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浅谈林火与气象的关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
研究林火与气象的关系至关重要,在大火发生前,往往会出现气候异常、降水量少,连续干旱、气温偏高、风大等天气现象,各级森林防火部门对这些反常的气象因素要引起高度重视,加强防范。本文就风、降水量、相对湿度对森林火灾的影响作了一下讨论,把林火与气象的关系作了阐述。  相似文献   

以黑龙江省森工林区为例,运用林学、生态学、水文学、气象学、土壤学等多个学科的调查研究方法,应用多年来森林生态系统定位已取得的研究成果,参照森林资源调查、水利、气象等部门提供的有关数据,以水资源为突破口,提出了该省征收森林水资源补偿费方案,并以大庆地区为例,分析了该方案对其他相关行业的影响,探讨了建立森林生态效益补偿机制的新视角。  相似文献   

荷兰森林气象学研究的最新动态王汉杰荷兰是西北欧的一个农业国家,一向以奶制品和花卉生产著名于世,森林与林业用地仅占国土总面积的8.8%(1982~1984年联合国粮农组织统计结果),但有关森林气象学及边界层气象学的研究却十分引人注目。特别是最近几年,随...  相似文献   

我院金柏年院长、郑均宝教授在奥地利维也纳农业大学访问期间,与奥方议定,双方可就如下方面进行合作研究:1、森林生态研究:关于森林氮素循环问题;2、应用微生物研究:关于基因转移技术;3、森林保护研究:关于苹果腐烂病及其它;4、森林产量研究:关于数据处理技术;5、荒溪治理研究:(1)水土保持技术,(2)关于小流域综合治理研究;6、气象学研究:(1)林粮间作小气候问题,(2)瓢虫迁飞研究;  相似文献   

结合单站气象资料的统计,分析了黑龙江省森林防火与气象因素的关系,利用气象资料科学指导森林防火对黑龙江省森林防火具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

森林固碳能力估测方法及其研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了全球范围内森林生态系统碳平衡估测的2种主要方法,即测定表面通量的微气象学方法(涡旋相关法)和生物量清单统计方法。指出了每种方法的优缺点及综合运用各种方法的重要性。简要介绍了应用上述方法对森林生态系统碳平衡研究的进展情况,并对今后森林生态系统碳平衡研究的发展趋势进行了探讨。  相似文献   

森林固碳领域的研究方法及最新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了样地清查法、微气象学方法、地面同位素方法、应用遥感等新技术模型估算法四大类森林固碳研究方法及其研究现状,分析了各种方法的优势与不足,并指出森林生态系统碳储量的研究将朝着多种方法的综合运用、多学科的联合和渗透方向发展,对碳储量的估算应更加注重多种因素的综合影响,并能在一定程度上揭示碳储量的动态变化过程及其变化机理。  相似文献   

【目的】研发竹林气象因子采集系统,分析雷竹林CO2浓度与温湿度等气象因子之间的关系,探讨基于GA-BP神经网络的雷竹林CO2浓度反演模型(简称GA-BP模型),为竹林碳储量、竹林增汇、竹林固碳能力等研究提供基础数据。【方法】根据微气象学相关原理、方法及森林碳通量动态感知的需求,设计基于嵌入式的森林碳通量数据远程实时监测系统,该监测系统以成熟雷竹林为监测对象,进行为期2个月(2019年10—11月)的气象数据监测;在此基础上,提出GA-BP模型。【结果】根据GA-BP模型和BP模型反演的结果可知:GA-BP模型反演结果的决定系数R2为0.86,比BP模型的R2(0.79)提高了0.07;平均绝对误差为8.12 mg·m-3,比BP神经网络下降2.79 mg·m-3。GA-BP模型相较于BP网络具有更稳定的反演性能和更高的反演精度。【结论】可以利用竹林气象因子采集系统获取相关气象数据;基于CO2浓度与温湿度等气象因子之间的相关性,本研究提...  相似文献   

为了揭示各气象因子对森林火灾发生的影响程度,随机抽取了湖南省1 041场森林火灾历史数据,收集了森林火灾发生时的温度、相对湿度、风速及火灾发生前24 h降水量等4个因子数据,将其标准化并进行K-均值聚类,再用自然断点法处理后得到属性决策表。各气象因子采用相应三角隶属函数模糊化后,确定了森林火灾气象因子模糊粗糙集模型,计算各气象因子与决策属性的依赖度,对其进行归一化后,得到温度、相对湿度、风速、降水量对森林火灾发生的影响值依次为:0.116 2、0.265 0、0.212 4、0.406 3。定义了灾均比(ZJB)的概念,灾均比分析结果印证了研究结果的正确性。  相似文献   

通过对江西省宜黄县2008年年初发生的大面积毛竹冻雨雪灾的调查,以竹林培育学和气象学理论为基础,综合研究分析了毛竹冻雨雪灾与气象因子、立地条件、立竹年龄以及竹林经营措施等因素的外在和内在关系,并提出了毛竹冰压灾害的处理及其预防措施。  相似文献   

林火与气候变化研究进展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
火是全球大多森林生态系统中的一个重要干扰因子, 它对大气中的温室气体和气溶胶的增加有显著影响。林火与气候变化是当前林火研究领域的热点问题。文中综述了气候变化对林火的影响和林火排放物对气候变化的影响。大量研究表明, 气候变化将导致森林火险期延长, 出现潜在极端火行为的天数增多, 森林火灾更加严重, 特别是北方森林火灾增加显著。未来的研究趋势是, 采用卫星遥感数据在大尺度上研究气候变化对林火的影响, 把林火模型与气候模式和全球植被动力学模型耦合, 构建更为复杂的林火排放模型, 以深入揭示林火与气候变化的关系。  相似文献   

森林中的粗木质残体(CWD)是生物圈与土壤圈养分配置的中介和纽带,CWD的贮量影响森林中元素的循环。文中通过比较世界各气候带森林系统中CWD的贮量,总结了造成各气候带森林中CWD贮量差异的气候因素。各气候带不同的气温、降水以及气温与降水的时间搭配关系,通过影响森林木材生产力、活立木死亡量及CWD的分解速率,进而影响CWD在林内的贮量。热带雨林、季雨林中CWD的平均贮量最低,仅为19.96~27.71 t/hm2;温带海洋性气候森林中CWD的平均贮量高达205.8~213.2 t/hm2。在全球变暖的大背景下,贮存在CWD中的C元素含量关乎着大气中CO2含量,故应加强世界各气候带森林中CWD贮量格局的长期监测和系统调研。  相似文献   

Tropical forests are at the center of any global debate on climate change and sustainable forest management because of their twin roles in climate change adaptation and mitigation and for resilient development. However, in the countries of the Congo Basin forests receive very little attention in national planning and policies. Climate change is not currently considered in decisions and long-term forest management plans in these countries. This paper demonstrates that: (1) Congo Basin forests are needed for adaptation because they can help to decrease human vulnerability to climate change; and (2) Congo Basin forest management practices need to be adapted to accommodate climate change because these forests are vulnerable to climate change. A framework for facilitating adaptation in forestry is discussed and a review of adaptive actions presented. The paper recommends the adoption of sustainable forest management approach that includes a climate change focus. Such management should not only avoid any adverse effects on the forest resources and conservation of biodiversity, but also provides opportunities for greater, more sustainable rural development and poverty alleviation through income generation and employment opportunities.  相似文献   

我国森林生态系统枯落物现存量研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在参考大量相关文献的基础上,对我国森林生态系统枯落物现存量研究进展进行了归纳总结。我国枯落物现存量的研究主要集中在亚热带和温带,热带相对较少;枯落物现存量的研究主要采用收获法,但取样样方的布设、面积、数量及取样时间等尚没有统一的规定;在大区域尺度上,气候是影响森林枯落物现存量变化的主导因子,不同气候带森林枯落物现存量的大小顺序为温带>亚热带>热带;森林枯落物现存量还受林分起源、群落组成和结构、群落发育阶段、土壤、地形条件及干扰的影响。文中还针对全球变化背景下我国森林枯落物现存量研究中存在的问题及今后的研究方向进行了探讨。  相似文献   

不同森林经营措施对木材产量和碳储量的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在应对全球气候变化中, 林业具有特殊地位和重要功能, 以社会、经济和环境可持续发展为目标的森林可持续经营是全球趋势。文中阐述了森林在减缓和适应气候变化中的独特作用; 重点分析了不同营林措施对木材产量和碳储量的影响, 并结合可持续林业的发展趋势评价了不同经营模式框架下木材产量与碳储量之间的平衡; 针对全球气候变化对森林生态系统带来的挑战, 探讨了今后森林经营措施的研究重点和难点, 旨在为制定合理的经营方案提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Terrestrial carbon dynamics have been vastly modified because of changes in atmospheric composition, climate, and land-use. However, few studies provide a complete analysis of the factors and interactions that affect carbon dynamics over a large landscape. This study examines how changes in atmospheric composition (CO2, O3 and N deposition), climate and land-use affected carbon dynamics and sequestration in Mid-Atlantic temperate forests during the 20th century. We modified and applied the PnET-CN model, a well established process-based ecosystem model with a strong foundation of ecosystem knowledge from experimental studies. We validated the model results using the U.S. Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) data. Our results suggest that chronic changes in atmospheric chemistry over the past century markedly affected carbon dynamics and sequestration in Mid-Atlantic temperate forests, while climate change only had a minor impact although inter-annual climatic variability had a far more substantial effect. The NPP response to a century of chronic change in atmospheric composition at the regional scale was an increase of 29%, of which, 14% was from elevated CO2, 17% from N deposition, 6% from the interaction between CO2 and N deposition, and minus 8% from tropospheric ozone. Climate change increased NPP by only 4%. Disturbed forests had 6% lower NPP than undisturbed forests after seven decades. Regrowing forests after harvesting and natural disturbances had much greater capacity for sequestering carbon than undisturbed old-growth forests even though the newer forests had slightly lower net primary production (NPP). The modeling results indicated that N deposition was a stronger force than elevated CO2 for increasing NPP and fast turnover tissues, while elevated CO2 favored more sustainable carbon storage and sequestration. The model results are consistent with various experiments and observations and demonstrate a powerful approach to integrate and expand our knowledge of complex interactive effects of multiple environmental changes on forest carbon dynamics.  相似文献   

This study compiles and summarizes the existing knowledge about observed and projected impacts of climate change on forests in Europe. Forests will have to adapt not only to changes in mean climate variables but also to increased variability with greater risk of extreme weather events, such as prolonged drought, storms and floods. Sensitivity, potential impacts, adaptive capacity, and vulnerability to climate change are reviewed for European forests. The most important potential impacts of climate change on forest goods and services are summarized for the Boreal, Temperate Oceanic, Temperate Continental, Mediterranean, and mountainous regions. Especially in northern and western Europe the increasing atmospheric CO2 content and warmer temperatures are expected to result in positive effects on forest growth and wood production, at least in the short–medium term. On the other hand, increasing drought and disturbance risks will cause adverse effects. These negative impacts are very likely to outweigh positive trends in southern and eastern Europe. From west to east, the drought risk increases. In the Mediterranean regions productivity is expected to decline due to strongly increased droughts and fire risks.  相似文献   

温室效应、全球变暖与林业   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
本文综述了当前受到国内外普遍重视的全球变暖和气候变化以及与林业有关的问题。简要介绍了目前对森林在全球碳平衡中的作用, 气候变化可能对林业的影响, 以及林业对策的研究现状和展望。  相似文献   

A forest simulation model has been applied in a regional impact assessment to investigate impacts of climate change on forest structure and function in the Federal state of Brandenburg, Germany. The forest model FORSKA-M was linked to a GIS that included soil, groundwater table and land-use maps. Two climate scenarios (current climate and a climate change of 1.5 K temperature increase which is combined with a precipitation decrease of 10–20% on average) for 40 meteorological stations in and around Brandenburg were used to assess the sensitivity of species composition to climate change. Furthermore, the implications of vegetation changes for other forest functions were analysed by means of several indicators. To evaluate the impacts of climate change on biodiversity, measures of species diversity (Shannon’s and Simpson’s index) and habitat and structural diversity (Seibert’s index) were applied. The evaluation of impacts on groundwater recharge of natural and managed forests was carried out using the soil water balance model of FORSKA-M.At first, model simulations of the potential natural vegetation (PNV) on the whole area of Brandenburg with different climate scenarios were analysed. The results indicated that climatic warming would lead to a shift in the natural species composition in Brandenburg towards more drought tolerant species. The simulated diversity of the forests would be reduced, and groundwater recharge would be decreased.The majority of forests in the state of Brandenburg have been managed intensively in the past. At present, large areas of Brandenburg’s forests are dominated by pure stands of Scots pine, but current forest management practice aims at increasing the share of deciduous and mixed forests. In order to analyse the possible consequences of climate change on forest management, forest inventory data were used to initialise FORSKA-M with representative forest stands. Simulation experiments with three different management scenarios showed that the short to mid-term effects of climatic change in terms of species composition were not as severe as expected. However, the comparison of different diversity measures indicates a decrease in the species diversity in contrast to an increase in habitat diversity under climate warming. Furthermore, a decrease in productivity and groundwater recharge was simulated under the climate change scenario.The regional impact assessment corroborated the high sensitivity of natural forests in the region to the projected climatic change and it underlined the importance of adaptive management strategies to help forestry to cope with climatic change.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to determine whether a detectable impact of climate change is apparent in Austrian forests. In regions of complex terrain such as most of Austria, climatic trends over the past 50 years show marked geographic variability. As climate is one of the key drivers of forest growth, a comparison of growth characteristics between regions with different trends in temperature and precipitation can give insights into the impact of climatic change on forests. This study uses data from several hundred climate recording stations, interpolated to measurement sites of the Austrian National Forest Inventory (NFI). Austria as a whole shows a warming trend over the past 50 years and little overall change in precipitation. The warming trends, however, vary considerably across certain regions and regional precipitation trends vary widely in both directions, which cancel out on the national scale These differences allow the delineation of 'climatic change zones' with internally consistent climatic trends that differ from other zones. This study applies the species-specific adaptation of the biogeochemical model BIOME-BGC to Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) across a range of Austrian climatic change zones, using input data from a number of national databases. The relative influence of extant climate change on forest growth is quantified, and compared with the far greater impact of non-climatic factors. At the national scale, climate change is found to have negligible effect on Norway spruce productivity, due in part to opposing effects at the regional level. The magnitudes of the modeled non-climatic influences on aboveground woody biomass increment increases are consistent with previously reported values of 20-40 kg of added stem carbon sequestration per kilogram of additional nitrogen deposition, while climate responses are of a magnitude difficult to detect in NFI data.  相似文献   

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