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Larval red-legged frogs (Rana aurora) are known to exhibit antipredator behavior in response to both chemical alarm cues released from injured conspecifics and chemical cues of predators. In some cases, the response to predators is dependent on the predator's diet. In this experiment, we tested whether long-term exposure to predator chemical cues and alarm cues resulted in alteration of life history characteristics of red-legged frogs. We raised groups of tadpoles in the presence of chemical cues of predators that were either fed conspecifics or heterospecific caddis-fly larvae, chemical cues of injured conspecifics, or a no-cue control. Tadpoles raised in the presence of either a predator fed conspecifics or cues of injured conspecifics metamorphosed earlier and at a smaller size than those exposed to predators fed heterospecifics or the no-cue control. The result suggests that red-legged frogs exhibit a life history shift in response to predatory cues and that this response is dependent on the diet of predators.  相似文献   

We studied two populations of damselfly larvae (Enallagma boreale): one population cooccurred with a predatory fish (northern pike, Esox lucius); the other did not. Damselflies that cooccurred with pike adopted antipredator behavior (reduced activity) in response to chemical stimuli from injured conspecifics, and to chemical stimuli from pike, relative to a distilled water control. Damselflies from an area where pike do not occur responded only to chemical stimuli from injured conspecifics. In a second set of experiments, we conditioned pike-naive damselflies to recognize and respond to chemical stimuli from pike with antipredator behavior. Damselfly larvae that were previously unresponsive to pike stimuli learned to recognize pike stimuli after a single exposure to stimuli from pike and injured damselflies or pike and injured fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas). The response to injured fathead minnows was not a general response to injured fish because damselfly larvae did not respond to chemical stimuli from injured swordtails (Xiphophorus helleri), an allopatric fish. Taken together, these data suggest a flexible learning program that allows damselfly larvae to rapidly acquire the ability to recognize local predation risk based on chemical stimuli from predators, conspecifics, and heterospecific members of their prey guild.  相似文献   

Individuals of two species of crayfish (Orconectes virilis andO. propinquus) were tested in the laboratory for responses to chemicals released from physically damaged conspecifics. Individuals ofO. propinquus did not show an alarm response to crushed conspecifics. Individuals ofO. virilis responded to a water-borne substance released from crushed conspecifics by assuming an intermediate posture and ceasing movement. Similar alarm responses were shown by individuals ofO. virilis to crushed congeneric individuals (O. propinquus), and these responses were not eliminated by either freeze-thawing the crayfish used to prepare the signal or by treating freshly crushed crayfish with the enzyme trypsin. Individuals ofO. virilis showed strong feeding responses to solutions prepared from frozen fish flesh but showed a mixture of alarm and feeding responses to freshly killed fish. These results indicate that the alarm substance used byO. virilis is widespread.  相似文献   

Larval western toads (Bufo boreas) are known to exhibit antipredator behavior in response to both chemical alarm cues released from injured conspecifics and chemical cues of predatory invertebrates. In this study, we tested whether long-term exposure to predator and alarm cues resulted in an adaptive shift in life history characteristics of the toads. We raised groups of tadpoles in the presence of: (1) predatory backswimmers (Notonecta spp.) that were fed toad tadpoles, (2) nonpredatory water boatman (Corixidae), and (3) chemical alarm cues of injured conspecifics. Tadpoles raised in the presence of both chemical alarm cues and cues of predators fed tadpoles metamorphosed in significantly shorter time than those raised in the presence of the nonpredator control. Reducing time taken to reach metamorphosis would reduce exposure to aquatic predators. There was no difference among treatments in the size at metamorphosis. Our results suggest that this shift in metamorphic characteristics may represent a facultative alteration in life history.  相似文献   

Sampling environmental chemicals to reveal prey and predators and to provide information about conspecifics is highly developed in lizards. Actively foraging lizards can discriminate between prey chemicals and control stimuli, but ambush foragers do not exhibit prey chemical discrimination. Recent experiments on a few species of herbivorous lizards have also demonstrated an ability to identify plant food chemicals. We studied chemosensory responses to chemicals from prey and palatable plants in two species of actively foraging, insectivorous lizards. Both the lacertid Takydromus sexlineatus and the teiid Cnemidophorus gularis exhibited strong responses to prey chemicals, but not to plant chemicals. These findings increase confidence in the relationship between prey chemical discrimination and foraging mode, which is based on data for very few species per family. They also provide data showing that actively foraging insectivores in two families do not respond strongly to plant cues. Such information is essential for eventual comparative studies of the relationship between plant diet and responses to food chemicals. The traditional method of presenting stimuli by using hand-held cotton swabs worked well for T. sexlineatus but could not be used for C. gularis due to repeated escape attempts. When stimuli were presented to C. gularis on ceramic tiles and no experimenter was visible, the lizards responded readily. Presentation of stimuli on tiles in the absence of a visible experimenter may be a valuable approach to study of food chemical discrimination by active foragers in which antipredatory behavior interferes with responses to swabs.  相似文献   

Hard clams, Mercenaria mercenaria, are sessile, filter-feeding organisms that are heavily preyed upon by blue crabs, which find their clam prey using chemical cues. Clams may evade blue crabs by reducing their pumping (feeding) behavior when a threat is perceived. The purpose of this study was to determine the type of signals that clams use to detect consumers. Clams decreased their pumping time in response to blue crabs and blue crab effluent, but not to crab shells, indicating that chemical signals and not mechanical cues mediated the response of clams to distant predators. Because predator diet can influence prey evaluation of predatory threats, we compared clam responses to blue crabs fed a steady diet of fish, clams, or that were starved prior to the experiment. In addition, we used injured clams as a stimulus because many organisms detect predators by sensing the odor of injured con- or heterospecifics. Clams reduced feeding in response to injured conspecifics and to blue crabs that had recently fed. Clams reacted similarly to fed crabs, regardless of their diet, but did not respond to starved blue crabs. Because blue crabs are generalist predators and the threat posed by these consumers is unrelated to the crab's diet, we should expect clam reactions to blue crabs to be independent of the crab's diet. The failure of clams to react to starved blue crabs likely increases their vulnerability to these consumers, but clam responses to injured conspecifics may constitute a strategy that allows animals to detect an imminent threat when signals emanating from blue crabs are not detectable.  相似文献   

Bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana), native to eastern North America, were introduced into Oregon in the 1930's. Bullfrogs are highly efficient predators that are known to eat a variety of prey including other amphibians. In laboratory experiments, we investigated whether juvenile Pacific treefrogs (Hyla regilla) recognize adult bullfrogs as a predatory threat. The ability of prey animals to acquire recognition of an introduced predator has important implications for survival of the prey. We found that treefrogs from a population that co-occurred with bullfrogs showed a strong avoidance of chemical cues of bullfrogs. In contrast, treefrogs from a population that did not co-occur with bullfrogs, did not respond to the bullfrog cues. Additional experiments showed that both populations of treefrogs use chemical cues to mediate predation risk. Treefrogs from both populations avoided chemical alarm cues from injured conspecifics.  相似文献   

Two toxic and bitter-tasting cardenolides (cardiac-active steroids) were sequestered by the brightly colored oleander aphid,Aphis nerii B. de F., from the neotropical milkweed host plantAsclepias curassavica L. After feeding on milkweed-reared aphids, the orb-web spiderZygiella x-notata (Clerck) built severely disrupted webs and attacked fewer nontoxic, control aphids, whereas the webs of spiders fed only nontoxic aphids remained intact. The regularity and size of the prey-trapping area of webs were reduced significantly in proportion to the amount of toxic aphids eaten. The effects of toxic aphids on spider web structure were mimicked by feeding spiders the bitter-tasting cardenolide digitoxin, a cardenolide with similar steroidal structure and pharmacological activity to the two aphid cardenolides. These results show that the well-known effects of psychoactive drugs on spider web structure are more than interesting behavioral assays of drag activity. Similar effects, produced by plant-derived chemicals in the spider's aphid prey, are relevant to the ecology and evolution of interactions between prey defense and predator foraging.  相似文献   

Organisms from a wide variety of taxonomic groups possess chemical alarm cues that are important in mediating predator avoidance. However, little is known about the presence of such alarm cues in most amphibians, and in particular terrestrial salamanders. In this study we tested whether adult long-toed salamanders (Ambystoma macrodactylum) showed an avoidance response to stimuli from injured conspecifics. Avoidance of stimuli from injured conspecifics could represent avoidance of a chemical alarm cue or, alternatively, avoidance of a territorial pheromone or conspecific predator odor. Consequently, we also tested whether salamanders avoided stimuli from noninjured conspecifics. Salamanders avoided stimuli from injured but not from noninjured conspecifics. Therefore, we concluded that the response to injured conspecifics represents avoidance of a chemical alarm cue and not avoidance of a territorial pheromone or predator cue. This is the first clear demonstration of chemical alarm signaling by a terrestrial amphibian and the first report of chemical alarm signaling in an ambystomatid salamander. By avoiding an area containing stimuli from injured conspecifics, long-toed salamanders may lower their risk of predation by avoiding areas where predators are foraging.  相似文献   

The scent gland secretions of snakes are thought to repel predators, but few predator species have been tested for responses to these exudates. Domestic cats (Felis catus) were tested for responses to scent gland secretions of the gray rat snake (Elaphe obsoleta), or to choloroform extracts of them, applied to filter paper or food. More cats salivated or rubbed on filter papers treated with scent gland secretions than on control papers. Scent gland exudates elicited rubbing and pawing in cats more frequently than did chemicals from a shed snake skin. Cats offered food pieces treated either with water or with scent gland secretions ate fewer of the latter; this result is consistent with the hypothesis that scent gland secretions deter feeding.  相似文献   

Olfactory reception of 23 odorants, including plant volatiles and male-produced aggregation pheromone, by third and fifth instars of the spined soldier bug (SSB) Podisus maculiventris was investigated by using electroantennograms (EAGs). Both nymphal stages were sensitive to male-produced aggregation pheromone components (E)-2-hexenal, benzyl alcohol, and -terpineol. The plant volatile, (E)-2-hexen-1-ol (a chemical known to be released by plants in response to prey feeding over the short-term), elicited the largest EAGs of all volatiles tested. While third instars were sensitive to nonanal, only fifth instars responded to both nonanal and (±)-linalool, both compounds released systemically by plants in response to feeding by potential prey. Antennal extirpation experiments showed that sensilla responsive to hexan-1-ol, (E)-2-hexenal, and -terpineol are situated mainly on the terminal antennal segment. The results support the hypothesis that P. maculiventris nymphs use both plant volatiles and pheromone components in locating potential prey and other behaviors.  相似文献   

Petri dish choice tests conducted on the coffee berry borer (CBB),Hypothenemus hampei, showed that females were able to discriminate between coffee berries at different ripening stages. A Y-shaped glass olfactometer was used to demonstrate that coffee berries emitted volatile chemicals that elicited upwind movement by female CBB. Olfactometer tests with three different solvent extracts of berries showed that at least some of the attractive chemical(s) released by the coffee berries could be extracted with acetone.  相似文献   

The effect of host tree species on the attractiveness of tunneling Ips pini to flying beetles and their insect predators in Wisconsin was investigated. Tree species influenced the flight response of both predators and prey in the same rank order. Ips pini and its major predators, Thanasimus dubius and Platysoma cylindrica, were more attracted to I. pini males boring into bark–phloem disks of Pinus strobus L. than Pinus banksiana Lamb, and least attracted to I. pini males boring into bark–phloem disks of Pinus resinosa. Sources of within-tree, between-tree, and between-species variation in the degree of attraction elicited by tunneling beetles were quantified. A bioassay for evaluating host tree effects on pheromone based communication among bark beetles under conditions of controlled beetle entry was developed. Possible mechanisms of host species effects on the dynamics of predator and prey interactions in bark beetle ecology are discussed.  相似文献   

We exposed the freshwater amphipod Gammarus lacustris, to chemical stimuli from injured conspecifics and to chemical stimuli from two types of natural predators: dragonfly larvae (Aeshna eremita) and northern pike (Esox lucius). Exposure to all three stimuli caused G. lacustris to reduce significantly its level of activity relative to activity recorded in response to a distilled water control. The similarity in responses to chemicals associated with predators and to injured conspecifics suggests the presence of an alarm pheromone within the body tissues of G. lacustris. In response to chemical stimuli from pike, G. lacustris tended to reduce its time in the water column and spend more time near the bottom of the test aquaria. However, no such trend was apparent in response to chemical stimuli from dragonfly larvae. The differences in response to chemical stimuli from pike and larval dragonflies suggest that G. lacustris does not have a rigid behavioral response to predation risk; instead, antipredator behavior may be modified to maximize avoidance of predators that are active in different microhabitats.  相似文献   

The detection of a chemical alarm pheromone may allow receivers to avoid areas where a predator has captured the prey's conspecifics. We marked minnow traps with either brook stickleback (Culaea inconstans) skin extract or a control of distilled water and tested whether sticklebacks avoided the skin extract marked traps in a natural habitat. Significantly more sticklebacks were captured in traps marked with control water, thereby demonstrating avoidance of conspecific skin extract. The stickleback captured in traps marked with conspecific extract were significantly smaller than those captured in traps marked with control water, implicating ontogenetic factors (i.e., experience or physiological development) in the development of the response. We also captured significantly fewer finescale dace (Chrosomus neogaeus) and fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) in traps marked with skin extract. These data suggest that dace and minnows may benefit by avoiding areas where predators have recently captured sticklebacks.  相似文献   

Nassarius obsoletus, N. vibex, andN. trivittatus were exposed to juices of conspecifics and taxonomically and ecologically related gastropod species. Conspecific juices caused the strongest alarm responses, while those from taxonomically related species (congeners) induced less pronounced responses. Juices from nonrelated species induced no alarm response with one notable exception, the strong alarm response ofN. trivittatus toUrosalpinx cinerea juices. Nonrelated gastropod species induced stronger feeding responses than more closely related species. The strongest feeding responses, however, were induced by juices from nongastropod mollusks. The apparent balance between feeding attraction to less related species and alarm response to more related species was further examined by manipulating the snails' diet. Starvation resulted in a great reduction of conspecific alarm responsiveness. Following the resumption of feeding, the original responsiveness was again observed. Although the alarm response is likely an antipredator device, conclusive evidence for its effectiveness in reducing predation is lacking. One of the predators ofNassarius obsoletus which may be responsible for maintenance of an alarm response is the green crab,Carcinus maenas.This paper is based in part upon a thesis submitted by D.S. to Boston University for the degree of Master of Arts.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that animals may make adaptive adjustments in response to chemical cues from predators, but hatching responses to diet-related chemical cues from predators have not been previously demonstrated. In the system studied here, the predator is an araneophagic jumping spider (Salticidae), Portia labiata, and the prey organism is a subsocial spitting spider, Scytodes pallida (Scytodidae). The spitting spider carries its eggs in its chelicerae, and carrying eggs is known to make it more vulnerable to predators. It is also known from an earlier study that the prior diet of the predator alters how dangerous the individual predator is to the spitting spider. In the experiments reported here, incubation time was shorter when volatile cues from the predator were present and longer in control tests when no chemical cues from the predator were present. The previous predators diet also influenced incubation time: when in the presence of volatile cues from individuals of P. labiata that had previously fed on individuals of S. pallida, incubation time was shorter than when in the presence of volatile cues from individuals of P. labiatathat had been feeding instead on house flies.  相似文献   

Prey responses to predator cues are graded in intensity in accordance with the degree of threat presented by the predator. In systems in which prey gather information on predators by using chemicals, prey often respond more to the odor of predators that have consumed conspecifics, as opposed to heterospecifics. We investigated the response of a prey species, the mud crab, Panopeus herbstii, to urine of blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, fed mud crabs or oysters. Behavioral analysis was combined with metabolomics to characterize bioactive deterrents in the urine of predators fed different diets. Urine from blue crabs fed oysters or mud crabs depressed mud crab foraging when presented singly, with the urine derived from a mud crab diet being more potent. The magnitude of foraging depression increased with urine concentration. When urine from blue crabs fed oysters or mud crabs was combined, response to the urine mixture was no different from that to urine derived only from a mud crab diet. Metabolomics analysis indicated diet-dependent differences were related to a set of shared spectral features that differed in concentration in the respective urines, likely consisting of aromatic compounds, amino acids, and lipids. Taken together, these results suggest mud crabs distinguish diet of, and therefore the risk imposed by, predators through detection of a suite of compounds that together represent what the predator has recently consumed.  相似文献   

Natural enemies of herbivores often locate cryptic insects by responding to volatiles associated with the prey's feeding and mating. For example, predators of bark beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) exploit the aggregation pheromones that their prey use to attract mates and secure hosts. Bark beetles are cryptic insects that feed and develop in the subcortical tissues of trees and spend all but a portion of their life history within this habitat. The pine engraver, Ips pini, produces the pheromone ipsdienol throughout its transcontinental range. Predators of I. pini exploit this chemical as a kairomonal cue. Eastern and Midwestern I. pini populations also produce lanierone, which synergizes their attraction to ipsdienol. We evaluated the effects of varying amounts of lanierone, in combination with a constant amount of racemic ipsdienol, on the relative attraction of I. pini and its major predators in Wisconsin. Higher numbers of I. pini were captured with increasing release rates of lanierone. In contrast, the numbers of the major predators, such as Thanasimus dubius, Enoclerus nigrifrons, Platysoma cylindrica, and P. parallelum, did not differ among different lanierone release rates. The response of I. pini but not their predators to lanierone at ecologically realistic release rates may be part of a coevolving interaction between predators and prey and offers new strategies for semiochemically based pest management by selectively removing pests and leaving predators.  相似文献   

Prey species show diverse antipredator responses to chemical cues signaling predation threat. Among terrestrial vertebrates, the red-backed salamander, Plethodon cinereus, is an important species in the study of these chemical defenses. During the day and early evening, this species avoids rinses from garter snakes, Thamnophis sirtalis, independent of snake diet, but late at night, avoids only those rinses from garter snakes that have recently eaten P. cinereus. We tested whether the selective, late-night response requires the ingestion or injury of salamanders. In three experiments, we tested P. cinereus for their responses to separate or combined rinses from salamanders (undisturbed, distressed, and injured P. cinereus) and snakes (unfed, earthworm fed, and salamander-fed T. sirtalis). When paired against a water control, only rinses from salamander-fed snakes were avoided. When salamander treatments (undisturbed or distressed) were combined with the snake treatments (unfed or earthworm-fed) and tested against a water control, the combinations elicited avoidance. When selected treatments were paired against the standard rinse from salamander-fed snakes, only the combined rinses from salamanders and snakes nullified the avoidance response to the standard rinse. These data reveal a prey defense mechanism involving chemical elements from both the predator and prey that does not require injury or ingestion of the prey in the formation of the cue.  相似文献   

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