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王亦楠 《中国能源》2005,27(12):7-12
尽管太阳能是发展潜力最大的可再生能源资源,但由于太阳能光电的成本远远高于风电、生物质发电,使得人们对太阳能的大规模利用还依然是一种奢望。那么,如何使太阳能从“高处不胜寒”的境遇走入寻常百姓家呢?关键在于技术突破!本文介绍的“采用数倍聚光的光伏发电系统”使我们看到了太阳能光电大规模发展的希望。根据陈应天教授的聚光和跟踪理论而开发的这种系统,可以使太阳能光电成本比传统的平板固定式光电技术降低1倍!本文以详实的数据介绍了这项完全自主创新的新技术的特点和经济优势。在我国风电、生物质发电技术落后并受制于国外技术垄断的情形下,这项新技术的示范推广,将是我国在太阳能利用方面的重要突破。  相似文献   

温家宝总理在国务院节能减排工作会议上关于开展对标活动的要求的讲话,引起了广大节能工作者的关注。什么是对标管理?对标管理在节能降耗工作中能发挥多大作用?企业如何开展节能对标活动?在开展对标管理时应注意什么问题?很多节能工作者希望就这些问题有所了解。本文尝试通过对节能对标管理基本概念、组织方法、工作流程等作简单介绍,为企业开展节能对标管理提供参考。  相似文献   

当人们一提起“泵”这个名词时,首先呈现在脑海里的是那种“哗、哗、哗”连续不断地喷吐着水柱的抽水机。不错,目前在我国广大农村中用来抽水灌溉的水泵已经是一种极为普遍的机械设备了。但是,“热泵”又是怎样的一种机械设备呢?它的原理和水泵是不是相同的呢?它可以在生活与生产活动中起些什么作用呢?这些问题将要在本文中给大家介绍。  相似文献   

我国是世界上最大的煤炭生产国和消费国,在世界煤炭市场中占有重要地位。预测未来时期我国煤炭需求仍将持续增长,面临供应的压力。世界煤炭市场发展前景如何?世界煤炭市场能否向我国提供一定的煤炭资源?如何积极利用国际国内两个资源两个市场来满足国家发展对煤炭的需求?这些已成为我们必须面对的问题。  相似文献   

当前,节能减排工作正在由宣传到落实,由落实到实践,由实践转换成普遍行为。作为工业领域落实节能减排工作的重要措施和优先手段——工业余热的回收利用正在同步推进,并在水泥、钢铁、化工等重要领域全面展开,取得巨大成绩。在这个过程中,工业余热回收利用的从业者都做了什么?遇到了什么问题?克服了哪些难题?收获了哪些经验?有哪些建议?回答这些问题,对我们进一步总结经验,推进工作创造更多更大成就具有重要意义。在中国循环经济协会发电分会的鼎力协助下,我刊选择企业典型对企业和本企业取得的成绩、存在的问题直言其实,同时对一些企业进行了采访。在此,衷心向战斗在一线的从事工业余热的同志们致敬!同时,衷心感谢中国循环经济协会发电分会对我刊工作的大力支持!  相似文献   

"双碳"目标的提出,加速了我国能源结构由传统化石能源向可再生能源转型,但高渗透率的可再生能源发电给电力系统带来诸多问题,这些问题的解决催生了储能技术.本文首先介绍了我国储能技术发展现状.在我国政策鼓励、产业需求下,储能行业发展迅猛,并且按照当前的政策导向和要求,储能技术仍有巨大的发展空间,但是,这势必会导致储能技术专业...  相似文献   

四十年来,在党的民族政策,特别是在党的十一届三中全会以来的一系列方针政策的正确指引下,内蒙广大农牧民的生活有了大幅度的提高、广大无电区的群众对解决供电问题提出了迫切要求。如何解决这些地区的供电问题?布电网,不但一次性费用昂贵而且单点能耗小,  相似文献   

展望2014年,随着"国发24号文"及其配套文件的出台、中欧光伏贸易纠纷的和解以及国内光伏应用的快速扩大,我国光伏产业发展环境持续向好,企业基本面持续改善,但产业也面临未能有效去除产能等局面。面对这样的发展形势,光伏产业如何应对由于国内市场的快速扩大而可能引发的新一轮产能过剩?如何应对制造业变革带来的冲击?如何应对现有补贴政策没能有效促进光伏产品应用多样化的影响?如何应对光伏电站投资热?基于对上述形势和问题的前瞻性分析,赛迪智库提出贯彻落实《光伏制造行业规范条件》、推动行业整合、支持企业自主创新、增强核心竞争力、完善补贴机制、推动光伏产品应用多样化、重视相关规划的协调与实施等对策建议。摘要:  相似文献   

新发展理念成为我国的经济社会发展的向导.在我国经济正走向中高速高质量发展的当下,在中国共产党领导全国各族人民建设中国特色现代化国家新的百年开启之际,节能工作如何乘新发展理念的东风作出新成绩?如何扬起行业、企业节能创新之风帆?带着这些问题记者采访了中国节能协会常务副理事长房庆.  相似文献   

“双碳”背景下,储能作为克服光伏、风电等清洁能源不稳定性的支撑技术,重要性日益显现。基础研究是整个科学体系的源头和所有技术问题的总机关,开展储能领域高水平的基础人才研究对我国在储能领域的自主创新和原始创新具有重要的意义。本文采用文献计量的方法,使用全球“高被引科学家”名单和储能领域论文数据,分析储能领域高水平人才的结构特征、分布和趋势,为相关部门制订储能领域人才培养与引进、建设高水平研究高地和鼓励企业参与基础研究等方面的政策提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

Photovoltaic materials, past, present, future   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper traces briefly the history of this photovoltaic materials and it tries to look at possible future scenarios. A large part of the paper is concerned with silicon although from solid-state physics we know that silicon is not the ideal material for photovoltaic conversion. From the first solar cell developed at Bell Laboratories in 1954 photovoltaics was dominated by silicon. The reasons for this dominating position are investigated. Crystalline silicon today has a market share of 86% which is almost equally distributed between single crystal and cast silicon. Amorphous silicon has another 13%. The main endeavor is to reduce cost. Present trends in the crystalline field are reviewed. The conventional technology still has significant potential for cost reduction but this comes only with increasing volume. A problem to be solved is the supply of solar-grade silicon material. Other future possibilities include thin film crystalline silicon on different substrates. Because of the low absorption coefficient of silicon light trapping is required. True thin film materials need only 1–2 μm of material. Amorphous silicon, copper indium diselenide (CIS) and CdTe are hopeful approaches for very cost-effective solar cells. Some other, more speculative materials and concepts are described at the end of this paper  相似文献   

The kinetics of hydrogen absorption by magnesium bulk is affected by two main activated processes: the dissociation of the H2 molecule and the diffusion of atomic H into the bulk. In order to have fast absorption kinetics both activated processed need to have a low barrier. Here we report a systematic ab initio density functional theory investigation of H2 dissociation and subsequent atomic H diffusion on TM (= Ti, V, Zr, Fe, Ru, Co, Rh, Ni, Pd, Cu, Ag)-doped Mg(0001) surfaces. The calculations show that doping the surface with TMs on the left of the periodic table eliminates the barrier for the dissociation of the molecule, but the H atoms bind very strongly to the TM, therefore hindering diffusion. Conversely, TMs on the right of the periodic table do not bind H, however, they do not reduce the barrier to dissociate H2 significantly. Our results show that Fe, Ni and Rh, and to some extent Co and Pd, are all exceptions, combining low activation barriers for both processes, with Ni being the best possible choice.  相似文献   

Flexible, long-lived, large-area, organic solar cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We report herein large area (>10 cm2), interconnected organic solar cell modules both on glass substrates as well as on flexible ultra-high barrier foils, reaching 1.5% and 0.5% overall power conversion efficiency under AM1.5 conditions. Series connection is described, as these modules consist of up to three cells. Using our flexible barrier material, a shelf lifetime of polythiophene-based solar cells of 6000 h could be realized. Furthermore, we compare the photovoltaic performance of efficient conjugated polymer:fullerene solar cell modules with established technologies. Under typical indoor-office lighting, our modules are competitive with these systems.  相似文献   

The optical properties of metal coated glass substrates have been investigated. Thin films of various thicknessesof the noble metals: Cu, Ag, Au, the transition metals: Cr, Fe, Co, Ni and the free electron-like metal Al were thermally evaporated onto glass substrates. The front and backside reflectance and the transmittance between 0.35 and 15 μm were measured. The obtained data were used to calculate the integrated values of solar reflection and transmission as a function of metal film thickness. The application of metal films on domestic windows as sun-screens and heat-mirrors are discussed. It is concluded that Cu is the best coating in a window system if good heat insulating properties are desired. This is due to its ability to remain continuous at very thin film thicknesses. An infra-red reflectance of 86 per cent combined with a solar transmittance of 55 per cent was obtained for a 70film. For solar heat-protection Au-films are found to be superior owing to their transmittance peak in the middle of the visible wavelength region. The transition metals are less selective than the noble metals, but due to their flat response-curves in the visible range they cause a smaller change in colour of the transmitted and reflected light.  相似文献   

Development and application of comprehensive, multidimensional, computational combustion models are increasing at a significant pace across the world. While once confined to specialized research computer codes, these combustion models are becoming more readily accessible as features in commercially available computational fluid dynamics (CFD) computer codes. Simulations made with such computer codes offer great potential for use in analyzing, designing, retrofitting, and optimizing the performance of fossil-fuel combustion and conversion systems.The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of comprehensive combustion modeling technology as applied to fossil-fuel combustion processes. This overview is divided into three main parts. First, a brief review of the state-of-the-art of the various components or submodels that are required in a comprehensive combustion model is presented. These submodels embody mathematical and numerical representations of the fundamental principles that characterize the physico-chemical phenomena of interest. The submodel review is limited to those required for characterizing non-premixed, gaseous and pulverized coal gasification and combustion processes. A summary of the submodels that are available in representative computer codes is also presented.Second, the kinds of data required to evaluate and validate the predictions of comprehensive combustion codes are considered. To be viewed with confidence, code simulations must have been rigorously evaluated and validated by comparison with appropriate experimental data, preferably from a variety of combustor geometries at various geometric scales. Three sets of validation data are discussed in detail. Two sets are from the highly instrumented, pilot-scale combustor called the controlled profile reactor (CPR) (one natural gas-fired and one coal-fired), and the other set is for a full-scale, corner-fired 85 MWe utility boiler.Third, representative applications of comprehensive combustion models are summarized, and three sets of model simulations are compared with experimental data. The model simulations for the three test cases were made using two commonly used, CFD-based computer codes with comprehensive combustion model features, PCGC-3 and FLUENT 4.4. In addition to the standard version of FLUENT, predictions were also made with a version of FLUENT incorporating advanced submodels for coal reactions and NO pollutant formation.  相似文献   

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