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目的探讨小儿阴囊急症的鉴别诊断和治疗方法。方法回顾性分析作者于2006年3月至2010年12月收治的364例阴囊急症患儿临床资料。结果364例阴囊急症患儿中,急性附睾炎221例(占61%),年龄3个月至5岁多见,症状出现较早,并以起病2~3 d最剧烈,实验室检查异常26例(11%)。彩色多普勒超声提示附睾增大、充血和睾丸反应性改变,检出率99%。3例超声检查诊断困难,后经手术证实。112例睾丸附件扭转中,痛性结节93例(83%),蓝斑征26例(23%),超声附件检出率100%。所有患儿初期症状较轻,逐渐加剧,保守治疗1~2周后疼痛逐渐减轻。11例睾丸扭转超声检查显示睾丸无血流予手术治疗。8例出现特发性阴囊水肿,12例出现阴囊感染。结论小儿阴囊急症中以急性附睾炎最常见,病史、体查和多普勒超声检查有助于阴囊急症的鉴别诊断。大多数小儿急性附睾炎可以保守治疗。  相似文献   

儿童阴囊急症的诊治分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
阴囊急症是小儿泌尿外科常见急症,临床诊断与鉴别有一定困难,延误诊断及治疗可能发生睾丸坏死及其他并发症。现将我院自1998年1月至2 0 0 2年1月收治的6 0例阴囊急症患儿的诊断及治疗情况,总结分析如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料6 0例阴囊急症患儿,其中外伤4例、睾丸扭转18例(其中4例为隐睾)、睾丸(附睾)附件扭转2 2例、睾丸炎14例、自发性阴囊肿胀2例。1.2 年龄与类型4例外伤均为学龄儿童,平均年龄8岁;睾丸扭转18例,<1岁5例,2~6岁9例,8~10岁4例;隐睾伴睾丸扭转者年龄分别为4月、8月、2岁和8岁。多在发病2 4h内就诊,最长为发病后7d就诊…  相似文献   

目的 探讨超声检查在儿童睾丸附件扭转和急性附睾炎诊断及鉴别诊断中的应用价值.方法 回顾性分析39例睾丸附件扭转和14例急性附睾炎二维及彩色多普勒超声声像图特点,总结两者鉴别要点.结果 睾丸附件扭转超声表现为睾丸与附睾头之间或睾丸旁高回声或中等回声结节,常伴附睾增大、阴囊壁增厚、鞘膜积液,附睾或睾丸内血流轻度增多.急性附睾炎超声表现为附睾增大,回声减低或增高,常伴阴囊壁增厚、鞘膜积液.附睾内血供丰富,并发睾丸炎时,睾丸增大,回声减低,但是睾丸与附睾头之间或睾丸旁未探及高回声或中等回声结节.结论 超声检查在儿童睾丸附件扭转和急性附睾炎诊断及鉴别诊断中具有一定价值,其中睾丸与附睾头之间或睾丸旁出现高回声或中等回声结节是两种疾病的鉴别要点.  相似文献   

睾丸附件扭转是小儿阴囊急症之一,由于临床对本症认识较少,常被误诊为睾丸扭转或急性睾丸附睾炎。2002~2008年作者收治81例睾丸附件扭转患儿,均经手术及病理检查证实,疗效满意。现报告如下。  相似文献   

小儿睾丸附件扭转的彩色多普勒超声诊断意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨彩色多普勒超声检查在诊断小儿睾丸附件扭转中的意义。方法回顾性分析我院1999年2月~2005年11月收治的小儿睾丸附件扭转病例的临床资料及超声检查结果。结果在所有病人中,发现蓝斑征9例(8.6%),痛性结节23例(21.9%),74例超声检查资料完整的病例中,超声检查在睾丸上极发现无血流回声结节67例,均经手术证实。结论彩色多普勒超声检查若发现睾丸上极附近无血流回声团,则提示睾丸附件扭转。超声检查在小儿睾丸附件扭转的诊断中具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

目的 分析小儿睾丸附件扭转的临床特点和治疗方法.方法 回顾性分析本院1999年8月-2007年8月收治的33例小儿(3.2~14.0岁)睾丸附件扭转临床治疗.20例于治疗前行彩色多普勒超声(CDFI)检查,记录检查结果.33例分为手术组23例和保守治疗组10例,记录手术组术中所见睾丸附件情况及切除福建的病理检查结果,比较二组患儿平均住院时间、平均阴囊红肿消退时间.结果 睾丸附件扭转以阴囊肿痛为主要表现,CDFI检查表现为睾丸上极附近无血流回声团.手术组和保守治疗组均取得满意疗效.手术组阴囊红肿消除时间为(5.0±1.0)d,保守组为(9.1±5.2)d;住院时间分别为(5.2±2.3)d和(8.9±6.6)d,二组比较,均有显著性差异(t=2.26, 3.12 P<0.05).对病程长、症状轻的病例,在阴囊红肿消退时间和住院时间等方面手术组均优于保守组,术后B超显示睾丸附件可恢复正常.结论 CDFI检查哈在小儿睾丸附件扭转的诊断中具有重要意义,早期手术治疗睾丸附件扭转有利于睾丸及附睾炎性反应得吸收.  相似文献   

儿童睾丸附件扭转的保守治疗指征   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
目的探讨儿童睾丸附件扭转保守治疗的指征。方法回顾性总结分析1993~1997年底的25例急性阴囊疼痛患儿的诊疗情况,结合文献提出鉴别诊断及选择疗法的依据,将其应用于1998年以后收治的26例患儿中,进一步探讨诊断和治疗指征。结果回顾性总结表明睾丸扭转症状重,就诊早,就诊时间多在发病24h之内。附件扭转疼痛轻,就诊晚,多有48h以上的病史,两者比较,差异有显著性意义(P<0.05)。1998年后治疗的26例中,5例就诊时疼痛时间短于48h,1例在睾丸上极摸到疼痛性结节,诊断睾丸附件扭转,行保守治疗;4例行急症手术,证实1例睾丸扭转、3例附件扭转。21例就诊时疼痛已48h以上,19例症状轻,彩色多普勒检查,睾丸血流正常,行保守治疗,治疗过程中均可摸到大小不等的触痛性结节,诊断睾丸附件扭转。2例睾丸扭转坏死而行睾丸切除。结论睾丸附件扭转是一种自限性疾病。扪到其特有体征,即阴囊内触疼性结节者;阴囊痛持续48h以上,彩色多普勒检查,睾丸血流正常者,可行保守治疗。睾丸扭转是外科急症,应急症手术。彩色多普勒超声检查对鉴别诊断有重要意义。  相似文献   

小儿睾丸附件扭转的保守治疗探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
睾丸附件扭转是小儿常见的阴囊急症,治疗上分手术治疗和保守治疗两种方法.本文对我院2002至2010年间门诊治疗并随诊的56例睾丸附件扭转的病例进行回顾性研究,探讨睾丸附件扭转的保守治疗效果.  相似文献   

小儿阴囊急症在基层医院的诊治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小儿阴囊急症是以阴囊红肿疼痛为主要临床表现的一组疾病的总称,通常包括睾丸扭转、睾丸附件扭转、急性睾丸附睾炎等。该类疾病早期多在基层医院就诊,因此,提高基层医院对该类疾病的认识,对降低睾丸的切除率,减少远期并发症有重要意义。本院近年来手术治疗78例,现总结如下。  相似文献   

睾丸附件扭转是小儿常见的阴囊急症,治疗上分手术治疗和保守治疗两种方法.本文对我院2002至2010年间门诊治疗并随诊的56例睾丸附件扭转的病例进行回顾性研究,探讨睾丸附件扭转的保守治疗效果.  相似文献   

Background: Diagnosis of testicular torsion in children is challenging, as clinical presentation and findings may overlap with other diagnoses. Objective: To define the clinical and ultrasound criteria that best predict testicular torsion. Materials and methods: The records of children hospitalized for acute scrotum from 1997 to 2002 were reviewed. The clinical and ultrasound findings of children who had a final diagnosis of testicular torsion were compared with those of children who had other diagnoses (torsion of the testicular appendix, epididymitis, and epididymo-orchitis). Results: Forty-one children had testicular torsion; 131 had other diagnoses. Stepwise regression analysis yielded three factors that were significantly associated with testicular torsion: duration of pain 6 h; absent or decreased cremasteric reflex; and diffuse testicular tenderness. When the children were scored by final diagnosis for the presence of these factors (0–3), none of the children with a score of 0 had testicular torsion, whereas 87% with a score of 3 did. The ultrasound finding of decreased or absent testicular flow had a sensitivity of 63% and a specificity of 99%. Eight of ten children with testicular torsion and normal or increased testicular flow had a coiled spermatic cord on ultrasound. Conclusion: We suggest that all children with acute scrotal pain and a clinical score of 3 should undergo testicular exploration, and children with a lower probability of testicular torsion (score 1 or 2) should first undergo diagnostic ultrasound. Because the presence of testicular flow does not exclude torsion, the spermatic cord should be meticulously evaluated in all children with acute scrotum and normal or increased testicular blood flow.  相似文献   

Objective  The aim of the present study was to evaluate the etiology, history, physical examination findings, and seasonal variation of acute scrotal problems in children. Methods  A retrospective review of all boys, presenting with acute scrotum to the Pediatric Surgery Clinic of the University Hospital Heraklion between January 1989 and December 2006 was performed. Results  A total of 140 boys presented with scrotal pain were included. Overall the commonest cause of acute scrotum was epididymo-orchitis (35%, 95%CI: 27%–43%), followed by torsion of appendages. In contrast the most common cause in boys of preschool age was spermatic cord torsion (P<0.020). All cases of spermatic cord torsion were characterized by severe testicular pain and an absent cremasteric reflex. The interval between pain initiation and presentation to our clinic was 11.4 hours (SD:3.07) when the testis was salvaged by detorsion, and 19.0 hours (SD:6.32) when the testis was removed. The difference between means was statistical significant (p<0.001). The incidence of torsion of appendages (p<0.036) and/or spermatic cord (p<0.047) was increased in winter. Conclusion  The absence of cremasteric reflex in association with testicular tenderness strongly suggests testicular torsion. The low temperatures during winter may account for the increased incidence of the torsion of both the spermatic cord torsion and the appendages.  相似文献   

The incidence and investigation of acute scrotal problems in children   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The true incidence of the various causes of acute scrotum in children is unclear; epididymo-orchitis (EO) is thought to be uncommon. Investigation for underlying urological abnormality in children with EO is recommended. To determine the incidence of the various pathologies in boys presenting to the emergency department with an acute scrotal condition and assess the value of further investigation of the urinary tract in a subgroup of boys with EO, a retrospective review of 100 consecutive patients admitted with a diagnosis of testicular pain was performed. Seventy had torsion of an appendix testis (TAT) and 12 had torsion of the testicle (TT). Ten boys were admitted with 11 episodes of EO; 7 had other pathologies including incarcerated hernia, varicocoele, and idiopathic scrotal oedema. The diagnosis of EO was made at operation in all 11 episodes. Escherichia coli was cultured in 4 patients; none were found to have underlying urinary tract abnormality. TAT was thus commonest causes of the acute scrotum. EO is not rare in infants, the incidence in this study being equal to the of TT. Subsequent urological investigation did not disclose any underlying abnormality. However, based on the current published literature futher investigation is recommended in selected cases.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to compare historical features, physical examination findings, and testicular color Doppler ultrasound in pediatric patients with epididymitis compared to testicular torsion and torsion of the appendix testes. A retrospective review of the medical records of 66 boys presenting with clinical aspects of acute scrotum over a 3-year period was performed. Sixty-six patients were included in the study (29 with epididymitis, 8 with testicular torsion and 12 with torsion of the appendix testis, 4 with scrotal abscesses, 5 with scrotal swelling, and 1 with inflamed epididymal cyst). The duration of symptoms ranged from 6 h to 4 days with a peak on the second day. Urine cultures and viral testes were negative in all patients. Color Doppler ultrasound was diagnostic for epididymitis in 28 patients (96.6%). Systemic intravenous antibiotics were given in all 29 patients with epididymitis. No patient showed signs of testicular atrophy in the follow-up. The increasing incidence of epididymitis should question the policy of routine exploration of the acute scrotum in children. The history and physical examination cannot reliably identify those boys who can be managed conservatively. Color Doppler ultrasound is a useful adjunct in the evaluation of the acute scrotum when physical findings are equivocal but it can also be misleading.  相似文献   

Accurate and early diagnosis of acute scrotum is of the utmost importance to avoid testicular loss and/or needless surgery. The aim of this study is to analyze the clinical presentation and physical examination parameters together with the results of imaging studies in order to find out predictors for the differential diagnosis of acute scrotum with special emphasize on testicular torsion (TT). Patients who were treated for acute scrotum in our unit from 1970 up to and including 2000 were reviewed retrospectively. The study group was subdivided into three groups: "testicular torsion (TT)", "torsion of testicular appendage (TTA)", and "epididymoorchitis (EO)" group according to the diagnosis confirmed by radiologic and surgical findings. Presence and/or absence of various parameters related to clinical presentation, physical examination, and results of imaging studies were analyzed by statistical means in each group. One hundred and sixty children with a mean age of 12.2 years formed the study group. The mean duration of symptoms was 15 hours. No significant difference was noted between the three groups with regard to mean age and duration of symptoms. Nuclear scintigraphy and Doppler ultrasound were used as diagnostic aids in 50 and 66 children, respectively. Clinical presentation parameters including the presence of a) previous trauma, b) pain attacks, and c) nausea and vomiting, had the highest sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values in the TT group and the lowest values in the EO group. In contrast, the EO group had the highest statistical values with regard to presence of dysuria and micturition disorders. Physical examination parameters consisting of a) elevation, b) transverse location of testis, c) anterior rotation of epididymis, and d) absence of cremasteric reflex had the highest statistical values in the TT group. Contrary to this, imaging studies had the highest specificity and positive predictive values in the TTA group and the lowest values in the TT group. Previous history of trauma and pain attacks, presence of nausea and vomiting, and absence of urinary complaints are the main predictors of TT. Elevation and transverse location of testis with an anteriorly rotated epididymis associated with loss of ipsilateral cremasteric reflex strongly indicate TT. Although accuracy of imaging studies is higher for the differential diagnosis of TTA and EO, there is a considerable risk of misdiagnosis. Therefore, differential diagnosis of acute scrotum, particularly TT, still remains a clinical diagnosis, and clinical parameters deserve more importance in surgical decision making.  相似文献   

A selective approach to the treatment of acute scrotum in children   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
To determine a reliable clinical approach to the problem of acute scrotum (AS) in children and identify patients who require emergent surgical intervention, 65 boys with the diagnosis of AS were studied. The mean age was 11 years. Acute orchitis/epididymitis was diagnosed in 42 (64.6%), torsion of the testis in 12 (18.5%), and torsion of the appendix testis in 5 (7.7%). A testicular radionuclide scan was the most reliable diagnostic tool, being positive in all 12 cases of torsion of the testis. Eighteen patients underwent scrotal exploration. Detorsion and bilateral orchidopexy was performed in 12, excision of a necrotic appendix testis in 5, and evacuation of a scrotal hematoma in 1. The outcome of the involved testis at follow-up examination was excellent, with only 1 child developing testicular atrophy. This study stresses the reliability of the selective approach for the treatment of the AS in children.  相似文献   

The acute scrotum in the paediatric population is a clinical dilemma where a definitive diagnosis can only truly be made at surgical exploration. We postulate that surgical exploration in all cases allows truly accurate diagnoses, treats the torted appendage testes and enables the validity of clinical signs associated with scrotal pathology to be assessed. We retrospectively reviewed all boys less than 15 years old who presented to our institution with scrotal pain over a 2 year period. A total of 121 patients attended of whom 113 had exploratory surgery, 31 (27%) had testicular torsion, 64 (57%) had a torted appendage testis, 12 (11%) had epididymitis, 1 (1%) had fat necrosis and 5 (4%) had no abnormality detected. On exploration 9 (29%) of the torted testis were unsalvageable and thus required excision. The initial clinical impression was frequently demonstrated to be flawed. Two patients with testicular torsion presented with a painless swelling and two further patients had necrotic testes despite a history of pain for less than 4 h. A normal cremasteric reflex and a visible blue dot were detected in boys with testicular torsion. Doppler ultrasound scans were not reliable with 50% sensitivity to clearly differentiate between torsion of the testis and that of the appendage testis. Absolute dependence on clinical features can lead to a misdiagnosis of testicular torsion. The surgical treatment of torted appendage testis is safe, allowing accurate diagnosis and pain relief with minimal morbidity. Early scrotal exploration of all cases with testicular pain ensures maximal testicular salvage.  相似文献   



Scrotal exploration is considered the procedure of choice for acute scrotum.


We evaluated the importance of early diagnosis and testicular salvage on the therapeutic outcomes of patients with pediatric testicular torsion (TT) and testicular appendage torsion (TAT) in our geographic area.

Patients and Methods:

We performed a retrospective database analysis of patients who underwent emergency surgery for TT or TAT between January 1996 and June 2009. Patient history, physical examination findings, laboratory test results, color Doppler sonography (CDS) results, and surgical findings were reviewed.


A total of 65 cases were included in our analysis. Forty-two cases were followed up for at least 3 months. Testicular tenderness was identified as the major clinical manifestation of TT, while only a few patients with TAT presented with swelling. CDS was an important diagnostic modality. The orchiectomy rate was 71% in the TT group.


Cases of acute scrotum require attention in our area. Early diagnosis and scrotal exploration could salvage the testis or preserve normal function without the need for surgery.  相似文献   

Background. Colour Doppler sonography (CDS) has become the procedure of choice in evaluating testicular perfusion but false negative findings have been reported. Objective. To determine if direct visualisation of the twisted spermatic cord using high resolution US is a reliable sign to assess testicular torsion. Material and methods. Thirty patients (aged 2–26 years) with equivocal diagnosis of testicular torsion prospectively underwent high resolution and CDS. The results were correlated with surgical findings. Serial transverse and longitudinal scans were performed to compare the scrotal contents on each side and study the complete spermatic cord course, from inguinal canal to testis, to detect a spiral twist. Results. In 14 of the 23 cases of torsion, the diagnosis was based on the colour Doppler findings in the scrotum because blood flow was absent in the symptomatic testis and detectable without difficulty on the normal side. In nine cases, CDS was unreliable; in six cases intratesticular perfusion was present in a twisted testis and in three small boys, no colour signal was obtained in either testis. In all cases of torsion, the spiral twist of spermatic cord was detected at the external inguinal ring. The twist induced an abrupt change in spermatic cord course, size and shape below the point of torsion. It appeared in the scrotum as a round or oval, homogeneous or heterogeneous extratesticular mass with or without blood flow, that could be connected cephalad with the normal inguinal cord. In the other seven cases (three late torsions of the appendix testis, one epididymo-orchitis and three torsions with spontaneous reduction), no spiral twist was detectable. Conclusion. The detection of spermatic cord spiral twist appears a reliable US sign of torsion whatever the testicular consequences. Received: 1 December 1997 Accepted: 17 June 1998  相似文献   

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