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长期以来,移动信息眼务业务资费和收费行为一直是移动通信用户关注的热点,也是几大运营商服务的薄弱环节。为切实保护消费者合法权益,净化移动信息服务市场消费环境,加强移动信息服务业务资费和收费行为管理,促进电信行业健康、持续发展,规范由基础电信企业负责向用户收费的移动信息服务业务,9月8日,信息产业部发出了《关于规范移动信息服务业务资费和收费行为的通知》。针对这个《通知》,各大运营商各有行动,作为国内最大的固网运营商,中国电信则提出了四大措施,保障用户权益。  相似文献   

电信监管 长期以来,移动信息服务业务资费和收费行为一直是移动通信用户关注的热点,也是几大运营商服务的薄弱环节。为切实保护消费者合法权益,净化移动信息服务市场消费环境,加强移动信息服务业务资费和收费行为管理,促进电信行业健康、持续发展,规范由基础电信企业负责向用户收费的移动信息服务业务,9月8日,信息产业部发出了《关于规范移动信息服务业务资费和收费行为的通知》。针对这个“通知”,各大运营商各有行动,作为国内最大的固网运营商,中国电信则提出了四大措施,保障用户权益。  相似文献   

长期以来,移动信息服务业务资费和收费行为一直是移动通信用户关注的热点,也是几大运营商服务的薄弱环节。为切实保护消费者合法权益,净化移动信息服务市场消费环境,加强移动信息服务业务资费和收费行为管理,促进电信行业健康、持续发展,规范由基础电信企业负责向用户收费的移动信息服务业务,9月8日,信息产业部发出了《关于规范移动信息服务业务资费和收费行为的通知》。针对这个“通知”,各大运营商各有行动,作为国内最大的固网运营商,中国电信则提出了四大措施,保障用户权益。  相似文献   

为了提升网络通信质量,倡导诚信电信服务,切实保障电信用户的合法权益,按照信息产业部相关通知要求,四川省通信管理局会同省保护消费者权益委员会,从2005年11月至2006年一季度,在全省电信行业联合开展了“畅通网络,诚信服务”主题活动。为配合六大基础电信运营企业组织员工学习贯彻《电信服务规范》和《公用电信网问通信质量监督管理办法》等与用户权益直接关联的政策法规,省通信管理局相关部门特推出这套“畅通网络,诚信服务系列活动之《电信服务规范》知识竞赛题,欢迎运营企业广大员工踊跃参赛答题。同时,也欢迎电信用户参赛,通过答题了解电信服务规范,有效、有序地维护自身权益,为推动通信企业自律经营营造一个良好的舆论环境。  相似文献   

《电信用户申诉处理暂行办法》是2001年1月11日以中华人民共和国信息产业部部令形式发布的。多年来,《电信用户申诉处理暂行办法》对规范电信行业用户申诉处理和促进用户权益保护工作发挥了积极的作用。正是由于有了此行业规章,才使电信用户申诉受理工作得以顺利开展。[第一段]  相似文献   

孙金青  郑军 《通信世界》2005,(23):22-23
电信运营企业与电信用户之间提供、接受电信服务的行为是一种合同关系,这已成为大家的共识,但是,在多数情况下,大家都习惯于从消费者权益保护的角度而不是从合同的角度讨论电信服务。消费者并不是电信用户的全部,从合同的角度讨论电信服务更为准确。今年4月,信息产业部颁布了《电信服务规范》行政规章,在原有“一个标准两个办法三项制度”的基础上,再次从电信监管的角度系统地对电信服务合同(协议)给予了规范。笔者认为,在《电信服务规范》实施之际,从电信服务合同的角度来讨论电信运营企业、电信用户的主要权利和义务是适合时宜的,也是很有必要的。  相似文献   

近年来,小灵通退市、3G升4G涉及的移动数据"套餐流量"升级问题、"流量不清零"等备受社会关注,甚至由此引起纠纷.相关部门以规范格式条款、保护电信用户等角度对电信运营企业的经营行为进行了规范,帮助电信用户通过申诉、诉讼等渠道维护消费者的权益.为此笔者将从合同角度结合法院审理的案件对电信服务几个焦点问题进行探究.  相似文献   

为进一步保护消费者的合法权益,维护电信市场公平公正、有效有序的市场竞争环境,促进电信行业健康、有序发展,经商国家发展改革委同意,信息产业部近日就保障移动电话用户资费方案选择权的有关事项向各通信管理局,中国移动通信集团公司、中国联合通信有限公司发出《关于保障移动电话用户资费方案选择权的通知》。  相似文献   

石磊 《移动通信》2004,28(7):50-56
随着电信市场竞争愈加激烈,各种不正当竞争行为时有发生,电信需要一个统一的法律体系加以约束,市场价格体系、互联互通机制、用户权益保护、普遍服务机制等都在期待《电信法》的出台能对其加以规范,本文从这几个热点问题入手,探讨了电信立法的重点。  相似文献   

《电信用户申诉处理暂行办法》,已经2001年1月5日第5次部 务会议通过,现予发布,自发布之日起施行。 部长 吴基传 2001年1月11日 第一章 总则 第一条 为了保护电信用户的合法权益,规范用户申诉处理行为,根据《中华人民共和国电信条例》及其它有关法律、行政法规的规定,制定本办法。  相似文献   

PCS licensees have the flexibility to provide services that are most valuable to consumers in the same way that companies throughout our economy provide services that consumers demand. This is a sea change in FCC policy and it should be continued. Spectrum flexibility contains two primary components, service flexibility and technical flexibility. With service flexibility, a provider would be allowed to use spectrum to provide any service subject to the technical limitations of the frequency. With technical flexibility, a licensee would be allowed to use any technology to provide its service subject to limitations on interference to other users and regulations to prevent health effects. Both dimensions are important to achieve a competitive telecommunications world  相似文献   

Daoud  F. 《IEEE network》1998,12(4):28-38
Future universal broadband mobile services present a challenge for telecommunications architectures, control, and management. The focus of the future mobile (fourth) generation vision is turned from capacity to services, from radio to network-wide issues. New types of applications will evolve that should be supported by an adequate programmable intelligent telecommunications infrastructure. A convergence between telecom and datacom networks will happen based on the communications middleware concept, which will provide universal secure connectivity between mobile users and their applications. Actual specifications of TINA-C do not address all such necessary issues. There is a need for technology evolution, enhancement, and integration to meet these new requirements at different levels. The author the concept of the universal broadband mobile telecommunications systems (UBMTS, or simply UBM) described as fourth-generation mobile systems. The UBMTS objective is both to extend mobile user access to the range of broadband services that will exist for broadband integrated services digital network (B-ISDN) users, and to extend the customization of new services related to personal communications systems (PCS) users  相似文献   

Private investors are not currently active in Brazil's public service networks, but there are opportunities for the participation of private capital in many other niches of the telecommunications field. At this moment the Brazilian Administration cannot accept the participation of private investors in the public service networks and that studies will be carried out only after the Congress approves the necessary change of one article in the Constitution. However, today there is a large space for the participation of private capital in many other niches of the telecommunications field  相似文献   

糜正琨 《数字通信》1995,22(4):11-13,21
CSTA是年近来发的电信新技术,已被越来越多的用户公认为是专用网智能化的重要发展方向。本文重点讨论了CSTA的基本概念、网络结构、主要应用和技术关键,并就我国开展CSTA研究提出了看法。  相似文献   

Three important sectors-public administration, financial services, and manufacturing-are compared in this study with respect to their telecommunications acquisition practices. The three sectors are compared on a number of variables pertaining to the role and management of telecommunications technology, the process of acquiring telecommunications technology, and the outcome of this process. Findings indicate that information technology plays a more important role in the service-oriented sectors than in manufacturing. The acquisition process for telecommunications appears to be more elaborate in the public sector organizations than in private firms. In a relative sense, public sector and financial service organizations are more likely to opt for service solutions for their telecommunications needs as compared to manufacturing organizations that rely mainly on equipment-based solutions  相似文献   

Dutta-Roy  A. 《Spectrum, IEEE》1996,33(6):36-42
Although information technology is a burgeoning industry in Brazil, the closely related telecommunications sector has not kept pace. A huge, unsatisfied demand must wait for private investment to upgrade and expand services and offer new ones. With the government committed to selling to private interests much of the telecommunications sector, US long distance and regional telephone companies, and many value-added resellers and equipment vendors are mapping out business strategies for the country. Today, the telecom market is worth US $8 billion, and could grow to $11 billion by the end of 1998. Between 1996 and 1999, an estimated US $32 billion must be invested in Brazil's communications infrastructure to raise the basic wire-line connections to a desired 33 million, up from 14.2 million in April 1994. Telebras, the government communications company, could perhaps come up with half of the amount needed. The remainder will have to come from private investors, domestic and foreign, hence the Ministry of Communication's desire to sell-off government-owned telecommunications firms  相似文献   

Technical telecommunications standards form the foundations of the global information highway (GIH). Yet an understanding of the taxonomy of technical standards, the value and relationship of the different fora developing standards, even the need for standards at all, remain elusive. With the global effect of the GIH, technical telecommunications standards are no longer a minor aspect of society. The International Telecommunications Union, as the leading telecommunications standards-making authority, in conjunction with the many other fora developing and contributing to telecommunications standards, needs to offer more than technical standards direction. The telecommunications standards-making community should add its own more considered view of the GIH to the current commentary from publications, politicians, and pundits  相似文献   

Given today's technology and the history of telephony and public regulation, there is no reason for any part of the telecommunications industry to be owned by a government-enforced, publicly regulated, private monopoly telephone firm. Many individuals supporting the public utility paradigm for telecommunications do so on the basis that if telecommunications were left at the whims of the free market system, its monopolistic nature would manifest, leaving one private monopoly firm to occupy the field. The author demonstrates that (1) telecommunications is not a natural monopoly and (2) the best environment for telecommunications is the free-enterprise system  相似文献   

Lauer  G.S. 《IEEE network》1994,8(2):6-16
This article focuses on architectures for providing universal personal telecommunications (UPT) service to wireline users. Although UPT services could be provided to users of wireless phones, thereby giving those users personal communication services (PCS), the wireline environment introduces certain important complications. Unlike "smart" cellular phones, which can register themselves and the user automatically, wireline telephones are unable to automatically detect and register a UPT user. UPT therefore includes a manual registration procedure to associate a PTN with the phone where calls will be received or placed. Also, unlike personal communications terminals that are typically used by only one person, wireline phones are likely to be shared among other users. Therefore, the network must keep track of who is using the phone, so it can provide the appropriate telecommunications services. It would be difficult or impossible to implement UPT as a switch-based service. Fortunately, an intelligent network (IN) architecture that is well suited for implementing UPT is being deployed by many local exchange (LECs) and interexchange carriers (IXCs)  相似文献   

移动光宽带业务目前处于发展初期,在电信宽带、联通宽带以及其他第三方宽带运营商已经有固定用户群规模时,移动光宽带发展的首要目标应集中在移动使用客户中,精准识别出移动客户中的疑似异网使用用户。目前异网宽带识别采用人工判断的方式,这种方式识别准确率较低且覆盖用户数过少。本文通过分析挖掘办法分析不同类型宽带用户的使用特征,对异网宽带用户进行精准识别,实现疑似异网宽带用户清单输出,为运营人员开展异网宽带用户转网活动营销以及扩大安徽移动宽带市场占有率提供客户数据信息支持。  相似文献   

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