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盐城湿地与生态旅游   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
湿地与湿地生态旅游日益受到重视,盐城湿地是西平洋亚洲大陆边缘最大的海岩型湿地,它具有科学价值,生态环境价值和审美价值。盐城湿地是祥和的众生园,丹顶鹤的天堂,麋麂的故乡,应作为盐城旅游的主打产品,本文对湿地生态旅游规划基本问题作了阐述。对规划的理念、主题形象,分区与隔离带,游客中心,游息区内“露天生态馆”风格,发展生态产业以及举办湿地生态旅游节,湿地丹顶鹤麋鹿文化节等提出建议和策划。  相似文献   

王健  张磊  董雅文 《湖泊科学》2002,14(2):173-178
基于对苏州市吴中区生态旅游资源优势条件的分析,提出沿太湖建设生态旅游带的构想,从空间格局、旅游资源整合及市场开拓市场定位生态旅游的发展方向,对主要旅游地区提出自然景观与吴文化紧密相融的生态建设方向,优化升级旅游产业、产品结构及生态服务体系建设是引导常规旅游向生态旅游转型的重要措施,阐述了为保护太湖水系水质,必须加强旅游环境的保护与管理。  相似文献   

湿地种子库及其植被恢复研究进展   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
近年来,受损湿地生态系统的植被恢复与重建掀起了湿地植被恢复的热潮.种子库是过去植物的"记忆库",是湿地植被自然恢复的重要潜力.本文从湿地种子库的形成、湿地种子库的规模及空间分布格局、湿地种子库的物种组成及种子库与地表植被的关系等几个方面总结了湿地种子库主要研究内容的国内外研究进展,并重点介绍了湿地种子库在湿地植被恢复中的应用研究,尤其是湿地种子库幼苗萌发主要影响因素、湿地种子库种苗建群适宜生境及湿地种子库植被恢复潜力等内容的研究现状.在此基础上,对目前湿地种子库及植被恢复研究存在的问题以及将来可能的研究方向进行分析,以期对湿地种子库植被恢复理论及实践技术的发展提供参考.  相似文献   

为探讨非生物因子和生物因子对水体叶绿素a(Chl.a)浓度变动的相对重要性,对芜湖市内的汀棠湖(每半月1次)和镜湖(每4天或7天1次)进行高频采样,分析理化因子及浮游动物密度与Chl.a浓度间的关系.结果表明,从全年来看,2个湖泊的Chl.a浓度均与水温和透明度间分别呈现显著的正相关性和负相关性,与浮游动物密度均无显著相关性;镜湖Chl.a浓度随着总磷浓度和氮磷比的增加分别呈上升和降低趋势.从季节来看,冬季两湖中的Chl.a浓度最低,轮虫密度与此阶段镜湖中藻类Chl.a总浓度和小型藻类的Chl.a浓度间均呈显著负相关,且其对上述两类Chl.a浓度变动的影响程度最大,表明轮虫对藻类的牧食效应降低了冬季镜湖中的Chl.a浓度.从各环境因子对Chl.a浓度变动影响的相对权重来看,除了冬季的镜湖外,2个湖泊中的两类Chl.a浓度均与透明度的关系最密切,且均随着透明度的上升而降低,暗示了透明度可作为预测小型封闭性浅水湖泊中Chl.a浓度的简便指标.  相似文献   

<正>湿地与森林、海洋并称为全球三大生态系统具有维护生态安全、保护生物多样性等功能。人们把湿地称为"地球之肾"、天然水库和天然物种库。1971年2月2日,历时8年之久,一个旨在保护和合理利用全球湿地的公约《关于特别是作为水禽栖息地的国际重要湿地公约》(简称《湿地公约》)在伊朗拉姆萨尔签署,1975年12月21日正式生效至1999年12月,有106个缔约国。中国于199年1月3日批准加入该公约,1992年3月31日递交加入书,1992年7月31日对中国生效。为纪念这一重要国际公约的签署,并提高公众的湿地保护意识,1996年《湿地公约》常务委员会  相似文献   

长江下游升金湖湿地保护有效性评价(1989—2019年)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湿地保护有效性是实施湿地保护政策与措施后,湿地生态系统质量、健康与受胁情况的反映,是对保护目标的衡量.生态压力是影响湿地保护目标实现的重要因素,因此可以从湿地生态系统压力、状态和响应角度评价湿地保护有效性.本文以升金湖湿地为研究对象,以0.01°×0.01°经纬格网为评价单元,选择10项负向指标、5项正向指标,通过压力-状态-响应模型构建指标体系,格网赋分评价升金湖1989-2019年30年间的保护有效性.结果表明:升金湖湿地保护有效性呈下降趋势,非常有效等级格网单元占比由32.50%下降到11.07%,保护无效等级由3.57%增加到8.57%,30年间保护有效性等级中等均占较大比例,保护无效等级占比均最小;从功能区看,30年间3个功能区保护有效性均下降,保护有效性为核心区>缓冲区>实验区;从行政单元看,一些地点如长安村、东湖村、六联村、塘和村、白联村等地的保护有效性较低,主要分布在缓冲区与实验区,存在的主要生态压力是围垦.不同时期影响升金湖湿地保护有效性的主要生态压力因子不同,1989年围垦现象较突出,1999年围坝现象较突出,而2009年围网现象突出,至2019年围网拆除后,围垦和围坝问题仍没有得到充分解决.建议将格网作为管理单元,落实到行政单元,通过河长制、湖长制和林长制加强属地管理,管控生态压力,增强湿地保护地的管理及保护有效性.  相似文献   

段雯娟 《地球》2013,(4):44-47
正提到"湿地"这个名词,可能大家对它都不会感到陌生,它常常与"绿色的世界"、"鸟的天堂"联系在一起。湿地是与森林、海洋并称的地球三大生态系统之一,它维持着地球的生态平衡,为无数生物提供了赖以生存的空间,很多珍稀物种在这儿生活和繁殖;同时它也为人类提供大量食物、原料和水资源。而赋予湿地"地球之肾"或"自然之肾"这一美称,并不是因为以上  相似文献   

洪湖湿地资源及其保护对策   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
卢山  姜加虎 《湖泊科学》2003,15(3):281-284
本文通过对洪湖湿地资源特征和功能的论述,针对洪湖湿地资源受到威胁的原因和危害程度,初步提出了保护和合理利用洪湖湿地资源的对策。  相似文献   

金星宇 《地球》2014,(8):97-100
近11平方公里的西溪距杭州西湖不到5公里,是国内第一个集城市湿地、农耕湿地、文化湿地于一体的国家湿地公园,也是国家4A级景区。在西溪,水因为各种动植物的点缀而更加秀美,动植物同样因为水的浸润而更显灵动与青翠。西溪湿地公园的东南角,蓝天白云的映衬下,清灵的河水倒映着周围的苍翠,缓缓流淌过远处起伏的“山丘”。“山丘”上耸立着一座圆形瞭望台,仿佛一株破土而出的新芽。登临高台举目眺望,整个西溪尽收眼底。这座瞭望台连同脚下的“山丘”就是中国唯一的一座国家级湿地博物馆——中国湿地博物馆。  相似文献   

张明祥 《地球》2011,(1):84-87
地球上有三大生态系统,森林、海洋和湿地。根据千年生态系统评估报告,湿地生态系统不仅为人类提供各种产品,而且在维系生命支持系统和自然系统的动态平衡方面起着不可替代的重要作用。我国湿地资源十分丰富,总面积为3848.55万平方公里,居亚洲第一,世界第四。作为《湿地公约》的缔约国,我国政府在湿地保护管理方面开展了大量的工作,取得了一定的成就,得到了国际社会的认可。  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between volcanic risk and the tourism sector in southern Iceland and the complex challenge emergency management officials face in developing effective volcanic risk mitigation strategies. An early warning system and emergency response procedures were developed for communities surrounding Katla, the volcano underlying the Mýrdalsjökull ice cap. However, prior to and during the 2007 tourist season these mitigation efforts were not effectively communicated to stakeholders located in the tourist destination of Þórsmörk despite its location within the hazard zone of Katla. The hazard zone represents the potential extent of a catastrophic jökulhlaup (glacial outburst flood). Furthermore, volcanic risk mitigation efforts in Þórsmörk were based solely on information derived from physical investigations of volcanic hazards. They did not consider the human dimension of risk. In order to address this gap and provide support to current risk mitigation efforts, questionnaire surveys were used to investigate tourists' and tourism employees' hazard knowledge, risk perception, adoption of personal preparedness measures, predicted behaviour if faced with a Katla eruption and views on education.Results indicate that tourists lack hazard knowledge and they do not adopt preparedness measures to deal with the consequences of an eruption. Despite a high level of risk perception, tourism employees lack knowledge about the early warning system and emergency response procedures. Results show that tourists are positive about receiving information concerning Katla and its hazards and therefore, the reticence of tourism employees with respect to disseminating hazard information is unjustified.In order to improve the tourism sector's collective capacity to positively respond during a future eruption, recommendations are made to ensure adequate dissemination of hazard, risk and emergency response information. Most importantly education campaigns should focus on: (a) increasing tourists' knowledge of Katla, jökulhlaup and other volcanic hazards and (b) increasing tourist and employee awareness of the early warning and information system and appropriate behavioural response if a warning is issued. Further, tourism employees should be required to participate in emergency training and evacuation exercises annually. These efforts are timely given that Katla is expected to erupt in the near future and international tourism is an expanding industry in Þórsmörk.  相似文献   

Increasing numbers of tourists are visiting the Antarctic. Totals from the past three seasons (1989–1990, 1990–1991, 1991–1992) were 2581, 4842, and 6495 respectively (Enzenbacher, 1992). Some environmental issues arising from Antarctic tourist activity include: wildlife tolerance, waste disposal, passenger education, tour operator management practices, personnel experience, frequency of visits and ship design. Current guidelines provide a practical approach to tourism, but do not address all issues arising from tourist activity. Antarctic Treaty Parties agreed to examine the question of a comprehensive regulation of tourist activities in the Antarctic Treaty Area and policies are under review. Some issues may prove difficult to resolve. Compliance with existing guidelines is to be encouraged, at least until more is known about the environmental effects of tourism. A management plan for tourism is needed along with more research on how tourism is conducted and the effects visits have on Antarctica's marine and terrestrial ecosystems. Cooperation between Treaty Parties and tour operators is important for the development of appropriate tourism regulations.  相似文献   

天目湖沙河水库水质对流域开发与保护的响应   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
利用长期水质监测资料,对苏南地区天目湖沙河水库十多年来的开发与保护工作的水库水质影响情况进行了分析.结果发现:大规模放养鳙鱼等不合理的渔业开发对水库硅藻、蓝藻等浮游植物异常增殖有较大的促进作用;在营养盐处于中富营养水平下,利用不同食性鱼类的组合调控,能够较快地抑制浮游植物的异常增殖,但当浮游植物生物量下降到一定程度以后,其控制能力下降,营养盐和气候因子的影响变得更为重要;流域的旅游开发和农业开发都对水库营养盐、透明度等水质指标产生较大影响,特别是坡地大规模茶叶种植等农业开发对水库氮的影响十分明显;春季少雨等气候变化因子对水库氮等营养盐浓度影响较大,但影响是短时段的.研究表明,合理调控水库渔业养殖,控制流域农业、旅游等开发活动强度,减少农业化肥施用量,恢复和扩大湿地等流域营养盐削减途径,是沙河水库水质保护的关键,也对同类水库水质保护具有示范价值.  相似文献   

With increasing urbanization and agricultural expansion, large tracts of wetlands have been either disturbed or converted to other uses. To protect wetlands, accurate distribution maps are needed. However, because of the dramatic diversity of wetlands and difficulties in field work, wetland mapping on a large spatial scale is very difficult to do. Until recently there were only a few high resolution global wetland distribution datasets developed for wetland protection and restoration. In this paper, we used hydrologic and climatic variables in combination with Compound Topographic Index(CTI) data in modeling the average annual water table depth at 30 arc-second grids over the continental areas of the world except for Antarctica. The water table depth data were modeled without considering influences of anthropogenic activities. We adopted a relationship between potential wetland distribution and water table depth to develop the global wetland suitability distribution dataset. The modeling results showed that the total area of global wetland reached 3.316×107 km2. Remote-sensing-based validation based on a compilation of wetland areas from multiple sources indicates that the overall accuracy of our product is 83.7%. This result can be used as the basis for mapping the actual global wetland distribution. Because the modeling process did not account for the impact of anthropogenic water management such as irrigation and reservoir construction over suitable wetland areas, our result represents the upper bound of wetland areas when compared with some other global wetland datasets. Our method requires relatively fewer datasets and has a higher accuracy than a recently developed global wetland dataset.  相似文献   

WebGIS应用现状及发展趋势   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
刘吉夫  陈顒  陈棋福  黄静 《地震》2003,23(4):10-20
WebGIS系统出现至今,我国在理论和应用等方面做了许多探索.但限于条件.目前仍处于试验阶段,至今尚无真正意义上的WebGIS应用实例。为了促进WebGIS的应用进程,有必要对这些年研究和探索的成果作一个总结。在大量浏览近几年登载在国内各类媒体上的有关学术论、研究报告、学位论以及应用实例的基础上.概括了WebGIS的主要特点.总结了WebGIS的关键问题和实现技术,并着重介绍了目前WebGIS在农业、林业、气象、水利、地震、海洋、国土资源、环境保护、铁路交通、电力、城市建设和规划等社会各个领域的应用现状.最后对WebGIS的发展趋势进行了探讨。研究结果表明.作为开放性的应用平台.WebGIS在我国的应用前景非常广阔。  相似文献   

广西红树林湿地现状与生态保护的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红树林湿地是湿地系统中的非常重要而又较为特殊的组成部分。广西是我国几个有红树林湿地的省区之一,然而由于人类的经济活动及人类对湿地认识的片面性,对湿地的不合理的开发利用,湿地遭受破坏,功能和效益在衰退,如再不进行科学保护,将严重危及红树林湿地生物的生存,制约红树林湿地周边社会经济的发展和人民生活的提高。  相似文献   

Wetlands in the coastal catchments adjacent to the Great Barrier Reef lagoon play an important role in local hydrological processes and provide important ecological habitats for terrestrial and aquatic species. Although many wetlands have been removed or degraded by agricultural expansion, there is now great interest in their protection and restoration as important aquatic ecosystems and potential filters of pollutant runoff. However, the filtering capacity of tropical wetlands is largely unknown, so the current study was established to quantify the water, sediment and nutrient balance of a natural riverine wetland in tropical north Queensland. Surface and groundwater fluxes of water, sediment and nutrients into and out of the wetland were monitored for a 3‐year period. This paper focuses on the water balance of this natural wetland and a companion paper presents its sediment and nutrient balance and estimates of water quality filtering. Wetland inflows and outflows were dominated by surface flows which varied by 3–4 orders of magnitude through the course of the year, with 90% of the annual flow occurring during the period January to March. Although groundwater inputs to the wetland were only 5% of the annual water balance, they are very important to sustaining the wetland during the dry season, when they can be the largest input of water (up to 90%). Water retention times in this type of wetland are very short, particularly when most of the flow and any associated materials are passing through it (i.e. 1–2 h), so there is little time to filter most of the annual flux of water through this wetland. Longer retention times occur at the end of the dry season (up to 8·5 days); but this is when the lowest fluxes of water pass through the wetland. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

依托长江黄金水道推动长江经济带发展是国家重大战略举措,如何解读"坚持生态优先、绿色发展"、"共抓大保护、不搞大开发"的理念,是长江经济带发展需要破解的重大命题.本文针对长江经济带发展的难点地区——长江上游地区,提出设立"长江上游经济带经济体制和生态文明体制综合改革试验区"的设想,认为应着眼于体制变革和机制创新,以依托黄金水道推动长江经济带发展为目标,以梯级水电开发为抓手,以深化区域综合配套改革为根本动力,给予地方政府在资源、环境、经济社会发展等领域中更大的自主权.本文分析了设置试验区的战略意义和定位,提出了该试验区的重点创新内容.  相似文献   

Wetlands of Northeast Asia and High Asia: an overview   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This review reports background information on wetlands in the Northeast Asia and High Asia areas, including wetland coverage and type, significance for local populations, and threats to their vitality and protection, with particular focus on the relationship of how global change influenced wetlands. Natural wetlands in these areas have been greatly depleted and degraded, largely due to global climate change, drainage and conversion to agriculture and silviculture, hydrologic alterations, exotics invasions, and misguided management policies. Global warming has caused wetland and ice-sheet loss in High Asia and permafrost thawing in tundra wetlands in Northeast Asia, and hence induced enormous reductions in water-storage sources in High Asia and carbon loss in Northeast Asia. This, in the long term, will exacerbate chronic water shortage and positively feed back global warming. Recently, better understanding of the vital role of healthy wetland ecosystems to Asia’s sustainable economic development has led to major efforts in wetland conservation and restoration. Nonetheless, collaborative efforts to restore and protect the wetlands must involve not only the countries of Northeast and High Asia but also international agencies. Research has been productive but the results should be more effectively integrated with policy-making and wetland restoration practices under future climatic scenarios.  相似文献   

山东东昌湖生态功能区划及保护与建设   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
王志宪  唐永顺 《湖泊科学》2004,16(4):381-383
东昌湖生态功能保护区水、大气、土壤、噪声等都存在不同程度的污染,并以大气中TSP含量较高及东昌湖富营养化等污染较为严重.黄河水为东昌湖的主要补给水源,地方政府以发展旅游业为宗旨对东昌湖加强了建设和保护.根据该区的特点及生态功能区划的原则和方法,将本区划分为5个次级功能区,即水源涵养区、城市生态森林建设区、生态农业观光游览区、综合生态农业区及商业、居民、文教区等.本文对各个次级功能区提出了建设和保护规划,并对全区的发展提出了建议.  相似文献   

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