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我国4城市儿童少年饮料的消费现况   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 了解我国城市儿童少年饲料消费现状及其影响因素,发现存在的问题为有效的干预措施提供科学依据。方法 用三阶段分层整群随机抽样方法在上海、广州、济南和哈尔滨4城市抽取10216名3-14岁儿童少年,用问卷调查的方法收集儿童少年有关饮料消费的资料。结果 儿童少年在家里主要饮用的饮料有碳酸饮料(71.5%)、牛奶(67.9%)和白开水(61.3%),饮料主要由母亲来准备;在学校主要饮用白开水(78.1%)、牛奶(26.7%)和豆奶(23.4%),饮料主要由儿童少年自己准备。儿嫠年馀用某些饲料的主要原因是味道好、有营养和包装好。一天内饮用过白开水、牛奶、碳酸饲料和果汁的比例分别为86.9%、58.0%、37.0%和16.2%,影响儿童少年碳酸饲料消费的主要因素为家庭经济收入和父母化程度。结论 碳酸饲料等软饲料已成为儿童少年饮料消费的主流,为引导他们合理地消费饮料,高年龄的儿童少年和母亲是营养教育的重点对象。  相似文献   

南京地区部分居民碳酸饮料消费情况   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的了解南京市居民碳酸饮料饮用频率和相关影响因素,为开展营养教育和干预工作提供依据。方法采用自填调查问卷的方法,收集南京市部分社区340名常住居民的基本情况和各种饮品饮用情况。结果南京市居民春季、夏季、秋季碳酸饮料饮用情况均有性别差异,差异有统计学意义(P0.05),18~44岁年龄组、中等文化程度人群、低收入家庭碳酸饮料饮用频率最高。结论降低碳酸饮料的饮用频率,促进人们养成健康的生活方式,有利于预防相关慢性病的发生。  相似文献   

目的了解苏州市社区居民饮品饮用现况及影响因素。方法用分层整群随机抽样方法抽取苏州4个城区社区居民共600人,采用问卷调查的方法收集社区居民饮品饮用情况及相关健康资料,利用SPSS软件进行统计描述和Logistic逐步回归分析。结果苏州市区居民各年龄组日均总饮水量(包括各种饮品)为890~1450ml,其中除饮用水外,牛奶饮用量最高。其他饮品,学龄前儿童、儿童青少年和中老年人饮用量最多的分别为果蔬汁饮料、碳酸饮料和茶水。年龄和饮食偏嗜是影响饮品饮用的关键因素,其他影响因素尚包括经济收入、体质指数和性别等。结论苏州市居民饮品饮用相关知识和健康意识有待提高,可依据年龄特征,从改善饮食偏嗜、控制体重等方面采取健康教育干预措施,引导正确的饮品消费。  相似文献   

目的 了解我省小学生饮料消费现状,为我省小学生饮料摄入行为的干预提供科学依据。方法 采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样方法选取我省2 016名小学生为调查对象,采用统一问卷进行入户调查。结果 河北省小学生饮料饮用率为73.92%。饮用率前三位的饮料依次为植物蛋白饮料、非100%果蔬汁饮料、碳酸饮料,饮用率分别为39.97%、34.47%、34.36%,饮用频率多为≤3次/周。高年级小学生植物蛋白饮料和碳酸饮料饮用率均高于低年级(χ2值分别为8.839和18.657,P均<0.05);母亲文化程度在大专及以上者非100%果蔬汁饮料饮用率高于高中及以下者(χ2 = 15.311,P<0.05)。结论 应重点加强城市地区、高年级小学生及其监护人的饮品健康宣教,适当控制其各类饮料饮用。  相似文献   

目的了解广州市城区常住居民和娱乐场所消费人群碳酸摄入情况,为进一步开展营养膳食的健康教育工作提供基线数据和依据。方法利用二阶段随机抽样和方便抽样相结合的方法,在越秀区随机抽取3个街道,共调查常住居民786人,娱乐场所消费人群199人,由经过培训的工作人员进行面对面询问调查,记录3岁以上调查对象过去一个月饮料的摄入情况。结果碳酸饮料类总的饮用率41.8%,不同人群饮用率中男性、15~29岁人群、在校学生、娱乐场所消费人群饮用率较高。多因素logistic回归分析性别为男性、年龄为15~29岁、人均年收入大于40 000元、职业为在校学生摄入碳酸饮料类可能性大。碳酸饮料饮用频率每周次数主要是1~小于3次,占39.8%。日均饮用量较大的年龄组为15~29岁组,中位数为71.4ml。结论碳酸饮料饮用率、饮用频率、饮用的量均较高,特别是青少年或在校学生饮用较多。应加强含糖饮料摄入的健康教育,从而改善人们饮食习惯。  相似文献   

饮料绝不能替代白开水成为孩子每天的必需品。碳酸饮料摄入过多的确可能影响孩子发育。有资料表明,过于偏爱饮用碳酸饮料的儿童60%会因缺钙影响正常发育,特别是可乐型饮料中磷含量过高,过量饮用会导致体内钙、磷比例失调,造成发育迟缓。  相似文献   

上海市儿童少年饮食行为及其影响因素调查   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
[目的 ] 了解目前上海市儿童少年的饮食行为及其影响因素。 [方法 ] 采用问卷调查。 [结果 ] 91.8%的儿童和 6 8.0 %的青少年有特别的食物喜好。绝大多数孩子有吃零食的习惯 ,青少年比儿童更普遍。大部分孩子吃过肯德基等西式快餐。碳酸饮料是孩子的最爱 ,白开水 (或矿泉水 )、牛奶等健康饮料也有相当高的饮用率。大部分青少年购买时经常考虑食物的卫生因素等 ,一半以上的青少年还注意了食物的营养成分。食物的口味、营养是影响儿童少年食物选择的主要因素。 [结论 ] 上海市儿童少年具有较好的营养与食品卫生概念 ,未发现十分突出的不良饮食行为。  相似文献   

近年来,我国城市儿童、青少年人均摄入饮料量猛增。无论是碳酸饮料还是甜味饮料中都合有大量的“糖”,过量饮用会增加能量的摄入,引起肥胖、Ⅱ型糖尿病、骨质疏松等。上海交通大学医学院营养学教授蔡美琴表示,喝饮料多的孩子还常伴有厌食、消瘦、蛀牙、胃肠炎、情绪不稳定等“儿童饮料综合征”表现。  相似文献   

我国7城市中小学生饮料消费现状   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的了解我国城市中小学生饮料消费现状及其影响因素,发现存在问题,为制定有效的干预措施提供科学依据。方法采用多阶段分层随机整群抽样方法,从北京等7个城市选取年龄在6—17岁之间的中小学生9194人进行问卷调查。结果中小学生的平均饮水量为930ml±2ml,饮料的平均饮用量为715ml±2ml。中学生在家不喝饮料的比例高于小学生,小学生在学校不喝饮料的比例高于中学生。59.5%的小学生在家经常饮用纯牛奶,超过60%的中学生在家饮用碳酸饮料。25.7%的小学生在学校经常饮用纯牛奶;45%左右的中学生在学校饮用固体饮料。在家里,饮料的准备者主要为母亲;在学校,饮料的准备者主要为其他人。饮料的购买地点主要为家附近的商店或超市。中小学生最喜欢喝的饮料为碳酸饮料,茶饮料和果蔬饮料。他们常喝这些饮料的原因主要有好喝、干净卫生和健康/有营养。结论建议城市中小学生适量增加饮水量。碳酸饮料等软饮料依然是我国城市中小学生饮料消费的主流,而咖啡、固体饮料的消费量在高年级学生中的饮用比例有明显增加。父母和学生本人是营养教育的重点对象,特别是高年级学生。  相似文献   

江苏省中学生碳酸饮料饮用频率及其相关因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 了解中学生碳酸饮料饮用频率和相关影响因素,为开展营养教育和干预工作提供依据.方法 采用集体匿名自填调查问卷的方法,收集江苏省8个市(县)中学生的基本情况和健康相关行为资料.结果 江苏省中学生每天喝碳酸饮料1~2次、3次及以上的报告率分别为17.4%,3.5%,初中生显著高于高中生,男生显著高于女生.打架行为、抑郁、目前吸烟频率高、目前饮酒频率高、看电视时间长等是每天喝碳酸饮料的危险因素,学习成绩好、每天做功课时间长等是每天喝碳酸饮料的保护因素.结论 江苏省中学生碳酸饮料的饮用频毕较高,健康危险行为与中学生碳酸饮料饮用频率高有密切关系,应大力开展学生营养教育和干预工作.  相似文献   



Energy from liquids is one of the most important factors that could impact on the high prevalence of children and adolescents obesity around the world. There are few data on the liquid consumption in Brazil. The aim of this study is to evaluate the volume and quality of liquids consumed by Brazilian children and adolescents and to determine the proportion of their daily energy intake composed of liquids.


A multicenter study was conducted in five Brazilian cities; the study included 831 participants between 3 and 17 years of age. A four-day dietary record specific to fluids was completed for each individual, and the volume of and Kcal from liquid intake were evaluated. The average number of Kcal in each beverage was determined based on label information, and the daily energy intake data from liquids were compared with the recommendations of the National Health Surveillance Agency (Agência Nacional de Vigilancia Sanitária?C ANVISA), the Brazilian food regulation authority, according to each subject??s age.


As the children aged, the volume of carbonated beverages that they consumed increased significantly, and their milk intake decreased significantly. For children between the ages of 3 and 10, milk and dairy products contributed the greatest daily number of Kcal from liquids. Sugar sweetened beverages which included carbonated beverages, nectars and artificial beverages, accounted for 37% and 45% of the total Kcal from liquid intake in the 3- to 6-year-old and 7- to 10- year-old groups, respectively. Among adolescents (participants 11- to 17- years old), most of the energy intake from liquids came from carbonated beverages, which accounted for an average of 207 kcal/day in this group (42% of their total energy intake from liquids). Health professionals should be attentive to the excessive consumption of sugar sweetened beverages in children and adolescents. The movement toward healthier dietary patterns at the individual and population levels may help to improve programs for preventing overweight and obesity in children and adolescents.


From childhood to adolescence the daily volume of liquid ingested increased reaching a total of 2.0 liters on average. Of this volume, the daily volume of milk ingested decreased while the carbonated drinks, sweetened, nectars and artificial beverages increased significantly. The proportion of water remained constant in about 1/3 of the total volume. From 3 to 17 years of age the energy intake from carbonated beverages increased by about 20%. The carbonated drinks on average corresponded to a tenth of the daily requirements of energy of adolescents.  相似文献   

[目的]为掌握南京市纯净水卫生状况。[方法]对2004年和2005年全市111份纯净水样品的检测数据进行汇总分析。[结果]不同来源的样品和不同季度采集的样品合格率差异无统计学意义,但监督抽检和二三季度样品容易发生多项指标不合格现象。2005年样品合格率比2004年高。[结论]尽管我市纯净水整体情况好转,但还应重点加强市场流通环节和高温季度生产环节的监管,加强控制微生物和净水组件的卫生指导。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to examine various factors associated with total calcium intake and percent adequate intake (% AI) of calcium by children and adolescents, with respect to age, gender, race/ethnicity, and diet and beverage choices. DESIGN: Data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Continuing Survey of Food Intake by Individuals 1994-96, 98 were used in the analyses. Age groupings (2-3, 4-8, 9-13, and 14-18 year olds) were based on the National Academy of Sciences recommendations for AI of calcium-500, 800, 1,300, and 1,300 mg calcium per day, respectively. RESULTS: Consumption of milk products was strongly and positively associated with calcium intake. Consumption of carbonated soft drinks and other non-dairy beverages was also positively associated with calcium intake, but this association was very weak. Beverage choices of African-American children and adolescents are significantly different than white and Hispanic children and adolescents. For example, African-American adolescent girls consume fewer milk products and more fruit drinks/ades. Average daily carbonated soft drink consumption is approximately 1.6 and 1.0 twelve ounce cans among 14-18 year old boys and girls, respectively. CONCLUSION: Carbonated soft drink consumption among adolescent girls is modest and does not appear to be linked to decreased calcium intake. The analyses in this paper show that creative effective, efficient, and targeted policies should be considered to help adolescent girls increase calcium intake. Making low-fat milk products, flavored milks, calcium-fortified beverages and foods more attractive and available will help encourage girls to consume more of this important mineral. When adequate calcium intake is not achieved through foods, health professionals should consider recommending calcium supplements.  相似文献   

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