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血管肉瘤又称血管内皮细胞瘤,为血管内皮细胞的恶性肿瘤,临床较少见,以头面部多发,恶性程度高,易发生转移.我科近期收治老年头面部血管肉瘤1例,病程早期误诊为头皮血肿,现报告如下.  相似文献   

正血管肉瘤又称恶性血管内皮细胞瘤,是一种发病率低且临床罕见的来源于血管或淋巴管内皮细胞的恶性肿瘤,约占软组织肉瘤的2%~4%,该病恶性程度高,易复发,可发生转移,预后不理想~([1-2])。血管肉瘤好发于皮肤,可发生在身体各个部位,最常见于头面部~([3]),各年龄段都可发病,最常见于老年人~([4])。血管肉瘤需要采用组织病理检查联合免疫组化才能确诊~([5]),  相似文献   

卡波西肉瘤是一种血管源性肿瘤,又称双发性出血性肉瘤,是一种内皮细胞起源的恶性肿瘤,本病国内少见。研究表明,其发生与病毒感染和机体自身免疫功能缺陷有关。放射治疗是其一种有效的治疗方法,通过射线在体内能量传递,引起细胞活性的损伤,以致将肿瘤细胞杀灭。我科收治1例因免疫状态低下所致卡波西肉瘤且反复发作的高龄患者,现将护理体会总结如下。  相似文献   

侵袭性纤维瘤病恶变为纤维肉瘤1例报告并文献复习   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨侵袭性纤雏瘤病的临床表现、病理特点、治疗及促使其恶变为纤维肉瘤的相关因素.方法 报告1例上肢侵袭性纤维瘤病恶变为纤维肉瘤的临床资料并复习相关文献.结果 侵袭性纤维瘤病是一种介于良性和恶性之间的纤维增生性肿瘤,具有局部漫润性和破坏性生长的生物特性;病理学表现为成纤维细胞单克隆性增生,由分化良好的成纤维细胞和肌成纤维细胞组成,缺乏恶性细胞学特征,电镜下见多形态细胞被增生的胶原网包绕,免疫组化波形蛋白和肌动蛋白阳性;手术切除为主要治疗措施,术后复发率高迭10%~70%,因此多数患者需多次手术并配合放射治疗和化学治疗;本例患者接受手术切除并经放射治疗1疗程后的13个月时复发,再次手术病理示纤维肉瘤.结论 侵袭性纤维瘤病是一种少见的纤维增生性肿瘤,其治疗以手术切除为主,具有高度复发倾向,术后常需配合放射治疗、化学治疗,向纤维肉瘤转变罕见,手术刺激、放射治疗可能是促使其恶变的主要因素.  相似文献   

目的:尝试应用介入栓塞和手术切除联合方案治疗儿童巨大头面部动静脉血管瘤。方法:选择复旦大学附属儿科医院1例经介入联合手术治疗的巨大头面部动静脉血管瘤患儿,总结其相关诊疗经过及影像资料,分析其诊治方案的可行性。结果:成功切除患儿病灶,术中出血可控,术后伤口愈合良好,皮瓣活力正常,患儿容貌满意。结论:介入栓塞联合手术切除可能是儿童头面部动静脉血管瘤安全有效的治疗方式,合理的制定栓塞和手术方案是治疗成功的关键。  相似文献   

陈易华  刘太华  简燚  范严严 《华西医学》2010,(12):2171-2173
目的探讨老年人头面部脉管肉瘤的临床病理学特征。方法1996年-2008年对5例老年人头面部脉管肉瘤的临床资料、病理形态学、免疫组织化学染色进行观察,并对其中4例进行了随访。结果临床表现主要是头面部发生的瘀斑、溃疡或结节状病变。肿瘤细胞围绕皮肤附件周围排列成交通状吻合的血窦网,衬覆有异型性的内皮细胞,有的区域内皮细胞形成乳头状突起。肿瘤组织内有不同程度的弥漫性出血。肿瘤细胞表达CD34、CD31、Fli-1和FⅧ,部分表达CD117和CK8/18。经随访3例3年内死亡,1例带瘤存活1年余,1例失访。结论老年人头面部脉管肉瘤组织形态多样,预后较差,及时诊治十分重要。需要与其他皮肤良性血管病变和低分化癌、恶性黑色素瘤、恶性梭形细胞肿瘤、Kaposi肉瘤等鉴别。  相似文献   

目的:探讨颅内软骨肉瘤显微手术+放射治疗的治疗效果。方法:对8例颅内软骨肉瘤患者的临床资料,显微手术+放射治疗的结果进行分析总结。结果:手术全切除5例,次全切除2例,大部分切除1例。随访6个月~5a,肿瘤全切除的5例患者中有2例分别于术后9个月和12个月时复发,行放射治疗,生存良好。结论:积极的显微外科手术切除+放射治疗对颅内软骨肉瘤的治疗效果良好。  相似文献   

软组织肉瘤的治疗策略取决于肿瘤的病理学类型、组织分化及发病部位。放射治疗是软组织肉瘤的重要治疗手段之一。四肢软组织肉瘤经局部扩大切除后继以放射治疗可达到与截肢术同等的长期生存率,且可部分保存肢体功能;腹膜后肉瘤术前放射治疗可降低肿瘤局部复发的风险;头颈部软组织肉瘤通常因肿瘤无法完全切除而需接受术后或根治性放射治疗。采用术前放射治疗可获得与术后辅助放疗相似的局部控制和长期生存率,但显著降低了放疗相关的远期不良反应。放疗或联合放化疗可缩小肿瘤体积,将部分无法手术切除的病例转化为可手术切除。此外,放射治疗也是无法进行或拒绝手术的软组织肉瘤患者的主要局部治疗手段。放射治疗新技术,如质子重离子射线放疗,因其较高的精确性及生物有效性,不仅可显著降低正常组织的治疗相关损伤风险,还可提高肿瘤尤其是放射敏感性较差的肿瘤的局部控制率。对于外照射治疗后复发或放射诱导的继发性软组织肿瘤,质子重离子射线治疗可作为重要的挽救性治疗手段。  相似文献   

目的:数字减影(DSA)下介入栓塞治疗头面部血管畸形,对超选择插管以及显示异常交通支和动静脉瘘提供了可靠、清晰、完整的动态图像。本文就颅内、外异常交通支的有关问题进行了重点调论。材料与方法:对10例头面部血管畸形病人进行DSA下介人栓塞治疗。结果:5例蔓状血管瘤,1例鲜红斑涛并上下唇瘤样增生栓塞后手术,出血量仅150~300ml;4例大型海绵状血管瘤栓塞后配合瘤内硬化治疗取得满意疗效。结论:DSA下介入栓塞治疗头面部血管畸形是目前较为理想的治疗手段。  相似文献   

血管内皮肉瘤是内皮细胞源性恶性肿瘤,临床表现为:发病年龄小,病程发展快,多呈现实质性或有分叶肿块,表皮或黏膜血管扩张充血,晚期开始出现溃疡或溢液,一般较少出现淋巴转移,但常发生血性转移。绝大多数软组织肉瘤的基本治疗方法为局部根治性广泛切除,即以手术治疗为主,可辅助放射治疗和化学治疗。我院于2004年11月30日收治左下颌血管内皮肉瘤患者1例,由于肿瘤侵袭颌骨,手术范围广泛,要求医护人员不仅在技术上精益求精,而且对患者要有高度同情心和责任心,随时观察病情变化,提高其战胜疾病的信心和勇气,收到了较好的治疗效果。现报告如下。  相似文献   

目的探讨老年人头面部皮肤脉管肉瘤的临床病理学特征。方法对5例老年人头面部皮肤脉管肉瘤的临床资料、病理形态、免疫组化染色进行分析,并对其中4例进行了随访。结果男性4例,女性1例,年龄62~75岁,平均年龄67.2岁。临床表现主要为头面部皮肤发生的淤斑、溃疡或结节状病变。镜下见肿瘤细胞围绕皮肤附件排列成交通状吻合的血窦网,血管衬覆有异型性的内皮细胞,有的区域内皮细胞形成乳头状突起。肿瘤组织内有不同程度的弥漫性出血。免疫组化肿瘤细胞CD34、CD31、Fli-1和FⅧ(+),部分病例CD117和CK8/18(+)。随访的4例患者中3例3年内死亡,1例带瘤存活。结论老年人头面部皮肤脉管肉瘤组织形态多样,预后较差,及时诊治非常重要。该瘤需要与其他皮肤良性血管病变、低分化癌、恶性黑色素瘤、恶性梭形细胞肿瘤和Kaposi肉瘤等鉴别。  相似文献   

乳腺原发性血管肉瘤2例报道并文献复习   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张洵  李凌  宋艳 《诊断病理学杂志》2004,11(6):397-399,I104
目的探讨乳腺血管肉瘤的临床病理特点、治疗和预后。方法对2例原发于乳腺的血管肉瘤进行组织形态学和免疫组化分析,并复习文献。结果乳腺血管肉瘤几乎均发生于女性,主要为绝经期前女性。临床表现不典型,组织学变化大,肿瘤通常CD31、CD34、UEA-1和F8( ),B72.3对上皮样血管肉瘤具有特异性。目前主要采取手术治疗,一般不主张腋窝清扫,术后放、化疗效果不肯定。结论乳腺原发性血管肉瘤较少见,肿瘤分化程度与预后密切相关。  相似文献   

Many approaches to surgical management of the severely burned face are described, but there are few objective outcome studies. The purpose of this study was to perform a detailed evaluation of the late outcomes in adult patients who have undergone grafting using a standardized surgical and rehabilitation approach for full-thickness (FT) facial burns to identify areas for improvement in the treatment strategy of authors. This was a prospective observational study in which patients who had undergone grafting for FT facial burns by the senior investigator at a regional burn centre between 1999 and 2010 were examined by a single evaluator. The surgical approach included tangential excision based on the facial aesthetic units, temporary cover with allograft then autografting with scalp skin preferentially, split grafts for the upper eyelid, and FT grafts for the lower eyelid. Rehabilitation included compression (uvex and or soft cloth), scar massage, and silicone gel sheeting. Of 35 patients with facial grafts, 14 subjects (age 43 ± 16 years with 22 ± 21% TBSA burns) returned for late follow-up at 40 ± 33 months (range, 5-91 months). A mean of four facial aesthetic units per patient were grafted (range, 1-9 units), with six full facial grafts performed. Scalp was used as donor in 10 of 14 cases. Scalp donor sites were well tolerated with minor alopecia visible in only one case although the donor site visibly extended slightly past the hairline in two cases. Color match with native skin was rated at 8.8 ± 0.8 of 10 when scalp skin was used compared with 7.5 ± 1.6 with other donor sites (P = .06). On the lip and chin, hypertrophic scars were significantly worse compared with the rest of the facial grafts (Vancouver scar scale 8 ± 2 vs 3 ± 1, P < .01). Sensory recovery was poor with overall moving two-point discrimination at 11 ± 3 mm (range, 4-15 mm), and monofilament light touch was 3.8 ± 0.6. Graft borders were significantly more elevated than graft seams. On the forehead, the most notable problem was a gap between the graft and hairlines of the frontal scalp and eyebrows (range, 0-40 mm). Grafted eyelids required one or more subsequent ectropion releases in the majority of cases. The most common problem for the nose was asymmetry of the nostril apertures. The most problematic late outcomes that the authors identified after facial grafting for FT facial burns included relatively poor sensory return, elevation of graft edges, eyelid ectropion, gaps between grafts and hairline, and marked hypertrophic scarring around the mouth and chin. The results indicate that possible areas for quality improvement include greater attention to the limits of scalp harvest, more attention to pressure application to graft borders and the lip and chin during rehabilitation, greater accuracy in excision and graft placement on the forehead to avoid gaps with the hairlines, and counseling of the patient regarding the high probability of diminished facial sensation.  相似文献   

目的:观察头穴电针结合言语训练治疗脑卒中患者言语失用症伴口颜面失用的疗效。方法: 将60例脑卒中言语失用症伴口颜面失用的患者随机分为观察组和对照组各30例。观察组采用言语康复训练结合解剖定位下头穴电针治疗,对照组给予单纯言语康复训练。应用“汉语失语症心理语言评价与治疗系统”中的言语运动计划模块中的评定项目为诊断和疗效判定依据,治疗前后分别观察2组患者数数、唱音阶、发音、单音节词复述、双音节词复述及口颜面动作检查的变化。结果:治疗4周后,2组言语失用各项评分均较治疗前明显提高(P<0.05),且观察组自数、跟数两项评分更高于对照组(P<0.05),单音节词、双音节复述两项评分显著高于对照组(P<0.01),2组自唱、跟唱、拼音字母复述等评分比较均差异无统计学意义。治疗4周后,2组口面动作评分中执行能力评分均较治疗前明显提高(P<0.01),2组间比较差异无统计学意义;观察组模仿能力评分较治疗前及对照组均明显提高(P<0.01),对照组治疗前后比较差异无统计学意义。结论:解剖定位头穴电针结合言语训练治疗能够明显纠正脑卒中患者的言语失用症,同时改善口颜面失用。  相似文献   

We report a case of metastasis to the colon from a primary angiosarcoma of the scalp in a 61-year-old Japanese man and describe the sonographic features and CT findings, with a brief discussion of the clinical and histopathologic findings. Although this entity is extremely rare, it should be considered when a patient with prior diagnosis of angiosarcoma in another organ has focal thickening with preserved compressibility of the wall of the colon.  相似文献   

Cutis verticis gyrata (CVG) is characterized by extensive formation of scalp skin that mirrors the folds of the cerebral gyri. Giant CVG secondary to cerebriform intradermal nevus (CIN) has been rarely reported, and its management mainly involves surgical excision. In certain cases of giant CVG, however, surgical excision is dilemmatic. This case report describes a giant CVG secondary to CIN that was successfully managed with scalp expansion and surgical excision. Previously published studies are also reviewed.  相似文献   

A review of the literature and a combined burn center study of the University of Beijing and the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center looking at cancer arising from old burn injuries are reported. This study indicates that of the 21 patients 76% were male, with an age range from 15 to 67 years. The lag period for all cancers ranged from 8 months to 60 years. The distribution of the cancer was greatest in the extremities, with 71%, followed by the scalp, with 14%. Forty-three percent of the patients were treated by excision and skin grafting. Twenty-nine percent were treated by amputation, 24% had radiation therapy, and 5% received no treatment. Of the 76% who were followed up to 8 years, no deaths were reported.  相似文献   

Mellick GA  Mellick LB 《Headache》2003,43(10):1109-1111
BACKGROUND: Although cervical trigger point intramuscular injections are commonly used to relieve localized neck pain, regional head pain relief from lower cervical paravertebral injections has not been reported previously. PURPOSE: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of such injections in a selected group of patients with intractable head or face pain. METHODS: In a series of patients with chronic head or face pain, local anesthetic was injected into the lower cervical spine paravertebral musculature approximately 1 to 2 inches lateral to the seventh cervical spinous process. RESULTS: In addition to producing rapid relief of palpable scalp or facial tenderness (mechanical hyperalgesia and allodynia pain), this lower cervical intramuscular injection technique alleviated associated symptoms of nausea, photophobia, and phonophobia in patients with migrainous headache. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that lower cervical intramuscular anesthetic injection may be an effective treatment for head or face pain.  相似文献   

Our objective was to determine the appearance, cause, and outcome of fetal face masses diagnosed antenatally by ultrasonography. Over a 6 year period, 10 consecutive fetuses with facial masses were identified. Ultrasonographic findings, neonatal pathologic findings, and outcome data were correlated. Four (40%) of the 10 fetuses died, including one with a palatal teratoma associated with a Dandy-Walker malformation and three with intracranial teratomas--one of which was associated with hydrops fetalis. Among the survivors, one fetus had a dacryocystocele that was managed conservatively and one had drainage of a salivary gland cyst. The remaining four neonates had successful excision of their tumors in the neonatal period and survived; these infants had a nasal teratoma, a thyroid teratoma, a gingival granular cell tumor, and a scalp hemangioma. Four of the 10 pregnancies had associated polyhydramnios, three of which ended in stillbirth or neonatal death. In conclusion, 40% of the fetuses with antenatal diagnosis of fetal facial masses did not survive. If those with intracranial teratomas are removed from this group, one of seven (14%) fetuses with extracranial masses died. The intracranial teratomas were uniformly fatal. Polyhydramnios was associated with poor outcome.  相似文献   

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