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红外技术以往多用于军事目的,近年世界各国开始运用“军事边角料”,将红外技术转向民用,医用红外热像技术就是其中的佼佼者。 我国也研制出适合本国国情的红外热像仪,并于1989年通过国家鉴定。红外热像仪,是由一台红外摄像机、一部计算机和一台彩色打印机连接而成的。红外热像仪可以准确灵敏地探测到人体辐射出的红外  相似文献   

近年来,电信网络技术发展迅速,且电信业务的发展已由技术驱动发展模式向业务驱动发展模式转变,对于未来电信业务的研究已成为驱动电信网络建设及电信运营发展的动力源泉.发掘新的应用空间将有利于拓展电信业务新功能和范围.我院血液净化中心鉴于透析病人与医护人员有着一种长期依存、互助互通的关系,采用百易科技构建了医患咨询、随访互动平台,建立了一套让透析患者可以随时主动的咨询、求助、投诉或者提建议的沟通渠道.该互动平台是集合了软件技术、硬件技术、通讯技术:实现电脑(医院)-手机(患者)互动信息对话,并保存数据;实现手机(医生)-电脑(医院)-手机(患者)信息互动传输,以此提高医院的服务质量和扩大医院的服务范围,赢得患者的信任和依赖,给医院带来长远的社会和经济效益.  相似文献   

如今, 随着科学技术的日益进步, 课堂教学正经历从黑板转变为电子白板.电子白板技术作为一种新兴的信息技术在教学中呈现, 得到了广大教师的认可, 也成为我们初中数学课堂当中的一条亮丽的风景线.运用电子白板能够很好地实现丰富多样的教育资源的灵活整合, 拓展了学生的视野, 使学生学习效益最大化.  相似文献   

书写比电脑键盘更练脑 自打有了电脑后,提笔忘字的经历时常出现。法国和挪威研究人员通过研究发现“键盘代替笔”,人们负责学习活动的关键大脑区域会退化。  相似文献   

目的:设计一种红外可遥控的医院语音播报系统,用于医院智能化语音播报服务。方法:利用单片机AT89S52和红外遥控模块控制ISD4004语音芯片来实现医院语音录制和播报。在简单分析ISD4004单片语音芯片工作原理的基础上,通过系统功能模块各部分的连接及软硬件设计,实现数字化语音的存储和回放以及语音播报的智能化和自动化。结果:利用ISD4004语音芯片,构建了基于红外遥控的医院语音播报系统。结论:提供了一个低成本、高性能的自动循环医院语音播报的解决方案,实现了医院语音服务的智能化和自动化,满足了医院人性化语音服务的需要。  相似文献   

算起来我业余“爬格子”也有30余年了,听说电脑那玩艺儿可以告别纸和笔,西方早就时兴用电脑写作。百闻不如一见,我到一位文友家实地考察,果真如是,他的业余戏剧小品的创作都是运用电脑而成,看得我心里怪痒痒的。  相似文献   

应用电脑红外诊断仪诊断妇女乳腺疾病的报告王春娥(湖南省衡阳市妇幼保健院421001)我院自1993年8月开始,用电脑红外乳腺诊断仪,对524名妇女进行了乳腺疾病诊断,结果如下。1对象和方法1.1对象为门诊就医患者,年龄为19~61岁,平均年龄为41岁...  相似文献   

设计与开发了医疗设备巡检维护管理平台,实现了对医疗设备的巡检、报修,维修工单登记,调度分配,接单,核对,维修登记,维修记录,评价关单,抽查、计量、清点等中期管理过程的信息化,系统包括电脑端及微信服务号,电脑端主要实现系统的基础设置,设备管理,巡检周期设定,维护接单,派单,数据的统计分析,微信服务号主要实现账号绑定,移动巡检,移动报修,接单,维护记录,系统与医院HRP系统实现数据对接,共同实现了医疗设备的全生命周期管理。  相似文献   

显微数码互动系统把现代信息技术融进了教学实验室,使师生可以共享数字图像和进行信息交流。在显微数码互动实验室进行病理学实验课教学,能充分实现师生互动,给学生提供及时指导和帮助,为病理学实验课教学提供了高效的教学手段。  相似文献   

1前言随着信息技术的飞速发展,远程医疗正成为当今世界研究的热门课题,如何利用先进的Web技术实现经济实用的远程医疗系统正成为当前远程医疗研究的一个新方向。本文试图对应用Java技术构筑远程医疗网进行一点初浅的探讨,希望借助Java的强大功能,应用JSP/Servlet建立一个远程医疗网站;应用JavaApplet实现电子白板、语音传输、文字交流等功能;采用JPEG和小波算法实现图像的压缩;实现病历数据的后台管理;最终建立一个适合各种操作系统的远程医疗会诊及教育系统。2系统总体设计与功能实现整个系统主要包括:服务器端系统构筑;中间通讯层的…  相似文献   

便携式无线脉象数据采集系统的研究与设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研制一种用于中医临床脉诊的数据采集系统,主要包括1支无线脉象数据采集笔和1个USB无线脉象数据接收器。方法:选用高集成度的SOC芯片,设计将传感器和数据采集部分集成在一起的便携脉象数据采集笔及插在计算机USB接口上的脉象数据接收器,采用无线传输的方法将采集的脉象数据传到计算机上。结果:诊脉时手握便携的脉象数据采集笔,结合计算机上的脉象仪软件即可快速、方便地按照中医脉诊要求实现脉象数据的采集。结论:该无线脉象数据采集系统可构建各种用途的脉象仪器,体现脉诊手法,可广泛用于中医临床脉诊、中医电子病历及脉诊教学等。  相似文献   

In a modern version of David and Goliath, backers of hand-held pen computers hope to make serious inroads against well-established computer workstations. A start-up company, Practice Technology Inc., wants to build information networks based on pen computing. But it's going up against well-established network vendors that are relying on PC-based systems. Meanwhile, two pen computer manufacturers have stopped producing those devices, citing lack of demand.  相似文献   

丁清和  赵樑 《现代医院》2012,(10):63-65
目的研制可模拟临床手术操作的简易关节镜成像装置。方法通过直径细小的可连接电脑的摄像头外加直径6 mm的金属管,再加配根据实际关节镜制作的模块,制作简易关节镜成像系统。结果成功研制简易关节镜成像系统,能够在膝关节模型上模拟临床手术操作。结论简易关节镜成像系统是可行的,并能满足临床培训需要。  相似文献   

内窥镜在五官科(耳鼻咽喉)疾病诊疗过程中有着很广泛的应用。该文介绍一种数字化高清五官科-头颈外科综合诊疗工作站配套的高清内窥镜视频图像系统,以提供临床检查、诊断、诊疗和教学所需求的高清视频或图像采集、处理、显示、存储和传输等功能。该系统主要由相机控制模块、视频处理模块、视频显示和存储模块、用户交互模块、图文工作站交互接口模块等组成。  相似文献   

基于linux操作系统和ARM9硬件平台,本文设计了一种实时的视频监控系统.该系统可以通过无线网络将摄像头采集的视频信息传输到上位机,同时实现数据的分析、存储及显示等功能.通过试验的测试,该系统稳定可靠,延时少.  相似文献   

Previous body image studies have suggested that dieting-disordered patients (anorexia and bulimia nervosa) differ from normal subjects in their estimation of body size and desired body shape. It was hypothesized that overconcern with body shape in these patients would be reflected in their visual analyses of specific parts of their bodies. This hypothesis was investigated using a system that combines an infrared light source, video camera, dedicated microprocessor, and computer to monitor eye-gaze direction at 50 times per second. Fifteen dieting-disordered patients and 10 control subjects were examined in this way while simultaneously being shown a picture of themselves on a TV screen. Preliminary results suggest that the patients tend to focus on those parts of their body with which they are dissatisfied, while normal subjects scan their whole body shape. Objective assessment of areas of specific bodily concern among dieting-disordered patients, as well as the examination of voluntary and involuntary processing of self-referential stimuli, is offered by the use of such technology.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine whether a previously-validated touch screen computer program of symptoms and management of childhood asthma is acceptable to parents who accompany their children to consult a GP, and to examine whether any parent characteristics are associated with acceptability. METHODS: Conducted in general practice in Newcastle, NSW, Australia. A cross sectional pen and paper survey was given to parents of children consulting a GP after completing the computer questionnaire on childhood asthma in the waiting room. Measurements were frequencies of Likert scale responses to statements concerning the computer questionnaire, compared with demographic and personal characteristics. RESULTS: High levels of acceptability of the asthma computer questionnaire were reported by the 198 respondents, with most being willing to do the same program once or twice a year (87%), or to do similar programs on other topics (91%). Most respondents (81%) agreed that the computer program was enjoyable, and very few (8%) would have preferred to answer the asthma questions by pen and paper rather than by computer. Two or more children accompanying the parent was the characteristic most associated with less positive responses. CONCLUSIONS: Overall the high acceptability of this questionnaire suggests that this computerised format is an appropriate method of screening children for asthma and determining their current management. As a large component of underdiagnosis of asthma is lack of reporting to the doctor, this valid and acceptable diagnostic aid has the potential to improve detection of unreported asthma, and also to identify high-risk individuals.  相似文献   

目的:探讨一种获取无伪影全脊柱X线数字化图像的方案,以确保Cobb角的测量精度。方法:搭建一个以长60 cm的X线增感屏和单反数码相机为基础的新的数字成像装置,用该装置和直接数字化放射摄影(direct digital radiography,DDR)系统分别拍摄分辨率测试卡的X线图像并比较。结果:新装置的空间分辨率为1.6 LP/mm,接近DDR系统的空间分辨率,但其对比度分辨率明显低于DDR系统。结论:该数字成像装置只需一次X线曝光、不用图像拼接就直接得到全脊柱数字化X线图像,避免了伪影的产生,可保证Cobb角的测量精度。  相似文献   

A charged-particle imaging video monitor system was constructed and applied to video imaging of the position profile of PuO2 particles on filter paper. The imaging video monitor system consists of a detector head, a silicon intensifier target (SIT) camera, a video frame memory, and a personal computer. The system can display the distribution image of PuO2 particles becoming gradually clearer on a video monitor. The integrated image that is transferred to the computer is analyzed quantitatively for the radioactivity of each PuO2 particle deposited on the filter paper. The system can not only rapidly distinguish PuO2 particle contamination from Rn daughter products, but can also determine the size distribution of the PuO2 particles.  相似文献   

Decision aids have been developed by using various delivery methods, including interactive computer programs. Such programs, however, still rely heavily on written information, health and digital literacy, and reading ease. We describe an approach to overcome these potential barriers for low-literate, underserved populations by making design considerations for poor readers and na?ve computer users and by using concepts from entertainment education to engage the user and to contextualize the content for the user. The system design goals are to make the program both didactic and entertaining and the navigation and graphical user interface as simple as possible. One entertainment education strategy, the soap opera, is linked seamlessly to interactive learning modules to enhance the content of the soap opera episodes. The edutainment decision aid model (EDAM) guides developers through the design process. Although designing patient decision aids that are educational, entertaining, and targeted toward poor readers and those with limited computer skills is a complex task, it is a promising strategy for aiding this population. Entertainment education may be a highly effective approach to promoting informed decision making for patients with low health literacy.  相似文献   

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