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本文对嵌入式系统自身的发展阶段和实践教学特点进行了详细介绍。以计算机专业中的嵌入式系统为话题,对嵌入式系统在实际的教学环节中的定位与特点进行了探讨,并且阐述了对建立实践的教学体系与改革实践的教学方法方面的问题。  相似文献   

随着二十一世纪信息时代到来,越来越多数字产品出现在我们身边,嵌入式系统发展也进入全盛时期。移动通信设施、便携计算机、平板电脑、消费电子领域甚至军事领域都或多或少的存在嵌入式系统的影子。作为集多种技术于一身的嵌入式系统,有着自身发展优势,下面就嵌入式系统设计及未来发展趋势谈谈本人一点体会。  相似文献   

随着二十一世纪信息时代到来,越来越多数字产品出现在我们身边,嵌入式系统发展也进入全盛时期。移动通信设施、便携计算机、平板电脑、消费电子领域甚至军事领域都或多或少的存在嵌入式系统的影子。作为集多种技术于一身的嵌入式系统,有着自身发展优势,下面就嵌入式系统设计及未来发展趋势谈谈本人一点体会。  相似文献   

随着计算机技术与通信技术、网络技术的结合,计算机的发展进入了后PC时代。在后PC时代,嵌入式系统的研究与开发成为当前计算机产业的一个热点,嵌入式系统的应用已渗透到了各行各业。本论文以嵌入式linux操作系统和三星公司的嵌入式处理器芯片S3C2410为例具体介绍了搭建嵌入式系统开发环境的设计思想和实现方法,并给出了嵌入式系统开发的一般流程和嵌入式系统开发过程中的一些重要问题,这对嵌入式Linux系统的开发研究具有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

嵌入式系统是专用计算机应用系统,本文结合嵌入式系统的特点,讨论了嵌入式系统的基本组成、结构设计、应用,以及当前研究的方向.  相似文献   

如今,由于嵌入式系统的市场巨大、潜力无限,全球的生产商都非常看好这一领域,纷纷投入了大量的人力物力,而围绕嵌入式系统的研究、设计和开发正成为计算机发展最活跃的方向之一。笔者结合自身的工作经历,对关于嵌入式系统进行了概述,希望能为从事嵌入式开发人员提供一些帮助。  相似文献   

在转型中大显神通的嵌入式仿真训练系统   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
训练转型是当前美军全面军事转型的重要组成部分。训练转型重要的举措就是大量采用嵌入式技术于训练装备中。嵌入式仿真训练系统在美军陆、海、空三军里,都有广泛的应用,它是美军嵌入式系统发展的重要方向之一。该文针对这一问题展开阐述:①嵌入式系统定义;②美军发展嵌入式计算机的主要举措;③嵌入式军事仿真训练系统实例;④对嵌入式军事仿真训练系统的展望。  相似文献   

随着信息化技术的发展和数字化产品的普及,以计算机技术、芯片技术和软件技术为核心的嵌入式系统再度成为当前研究和应用的热点,通信、计算机、消费电子技术合一的趋势正在逐步形成,无所不在的网络和无所不在的计算机正在将人类带入一个崭新的信息社会。论文对嵌入式系统及其发展趋势进行了论证。  相似文献   

随着信息化技术的发展和数字化产品的普及,以计算机技术、芯片技术和软件技术为核心的嵌入式系统成为当前研究的热点。分析了 Altera 公司嵌入式 NiosⅡ微处理器的基本特点,详细阐述了以 NiosⅡ为内核的嵌入式 SOPC 的开发设计。  相似文献   

嵌入式系统支柱学科的交叉与融合   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
嵌入式系统的概念源于微型计算机的嵌入式应用。早期的嵌入式系统探索过工控机、单板机、微机单片化的专用计算机的形式,随后走上了独立的发展道路。嵌入式系统不是专用计算机系统。嵌入式系统尚未形成独立的学科体系,它的支柱学科是微电子学科、计算机学科、电子技术学科与对象学科。四个支柱学科形成了平台模式下的交叉与融合。剔除嵌入式系统的“专用计算机”观念,有利于嵌入式系统的健康发展。  相似文献   

Certification of avionics software is an increasingly important subject, since more and more avionics systems in future aircraft will be software equipped. The DO-17813 standard provides guidelines for software certification. Re-use of software is emerging, partly enabled by the integrated modular avionics concept, and imposed by a reduction of life-cycle costs. Re-use, however, requires re-certification or certification of software that was not developed according to DO-17813.

The DO-178B standard is specially developed to provide a certification basis for avionics software, without going into details of the software development process. Other standards focus on software engineering aspects. We have used the DO-178B standard as a common basis for comparison with DOD-STD2167A (military), ESA PSS-05-0 (space), and IEC65A(Secretariat)122 (industry). Comparison topics include:

• • life cycles;
• • prescribed documentation;
• • configuration management;
• • verification and validation;
• • quality assurance.
All standards prescribe the software development process, emphasizing specific aspects in a certain area of interest. The results of our investigation will assist in understanding the rationale behind several standards, and can be used for:
• • certification according to DO-17813 of software that was developed using another standard;
• • certification of software using DO-17813, in concert with another standard.

自从“软件工程”在1969年NATO会议中提出以来已有四十多年. 在此期间,软件工程理论有了很大进步,取得了巨大成就. 但对照四十年前的理论,软件工程理论在基本框架上没有重大改变,仍然延续着需求、设计、编码和测试四个阶段的自然逻辑,强调着工程的循序渐进,各阶段的承前启后,需求方和开发方的密切配合. 然而,在现实软件开发过程中,按照上述理论去做仍然会碰到许多问题,如需求的不确定性和软件开发成本失控等,最终导致相当部分的软件开发不成功. 为了提高软件开发的成功率,本文从分析软件开发方式及开发成本构成出发,对现有软件工程需求和验收阶段的问题进行了分析,提出运用合适的技术手段实现软件需求可视化和标准化,规范需求提取操作. 改进的需求分析方法能够形成更确定的需求分析,也便于确定和控制开发成本,提高软件开发成功率.  相似文献   

面向对象的软件开发过程制品的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
与国际软件强国相比,国内中小软件企业相对不规范,从面向过程向面向对象转型期间存在诸多问题,而市面上面向对象开发并没有适合中小软件企业的统一文档规范。面对这种的现状,提出一个适合国内软件企业的采用面向对象技术进行软件开发的过程,并对每个阶段产生的制品做出详细的描述,对国内中小软件企业的发展、规范是非常有意义的。  相似文献   

UML and UML-based development methods have become de facto standards in industry, and there are many claims for the positive effects of modelling object-oriented systems using methods based on UML. However, there is no reported empirical evaluation of UML-based development in large, industrial projects. This paper reports a case study in ABB, a global company with 120,000 employees, conducted to identify immediate benefits as well as difficulties and their causes when introducing UML-based development in large projects. ABB decided to use UML-based development in the company’s system development projects as part of an effort to enable certification according to the IEC 61508 safety standard. A UML-based development method was first applied in a large, international project with 230 system developers, testers and managers. The goal of the project was to build a new version of a safety-critical process control system. Most of the software was embedded. The project members were mostly newcomers to the use of UML. Interviews with 16 system developers and project managers at their sites in Sweden and Norway were conducted to identify the extent to which the introduction of UML-based development had improved their development process. The interviewees had experienced improvements with traceability from requirements to code, design of the code, and development of test cases as well as in communication and documentation. These results thus support claims in the literature regarding improvements that may be obtained through the use of UML. However, the results also show that the positive effects of UML-based development were reduced due to (1) legacy code that it was not feasible to reverse engineer into UML, (2) the distribution of requirements to development teams based on physical units and not on functionality, (3) training that was not particularly adapted to this project and considered too expensive to give to project members not directly involved in development with UML, and (4) a choice of modelling tools with functionality that was not in accordance with the needs of the project. The results from this study should be useful in enabling other UML adopters to have more realistic expectations and a better basis for making project management decisions.
Hanne Kristin ThorsenEmail:

基于工厂模式的构件获取技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着软件的复杂度越来越高,由此引起"软件危机"也就变得越来越严重.从而引发了软件复用技术的研究.构件化软件开发作为一种十分有效的软件复用技术,可以有效的缓解"软件危机"的压力.按照标准软件构件模型(COM、CORBA、EJB等)开发软件构件,对一个组织的长远发展非常有利,但是通常组织内部存在许多没有按标准软件构件模型开发的资源,如何从中发掘重用构件,却没有一个行之有效的方法,提出了一个基于工厂模式的工厂重用模型可以部分解决这个问题.  相似文献   

This paper describes a project aimed at the evaluation of the Capability Maturity Model (CMM) in the context of a research organization. The evaluation was done at the Winand Staring Centre (a Dutch research organization). Part of the evaluation was a standard CMM-assessment. It was found that CMM could be applied to a research organization, although its five maturity levels were considered to be rather rigid. It was felt to be a disadvantage, especially by management, that business goals were not explicitly taken into account by CMM. It turned out that the process of doing an assessment is more important than the assessment itself! The assessment process introduced to the organization a language which encouraged discussion of the software development process and its improvement. This topic was hardly discussed before the assessment.  相似文献   

近年,随着信息技术快速发展,软件重要性与日俱增,极大地推动了国民经济的发展.然而,由于软件业务形态越来越复杂和需求变化越来越快,软件的开发和维护成本急剧增加,迫切需要探索新的软件开发模式和技术.目前各行业在软件活动中积累了规模巨大的软件代码和数据,这些软件资产为软件智能化开发建立了数据基础.与此同时,深度学习等人工智能技术在多领域取得的成功应用,促使研究者考虑使用智能化技术与软件工程技术相结合解决程序自动生成问题.程序智能合成方法是程序自动生成的新途径,通过实现软件开发过程自动化,提高软件生产率.本文首先分析了软件工程发展历程及挑战.进而研究了智能化程序合成技术领域的研究布局,以及各方法的优势和劣势.最后,对程序智能合成技术加以总结并给出了未来研究建议.  相似文献   

The notion of specification plays a key role in the developing science of computing. It is typically considered to be the keystone in the software development process. However, there is no single, generally agreed meaning of specification that bears close scrutiny. Instead there is a variety of different, although partially interlocking and overlapping interpretations of the term.We catalogue this varietal profusion and attempt to lay bare both the sources and consequences of each major alternative. We attempt to present the full range of possibilities, and the biases inherent in each style of interpretation.We believe that there is a pressing need for clarification of the meaning of specification (and several other important terms), especially in view of the fact that so many practitioners and theoreticians assume, erroneously, that a clear meaning already exists (even though they might disagree as to what it is). In particular, we feel that a more general awareness of the difficulties that currently attach to this key concept may go some way towards bridging (if not actually healing) the rift that currently exists between the engineering and scientific aspects of computing.The most deadly thing in software is the concept ... that you are going to specify what you are going to do, and then do it. And that this is where most of our troubles come from. Ross, Garmisch.What happens is that specifications of software are regarded as functional specifications ... It is my belief that anybody who is responsible for the implementation of a piece of software ... must specify the design, the form. Sharp, Rome.No matter how precisely you try to specify a system, once you have built it you find it isn't exactly what is wanted. Oestreicher, Rome.... the admission of shortcomings is the primary condition for improvement. Dijkstra, Garmisch.  相似文献   

In the 1990s, there is an emphasis on finding ways to lower software cost and improve quality. Thus, it is very important to quantify and measure factors, such as software complexity, which have been shown to affect cost and quality. Researchers have defined many software complexity measures, and have exploited them to identify fault-prone program modules, to predict the number of faults that testing and operation will reveal, or to assess maintainability. Information theory based software measures are attractive because they quantify, with a standard unit, the amount of information in an abstraction of a program. The unit of measure is a bit. The purpose of this paper is to survey the state of the art of applications of information theory to software measurement, beginning in 1972. Information theory based measures have been applied to most phases of the development lifecycle. However, there have been relatively few papers. Most measures have not been empirically validated. One can conclude that the field is in its infancy. Relevant concepts of information theory are briefly described, and tables summarize the references from various perspectives. Since the amount of research, thus far, has been very limited, researchers will find numerous opportunities to validate, refine, and improve the measures presented here. Such research should give future practitioners useful software measures for each phase of the lifecycle.  相似文献   



The popularity of the open source software development in the last decade, has brought about an increased interest from the industry on how to use open source components, participate in the open source community, build business models around this type of software development, and learn more about open source development methodologies. There is a need to understand the results of research in this area.


Since there is a need to understand conducted research, the aim of this study is to summarize the findings of research that has ben carried out on usage of open source components and development methodologies by the industry, as well as companies’ participation in the open source community.


Systematic review through searches in library databases and manual identification of articles from the open source conference. The search was first carried out in May 2009 and then once again in May 2010.


In 2009, 237 articles were first found, from which 19 were selected based on content and quality, and in 2010, 76 new articles were found from which four were selected. Twenty three articles were identified in total.


The articles could be divided into four categories: open source as part of component based software engineering, business models with open source in commercial organization, company participation in open source development communities, and usage of open source processes within a company.  相似文献   

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