2细菌生化鉴定系统进行分析。结果从135份食品样中分离出10株菌符合GB4789.10-2010中金黄色葡萄球菌的报告要求,但VITEK2细菌生化鉴定系统鉴定结果只有7株为金黄色葡萄球菌,另外3株分别为产色葡萄球菌,溶血葡萄球菌和中间葡萄球菌。结论食品中金黄色葡萄球菌检验方法特异性不高,为了提高鉴定结果准确性,应加上一些辅助鉴定实验。  相似文献   

为了解我县食品卫生状况和《食品卫生法》执法情况,我们于1996年对我县食品、食品用具、餐具等498份样品,进行了抽样并进行卫生检验。1 材料与方法1.1 样品来源及种类 检验样品分别采自县直及部份乡镇驻地饭店、宾馆餐厅、招待所、单位食堂、冷食加工厂。498份样品包括食品45份、熟食板50份、食品从业人员手指涂片98份、食  相似文献   

为了解德州地区冷饮食品的卫生质量,我们于1988—1993年每年6—7月份进行一次调查,并随机抽取样品进行细菌检验,检验结果报告如下: 1 材料和方法 1.1 材料:1988—1993年每年6—7月份抽取本区制售的冰糕类、雪糕类、汽水类冷饮食品。 1.2 方法:按国标食品卫生检验方法进行。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the recognition of body image and food behavior factors according to the BMI. The subjects of this study were 242 7th grade students resided in San Francisco area. The degree of recognition for self-estimated physique of subjects by gender and by race showed no significant differences by gender but significant differences by race, showing that 20.0% was considered as underweight in Asian and 7.5% was considered as underweight in White students. This showed the same tendency as actual physique status (BMI). Also, the ratio of being recognized as more than overweight was 17.3% in Asian, 23.3% in Hispanic, and 13.4% in White students. In case of female students, the ratio of dieting experience was 63.3%, and 49.3% of White students and 63.3% of Hispanic students experienced dieting. In case of students answered not healthy, their body weight were significantly higher than those answered as healthy, and the BMI was also over 19, showing significant differences. Thus cases that answered as not healthy had greater body weight and BMI. Also it showed that frequent dieting experience is related to higher height and weight. The analysis of food behavior factors perceived by body shape showed that the group perceived itself as overweight consumed more ''fast food'' but had low scores in ''vegetables'' intake, with frequent intake of ''soda'' and tendency to ''overeat''. Also, the tendency for ''balanced life'' was significantly lower and for skipping breakfast was significantly higher, suggesting problematic food behavior.  相似文献   

深圳市2010-2012年食物中毒分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的分析深圳市2010-2012年食物中毒发生情况,了解食物中毒发生规律与特点,为制定有效的预防措施提供科学依据。方法对深圳市2010-2012年食物中毒的发生时间、发生场所、中毒原因等进行描述性分析。结果深圳市2010-2012年共发生食物中毒54起,中毒人数610人,无死亡病例。主要发生在二、三季度,共发生38起,占总起数的70.37%。以集体食堂和饮食服务单位发生食物中毒最多,占总起数的88.89%。微生物为主要致病因素,占总起数的59.26%。副溶血性弧菌引起的细菌性食物中毒起数最多,占75.0%。结论食物中毒高发季节应加强集体食堂和饮食服务单位的卫生监督检查,把食物中毒防治工作的重点放在预防微生物性食物中毒上,并加强食品安全知识的宣传和培训。  相似文献   



Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzofurans, and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls that have toxic equivalency factors (TEFs) were measured in serum of 946 subjects in five Michigan counties. The study was motivated by concerns about human exposure to dioxin-contaminated sediments in the Tittabawassee River (TR). Most of the toxic equivalency in TR sediments is from two furan congeners, 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzofuran and 2,3,4,7,8-pentachlorodibenzofuran (2,3,4,7,8-pentaCDF).

Case presentation

The individual with the highest adjusted (for age, age squared, and body mass index) serum level of 2,3,4,7,8-pentaCDF in the study (42.5 ppt) reported a unique history of raising cattle and vegetables in the floodplain of the TR. Interviews and serum samples were obtained from the index case and 15 other people who ate beef and vegetables raised by the index case. 2,3,4,7,8-pentaCDF in beef lipid was estimated to have been more than three orders of magnitude greater than background (1,780 vs. 1.1 ppt). The mean, median, and 95th percentile for serum 2,3,4,7,8-pentaCDF in the study control population were 6.0, 5.4, and 13.0 ppt, respectively, and were 9.9, 8.4, and 20.5 ppt among beef and vegetable consumers, respectively. Back extrapolation for the index case suggests that his increase in serum concentration of 2,3,4,7,8-pentaCDF above background may have been as high as 146 ppt.


Consumption of beef and/or vegetables raised on dioxin-contaminated soil may be an important completed pathway of exposure.

Relevance to public health practice

Animals and crops should not be raised for human consumption in areas contaminated with dioxins.  相似文献   

Objective: Despite the importance of the charitable food sector for a proportion of the Australian population, there is uncertainty about its present and future contributions to wellbeing. This paper describes its nature and examines its scope for improving health and food security. Methods: The review, using systematic methods for public health research, identified peer‐reviewed and grey literature relevant to Australian charitable food programs (2002 to 2012). Results: Seventy publications met the criteria and informed this paper. The sector includes food banks, more than 3,000 community agencies and 800 school breakfast programs. It provides food for up to two million people annually. The scope extends beyond emergency food relief and includes case management, advocacy and other support. Weaknesses include a food supply that is sub‐optimal, resource limitations and lack of evidence to evaluate or support their work towards food security. Conclusions: The sector supports people experiencing disadvantage and involves multiple organisations, working in a variety of settings, to provide food for up to 8% of the population. The limits on the sector's capacity to address food insecurity by itself must be acknowledged so that civil society, government and the food industry can support sufficient, nutritious and affordable food for all.  相似文献   

In European countries, there has been growing consumer distrust regarding the motives of food safety regulators and other actors in the food chain, partly as a result of recent food safety incidents. If consumer confidence in food safety is to be improved, a systematic understanding of what consumers perceive to be best practice in risk management is crucial. Previous qualitative and quantitative research has revealed underlying factors determining consumer perceptions of food risk management quality. The aim of the current case studies is to provide ‘proof of principles’ of these different factors against historic and emerging food safety incidents. Participants in four countries were questioned about country specific case studies, guided by the earlier findings regarding factors that determine perceived good practice in food risk management. In each country, two food safety incidents were selected. Semi-structured interviews with at least 25 participants per case study were conducted in Germany (BSE; nematode worms in fish), Greece (mould in Greek yogurt/carcinogenic honey crisis; avian influenza), Norway (E. coli in meat; contaminants in Norwegian salmon) and the UK (BSE; contaminants in Scottish salmon). The results generally confirm the importance of the previously identified factors, which help to explain relative perceptions of well and poorly managed incidents. Differences and similarities across countries and cases are detailed, and implications for future efforts to communicate about risk management are drawn.  相似文献   

[目的]全面了解山东省直管保健食品、矿泉水及食品添加剂生产企业产品自身检验技术能力,为加强企业检验室建设提供科学依据.[方法]对2004年申请办理省级卫生许可证的保健食品、矿泉水及食品添加剂生产企业的检验人员的学历、专业、专业培训、开展卫生理化及微生物检验项目进行分析.[结果]333家生产企业,建有检验室的占99.4%.从业人员大学及以上、专科、中专及以下分别占4.9%、17.7%和77.4%.检验、生物、医药及化工、食品、非相关专业、无专业者分别占3.7%、7.1%、18.8%、5.8%、18.0%和46.6%.接受过专业培训者占73.4%,企业对自己加工制作的产品能按标准要求检验卫生理化和微生物项目的占20.5%.[结论]企业自身检验技术能力较低,应加强检验室建设,提高检验能力.  相似文献   

本文以六安地区1997年食品从业人员体检资料为基础,对体检质量和效益进行评价。结果表明:“五病”检出率为2.1%,其中HBsAg检出率为1.3%,菌痢检出率为1.4%,肺结核检出率为0.2%,皮肤病检出率为0.2%,平均查出1例病人或病原携带者耗资0.2万元,全地区需1/4的监督员投入体检工作,目前食品从业人员体检存在一些缺陷,致使体检质量和效益不高。本文还结合文献资料对食品从业人员体检的预防效果进行了分析。  相似文献   

目的 探讨婴幼儿IgE介导的食物过敏和特应性皮炎(AD)的相关性.方法 选取2014年1月至2016年12月在济宁市第一人民医院皮肤科和儿科变态反应门诊确诊为AD的婴幼儿80例,年龄3个月至3岁.详细询问病史并填写食物过敏调查问卷,再行血清食物特异性IgE(sIgE)检测.除极高水平sIgE外,sIgE阳性患儿需要口服食物激发试验(OFCs),采用二元Logistic回归分析食物sIgE阳性分级对诊断食物过敏的影响.结果 26(32.50%)例AD患儿有食物过敏史或可疑食物过敏史.食物sIgE阳性38例,占总数的47.50%.不同程度的AD患儿在一种食物sIgE阳性和两种及以上食物sIgE阳性比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=12.88,P<0.05).其中极高水平sIgE(6级)5例.结合过敏史、sIgE阳性和OFCs,确诊食物过敏18例(鸡蛋12例、牛奶5例、鱼1例),总阳性率为22.50%.食物sIgE阳性分级越高,IgE介导的食物过敏发生率越高(Waldχ2=13.24,P<0.05,OR=2.81).结论 婴幼儿AD与IgE介导的食物过敏存在密切关联性.个人史和家族过敏史为诊断提供线索,sIgE分级为诊断提供有价值的参考,确诊需要OFCs.牛奶和鸡蛋是婴幼儿最常见的过敏原.  相似文献   

目的:探讨南京地区300名妇女对乳腺癌与服用保健品特别是蜂王浆等保健品的关系。方法:运用病例对照研究的方法,抽取300对病例与对照,进行问卷调查,运用SAS8.0软件进行单因素和多因素条件Logistic回归分析。结果:参与回归分析的有25个变量中,服避孕药的OR值为2.357、乳腺疾病史OR值为2.823,而服用蜂王浆等保健品对乳腺癌的发生没有影响。结论:服用蜂王浆等保健品没有对妇女乳腺癌的发生产生影响,减少服用避孕药和减少乳房疾病可以降低乳腺癌的发生。  相似文献   

目的了解成都市居民面制食品中铝的污染状况,并评估居民的铝暴露情况,为食品安全监管工作提供依据。方法2009—2011年从成都市19个食品污染物监测点的超市、集贸市场及食品摊点等采集市售馒头、油炸面制食品、膨化食品等5类食品共556件,按照国家标准GB/T5009.182—2003((面制食品中铝的测定方法》检测食品中铝的含量。参考2002年中国居民营养与健康状况调查中成都市居民面制食品的摄入量,评估居民面制食品中铝的暴露量。结果成都市面制食品中铝含量的均值为72.12mg/kg,铝含量的P90值为139.28mg/kg。成都市居民面制食品中铝的平均暴露量相当于WHO/FAO推荐的铝的每周容许摄人量的71%,以面制食品中铝P90含量计算的成都市居民铝暴露量相当于WHO/FAO推荐的Pw兀的1.37倍。泡打粉中铝含量极高,平均为5836.24mg/kg,且含量差距极大,远高于酵母、烘焙粉等其他食品膨松剂。结论目前成都市居民面制食品的铝暴露量存在安全隐患,关键是需切实加强对面制食品的监督管理,特别是对面制食品加工过程中使用食品膨松剂进行严格监管,降低面制食品中铝含量。  相似文献   

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