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西菲律宾海沉积物的岩石磁学性质及其古环境意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对位于西菲律宾海黑潮源区的Ph05重力柱样沉积物进行了详细的岩石磁学测量,包括磁化率、非磁滞剩磁、等温剩磁,以及典型样品的磁化强度随温度变化特征和磁滞参数等.结果表明主要载磁矿物为低矫顽力的磁铁矿,含有少量高矫顽力磁性矿物.磁性矿物的含量变化不大,磁性颗粒以准单畴为主.磁性矿物主要为碎屑成因而非生物成因,磁性矿物的粒度敏感地记录了近250 ka来的气候变化并表现出冰期-间冰期旋回,即在冰期时磁性矿物的粒度变粗,而在间冰期磁性矿物的粒度变细.XARM/X参数与氧同位素曲线及温跃层深度等的变化具有对应性,这种对应性表明磁性矿物粒度参数可以反映上部水体的变化,从而为反演黑潮演化提供了新的手段.  相似文献   

西菲律宾海沉积物的岩石磁学性质及其古环境意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对位于西菲律宾海黑潮源区的Ph05重力柱样沉积物进行了详细的岩石磁学测量,包括磁化率、非磁滞剩磁、等温剩磁,以及典型样品的磁化强度随温度变化特征和磁滞参数等.结果表明主要载磁矿物为低矫顽力的磁铁矿,含有少量高矫顽力磁性矿物.磁性矿物的含量变化不大,磁性颗粒以准单畴为主.磁性矿物主要为碎屑成因而非生物成囚,磁性矿物的粒度敏感地记录了近250ka来的气候变化并表现出冰期一间冰期旋回,即在冰期时磁性矿物的粒度变粗,而在间冰期磁性矿物的粒度变细.XARM/x参数与氧同位素曲线及温跃层深度等的变化具有对应性,这种对应性表明磁性矿物粒度参数可以反映上部水体的变化,从而为反演黑潮演化提供了新的手段,  相似文献   

新疆博乐黄土岩石磁学特征及环境意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对位于亚洲内陆干旱区的新疆博乐黄土进行了系统的岩石磁学和粒度测量.结果表明:博乐黄土中的主要载磁矿物为磁铁矿、磁赤铁矿,含有少量针铁矿和赤铁矿.亚铁磁性矿物主要以多畴、假单畴颗粒为主,反映了这一地区极弱的成土作用.磁化率与粒度呈现良好正相关关系,与黄土高原的情况相反,说明干旱地区的黄土磁学性质主要受原生磁性矿物控制,磁化率可作为搬运风力和源区变化的代用指标.黄土磁化率在不同地区具有不同的环境意义,在将之作为古气候代用指标时需要非常谨慎.  相似文献   

目的研究西藏申扎地区晚古生代地层载磁矿物特征,为构造磁学等提供依据。方法运用饱和等温剩磁(SIRM),三轴等温剩磁(SIRM)热退磁,磁化率-温度(χ-T)曲线和NRM热退磁实验等方法进行综合分析。结果中—上二叠统样品中含较多针铁矿、赤铁矿;下二叠统和石炭系样品中以磁铁矿为主;泥盆系样品中富集铁硫化物。结论该套沉积地层中具有不同磁学特征的磁性矿物共生组合,可能导致岩石剩磁获得过程相对复杂;剖面上磁性矿物组合的变化,蕴含着沉积环境演化的信息。  相似文献   

淀山湖地区晚第四纪孢粉及古环境研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对淀山湖地区赵巷4井、淀峰1井等晚第四纪地层孢粉研究,划分出6个孢粉组合带,反映本地区植被演替与气候波动的6个阶段.自古至今依次是:第一阶段常绿阔叶、落叶阔叶混交林,反映气候温暖湿润(Q3^3-2);第二阶段稀疏的针叶、落叶阔叶混交林,反映气候冷而稍湿(Q3^3-3);第三阶段针叶、落叶阔叶混交林一草原,反映气候温和略湿(Q4^1);第四阶段以常绿栎类为主的常绿阔叶林,反映气候热暖潮湿(相当于大西洋期,Q4^2);第五阶段以栎、松、禾本科、水龙骨科为主的针叶、阔叶混交林,反映气候温暖略干(相当于亚北方期,Q4^2后期);第六阶段以常绿栎类、落叶栎类、松为主的针、阔叶混交林-草原,反映气候温暖湿润(相当于亚大西洋期,Q4^3).这种气候波动与世界性的气候变化相一致.  相似文献   

磁性参数的环境指示意义   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
介绍了岩石磁学研究中常用的能够指示环境变迁和气候变化的几种磁性参数及其组合。研究表明:磁化率是气候变化的代用指标之一,其值的高低反映气候的暖冷和沉积颗粒的细粗,用参数HSIRM,Bcr,HSIRM/k可以识别磁性矿物类型,较多磁铁矿的存在指示暖湿的沉积环境,反映沉积物颗粒细;而较多赤铁矿的存在则指示干冷的沉积环境,反映沉积物颗粒粗。HARM,Ber,HSIRM/k,S比(HSIRM-100mT/HSIRM)在环境监测中有重要的意义。  相似文献   

潮汕平原晚第四纪沉积相与古环境演变   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过潮汕平原第四系一些钻孔的沉积相,孢粉学及^14C年代分析,论述了韩江,榕江及练江三角洲的古环境演变,认为有过两次以上的海侵期,而主要的三角洲韩江三角洲的发育可分为前三角洲期,古三角洲期和现代三角洲期,这些古环境的演化与南海的δ^18O曲线相对应。  相似文献   

以云南拱王山冰蚀湖(3579ma.s.l.)相沉积物为研究对象,对沉积物的磁化率进行实测研究,并与黄土、非冰川作用区的湖相沉积物相互校验,结果显示:冰蚀湖相沉积物的质量磁化率变化幅度大,老碳房剖面磁化率值介于 1.40~6.3333μm3·kg-1之间;频率磁化率普遍偏低,介于 0.011~0.2688 (μm3·kg-1)之间。对影响冰川作用区磁化率变化的因素进行了深入探讨,并阐述了运用磁化率变化反演环境变化的问题。  相似文献   

某些海生藻类在陆架沉积中的分布及其古环境意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国陆架表层和柱状沉积中不但含有丰富的孢粉、硅藻,而且还有很多其它藻类,如刺球藻、甲藻、椭球藻等。从在沉积物中分布状况的分析,我们清楚地看到,虽然剌球藻、椭球藻在分类系统中的地位尚不清楚,但它们都是海生藻类,刺球藻的形体随着水深增大而,它们不仅可指示海相环境,而且可根据不同类型的刺球藻数量推测水深。椭球藻喜生于温带-亚热带中北部水深水于40m的海域,多甲藻在水深较大的暖水环境数量较多。它们具有重  相似文献   

介绍了几种与地磁学和古地磁学相关的边缘磁学:生物磁学、考古磁学、环境磁学等,从它们的演变历史和发展现状分析了它们与地球物理学中的地磁学和古地磁学的关系.探讨了地球物理工作者能否从其他边缘磁学中吸收借鉴些什么和能否利用我们在磁学方面的特长优势在这些领域有所作为两个问题.  相似文献   

Urban environmental problems are of increasing concern. Lanzhou is a large industrial city in Northwest China. Street dust samples representing different temporal and spatial scales were collected for magnetic properties study. Magnetic measurements indicate a high concentration of magnetic minerals in Lanzhou street dust, dominated by pseudo-single domain (PSD) magnetite. The concentration of magnetic materials is distinctly high in winter and spring, low in autumn. Similarly, higher concentrations associated with heavy industry, concentrated residential development, and vehicular traffic suggest mixed contributions of magnetic material from both anthropogenic and natural sources. XIf and SOFT% are effective magnetic parameters that denote seasonal differences among magnetic properties in street dust, convenient and economical methods for monitoring street dust pollution.  相似文献   

Based on the aeolian loess sequence-stratigraphic division and paleomagnetic datings on terraces, we found that an undiscovered terrace with the age of 1.0 Ma BP lies between the Dunwashan terrace and Wuyishan terrace. This terrace recorded an intensive Yellow River incision event during that period. Results of paleomagnetic dating and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of the Wuyishan loess section and Zaoshugou loess section on the fourth Yellow River terrace (T4) show that the age of the fourth Yellow River terrace in Lanzhou area is 0.86 Ma BP rather than the previously believed 0. 6 Ma BP. This result answers a long-term question in the ge-omorphology community of whether there exists a 0. 8 Ma terrace in Lanzhou area. The discovery of the 1. 0 Ma Yellow River terrace and redating of the age of 0.6 Ma terrace in Lanzhou area provide new insights into further research on the evolution of Yellow River.  相似文献   

兰州及邻近地区野生观赏树木资源研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了兰州及邻近地区野生观赏树木的资源数量、分布及观赏特性,并讨论了野生观赏树木资源保护及开发利用问题。  相似文献   

Based on the aeolian loess sequence-stratigraphic division and paleomagnetic datings on terraces, we found that an undiscovered terrace with the age of 1.0 Ma BP lies between the Dunwashan terrace and Wuyishan terrace. This terrace recorded an intensive Yellow River incision event during that period. Results of paleomagnetic dating and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of the Wuyishan loess section and Zaoshugou loess section on the fourth Yellow River terrace (T4) show that the age of the fourth Yellow River terrace in Lanzhou area is 0.86 Ma BP rather than the previously believed 0.6 Ma BP. This result answers a long-term question in the geomorphology community of whether there exists a 0.8 Ma terrace in Lanzhou area. The discovery of the 1.0 Ma Yellow River terrace and redating of the age of 0.6 Ma terrace in Lanzhou area provide new insights into further research on the evolution of Yellow River.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that paleoclimatic changes and tectonic events strongly affect hominoid evolution. The Zhupeng section at Yuanmou Basin, southwestern China, with the hominoid-bearing fluvial-lacustrine sediments, is an ideal natural laboratory to test this hypothesis. This study provided an integrated magnetic study, including low-frequency susceptibility, the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility, temperature-dependent susceptibility, hysteresis loops, isothermal remanent magnetization, and anhysteretic remanent magnetization, on samples from the Baozidongqing section at Zhupeng. Results show that the dominant mag- netic carrier is hematite, with minor amount of magnetite. Both the composition and concentration of magnetic miner- als strongly correlate with the lithostratigraphy. At least eight short-term events defined by higher concentrations of magnetite were identified. These short events reflect that the subtropical dry-hot climate is similar to today's climate. Basing on the lithostratigraphic and rock magnetic results, we suggest that Yuanmou Basin was in a steady deposition environment from about 11 to 7 Ma, which is characterized by alternating of long-term torrid-humid climate and short-term dry-hot climate. Our study provides invaluable environment information for understanding the climate shift and the relationship between paleoenvironment and hominoid evolution in southwestern China during late Miocene.  相似文献   

Magnetic measurements were performed on apparently deformed igneous rocks of 23 sites from the southeastern part of the Taimyr Peninsula. Rock magnetism and reflected light microscopy analyses reveal that fine-grained titsnomagnetites up to pure magnetites mainly carry the majority of magnetic fabrics in the sills, and that the slightly coarser Ti-poor or -medium titsnomagnetites carry most mag-netic fabrics in the basaltic flows. Magnetic anisotropies were determined by applying anisotropy of low-field magnetic susceptibility (AMS) on 180 unheated samples and 128 samples that had been pre-viously heated to 600℃ during a paleomagnetic study to detect heating effects on the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) properties of volcanic rocks. Laboratory heating significantly affects anisotropy variations of these igneous rocks corresponding to the mineralogical changes during the heat treatment.  相似文献   

兰州地区大气环境研究的回顾与展望   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
兰州市是我国建国后首批重点建设的工业城市之一,兰州西固区又是我国最早建成的一个重要石油化工基地.工业污染源、生活污染源排放量大,加之该市所处的特殊地理位置、地形条件和气象条件,使之成为国内外空气污染最严重的城市之一.因此,近 20 多年来,我们就兰州市的大气环境问题开展了一系列广泛而又深入的研究工作.揭示了西固地区光化学烟雾污染的时空变化规律及其成因;提出了有效的防治对策;指出了兰州市区河谷盆地内大气边界层和大气扩散及城市气溶胶的基本特征及其相互作用以及与平原城市的某些差异;建立了城市边界层气溶胶辐射性质的参数化方案.通过对城市空气污染预报理论和方法以及污染治理方案的研究,为该市空气污染预报业务系统的建立奠定了基础,也为兰州市大气污染综合治理方案的制定提供了重要的科学依据.同时为今后的深入研究,特别是应用卫星遥感资料反演城市气溶胶的研究提出了新思路.这些重要的研究成果,进一步丰富和发展了复杂地形上大气边界层和大气扩散的理论,为其它山地城市空气污染预报业务工作的顺利开展和污染防治措施的制定提供了有益的借鉴  相似文献   

We report rock magnetic and paleomagnetic results for Middle Silurian Gongpoquan and Middle Ordovician Huaniushan volcanic samples collected from the Mazongshan and Hongliuyuan areas of Gansu Province, northwest China. The resultsindicate that the main magnetic mineral of the Gongpoquan and Huaniushan volcanic rock is magnetite, and it may remain characteristic remanent magnetization acquired at the time of formation of the rocks. However, with the exception of samples from site go20, most of Middle Ordovician Huaniushan volcanic samples have a very weak nature remanent magnetization, and generally show an erratic demagnetization behavior, which does not allow isolation of characteristic remanent magnetizations from these samples. Comparison of paleomagnetic results obtained from the Beishan area of Gansu with Paleozoic apparent polar wander paths for Tarimand Siberia suggests that the Beishan tarrane, the southern part of the Beishanarea of Gansu beyond the Mingshui-Shipanjin-Xiaohuang- shan zone, and adjacent Tarim block and Siberia plate could not have been connected in their present configuration by the Middle Silurian time. On the other hand, we infer that the early Paleozoic Mingshui-Shipanjin-Xiaohuangshan oceanic basin may open from west to east during period from the Ordovician to Silurian, and the post-Middle Silurian closing of this oceanic basin may result from a progressed eastward scissor-like rotation.  相似文献   

Laterally continuous dark and orange microlaminations are observed in rock varnish from the northern TianGhan, Xinjiang. Microprobe chemical analyses indicate that dark layers in the varnish are rimh in Mn and orange layers are poor in Mn. Microscopic examinations of varnish ultra-thin sections reveal a lamination pattern that is regionally consistent and comparable. Based on geomorphic age control, the Holocene varnish lamination sequence is tentatively established and its paleoclimatic implications are explored within the framework of existing paleoclimati data in the region.  相似文献   

To understand the origin and its climatic implications of the Huguang Maar sediments, we conducted laser grain size analysis and rock mangtic measurement for the recent deposits from the Huguang Maar and for the volcanic rocks of the caldera for comparison. The grain size distributions are dominated by clayey silts for both the bulk sediments and magnetic separates. Acquisition of isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM) and thermal demagnetization of IRM suggest (titano) magnetite as the dominating magnetic mineral in the sediments; high coercivity minerals are not detected. Therefore, the ratio of the susceptibility of anhysteretic remanent magnetization (k ARM) to the weak field magnetic susceptibility (k), k ARM/k can be used to estimate the grain size of magnetite. The sediments and volcanic rocks yield values of 13.7 and 11.8 for the k ARM/k, respectively, corresponding to grain size values of ~0.03 µm and ~0.05 µm. The magnetic granulometry of lake sediments is distinctive from one of the Chinese loess, in which published data suggest a value of 6.0 for k ARM/k, and grain size of ~0.1 µm, but is akin to the nearby volcanic rocks. Although a Loess Plateau source of the lake sediments cannot be fully ruled out, the catchment is most probably the main source. We explain the slightly finer magnetite grain size in sediments than in the volcanic rocks as being disintegrated of particles during erosion and transportation. We conclude that there is no evidence for aeolian input of the Loess Plateau dusts into the Huguang Maar, and the relationship between magnetic parameters of the lake sediments and winter monsoon intensity is probably more complicated than previously thought.  相似文献   

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