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对双孢蘑菇进行热风、真空和真空冷冻干燥的对比实验,建立了3种干燥方式下物料的干燥曲线,测定干制品Vc含量、复水比和感官质量。结果表明:从干燥效率和干制品Vc含量看,真空干燥>真空冷冻干燥>热风干燥;从复水比看,真空冷冻干燥>真空干燥>热风干燥,其中真空冷冻干燥的干制品感官质量最好。对干制品进行护色和复水实验,结果显示干制品护色质量好于不护色,复水时间直接影响复水程度,最佳复水时间为40min。  相似文献   

Abstract: This review presents the concepts involved in determining the density of foodstuffs, and summarizes the volumetric determination techniques used to calculate true density and apparent density in foodstuffs exposed to the drying process. The behavior of density with respect to moisture content (X) and drying temperature (T) is presented and explained with a basis in changes in structure, conformation, chemical composition, and second‐order phase changes that occur in the processes of mass and heat transport, as reported to date in the literature. A review of the empirical and theoretical equations that represent density is presented, and their application in foodstuffs is discussed. This review also addresses cases with nonideal density behavior, including variations in ρs and ρw as a function of the inside temperature of the material, depending on drying conditions (X, T). A compilation of studies regarding the density of dehydrated foodstuffs is also presented.  相似文献   

The effect of moisture content on structural properties such as apparent density, true density and porosity was investigated in this work for various vegetables after conventional drying. Samples of twelve different fresh vegetables (mushroom, green pepper, courgete, spinach, celery, leek, onion, tomato, garlic, carrot, pea, and corn) were dehydrated with conventional drying and the aforementioned properties were experimentally determined. A simple mathematical model was selected to correlate the obtained experimental data of true density, apparent density and porosity to material moisture content for each vegetable. The correlation results for the studied properties of the examined vegetables are presented in this article, along with the obtained model parameters.  相似文献   

Second order phase transitions may occur in foodstuffs during the convective drying process. These transitions involve physicochemical changes, which influence both structural properties and drying behavior. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of drying air temperature and the second order phase transition of garlic on the changes in particle density, apparent density, apparent porosity, effective diffusivity, and cracking produced during drying. Garlic slices were dehydrated at three air temperatures (40, 50, and 60°C). The moisture content (X), inside temperature (Ti), surface temperature (Ts), apparent (ρb) and particle (ρp) densities of garlic slices were measured during drying. Porosity (?) was calculated based on the data collected for ρp and ρb. Glass transition temperatures (Tg) and micrographs were obtained for both raw and dehydrated garlic. A critical point in the intersection of Ti, Ts, and Tg was found; this point was identified as a second order phase transition. Diffusivity and slope changes in ρb, ρp, and ? with respect to moisture content were found to be related to this critical point. Experimental data for ρb, ρp, and ? was fitted to a nonlinear equation with three exponential terms with respect to moisture content, with an R2 > 0.85. Less dense products were found to be more porous, with more cracking, higher moisture diffusivity, and lower Tg at the end of the drying process.  相似文献   

针对微波真空干燥马铃薯片易产生焦糊的问题,采用间歇式微波真空干燥工艺,运用图像处理中RGB模型表示干燥后马铃薯片色泽的变化情况,以干制品焦糊程度和图像的RGB强度为主要指标,分析间歇方式、微波功率、切片厚度和真空度对马铃薯片微波干燥品质的影响。结果表明,间歇干燥的方式有利于减少微波干燥焦糊现象,RGB强度越大,焦糊越少,色泽越好,最佳干燥工艺为:微波加热60 s、间歇60 s、微波功率300 W、切片厚度3 mm和真空度0.08 MPa。试验结果可为马铃薯片间歇微波真空干燥过程焦糊分析、工艺参数优化和在线检测提供参考。  相似文献   

Thin films of food products have long been dried commercially but the thin film drying process is not well understood. Modeling of a drying system is essential for understanding and improving it. A theoretical model for predicting the drying rate of thin films of nonporous foods was proposed, developed and evaluated. The model simultaneously considered shrinkage and heat and mass transfer within thin films dried on a surface with given boundary conditions. A finite element formulation of the model was used to develop numerical solutions of two governing equations. Starch was selected as a representative material for drying tests. Experimentally determined drying curves of modified corn, potato and rice starch films were compared to model predictions. The technique was useful in explaining the complex relationships of temperature, moisture and thickness profiles of drying films.  相似文献   

Apparent density and apparent volume shrinkage of chicken nuggets were analyzed at three frying temperatures (160, 170, and 180°C) at 16 time intervals between 0 and 300 s. A linear relation was found for particle densities with moisture loss. Apparent density decreased from about 1080 to 980 kg/m3 during frying. The regression of volumetric shrinkage as a function of moisture loss gave coefficient of determination value (R2) values ranging between 0.90 and 0.94. Temperature effect on apparent density was not significant, while its effect on shrinkage was quite pronounce (P < 0.05). The influence of moisture loss, frying time and temperature on density and shrinkage during deep-fat frying of chicken nuggets was established.  相似文献   

During osmotic dehydration of fruits and vegetables, as water and/or other substances are removed from the material, shrinkage follows depending on the extent of net mass loss. Mass transfer is usually predicted through modeling. However, common models developed for osmotic dehydration of fruits and vegetables make assumptions that often deviate far from reality, including large heterogeneity, variability and complexity in properties of fruits and vegetables. This generates some skepticism about such models and minimizes their potential industrial reliability. This paper reviews osmotic dehydration of fruits and vegetables through a basic approach, provides a critical view on modeling and points out the factors that affect shrinkage and mass transfer based on an extensive evaluation of pertinent literature.  相似文献   

Convective drying in hot air is still the most popular method applied to reduce the moisture content of fruits and vegetables. Conventional hot-air drying of Mirabelle plum is considered to be a slow and energy intensive process. This is due to the fact that the waxy skin of Mirabelle plum has low permeability to moisture, a fact which results in high shrinkage. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of ultrasound-assisted osmotic dehydration pretreatment on shrinkage of Mirabelle plum as a function of moisture content with the end goal of optimizing operating conditions that minimize shrinkage of the produce during drying. Results showed that application of ultrasound-assisted osmotic dehydration led to a significant (p < 0.05) decrease in shrinkage (from 76.41 to 64.05%). A linear relation between moisture loss and shrinkage was observed. Results indicated that shrinkage may be easily estimated from changes in moisture content, and independent of the drying rate. Inversely, determination of shrinkage would provide an indirect indication of moisture content.  相似文献   

盐渍是鲍鱼微波真空干燥过程前处理的关键因素. 以不同浓度盐溶液-0, 5%, 7 5%, 10%, 15%和饱和盐溶液-盐渍鲍鱼,在微波功率2 000 W、真空度-80 kPa条件下进行微波真空干燥. 以其微波真空干燥特性、干燥后色泽、复水性及复水后质构特性为指标,考察盐渍对鲍鱼干燥过程和品质的影响. 结果表明:蒸馏水浸泡和盐浓度大于15%的盐溶液盐渍都不利于鲍鱼微波真空干燥的进行和干制后的品质. 当食盐浓度为7 5%~10%时,鲍鱼的微波真空干燥速率明显加快,复水率和复水比均较好,复水后呈现较佳咀嚼性,且色泽为均匀的淡黄色. 综合考虑,经过7 5%盐溶液浸渍24 h后,沸水煮2 min的鲍鱼进行微波真空干燥效果较佳.  相似文献   

Volume and area shrinkages occur during food dehydration. The food behaviour must be characterized not only for using in process and equipment simulation models but also to evaluate the final quality of the product. No literature reports were found on the rose hip behaviour. After removing the peduncles, whole fruits were dehydrated in heated air at temperatures of 50, 55, 60, 65, and 75°C, air velocities of 1, 2, 3, 5 m/s, and air relative humidities of 5 and 50%. Volume changes were evaluated by picnometric techniques and with geometric measurements by micrometer and superficial area from geometric measurements. In agreement with previous reports on other foods, volume and area changes do not depend on dehydration operating variables. A linear relationship was found between the dimensionless volume change and the moisture content of the partially dehydrated fruits. The area depended on moisture according to a third-grade polynomial.  相似文献   

叶丝滚筒干燥过程中化学成分的动态变化特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用批处理式滚筒干燥试验装置,以两种烤烟、一种白肋烟为原料,研究了叶丝滚筒干燥过程中含水率、总植物碱、还原糖、总糖、石油醚提取物等含量随干燥处理时间的动态变化特征,同时对比分析了滚筒壁温对上述指标变化特征的影响。结果表明:①叶丝干燥过程含水率的变化规律符合菲克第二定律,实验所用烤烟的传质有效扩散系数(De)均小于白肋烟。滚筒壁温升高,3种叶丝De值均增大,但上部叶De值的变化较中部叶小;②随干燥时间延长,总植物碱和还原糖含量均呈近似线性下降,随滚筒壁温升高,其下降速率增大;③总糖含量除在160℃干燥结束阶段急剧下降外,整体变化规律不明显;④石油醚提取物含量在不同条件下均有相似的变化规律,其含量随干燥过程的进行呈先升高后降低的趋势,峰值区间均在含水率为8%~2.5%时。  相似文献   

姜片热风干燥模型适用性及色泽变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孟岳成  王雷  陈杰  房升  李世垚 《食品科学》2014,35(21):100-105
为研究姜片的热风干燥特性,以姜片厚度、热风温度、热风风速3 个干燥条件为变量,考察其对姜片干燥特性的影响,将不同干燥条件下姜片的水分比、干燥速率进行比较并建立模型。结果表明:姜片的热风干燥以降速过程为主,而且姜片的水分比MR下降的速率随着热风温度、风速的增加而变快,随姜片厚度的增加而变慢。本实验选用常用的8 个薄层干燥模型进行拟合,经拟合后选择Modified Page模型作为姜片干燥过程的最优模型,解出模型为MR=exp[-(kt)n],其中k=-0.023 85+0.000 505T+0.023 38V-0.004 993L,n=1.318 307+0.003 016 5T-0.204 05V-0.002 859L,式中T为干燥温度(℃);V为热风风速(m/s);L为姜片厚度(mm)。此模型的平均R2值是0.997 9、χ2最小值是0.000 4、RMSE最小值是0.012 2。模型求解后,以模型外的实验组数据验证表现出较好的拟合度。姜片的有效水分扩散系数Deff随干燥温度、物料厚度、风速的增加而增加,且其值在1.763×10-8~1.054×10-7 m2/s之间变化,活化能为Ea=35.23 kJ/mol(R2=0.948 0)。此外还对姜片在干燥前后的色差进行了测定和分析。  相似文献   

山药热泵干燥特性及数学模型的研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
本文以新鲜山药为原料,研究其热泵干燥特性及数学模型。以干燥温度、切片厚度为因素,研究其对山药热泵干燥特性的影响,并通过SAS8.0软件对实验数据进行拟合得出山药热泵干燥模型,得到了山药热泵干燥的干燥特性曲线和干燥速率曲线。干燥温度越高、切片厚度越薄,山药的干燥速率越快,干燥时间越短。干燥温度对山药热泵干燥的速率有较大影响,而切片厚度对干燥速率的影响较小;山药热泵干燥符合Page模型,模型拟合效果很好,经验证,模型预测值与实验值比较吻合,能正确反应山药干燥规律,该模型可以用来描述山药热泵干燥过程变化过程。对热泵干燥山药产品的品质进行分析表明,与热风干燥相比,采用热泵干燥方式山药具有较好的复水性,色泽呈乳白色,感官品质良好。  相似文献   

香蕉在低温吸附干燥过程的收缩特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文对香蕉低温吸附干燥过程中体积收缩的特性进行了实验研究,分析了脱水量与收缩率之间的关系,过程引入体积收缩系数和各向同性度的概念,考虑收缩效应对香蕉低温吸附干燥过程传热和传质的影响,将其归纳在扩散系数中,修正为有效扩散系数,并推导出的计算公式.  相似文献   

为研究热风微波联合干燥过程中南美白对虾滋味物质的变化,测定了其呈味核苷酸与游离氨基酸含量,同时根据干燥过程中虾肉水分含量计算两者的干基含量变化,并计算虾肉味精当量.研究结果表明:虾肉干燥过程中,呈味核苷酸中肌苷酸含量最高,干制虾肉肌苷酸含量为405.96 mg/100 g,且始终高于阈值,对干制虾肉的鲜味形成有显著贡献;相比鲜样,干制南美白对虾中肌苷酸与单磷酸腺苷干基含量均显著下降;在虾肉中谷氨酸对鲜味形成有显著贡献,甘氨酸、丙氨酸与精氨酸对甜味形成有贡献,苯丙氨酸、赖氨酸与组氨酸能产生苦味;而在干燥过程中鲜、甜味氨基酸相对含量不断上升,分别从3.77%和17.03%上升到4.29%和35.84%;游离氨基酸总干基含量始终下降,但甘氨酸、丙氨酸、精氨酸与脯氨酸4种可以形成良好滋味的游离氨基酸干基含量上升;虾肉中肌原纤维蛋白与肌浆蛋白的干基含量均不断下降,部分分解为游离氨基酸;虾肉味精当量整体呈显著上升趋势,但在微波干燥初期(前40 s)显著下降,干制南美白对虾味精当量为3.50 g/100 g,远高于鲜虾(0.53 g/100 g),且虾肉味精当量始终远高于阈值.研究结果表明,由热风微波联合干燥引起的水分挥发与物质变化能够促进南美白对虾滋味形成.  相似文献   

为了研究乳清分离蛋白对雪莲果浆起泡特性的影响,确定雪莲果浆真空泡沫干燥特性和数学模型,以雪莲果浆固形物含量、起泡剂种类及质量分数和搅拌时间为因素,以泡沫膨胀率、泡沫稳定性和泡沫密度为指标,研究了雪莲果浆的起泡工艺,得到了雪莲果浆适宜的起泡工艺参数:果浆固形物含量5%~7%,起泡剂15%乳清分离蛋白,稳定剂1%羧甲基纤维素钠,搅拌时间20 min。研究了不同温度(55、65、75℃)和真空度(0.075、0.095 MPa)下雪莲果浆的干燥特性。雪莲果浆干燥速率随着温度、真空度的升高而增加。与未经起泡处理的雪莲果浆相比,起泡处理显著增加了干燥过程中的有效水分扩散系数、降低了活化能,进而提高了果浆的干燥速率、缩短了干燥时间。用于描述雪莲果浆真空泡沫干燥的适宜模型为Midilli et al.模型。  相似文献   

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