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小剂量米非司酮与左炔诺孕酮片紧急避孕288例观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 观察比较小剂量米非司酮和左炔诺孕酮片紧急避孕的效果。方法 将288例无防护性性生活或避孕失败而要求防止妊娠的健康妇女作为研究对象,进行服药比较。结果 米非司酮的紧急避孕有效率为88.3%;左炔诺孕酮片的紧急避孕有效率为38.3%。结论 米非司酮用于紧急避孕是一种安全有效的方法。  相似文献   

目的:观察单次、低剂量米非司酮的紧急避孕效果、副反应及对下次月经周期的影响。方法:对80例月经规律,无保护性行为或常规避孕措施失败72h以内的妇女,单次口服米非司酮10mg。结果:80例中1例妊娠,按Dixon方法推算,预期妊娠数为6.017,避孕有效率为83.38%,服药后副反应发生率仅10%,下次月经周期延迟发生率降至19%,93.7%的经期和87.3%的经量均无变化。结论:单次低剂量米非司酮10mg口服是安全、有效和简便的紧急避孕方法。  相似文献   

目的:观察一次性小剂量米非司酮25mg用于紧急避孕的效果及可接受性。方法:选择无保护性交或避孕措施失败后来院就诊的健康妇女72例,在性交后72h内一次性口服米非司酮25mg,服药后定期随访是否妊娠并观察药物副反应及下次月经情况。根据Dixon方法计算,预期妊娠数为6.835例,实际妊娠数为1例,避孕有效率为85.4%,实际妊娠与预期妊娠相比有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论:小剂量米非司酮用于紧争避孕是一种非常简便、安全、有效的方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨一闪性小剂量米非司酮配伍甲氨喋呤用于紧急避孕的效果及可接受性;方法:收集无保护性交或避孕措施失败后120小时内来院就收诊的健康妇女140例,单次口服米非司酮25mg和甲氨喋呤5mg,服药后按时随访并观察药物副反应及下次月经情况,保证月经复潮前禁欲或采用屏障避孕法避孕,结果:根据Dixon方法计算,预期妊娠数为13.036,实际妊娠数为0例,避孕有效率为100%,实际妊娠与预期妊娠相比,差异有显著性(P<0.05);结论:小剂量米非司酮配伍甲氨喋呤用于紧急避孕是非常安全,高效,简便的方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨小剂量米非司酮(25mg)配伍小剂量甲氨蝶呤(5mg)于经前4d口服用于单次或多次性生活后紧急避孕的效果、副反应及可接受性。方法:选择单次或多次无保护性生活或避孕失败后自愿要求使用紧急避孕以防意外妊娠的健康妇女105例,于经前4d口服米非司酮25mg和甲氨蝶呤5mg。结果:避孕有效率100%。月经延期17例,占14.0%;月经周期缩短6例,占5.7%。对经量无影响,对肝、肾功能及血象无明显影响,副反应轻。结论:该法有可能成为一种安全高效,不受性交时间、次数制约的新型紧急避孕方法。  相似文献   

人工流产妇女紧急避孕药避孕失败原因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卿荣珍 《中外医疗》2010,29(35):31-32
目的分析紧急避孕药避孕失败的影响因素,降低非意愿妊娠的发生率,降低人工流产率,提高妇女生殖健康水平。方法选取2009年1月至2009年12月间,在我院行人工流产术378例曾服用紧急药避孕失败妇女为调查对象,进行问卷调查。结果紧急避孕药避孕失败受多因素影响,其中未按时服药和性交次数(本周期有多次无保护性交)为紧急避孕药避孕失败主要原因。结论建议紧急避孕药物服用者正确用药,减少非意愿妊娠的发生。  相似文献   

紧急避孕是指在无保护性交后一定的时间内,采用服药或放置宫内节育器(IUD)等措施以避免意外妊娠的发生.近年来各级妇幼卫生部门开展的紧急避孕服务为无避孕或避孕措施失败而又不愿意生孩子的妇女提供了重要的补救方法,降低了人工流产率,保护了妇女的身心健康.但因紧急避孕使用失败或方法失败而致的继续妊娠临床上时有发生.现将我院于1998年5月~2000年10月所收集的紧急避孕病例分析如下(见附表).  相似文献   

目的:分析紧急避孕药避孕失败的影响因素,降低非意愿妊娠的发生率。方法:调查广东省妇幼保健医院门诊2007年7~12月自愿要求应用左炔诺孕酮类药物紧急避孕的健康育龄妇女246例,资料输入SPSS10.0统计软件进行二分类Logistic回归分析。结果:紧急避孕药避孕失败受多因素影响,其中未按时服药和性交次数(本周期有多次无保护性交)对于紧急避孕药避孕失败统计学上具有显著意义。结论:建议紧急避孕药物购买者正确用药,减少非意妊娠的发生。  相似文献   

潜在紧急避孕方法使用者的基本特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解城市潜在紧急避孕方法(EC)使用者的基本人口学特征。方法1996年3月到5月,在河南省郑州市的八大医院,对1520名人工流产(人流)妇女进行描述性流行病学研究。结果年龄小于30岁的占77.1%,高中及高中以上文化水平的占68.2%,工人占34.7%,知识分子占19.2%,个体户与服务员占19.0%。已婚者中,未生育的占49.5%,已生育的占50.5%。本次妊娠是由避孕失败造成的占71.9%,未避免所致的占28.1%。虽然大多数妇女(77.1%)曾使用过避孕方法,但是,初次同房时使用避孕方法的仅占19.7%。以前有过人流史的高达56.4%。结论潜在EC使用者主要人口学特征是:较年轻,文化程度偏高,工人占多数,已婚已育与未育者各约占一半,多数曾有人流史。主要是由避孕失败导致意外妊娠者组成。这提示,推广EC应该首先在上述人群进行。  相似文献   

目的 了解意外妊娠妇女避孕行为。方法 采用自制的统一问卷对意外妊娠妇女进行问卷调查。结果 36.19%女性在性生活时经常采取避孕措施,42.12%因避孕失败引起本次意外妊娠,57.88%未使用避孕措施。46.90%术后避孕方法首选是避孕套,其次已婚妇女为IUD,未婚女性为口服避孕药。在意外妊娠女性中,未婚占了39.56%。结论 在计划生育知情服务中,应加强对育龄妇女的健康教育及对避孕方法的咨询和指导,特别是未婚青年,提高对避孕方法的正确使用率,从而降低意外妊娠率。  相似文献   

Objective To investigate and estimate the proportion of the induced abortion that could have been prevented by using emergency contraception in Shanghai.Method Structured interviews were conducted in 606 women (413 married and 193 unmarried) aged 18-49 years, who were attending three health care centers in Shanghai for termination of first trimester pregnancy.Results A total of 98.2% of the pregnancies were unwanted, and 63.7% of the women.recognized that they were at risk of pregnancy soon after the intercourse. It is estimated that 52.2% of the induced abortion could have been prevented if the women had used levonorgestrel-only emergency contrdcception. Only 28.5% of the respondents were aware of emergency contraception. The most important sources of information about emergency contraception identified by respondents were books/newspapers/periodicals (38.2%), and relatives/friends (30.6%). Family planning health education on emergency contraception was noted by 28.9% of married women but only by 5.8% of unmarried women. A portion of 85.5% of all respondents reported they would be willing to use emergency contraception when needed. Those more willing to use emergency contraception included younger, better educated, and unmarried women experiencing their first pregnancy. Women preferred drugstores (60.1%) than hospitals (30.29%)for obtaining emergency contraception.Conclusion Women‘s needs for emergency contraception were enormous. Promotion of emergency contraception by providing information and improving service could have a substantial impact on reducing the rate of induced abortion in Shanghai.  相似文献   

Lo SS  Ho PC 《香港医学杂志》2012,18(4):299-303
OBJECTIVES. To review the profile of emergency contraceptive users, their reasons for using emergency contraception, and whether they use it correctly. DESIGN. Retrospective analysis of medical records. SETTING. Six Birth Control Clinics and three Youth Health Care Centres of the Family Planning Association of Hong Kong. PARTICIPANTS. Women requesting emergency contraception between 2006 and 2008. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES. Demographics of emergency contraception users, reasons for requesting emergency contraception, number of times the subject had unprotected intercourse before emergency contraception use, type of emergency contraception provided, coitus-treatment intervals, and outcomes. RESULTS. A total of 11 014 courses of emergency contraception were provided, which included 10 845 courses of levonorgestrel-only pills, 168 intrauterine contraceptive devices, and one course of pills plus an intrauterine contraceptive device. The mean age of the users was 30 years. Two thirds (65.6%) were nulliparous and 64.9% had not had a previous abortion. Their major reasons for requesting emergency contraception were: omission of contraceptive at the index intercourse (38.9%), condom accidents (38.0%), and non-use of any regular contraceptives (20.6%). Non-users of contraceptives were more likely to have had a previous abortion. In all, 97.9% of women took emergency contraception within 72 hours of their unprotected intercourse; 98% had had a single act of unprotected intercourse. None of the intrauterine contraceptive device users became pregnant. The failure rate for emergency contraceptive pills was 1.8%. CONCLUSIONS. Women requested emergency contraception because contraceptives were omitted or condom accidents. Health care providers should focus on motivating women with a history of abortion to use contraceptives, and ensure that condom users know how to use them correctly. Most women followed instructions on the use for emergency contraception and their outcomes were satisfactory.  相似文献   

目的:调查郑州市人工流产女青年人工流产的原因和对避孕的知识、态度、行为,并分析其影响因素.方法:采用整群抽样的方法,选取2005年8月至2005年10月在郑州市所辖医院要求人工流产的女青年共1 100人进行横断面调查.结果:被调查者首次性行为始于16.4~25.0岁,中位数22.5岁.65.1%的女青年是第1次做人工流产.未采取避孕措施(67.9%)和避孕失败(32.1%)是导致非意愿妊娠的主要原因.在622名曾经使用过避孕方法的女青年中,最常用的避孕方法依次是安全套、紧急避孕、安全期.单因素分析结果显示:年龄、出生地、文化程度是影响避孕知识得分的主要因素(P<0.05或0.01).Logistic回归分析结果显示:流产女青年在过去3个月中的避孕行为与男方是否关心避孕问题、流产次数、避孕知识水平有关(P<0.05或0.01).结论:亟需对未婚青年开展有关避孕知识的教育,提高对意外妊娠风险的认识,促进男性积极参与避孕.  相似文献   

目的 分析青少年女性非意愿妊娠现状,探讨实施流产后关爱服务项目对青少年女性流产后避孕的应用效果。 方法 收集2015年8月—2016年7月在宁波市妇女儿童医院计划生育门诊因非意愿妊娠自愿在门诊接受人工流产术的青少年女性,在流产前进行流产后关爱服务,分析青少年患者流产前的一般情况、人工流产次数及高危因素、流产前后的避孕方式、避孕方法立即落实率、高效避孕率及术后1、3个月避孕方法持续使用率等。 结果 青少年患者共1 638例,平均年龄为(21.83±3.67)岁,15岁3例(0.18%),16~19岁的有183例(11.17%),20~24岁的有1 452例(88.65%),青少年意外妊娠原因归结为未避孕和避孕失败,所有接受人工流产后关爱(PAC)的青少年患者流产后避孕立即落实率为100.00%,高效避孕率由流产前1.70%增加到67.33%,高效避孕方法主要为复方短效口服避孕药及宫内节育器。随访第1、3个月高效避孕方法使用率呈下降趋势,其中口服避孕药使用率下降明显。随访期间失访461例,坚持随访人员1 177例中有10例(0.85%)再次妊娠。 结论 青少年意外妊娠原因归结为未避孕和避孕失败。科学系统的优质人工流产后关爱(post abortion care,PAC)能有效指导青少年落实合适的避孕方法,保证避孕效率,防范青少年重复流产的发生,保障青少年女性的生殖健康。   相似文献   

已婚妇女人工流产情况及影响因素的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
许雅  陈思东等 《医学文选》2001,20(2):130-132
目的:了解已婚妇女人工流产的情况及影响因素。方法:对前来参加妇检的1097名妇女进行调查,并按有否人流分为人流组和非人流组,用logistic回归作单因素和多因素分析,HT5″H结果:人工流产率为48.86%,妇女职业,教育程度、丈夫教育程度、对最易怀孕时间和紧急避孕方法的了解以及是否希望丈夫参加生殖健康教育是影响人工流产的重要因素(OR分别为2.840,1.746,1.547,3.213,2.022,1.718)。结论:为降低人工流产率,应加强生殖健康的宣传教育(尤其是紧急避孕方法)。重点对象为教育程度国低的非脑力劳动者。  相似文献   

医学生性行为的现状调查与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:了解高年级医学生性行为的现状,探讨性健康教育对策.方法:对某医科大学2000级348名大学生进行整群调查.结果:调查对象中87.62%的医学生知道避孕方法,74.54%赞同在学校内销售避孕套,仅有7.27%不同意在学校内销售避孕套.65.23%的医学生曾有过性生活史,28.80%的从未采用过避孕措施,46.90%的采用避孕套;其中有30名学生有妊娠史,41人次怀孕学生选择了人工流产、药物流产、引产等方式终止妊娠.结论:医学生的性观念发生了变化,无防护性行为增多.这种现状对高校性健康教育提出了更新更高的要求.  相似文献   

唐璐  余劲  乔莉 《西部医学》2014,(5):618-619,622
目的 探讨异位妊娠发生的相关危险因素及预防措施.方法 选择120例异位妊娠患者作为研究组,选取同期60例正常妊娠妇女作为对照组,分析影响异位妊娠发生的相关危险因素.结果 未成年性生活史、多个性伴侣史、多次人工流产和/或引产史、药物流产史、盆腔炎性疾病、使用宫内节育器以及服用紧急避孕药物与异位妊娠发生密切相关(P<0.05).结论 未成年性生活史、多个性伴侣史、多次人工流产和/或引产史、药物流产史、盆腔炎性疾病、使用宫内节育器以及服用紧急避孕药物等因素与异位妊娠发生密切相关.因此,应加强避孕知识宣教,指导合理避孕,避免流产和/或引产、积极防治妇女的生殖道炎症,可有效降低异位妊娠的发生率.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: In Sri Lanka over 500 induced abortions are done daily in spite of restrictive legislation. Experiences in other countries show that liberal laws alone have not solved the issues of induced abortions which may harm a woman's physical and mental health. OBJECTIVE: To determine the socio-demographic features of women seeking termination of pregnancy, and their knowledge, attitude and behaviour with respect to induced abortion and family planning. METHODS: A prospective study on a randomly selected group of 210 women attending a clinic in Colombo requesting termination of pregnancy. A pre-tested interviewer-administered questionnaire was used for data collection. RESULTS: Over 80% of women seeking abortion were between 20 and 40 years of age. All religions were represented. 13% were single and 10% wanted to postpone a pregnancy. 38.6% had three or more children. In 90% the period of gestation was less than 10 weeks. Presence of a young child was the commonest reason for termination, followed by poverty. Only 0.9% were due to incest and foetal abnormality. 96% were not aware of adverse effects of abortion. 91% thought that induced abortion was immoral and 94% did not know that it was illegal. 29% had previous terminations and post-abortion contraception counselling was poor. Although 78% were knowledgeable on at least one method of contraception, only 16.3% were using it regularly. DISCUSSION: A majority used induced abortion as a family planning method. Improving accessibility and the quality of family planning services is of paramount importance. Every encounter of a woman with a health care worker should be an opportunity for counselling.  相似文献   

Parivar Seva, an NGO working in the area of reproductive health carried out an operation research project as a feasibility study on emergency contraception recently. The study was conducted among 1120 clients coming after unprotected sexual intercourse or improper use of any contraceptive method by using emergency contraception pills coming within 3 days and IUCD coming between 3 and 5 days of unprotected sexual intercourse. It was found that failure of emergency contraception was as low as 0.6%. The success rate in term of preventing pregnancy was 99.4% both with combined oral contraception pills and laevonorgesterol. There lies the scope for introducing emergency contraception in India wide and it can occupy a unique position in a range of contraceptive choices currently available to Indian women, as it can prevent unwanted pregnancies. A coalition of 30 like minded organisations including the Parivar Seva had formed a subcommittee on emergency contraception to evolve strategies to address promotion of emergency contraception.  相似文献   

上海市婚检妇女婚前妊娠情况及其影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了解上海市婚检妇女婚前妊娠情况及其婚前妊娠的因素,作用利用上海3个市区和2个郊县2580名婚前体检的未婚妇女的问卷调查资料进行了分析。结果表明,有性经历的对象中,39.8%曾有过妊娠史;郊县对象曾妊娠的比例明显高于市区对象;农村户口、婚检时年龄较小、文化程度和经济收入较低的对象婚前妊娠的比例较高;妊娠的原因:77.4%为未用避孕措施,20.7%为避孕失败,1.9%为准备结婚等其他原因;多元分析影  相似文献   

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