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This paper is concerned with the modeling and computation of multi-dimensional two-phase flows in BWR fuel assemblies. The modeling principles are presented based on using a two-fluid model in which lateral interfacial effects are accounted for. This model has been used to evaluate the velocity fields of both vapor and liquid phases, as well as phase distribution, between fuel elements in geometries similar to BWR fuel bundles. Furthermore, this model has been used to predict, in a detailed mechanistic manner, the effects of spacers on flow and phase distribution between, and pressure drop along, fuel elements. The related numerical simulations have been performed using a CFD computer code, CFDS-FLOW3D.  相似文献   

A CFD modeling and simulation process for large-scale problems using an arbitrary fast reactor fuel assembly design was evaluated. Three-dimensional flow distributions of sodium for several fast reactor fuel assembly pin spacing configurations were simulated on high performance computers using commercial CFD software. This research focused on 19-pin fuel assembly “benchmark” geometry, similar in design to the Advanced Burner Test Reactor, where each pin is separated by helical wire-wrap spacers. Several two-equation turbulence models including the k-? and SST (Menter) k-ω were evaluated. Considerable effort was taken to resolve the momentum boundary layer, so as to eliminate the need for wall functions and reduce computational uncertainty. High performance computers were required to generate the hybrid meshes needed to predict secondary flows created by the wire-wrap spacers; computational meshes ranging from 65 to 85 million elements were common. A general validation methodology was followed, including mesh refinement and comparison of numerical results with empirical correlations. Predictions for velocity, temperature, and pressure distribution are shown. The uncertainty of numerical models, importance of high fidelity experimental data, and the challenges associated with simulating and validating large production-type problems are presented.  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to perform a thermal analysis of a spent fuel storage cask in order to predict the maximum concrete and fuel cladding temperatures. Thermal analyses have been carried out for a storage cask under normal, off-normal and accident conditions. The environmental temperature is assumed to be 27°C under the normal condition. The off-normal condition has an environmental temperature of 40°C. An additional off-normal condition is considered as a partial blockage of the air inlet ducts. Four of the eight inlet ducts are assumed to be completely blocked. The accident condition is defined as a 100% blockage of air inlet ducts. The storage cask is designed to store 24 PWR spent fuel assemblies with a burn-up of 55,000 MWD/MTU and a cooling time of 7 years. The decay heat load from the 24 PWR assemblies is 25.2 kW. Thermal analyses of the ventilation system have been carried out for the determination of the optimum duct size and shape. The finite-volume computational fluid dynamics code FLUENT was used for the thermal analysis. From the results of the analysis, the maximum temperatures of the fuel rod and concrete overpack were lower than the allowable values under the normal, off-normal and accident conditions.  相似文献   


Countercurrent flow limitation (CCFL) is a phenomenon that consists of several flow patterns occurring simultaneously which produces a complex gas/liquid interface and interfacial momentum transfer, thus making it one of the most challenging two-phase flow configurations for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) validation. Numerous experimental investigations have been carried out in recent years regarding this, but most of those investigations were performed in small-diameter pipes or in non-pipe geometries (rectangular cross sections). A review of these experimental investigations has shown that the scale and geometry of the test section has a large impact upon the onset and characteristics of the CCFL. In order to provide a better understanding of this phenomenon in an actual pressurized water reactor (PWR) hot-leg geometry at a relatively large-diameter and scale, a test facility with a ~1/3.9 scale and a 190 mm inner diameter was constructed. Experiments were carried out at atmospheric pressure using water and air. High-speed recording was used to acquire high-quality images of the air/water interface. CCFL mechanisms, flow patterns, and the limits of the onset of CCFL and deflooding were experimentally identified. CFD simulations of two representative cases were carried out and assessed against experimental results. The analysis of the CFD simulations has provided insights into the improvements necessary for the accurate simulation of CCFL in large-scale geometries.  相似文献   

Key factors affecting the rod-to-grid fretting-wear risk of fuel assemblies operated in pressurized water reactors (PWR) are evaluated. The analysis is part of a comprehensive approach to predict fretting-wear risk based on the fuel assembly operating conditions. The assembly wear damage is determined by a non-linear vibration model of the nuclear fuel rod exposed to a turbulent flow. The study evaluates the sensitivity of the wear damage to the grid support forces, fuel rod-to-grid gap size, assembly grids misalignment, rod structural damping and stiffness, assembly bow shape, friction coefficients and turbulence force spectrum. The results of the numerical simulations show that the grid cell clearance and the turbulence forces are key factors in the wear process. Since a good correlation exists between these two parameters and the assembly location in the core, it is recommended to include consideration of the wear risk minimization as an additional criterion for the design of the core loading pattern.  相似文献   

Assessment is made of the error in enthalpy predictions in PWR cores resulting from various assumptions in the size of homogenized calculation regions. A coefficient is developed from the differential conservation equations and numerically determined to minimize these errors. It was found that these errors are only of significance for regions comprising three to seven subchannels, region sizes which may be employed in coupled neutronic-thermal hydraulic calculations. A correlation for coefficient values for a range of PWR conditions is presented.  相似文献   

A design of a small nuclear reactor for a large-diameter NTD-Si using a conventional Pressurized Water Reactors (PWR) full-length assembly was proposed in previous works. The height of the full-length assembly was 400 cm, and the overall size of the reactor and reflector around the core became large. In addition, the irradiation channel became very long, making handling of the Si ingots in the channel more difficult. The use of a short PWR fuel assembly, with a height of 100 cm, was considered in the current work. With the shorter assembly, the design of the reactor became compact and more practical. Gd2O3 and control rods were used to suppress excess reactivity. Criticality, neutron transport, and core burn-up calculations were performed using the MVP/GMVP II code and MVP-BURN code. Steady-state single-channel thermal hydraulic analyses were also performed. The calculation results showed that the reactor could be critical over 1200 days, and that heat removal from core was possible under 1 atm operating pressure. Large-diameter ingot up to 20 cm in height could be doped with sufficient uniformity. The reactor semiconductor production rate was estimated, and varied between 48 tons/year and 70 tons/year for the 50 Ω cm target resistivity depending on the position of the control rod.  相似文献   

The most limiting design criteria for high Burnup PWR fuel are known to be rod internal pressure and cladding oxidation. Some fuel vendors have been increasing the design margin of rod internal pressure by increasing fuel rod plenum volume or optimizing fuel pellet grain size. In this study, a sophisticated statistical methodology that employs the response surface method and Monte Carlo simulation has been proposed to increase the design margin of rod internal pressure and subsequently a simplified statistical methodology has been developed to simplify the sophisticated statistical methodology. The simplified statistical methodology utilizes the system moment method combined with a deterministic approach for calculating a maximum variance of rod internal pressure. This simplified statistical methodology may be more efficient in the reload core fuel rod performance analyses than the sophisticated statistical methodology since the former eliminates numerous calculations needed for the evaluation of power history-dependent variances. It is found that this simplified methodology also generates more conservative rod internal pressure than the typical statistical methodology.  相似文献   

A super-cell model is described for the prediction of the local power distribution in BWR type fuel assemblies. The model is validated against the measured power distribution in nine fuel-loading patterns reported in the literature. Overall agreement is observed to be quite satisfactory. Local Peaking Factor (LPF) is predicted within a maximum uncertainity of 3.7%. The maximum root-mean-square error among the nine fuel loading patterns is observed to be 2.3%.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop a numerical model for predicting the impact behaviour at fuel assembly level of a whole reactor core under seismic loading conditions. This model was based on a porous medium approach accounting for the dynamics of both the fluid and structure, which interact. The fluid is studied in the whole reactor core domain and each fuel assembly is modelled in the form of a deformable porous medium with a nonlinear constitutive law. The contact between fuel assemblies is modelled in the form of elastic stops, so that the impact forces can be assessed. Simulations were performed to predict the dynamics of a six fuel assemblies row immersed in stagnant water and the whole apparatus was placed on a shaking table mimicking seismic loading conditions. The maximum values of the impact forces predicted by the model were in good agreement with the experimental data. A Proper Orthogonal Decomposition analysis was performed on the numerical data to analyse the mechanical behaviour of the fluid and structure more closely.  相似文献   

This paper presents use of Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) based turbulence model for single-phase CFD analysis of flow in pressurized water reactor (PWR) assemblies. An open source code called OpenFoam was used for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) study using computational meshes generated using Shari Harpoon. The PWR assembly design used in this analysis represents a 5 × 5 pin design including structural grid equipped with mixing vanes. The design specifications used in this study were obtained from the experimental setup at Texas A&M University and the results obtained are used to validate the CFD software, algorithm, and the turbulence model used in this analysis.  相似文献   

Translated from Atomnaya Énergiya, Vol. 68, No. 4, pp. 288–291, April, 1990.  相似文献   

A numerical analysis of heat transfer in turbulent longitudinal flow through assemblies of unbaffled fuel rods is presented. The solution applies to triangular or rectangular arrays of fuel rods with fully developed velocity and temperature profiles, for fluids with Prandtl number 1 and « 1. In the case of liquid metals, the thermal resistance of the cladding and bond are considered, but the turbulent heat transport component is neglected. For common liquids the circumferential turbulent heat transfer is considered. Results are compared in the range of dimensionless rod spacing of 1.0–1.6. Theoretical predictions and experimental results of other authors dealing with the problem show relatively good agreement.  相似文献   

本文描述了对我国第一台自己设计建造的三十万千瓦压水堆核电站采用的燃料组件之间的流量平衡进行了一系列的水力特性试验研究,合理地解决了燃料组件上方四种不同结构部件间的阻力匹配,把燃料组件之间的冷却剂流量偏差调整在1%以内。同时,通过实验改进了阻力塞部件的结构设计,确定了反应堆堆芯上栅格板的开孔尺寸,测定了各种不同形式燃料组件的出口阻力系数,为秦山核电厂反应堆的热工设计和结构设计提供了可靠的实验依据。  相似文献   

Dynamic contact impact from hydraulic flow-induced fuel assembly vibration is the source for grid-to-rod fretting in a pressurized water nuclear reactor (PWR). To support grid-to-rod fretting wear mitigation research, finite element analysis (FEA) was used to evaluate the hydraulic flow-induced impact intensity between the fuel rods and the spacer grids. Three-dimensional FEA models, with detailed geometries of the dimple and spring of the actual spacer grids along with fuel rods, were developed for flow impact simulation. The grid-to-rod dynamic impact simulation provided insights of the contact phenomena at grid-rod interface. It is an essential and effective way to evaluate contact forces and provide guidance for simulative bench fretting-impact tests.  相似文献   

The demand of reliable and clean energy at affordable prices poses a formidable challenge to the world. The initiatives from various international organizations reserve an important role for liquid metal cooled reactor systems. Assessment of such reactors usually involves unconventional thermal-hydraulics. Consequently, Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) based Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) approaches are expected to play a vital role along with various ongoing experiments for the design and the safe operation of these nuclear reactors. One of the major issues is the heat transport in the fuel assembly by the liquid metal. The known difficulties in heat transfer experiments, especially with liquid metals, necessitate the application of RANS in computing details of flow and temperature distribution.Considering these aspects, a four step approach is described in the current paper. As a first step, the heat transfer in a liquid metal flow inside a heated tube is analyzed using a RANS approach and then compared with some of the empirical correlations. The computed Nusselt number reveals the required development length of the thermal boundary layer in liquid metal. Furthermore, these simulations reveal the need of further assessment of this approach and all the existing correlations, and the care that should be taken while applying one of these correlations. In the second step, numerical simulations of the flow of heavy liquid metal around a heated rod in an annular cavity confirm that a RANS strategy can be employed in liquid metal flows. Furthermore, a comparison between computed and experimental non-dimensional axial temperature at the heated rod surface shows that among the considered turbulence models the use of a Baseline-Reynolds Stress Model (BSL-RSM) with automatic wall treatment (AWT) can be preferred for complex geometries. This is also demonstrated in the third step by computing the flow distribution in a triangular arrangement of a fuel assembly and by comparing with an existing hydraulics experiment in rod-bundle. These analyses reveal that the use of the BSL-RSM turbulence model with AWT allows prediction of the cross-flow in this rod-bundle. As the forth and last step, the integral TEGENA (TEmperatur- und GEschwindigkeitsverteilungen in Stabbündel mit turbulenter NAtriumströmung) experiment has been selected for further assessment of RANS based CFD approach in computing both the flow and temperature field. A comparison with literature demonstrates that the use of symmetric boundary condition in such a tightly packed parallel rod-bundle leads to a distorted flow field. The experimentally and the computationally obtained temperature field at a plane in the outlet reveal its acceptable predictive capability. Furthermore, application of two different Reynolds Stress Models yields almost the same temperature distribution as a result of the use of simple first-order gradient model for the turbulent heat fluxes. Consequently, these four steps support the use of this modelling approach for investigating the heat transport in (heavy) liquid metals. Finally, the preferred RANS approach has been applied for thermal-hydraulic evaluation in the square arrangement of a bare rod-bundle as is to be employed in the European Lead-cooled reactor System (ELSY). Also, the influence of rod pitch-to-diameter ratio has been analyzed by numerically re-arranging these rods in the different square lattice. Moreover, arranging the bare rods in triangular lattice at the different rod pitch-to-diameter ratios shows the effect of the square and triangular lattice in thermal-hydraulics. Lastly, comparisons with some of the existing heat transfer correlations for the triangular and the rectangular lattice allows us to identify preferred correlations for these lattice arrangements of bare and liquid metal cooled rod-bundles.  相似文献   

With the dramatic progress in the computer processing power, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methodology can be applied in investigating the detailed knowledge of thermal-hydraulic characteristics in the rod bundle, especially with the spacer grid. These localized information, including flow, turbulence, and heat transfer characteristics, etc., can assist in the design and the improvement of rod bundles for nuclear power plants. In this paper, a three-dimensional (3D) CFD model with the Reynolds stresses turbulence model is proposed to simulate these characteristics within the rod bundle and subsequently to investigate the effects of different types of grid on the turbulent mixing and heat transfer enhancement. Two types of grid designs are used herein, including the standard grid and split-vane pair one, respectively. Based on the CFD simulations, the secondary flow can be reasonably captured in the rod bundle with the grid. The split-vane pair grid would enhance both the flow mixing and the heat transfer capability more than the standard grid does, as clearly shown in the simulation results. In addition, compared with the results of experiment and correlation, the present predicted result for the Nusselt (Nu) number distribution downstream the grid shows reasonable agreement for the standard grid design. However, there is discrepancy in the decay trend of Nu number between the prediction and measurement for the split-vane pair gird. This would be improved by adopting the finer mesh (y+ < 1) simulation and Low-Reynolds form turbulence model, which is our future research work.  相似文献   

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