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Flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) synthetase is an essential enzyme responsible for the synthesis of FAD by adenylation of riboflavin monophosphate (FMN). We have solved the 1.9 Å resolution structure of Fad1, the yeast FAD synthetase, in complex with the FAD product in the active site. The structure of Fad1 shows it to be a member of the PP-ATPase superfamily. Important conformational differences in the two motifs involved in binding the phosphate moieties of FAD compared to the Candida glabrata FMNT ortholog suggests that this loop is dynamic and undergoes substantial conformational changes during its catalytic cycle.  相似文献   

Cytosolic sulfotransferases (STs) are generally thought to be involved in detoxification of xenobiotics, as well as homeostasis of endogenous compounds such as thyroid/steroid hormones and catecholamine hormones/neurotransmitters. We report here the identification and characterization of a zebrafish estrogen-sulfating cytosolic ST. The zebrafish ST was bacterially expressed, purified, and examined for enzymatic activities using a variety of endogenous compounds as substrates. Results showed that the enzyme displayed much higher activities toward two endogenous estrogens, estrone (E(1)) and 17beta-estradiol (E(2)), in comparison with thyroid hormones, 3,3',5-triiodothyronine (T(3)) and thyroxine (T(4)), dopamine, dihydroxyphenylalanine (Dopa), and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). The kinetic parameters, K(m), and V(max), with estrogens and thyroid hormones as substrates were determined. The calculated V(max)/K(m) for E(1), E(2), T(3), and T(4) were, respectively, 31.6, 16.7, 1.5, and 0.8 nmol min(-1) mg(-1) microM(-1), indicating clearly the estrogens being preferred physiological substrates for the enzyme. The inhibitory effects of isoflavone phytoestrogens on the sulfation of E(2) by this zebrafish ST were examined. The IC(50) determined for quercetin, genistein, and daidzein were 0.7, 2.5, and 8 microM, respectively. Kinetic analyses revealed that the mechanism underlying the inhibition by these isoflavones to be of the competitive type.  相似文献   

In plants, microRNAs play an important role in many regulatory circuits, including responses to environmental cues such as nutrient limitations. One such microRNA is miR395, which is strongly up-regulated by sulfate deficiency and targets two components of the sulfate uptake and assimilation pathway. Here we show that miR395 levels are affected by treatments with metabolites regulating sulfate assimilation. The precursor of cysteine, O-acetylserine, which accumulates during sulfate deficiency, causes increase in miR395 accumulation. Feeding plants with cysteine, which inhibits sulfate uptake and assimilation, induces miR395 levels while buthionine sulfoximine, an inhibitor of glutathione synthesis, lowers miR395 expression. Thus, miR395 is an integral part of the regulatory network of sulfate assimilation.  相似文献   

2′-Deoxycytidylate deaminase [or deoxycytidine-5′-monophosphate (dCMP) deaminase, dCD] catalyzes the deamination of dCMP to deoxyuridine-5′-monophosphate to provide the main nucleotide substrate for thymidylate synthase, which is important in DNA synthesis. The activity of this homohexameric enzyme is allosterically regulated by deoxycytidine-5′-triphosphate (dCTP) as an activator and by deoxythymidine-5′-triphosphate as an inhibitor. In this article, we report the crystal structures of dCMP deaminase from Streptococcus mutans and its complex with dCTP and an intermediate analog at resolutions of 3.0 and 1.66 Å. The protein forms a hexamer composed of subunits adopting a three-layer α/β/α sandwich fold. The positive allosteric regulator dCTP mainly binds at the interface between two monomers in a molar ratio of 1:1 and rearranges the neighboring interaction networks. Structural comparisons and sequence alignments revealed that dCMP deaminase from Streptococcus mutans belongs to the cytidine deaminase superfamily, wherein the proteins exhibit a similar catalytic mechanism. In addition to the two conserved motifs involved in the binding of Zn2 +, a new conserved motif, (G43YNG46), related to the binding of dCTP was also identified. N-terminal Arg4, a key residue located between two monomers, binds strongly to the γ phosphate group of dCTP. The regulation signal was transmitted by Arg4 from the allosteric site to the active site via modifications in the interactions at the interface where the substrate-binding pocket was involved and the relocations of Arg26, His65, Tyr120, and Arg121 to envelope the active site in order to stabilize substrate binding in the complex. Based on the enzyme-regulator complex structure observed in this study, we propose an allosteric mechanism for dCD regulation.  相似文献   

Human NUDT5 (hNUDT5) is an ADP-ribose pyrophosphatase (ADPRase) belonging to the Nudix hydrolase superfamily. It presumably plays important roles in controlling the intracellular level of ADP-ribose (ADPR) to prevent non-enzymatic ADP-ribosylation by hydrolyzing ADPR to AMP and ribose 5'-phosphate. We report here the crystal structures of hNUDT5 in apo form, in complex with ADPR, and in complex with AMP with bound Mg2+. hNUDT5 forms a homodimer with substantial domain swapping and assumes a structure more similar to Escherichia coli ADPRase ORF209 than human ADPRase NUDT9. The adenine moiety of the substrates is specifically recognized by the enzyme via hydrogen-bonding interactions between N1 and N6 of the base and Glu47 of one subunit, and between N7 of the base and Arg51 of the other subunit, providing the molecular basis for the high selectivity of hNUDT5 for ADP-sugars over other sugar nucleotides. Structural comparisons with E. coli ADPRase ORF209 and ADPXase ORF186 indicate that the existence of an aromatic residue on loop L8 in ORF186 seems to be positively correlated with its enzymatic activity on APnA, whereas hNUDT5 and ORF209 contain no such residue and thus have low or no activities on APnA.  相似文献   

The human hydroxysteroid sulfotransferase, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfotransferase (DHEA-ST), is highly expressed in liver and adrenal cortex and displays reactivity towards a broad range of hydroxysteroids including 3β-hydroxysteroids, 3-hydroxysteroids, estrogens with a 3-phenolic moiety, and 17-hydroxyl group of androgens. In contrast, characterization of the newly described human hydroxysteroid sulfotransferase SULT2B1 isoforms shows that these enzymes are selective for the sulfation of 3β-hydroxysteroids, such as pregnenolone, epiandrosterone, DHEA, and androstenediol. There was no activity detected towards testosterone, dexamethasone, β-estradiol, androsterone, or p-nitrophenol. The SULT2B1 gene encodes two isoforms, SULT2B1a and SULT2B1b, which are generated by alternate splicing of the first exon; therefore the SULT2B1 isoforms differ at their N-terminals. Northern Blot analysis detected a SULT2B1 message in RNA isolated from the human prostate and placenta. No SULT2B1 message was observed in RNA isolated from human liver, colon, lung, kidney, brain, or testis tissue. Purified SULT2B1a was used to generate a specific rabbit polyclonal anti-SULT2B1 antibody. The anti-SULT2B1 antibody did not react with expressed human EST, P-PST-1, M-PST, DHEA-ST, or ST1B2, during immunoblot analysis. The substrate specificity of the expressed SULT2B1 isoforms suggests that these enzymes are capable of regulating the activity of adrenal androgens in human tissues via their inactivation by sulfation.  相似文献   

The molecular basis for the substrate specificity of human caspase-3 has been investigated using peptide analog inhibitors and substrates that vary at the P2, P3, and P5 positions. Crystal structures were determined of caspase-3 complexes with the substrate analogs at resolutions of 1.7 A to 2.3 A. Differences in the interactions of caspase-3 with the analogs are consistent with the Ki values of 1.3 nM, 6.5 nM, and 12.4 nM for Ac-DEVD-Cho, Ac-VDVAD-Cho and Ac-DMQD-Cho, respectively, and relative kcat/Km values of 100%, 37% and 17% for the corresponding peptide substrates. The bound peptide analogs show very similar interactions for the main-chain atoms and the conserved P1 Asp and P4 Asp, while interactions vary for P2 and P3. P2 lies in a hydrophobic S2 groove, consistent with the weaker inhibition of Ac-DMQD-Cho with polar P2 Gln. S3 is a surface hydrophilic site with favorable polar interactions with P3 Glu in Ac-DEVD-Cho. Ac-DMQD-Cho and Ac-VDVAD-Cho have hydrophobic P3 residues that are not optimal in the polar S3 site, consistent with their weaker inhibition. A hydrophobic S5 site was identified for caspase-3, where the side-chains of Phe250 and Phe252 interact with P5 Val of Ac-VDVAD-Cho, and enclose the substrate-binding site by conformational change. The kinetic importance of hydrophobic P5 residues was confirmed by more efficient hydrolysis of caspase-3 substrates Ac-VDVAD-pNA and Ac-LDVAD-pNA compared with Ac-DVAD-pNA. In contrast, caspase-7 showed less efficient hydrolysis of the substrates with P5 Val or Leu compared with Ac-DVAD-pNA. Caspase-3 and caspase-2 share similar hydrophobic S5 sites, while caspases 1, 7, 8 and 9 do not have structurally equivalent hydrophobic residues; these caspases are likely to differ in their selectivity for the P5 position of substrates. The distinct selectivity for P5 will help define the particular substrates and signaling pathways associated with each caspase.  相似文献   

The human sulfotransferase, SULT1A3, catalyzes specifically the sulfonation of monoamines such as dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine. SULT1A3 also has a unique 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (Dopa)/tyrosine-sulfating activity that is preferentially toward their D-form enantiomers and can be stimulated dramatically by Mn2+. To further our understanding of the molecular basis for the unique substrate specificity of this enzyme, we solved the crystal structure of human SULT1A3, complexed with dopamine and 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphate, at 2.6 A resolution and carried out autodocking analysis with D-Dopa. The structure of SULT1A3 enzyme-ligand complex clearly showed that residue Glu146 can form electrostatic interaction with dopamine and may play a pivotal role in the stereoselectivity and sulfating activity. On the other hand, residue Asp86 appeared to be critical to the Mn2+-stimulation of the Dopa/tyrosine-sulfating activity of SULT1A3, in addition to a supporting role in the stereoselectivity and sulfating activity.  相似文献   

Large libraries of randomly mutated genes are applied in directed evolution experiments in order to obtain sufficient variability. These libraries, however, contain mostly inactive variants, and the very low frequency of improved variants can only be isolated by high-throughput screening. Small but efficient libraries comprise an attractive alternative. Here, we describe the application of ancestral libraries—libraries based on mutations predicted by phylogenetic analysis and ancestral inference. We designed and constructed such libraries using serum paraoxonases and cytosolic sulfotransferases (SULTs) as model enzymes. Both of these enzyme families exhibit a range of activities in drug metabolism and detoxification of xenobiotics. The ancestral serum paraoxonase and SULT libraries were screened by low-throughput means, including HPLC, using substrates and/or reactions with which all family members exhibit low activity. The libraries showed a remarkably high frequency of highly polymorphic and functionally diverse variants. Screening of as few as 300 variants enabled the isolation of mutants with up to 50-fold higher activity than the starting point enzyme. Structural and kinetic characterizations of an evolved SULT variant show how few ancestral mutations reshaped the active site and modulated the enzyme's specificity. Ancestral libraries therefore comprise a means of focusing diversity to positions and mutations that readily trigger changes in substrate and/or reaction specificity, thereby facilitating the isolation of new enzyme variants for a variety of different substrates and reactions by medium-throughput or even low-throughput screens.  相似文献   

A recombinant carboxylesterase (rPPE) from Pseudomonas putida ECU1011 was previously cloned and engineered to give a potential application for resolving chiral α-hydroxy acids including mandelic acids and derivatives. Two variants rPPEW187H and rPPED287A showed a ∼100-fold increase in activity towards rac-2-acetoxy-2-(2′-chlorophenyl) acetate (rac-AcO-CPA), but rPPED287A had a significant decrease in enantioselectivity (E = 8.7) compared to rPPEW187H and the wild-type rPPE (rPPEWT) (E > 200). Here we report the crystal structures of rPPEWT and rPPEW187H, both by themselves and in complex with the substrate, to elucidate the structural basis of this phenomenon. An inactive mutation of nucleophile residue S159A was introduced to obtain the structure of rPPES159A/W187H complexed with (S)-AcO-CPA. The structural analysis reveals that the side chain of residue Asp287 in rPPEWT would have a potential steric conflict with (S)-AcO-CPA when the substrate binds at the active site of the enzyme. However, the mutation W187H could facilitate the relocation of Asp287, while D287A directly eliminates the hindrance of Asp287, both of which offer sufficient space for the binding and hydrolysis of substrate. Moreover, Asp287 generates one site of the “three-point attachment model” as a hydrogen-bond donor that determines the excellent enantioselectivity of rPPE in chiral recognition, and D287A would obviously destroy the hydrogen bond and result in the low enantioselectivity of rPPED287A.  相似文献   

Ginsenosides, active ingredients of Panax ginseng, are known to exhibit neuroprotective effects. Large-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ (BKCa) channels are key modulators of cellular excitability of neurons and vascular smooth muscle cells. In the present study, we examined the effects of ginsenosides on rat brain BKCa (rSlo) channel activity heterologously expressed in Xenopus oocytes to elucidate the molecular mechanisms how ginsenoside regulates the BKCa channel activity. Ginsenoside Rg3 (Rg3) enhanced outward BKCa channel currents. The Rg3-enhancement of outward BKCa channel currents was concentration-dependent, voltage-dependent, and reversible. The EC50 was 15.1 ± 3.1 μM. Rg3 actions were not desensitized by repeated treatment. Tetraetylammonium (TEA), a K+ channel blocker, inhibited BKCa channel currents. We examined whether extracellular TEA treatment could alter the Rg3 action and vice versa. TEA caused a rightward shift of the Rg3 concentration-response curve (i.e., much higher concentration of Rg3 is required for the activation of BKCa channel compared to the absence of TEA), while Rg3 caused a rightward shift of the TEA concentration-response curve in wild-type channels. Mutation of the extracellular TEA binding site Y360 to Y360I caused a rightward shift of the TEA concentration-response curve and almost abolished both the Rg3 action and Rg3-induced rightward shift of TEA concentration-response curve. These results indicate that Tyr360 residue of BKCa channel plays an important role in the Rg3-enhancement of BKCa channel currents.  相似文献   

The adenosine 3′,5′-monophosphate and guanosine 3′,5′-monophosphate contents of microliter quantities of urine can be determined simultaneously by combining individual protein binding assays for the two nucleotides. 32P-labeled adenosine 3′,5′-monophosphate is bound to a protein from bovine skeletal muscle, while a lobster muscle protein preparation is utilized for binding of 3H-labeled guanosine 3′,5′-monophosphate.  相似文献   

α‐Dioxygenases (α‐DOX) are heme‐containing enzymes found predominantly in plants and fungi, where they generate oxylipins in response to pathogen attack. α‐DOX oxygenate a variety of 14–20 carbon fatty acids containing up to three unsaturated bonds through stereoselective removal of the pro‐R hydrogen from the α‐carbon by a tyrosyl radical generated via the oxidation of the heme moiety by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). We determined the X‐ray crystal structures of wild type α‐DOX from Oryza sativa, the wild type enzyme in complex with H2O2, and the catalytically inactive Y379F mutant in complex with the fatty acid palmitic acid (PA). PA binds within the active site cleft of α‐DOX such that the carboxylate forms ionic interactions with His‐311 and Arg‐559. Thr‐316 aids in the positioning of carbon‐2 for hydrogen abstraction. Twenty‐five of the twenty eight contacts made between PA and residues lining the active site occur within the carboxylate and first eight carbons, indicating that interactions within this region of the substrate are responsible for governing selectivity. Comparison of the wild type and H2O2 structures provides insight into enzyme activation. The binding of H2O2 at the distal face of the heme displaces residues His‐157, Asp‐158, and Trp‐159 ~2.5 Å from their positions in the wild type structure. As a result, the Oδ2 atom of Asp‐158 interacts with the Ca atom in the calcium binding loop, the side chains of Trp‐159 and Trp‐213 reorient, and the guanidinium group of Arg‐559 is repositioned near Tyr‐379, poised to interact with the carboxylate group of the substrate.  相似文献   

Shikimate dehydrogenase (EC catalyses the fourth step of the shikimate pathway which is required for the synthesis of the aromatic amino acids and other aromatic compounds in bacteria, microbial eukaryotes, and plants. The crystal structures of the shikimate dehydrogenase AroE from Thermus thermophilus HB8 in its ligand-free form, binary complexes with cofactor NADP+ or substrate shikimate, and the ternary complex with both NADP(H) and shikimate were determined by X-ray diffraction method at atomic resolutions. The crystals are nearly isomorphous with the asymmetric unit containing a dimer, each subunit of which has a bi-domain structure of compact alpha/beta sandwich folds. The two subunits of the enzyme display asymmetry in the crystals due to different relative orientations between the N- and C-terminal domains resulting in a slightly different closure of the interdomain clefts. NADP(H) is bound to the more closed form only. This closed conformation with apparent higher affinity to the cofactor is also observed in the unliganded crystal form, indicating that the NADP(H) binding to TtAroE may follow the selection mode where the cofactor binds to the subunit that happens to be in the closed conformation in solution. Crystal structures of the closed subunits with and without NADP(H) show no significant structural difference, suggesting that the cofactor binding to the closed subunit corresponds to the lock-and-key model in TtAroE. On the other hand, shikimate binds to both open and closed subunit conformers of both apo and NADP(H)-liganded holo enzyme forms. The ternary complex TtAroE:NADP(H):shikimate allows unambiguous visualization of the SDH permitting elucidation of the roles of conserved residues Lys64 and Asp100 in the hydride ion transfer between NADP(H) and shikimate.  相似文献   

5′-Methylthioadenosine (MTA)/S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH) nucleosidase (MTAN) is essential for cellular metabolism and development in many bacterial species. While the enzyme is found in plants, plant MTANs appear to select for MTA preferentially, with little or no affinity for SAH. To understand what determines substrate specificity in this enzyme, MTAN homologues from Arabidopsis thaliana (AtMTAN1 and AtMTAN2, which are referred to as AtMTN1 and AtMTN2 in the plant literature) have been characterized kinetically. While both homologues hydrolyze MTA with comparable kinetic parameters, only AtMTAN2 shows activity towards SAH. AtMTAN2 also has higher catalytic activity towards other substrate analogues with longer 5′-substituents. The structures of apo AtMTAN1 and its complexes with the substrate- and transition-state-analogues, 5′-methylthiotubercidin and formycin A, respectively, have been determined at 2.0-1.8 Å resolution. A homology model of AtMTAN2 was generated using the AtMTAN1 structures. Comparison of the AtMTAN1 and AtMTAN2 structures reveals that only three residues in the active site differ between the two enzymes. Our analysis suggests that two of these residues, Leu181/Met168 and Phe148/Leu135 in AtMTAN1/AtMTAN2, likely account for the divergence in specificity of the enzymes. Comparison of the AtMTAN1 and available Escherichia coli MTAN (EcMTAN) structures suggests that a combination of differences in the 5′-alkylthio binding region and reduced conformational flexibility in the AtMTAN1 active site likely contribute to its reduced efficiency in binding substrate analogues with longer 5′-substituents. In addition, in contrast to EcMTAN, the active site of AtMTAN1 remains solvated in its ligand-bound forms. As the apparent pKa of an amino acid depends on its local environment, the putative catalytic acid Asp225 in AtMTAN1 may not be protonated at physiological pH and this suggests the transition state of AtMTAN1, like human MTA phosphorylase and Streptococcus pneumoniae MTAN, may be different from that found in EcMTAN.  相似文献   

3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (CoA) synthase (HMGCS) catalyzes the condensation of acetyl-CoA and acetoacetyl-CoA into 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA. It is ubiquitous across the phylogenetic tree and is broadly classified into three classes. The prokaryotic isoform is essential in Gram-positive bacteria for isoprenoid synthesis via the mevalonate pathway. The eukaryotic cytosolic isoform also participates in the mevalonate pathway but its end product is cholesterol. Mammals also contain a mitochondrial isoform; its deficiency results in an inherited disorder of ketone body formation. Here, we report high-resolution crystal structures of the human cytosolic (hHMGCS1) and mitochondrial (hHMGCS2) isoforms in binary product complexes. Our data represent the first structures solved for human HMGCS and the mitochondrial isoform, allowing for the first time structural comparison among the three isoforms. This serves as a starting point for the development of isoform-specific inhibitors that have potential cholesterol-reducing and antibiotic applications. In addition, missense mutations that cause mitochondrial HMGCS deficiency have been mapped onto the hHMGCS2 structure to rationalize the structural basis for the disease pathology.  相似文献   

The cytosolic protein CERT transfers ceramide from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus where ceramide is converted to SM. The C-terminal START (steroidogenic acute regulatory protein-related lipid transfer) domain of CERT binds one ceramide molecule in its central amphiphilic cavity. (1R,3R)-N-(3-Hydroxy-1-hydroxymethyl-3-phenylpropyl)alkanamide (HPA), a synthesized analogue of ceramide, inhibits ceramide transfer by CERT. Here we report crystal structures of the CERT START domain in complex with HPAs of varying acyl chain lengths. In these structures, one HPA molecule is buried in the amphiphilic cavity where the amide and hydroxyl groups of HPA form a hydrogen-bond network with specific amino acid residues. The Ω1 loop, which has been suggested to function as a gate of the cavity, adopts a different conformation when bound to HPA than when bound to ceramide. In the Ω1 loop region, Trp473 shows the largest difference between these two structures. This residue exists inside of the cavity in HPA-bound structures, while it is exposed to the outside of the protein in the apo-form and ceramide-bound complex structures. Surface plasmon resonance experiments confirmed that Trp473 is important for interaction with membranes. These results provide insights into not only the molecular mechanism of inhibition by HPAs but also possible mechanisms by which CERT interacts with ceramide.  相似文献   

3′-Phospho-adenosine-5′-phosphosulphate (PAPS) synthases are fundamental to mammalian sulphate metabolism. These enzymes have recently been linked to a rising number of human diseases. Despite many studies, it is not yet understood how the mammalian PAPS synthases 1 and 2 interact with each other. We provide first evidence for heterodimerisation of these two enzymes by pull-down assays and Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) measurements. Kinetics of dimer dissociation/association indicates that these heterodimers form as soon as PAPSS1 and -S2 encounter each other in solution. Affinity of the homo- and heterodimers were found to be in the low nanomolar range using anisotropy measurements employing proteins labelled with the fluorescent dye IAEDANS that - in spite of its low quantum yield - is well suited for anisotropy due to its large Stokes shift. Within its kinase domain, the PAPS synthase heterodimer displays similar substrate inhibition by adenosine-5′-phosphosulphate (APS) as the homodimers. Due to divergent catalytic efficacies of PAPSS1 and -S2, the heterodimer might be a way of regulating PAPS synthase function within mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius endoglucanase Cel9A (AaCel9A) is an inverting glycoside hydrolase with β-1,4-glucanase activity on soluble polymeric substrates. Here, we report three X-ray structures of AaCel9A: a ligand-free structure at 1.8 Å resolution and two complexes at 2.66 and 2.1 Å resolution, respectively, with cellobiose obtained by co-crystallization and with cellotetraose obtained by the soaking method. AaCel9A forms an (α/α)6-barrel like other glycoside hydrolase family 9 enzymes. When cellobiose is used as a ligand, three glucosyl binding subsites are occupied, including two on the glycone side, while with cellotetraose as a ligand, five subsites, including four on the glycone side, are occupied. A structural comparison showed no conformational rearrangement of AaCel9A upon ligand binding. The structural analysis demonstrates that of the four minus subsites identified, subsites − 1 and − 2 show the strongest interaction with bound glucose. In conjunction with the open active-site cleft of AaCel9A, this is able to reconcile the previously observed cleavage of short-chain oligosaccharides with cellobiose as main product with the endo mode of action on larger polysaccharides.  相似文献   

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