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In this paper, a new pattern based feature, local mesh peak valley edge pattern (LMePVEP) is proposed for biomedical image indexing and retrieval. The standard LBP extracts the gray scale relationship between the center pixel and its surrounding neighbors in an image. Whereas the proposed method extracts the gray scale relationship among the neighbors for a given center pixel in an image. The relations among the neighbors are peak/valley edges which are obtained by performing the first-order derivative. The performance of the proposed method (LMePVEP) is tested by conducting two experiments on two benchmark biomedical databases. Further, it is mentioned that the databases used for experiments are OASIS−MRI database which is the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) database and VIA/I–ELCAP-CT database which includes region of interest computer tomography (CT) images. The results after being investigated show a significant improvement in terms average retrieval precision (ARP) and average retrieval rate (ARR) as compared to LBP and LBP variant features.  相似文献   

基于局部二值模式的医学图像检索   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
提出了一种基于局部二值模式(LBP)和纹理模式统计进行医学图像检索的方法,计算了LBP和局部方差的联合直方图,改进了Log-likelihood统计距离度量算法.通过仿真表明:改进的Log-likelihood统计算法比Log-likelihood统计算法检索准确率高:与基于Gabor纹理特征图像检索相比较,该局部二值纹理模式检索算法检索准确率能提高8%以上.  相似文献   

A new algorithm meant for content based image retrieval (CBIR) and object tracking applications is presented in this paper. The local region of image is represented by local maximum edge binary patterns (LMEBP), which are evaluated by taking into consideration the magnitude of local difference between the center pixel and its neighbors. This LMEBP differs from the existing LBP in a manner that it extracts the information based on distribution of edges in an image. Further, the effectiveness of our algorithm is confirmed by combining it with Gabor transform. Four experiments have been carried out for proving the worth of our algorithm. Out of which three are meant for CBIR and one for object tracking. It is further mentioned that the database considered for first three experiments are Brodatz texture database (DB1), MIT VisTex database (DB2), rotated Brodatz database (DB3) and the fourth contains three observations. The results after being investigated show a significant improvement in terms of their evaluation measures as compared to LBP and other existing transform domain techniques.  相似文献   

A new image indexing and retrieval algorithm for content based image retrieval is proposed in this paper. The local region of the image is represented by making the use of local difference operator (LDO), separating it into two components i.e. sign and magnitude. The sign LBP operator (S_LBP) is a generalized LBP operator. The magnitude LBP (M_LBP) operator is calculated using the magnitude of LDO. A robust LBP (RLBP) operator is presented employing robust S_LBP and robust M_LBP. Further, the combination of Gabor transform and RLBP operator has also been presented. The robustness is established by conducting four experiments on different image database i.e. Corel 1000 (DB1), Brodatz texture database (DB2) and MIT VisTex database (DB3) under different lighting (illumination) and noise conditions. Investigations reveal a promising achievement of the technique presented when compared to S_LBP and other existing transform domain techniques in terms of their evaluation measures.  相似文献   

为了更好地提取源图像的边缘和方向信息,充分利用边缘保持滤波器的保边缘特性和方向滤波器有效提取方向信息的能力,提出一种基于局部极值滤波和非下采样方向滤波器的多尺度方向局部极值滤波图像融合方法。源图像经多尺度方向局部极值滤波,得到低频子带以及一系列的高频方向细节子带,对低频子带系数提出一种基于自适应稀疏表示(ASR)的融合规则,采用空间频率与l1范数相结合的策略得到融合的稀疏表示系数,对高频方向细节子带系数提出一种基于改进拉普拉斯能量和匹配度的选择与加权平均相结合的融合策略。实验结果表明,本方法能够有效提取源图像的边缘等细节信息,融合结果对比度更高,具有更好的主观视觉效果,其客观评价指标也优于传统的图像融合方法。  相似文献   

基于局部边缘二值模式的图像检索   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
在定义局部边缘的基础上提出了局部边缘二值模式(LEBP),并结合Gabor滤波器将其扩展到多分辨率LEBP(MLEBP)。对传统的中心对称局部二值模式(CS-LBP)和方向局部二值模式(D-LBP)进行了改进,新描述符在不增加计算复杂度和提高特征维数的基础上,进一步融入了局部边缘信息。为验证新描述符的性能,采用3个通用的纹理图像库进行图像检索实验。结果表明,结合本文方法,明显提高了传统描述符的分辨能力。  相似文献   

基于改进方向纹理谱特征的图像检索   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
在定义图像局部邻域纹理方向特性的基础上,提出了一种新的方向纹理谱描述符。该描述符针对局部邻域内中心像素与其相对的邻域像素,既充分考虑了它们间的灰度变化关系,又考虑了它们间灰度差异的变化关系,从而更有效地描述了局部纹理特征。为证明新描述符的分辨能力,采用4种不同图像库进行图像检索对比实验,结果表明,本文的新纹理谱描述符取得了最好的检索效果。  相似文献   

为了进一步提升红外与可见光图像融合方法的性能 ,本文提出了一种基于多尺度局部极值分解与深度学习网络ResNet152的红外与可见光图像融合方法。首先,利用多尺度局部极值分解 (multiscale local extrema decomposition,MLED)方法将源图像分解为近似图像和细节图 像,分离 出源图像中重叠的重要特征信息。然后采用残差网络ResNet152深度提取源图像的多维显著 特征, 以l1-范数作为活性测度生成显著特征图,对近似图像进行加权平均融合,以保持能量和残 留细节 信息不丢失。在细节图像中,利用“系数绝对值取大”规则获得初始决策图,源图像作为引 导图像, 初始决策图作为输入图像进行引导滤波处理,得到优化决策图,计算加权局部能量得到能量 显著 图,对细节图像进行加权平均融合,使融合图像具有丰富的纹理细节和良好的视觉边缘感知 。最 后,对近似融合图像和细节融合图像进行重构,得到融合图像。实验结果表明,与现有的典 型融 合方法相比,本文所提出的融合方法在客观评价和视觉感受方面都取得了最好的效果。  相似文献   

In this paper, we put forward an effective and efficient no reference image blurriness assessment metric on the basis of local binary pattern (LBP) features. In this proposal, we reveal that part of the LBP histogram bins present monotonously with the degree of blurriness. The proposed method contains the following steps. Firstly, the LBP maps of an input image are extracted with multiple radiuses. And then, the frequency of pattern histogram is analyzed before part of bins are chosen as the features. In addition, we also take the entropy of these bins as another feature. Finally, we learn the extracted features to predict the image blurriness score. Validation of the proposed method is conducted on the blurred images of LIVE-II, CSIQ, TID2008, TID2013, LIVE3D IQA Phase I and LIVE3D IQA Phase II. Experimental results demonstrate that compared with the state-of-the-art image quality assessment (IQA) methods, the proposed algorithm has notable advantage in correlation with subjective perception and computational complexity.  相似文献   

基于内容的图像检索(CBIR)技术使从海量图像资源中快速高效地提取有价值的信息得以实现,采用局部特征来表示图像并在此基础上进行图像相似性检索是当前的热门研究课题。文中将图像高维局部不变特征提取算法和LSH索引算法应用到基于内容的图像检索系统中,实验结果表明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

The proliferation of large number of images has made it necessary to develop systems for indexing and organizing images for easy access. This has made Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) an important area of research in Computer Vision. This paper proposes a combination of features in multiresolution analysis framework for image retrieval. In this work, the concept of multiresolution analysis has been exploited through the use of wavelet transform. This paper combines Local Binary Pattern (LBP) with Legendre Moments at multiple resolutions of wavelet decomposition of image. First, LBP codes of Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) coefficients of images are computed to extract texture feature from image. The Legendre Moments of these LBP codes are then computed to extract shape feature from texture feature for constructing feature vectors. These feature vectors are used to search and retrieve visually similar images from large database. The proposed method has been tested on five benchmark datasets, namely, Corel-1K, Olivia-2688, Corel-5K, Corel-10K, and GHIM-10K, and performance of the proposed method has been measured in terms of precision and recall. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms some of the other state-of-the-art methods in terms of precision and recall.  相似文献   

基于直方图统计量的逆合成孔径雷达目标识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将原用于人脸识别的基于Gabor局部二进制模式的识别技术用于逆合成孔径雷达(ISAR)像的雷达目标识别,对算法进行了改进,取得了较好的识别效果。将ISAR像进行Gabor小波变换,提取不同尺度和方向的Gabor幅值图谱;然后把幅值图谱分成小的子区域,用多尺度局部二值模式提取空域增强的直方图作为特征,最后在χ2统计量作为不相似度量计算的特征空间里,采用最近邻分类器完成五类目标的分类识别。与目前已有的几种典型ISAR目标识别方法进行了对比,结果表明:该方法是可行且有效的,能够明显地提高识别率。  相似文献   

袁梅  全太锋  黄洋 《电讯技术》2019,59(8):962-969
针对烟雾稀薄的场景提出了一种新颖且具有鲁棒性的视频烟雾检测方法,该方法主要由预处理、特征提取和图像分类三个阶段组成。在预处理阶段,使用背景差分算法提取视频帧的运动前景区域,并采用HSV颜色空间作用于运动前景区域识别烟雾像素;然后使用局部极值共生模式(Local Extrema Co-occurrence Pattern,LECoP)计算纹理特征和使用烟雾能量分析计算能量特征;最后,将特征矢量融合训练支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,SVM)用于识别烟雾。实验结果表明该方法能有效检测出烟雾。  相似文献   

Focusing on the problem of natural image retrieval, based on latent semantic analysis (LSA) and support vector machine (SVM), a novel multi-instance learning (MIL) algorithm is proposed, where a bag corresponds to an image and an instance corresponds to the low-level visual features of a segmented region. Firstly, in order to transform every bag into a single sample, a collection of “visual-word” is generated by k-means clustering method to construct a projection space, then a nonlinear mapping is defined using these “visual-word” to embed each bag as a point in the projection space, thereby obtaining every bag's projection feature. Secondly, the matrix consisted of all the projection features of training bags is regarded as a term-document matrix, and LSA method is used to obtain the latent semantic feature of each bag. As a result, the MIL problem is converted into a standard single instance learning (SIL) problem that can be solved directly by SVM method. Experimental results on the COREL data sets show that the proposed method, named LSASVM-MIL, is robust, and its performance is superior to other key existing MIL algorithms.  相似文献   

由于不能准确反映表情流行的内在结构等缺点,目前基于流行的表情识别方法的识别不高.针对此问题提出了基于有监督的Laplacianfaces(SLAP)和局部二元模式(LBP)的方法,简称LSLAP.SLAP的优点是保留局部结构的同时把类别信息加入到映射中,因此它得到的子空间中不同类别的样本可以被很好地区别开来;LBP在3种级别的区域上描述人脸具有判别力强、抗光线干扰和计算简便等优点.通过把人脸的LBP特征映射到由SLAP得到的低维空间以达到最终的特征提取,采用最近邻分类器进行分类.在JAFFE和Cohn Kanade人脸表情库上对该算法进行验证,实验结果表明:SLAP能够准确地反映表情流形的内在结构,与EigenfacesFisherfaces、Laplacianfaces以及它们各自应用于LBP的方法即Eigenfaces LBP,Fisherfaces LBP,Laplacianfaces LBP相比,LSLAP具有更高的识别率.  相似文献   

Image indexing and retrieval using expressive fuzzy description logics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effective management and exploitation of multimedia documents requires the extraction of the underlying semantics. Multimedia analysis algorithms can produce fairly rich, though imprecise information about a multimedia document which most of the times remains unexploited. In this paper we propose a methodology for semantic indexing and retrieval of images, based on techniques of image segmentation and classification combined with fuzzy reasoning. In the proposed knowledge-assisted analysis architecture a segmentation algorithm firstly generates a set of over-segmented regions. After that, a region classification process is employed to assign semantic labels using a confidence degree and simultaneously merge regions based on their semantic similarity. This information comprises the assertional component of a fuzzy knowledge base which is used for the refinement of mistakenly classified regions and also for the extraction of rich implicit knowledge used for global image classification. This knowledge about images is stored in a semantic repository permitting image retrieval and ranking. This research was supported by the European Commission under contract FP6-027026 K-SPACE.  相似文献   

基于ILDP的噪声鲁棒人脸识别   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
针对局部方向模式(LDP)采样不充分和对噪声敏感的缺点,提出了一种改进的LDP(ILDP)人脸描述方法,利用局部井型邻域的梯度信息描述人脸特征。首先,将中心像素的井型邻域根据采样半径分成两个3×3的子邻域,每个子邻域包含按照原来相对位置排列的8个像素;然后,将两个子邻域与Kirsch模板卷积分别得到两组边缘梯度值,ILDP仅使用两组梯度值中各自最大值的方向编码成一个二位八进制数,产生ILDP码;最后,在人脸描述阶段将人脸图像进行分块并把每块转换成ILDP图,再对ILDP图进行直方图统计,将所有子块的直方图连接生成人脸特征。实验结果表明,ILDP比其它同类基于局部纹理特征的单一人脸描述器在对抗随机噪声方面更具鲁棒性。  相似文献   

Color, texture, and shape act as important information for images in human recognition. For content-based image retrieval, many studies have combined color, texture, and shape features to improve the retrieval performance. However, there have not been many powerful methods for combining all color, texture, and shape features. This study proposes a content-based image retrieval method that uses the combined local and global features of color, texture, and shape. The color features are extracted from the color autocorrelogram; the texture features are extracted from the magnitude of a complete local binary pattern and the Gabor local correlation revealing local image characteristics; and the shape features are extracted from singular value decomposition that reflects global image characteristics. In this work, an experiment is performed to compare the proposed method with those that use our partial features and some existing techniques. The results show an average precision that is 19.60% higher than those of existing methods and 9.09% higher than those of recent ones. In conclusion, our proposed method is superior over other methods in terms of retrieval performance.  相似文献   

Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) has been an active research topic in the last decade. As one of the promising approaches, salient point based image retrieval has attracted many researchers. However, the related work is usually very time consuming, and some salient points always may not represent the most interesting subset of points for image indexing. Based on fast and performant salient point detector, and the salient point expansion, a novel content-based image retrieval using local visual attention feature is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the salient image points are extracted by using the fast and performant SURF (Speeded-Up Robust Features) detector. Then, the visually significant image points around salient points can be obtained according to the salient point expansion. Finally, the local visual attention feature of visually significant image points, including the weighted color histogram and spatial distribution entropy, are extracted, and the similarity between color images is computed by using the local visual attention feature. Experimental results, including comparisons with the state-of-the-art retrieval systems, demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposal.  相似文献   

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