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肖大光 《节能技术》1990,(4):25-27,30
在工厂、矿山中广泛使用蒸汽、压缩空气、氧气、乙炔、煤气等气体作为二次能源或生产原料,产生这些气体所消耗的电、煤、油等费用在生产成本中占有较大比重。对这些气体的生产和消耗进行准确计量和实时监测,有完善的记录,对于指导提高生产的科学管理水平、节约能源、降低成本有很大的实际意义。 长沙铁道学院与株洲电力机车工厂联合研制的QLG—1气体流量计量管理微机系统已于1988年12月正式投入使用,并在生产中发挥了一定作用。现将该系统介绍如下。  相似文献   

介绍了新疆八一钢铁厂根据自身的特点采用893分布式智能测量前端建成八钢能源计量监控网络。不仅提高了下属分厂对能源的重视,更提高了全厂的管理水平,达到节能降耗的目的。  相似文献   

在新型电力系统下,以清洁能源为主体的综合能源系统成为”双碳”目标实现重点。提出了新型电力系统下综合能源系统的投资决策模型。首先,通过综合能源系统的双层优化配置模型,对综合能源系统中的设备选型定容。其次,构建了综合能源系统投资决策评估指标,并基于改进的Shapley值法对不同主体的收益进行分配。最后,选取某一综合能源系统进行实证分析。结果表明,一方面计及风电、光伏、需求响应的不确定分析,能够降低系统运行的风险,提高收益;另一方面改进的Shapley值法能够充分反映各主体的角色定位,使得收益分配更加科学有效。  相似文献   

介绍了常熟经济技术开发区某示范区综合能源系统规划研究情况,综合考虑了示范区电、气、冷、热等能源生产和消费,探索了利用电厂蒸汽或余热资源结合溴化锂吸收式、电制冷冷水机等高效设备给建筑供应冷热的经济性。研究中给出两种分析方法:一是基于MATLAB平台,利用国网(苏州)城市能源研究院综合能源系统仿真分析工具,以系统经济性最优为目标,给出示范区能源系统的配置方案;二是基于EnergyPlan工具,分析对比能源供应设备在不同COP系数时对系统经济性的影响。  相似文献   

介绍了新疆八一钢铁厂根据自身的特点采用893分布式智能测量前端建成八钢能源计量监控网络。不仅提高了下属分厂对能源的重视,更提高了全厂的管理水平,达到节能降耗的目的。  相似文献   

综合能源系统协调优化通过构建电、气、热等多种能源模型,以经济性、效率性、环保性等优化目标为基础,采用多目标优化算法选取参数,最终实现多种能源的合理配置.旨在提升能源转化、传输、利用能力,实现各能源的优势互补,提高能源利用效率.系统的建模理论一般以母线或能源枢纽为切入点,利用平衡方程描述系统优化的动态过程.传统的优化目标...  相似文献   

节能管理不仅需要企业消费能源的总量,更需要企业生产工艺的技术相关标准,时刻把握各生产单元,各考核环节,甚至单台重点用能设备的耗能情况和准确数据,以此来进行动态的分析管理,准确掌握企业能源消耗的变化情况,从而找出准确的节能潜力点,实施有效的节能技术改造和管理,实现企业降耗增效的目的.而这只有通过完善的配置在各生产单元、环...  相似文献   

目前,综合能源系统(integrated energy system,IES)作为国内外能源领域的重点研究方向之一,针对提高可再生能源利用效率、增进"绿电"消纳等问题展开了深入研究.对综合能源系统多能流潮流、综合能源系统优化规划及综合能源系统安全性分析和市场化运营等关键技术进行了系统的综述,并且对这几个方面问题所涉及的...  相似文献   

企业能源监控系统的研究工作对提高企业能源管理的科学合理性,实现企业的节能降耗有着重要的现实意义,而电能作为企业能源消耗的主体,对其的监控工作尤为重要。本文以三相高精度电能计量芯片ADE7758为硬件实现基础,通过对其特性的分析给出了具体的硬件实现电路,在对其实现功能的依据进行了详细的理论分析后,给出了软件流程图,通过后续的校准验证工作最终实现了能源监控系统对企业电能消耗的各种监控功能。  相似文献   

Connections among multi-energy systems become increasingly closer with the extensive application of various energy equipment such as gas-fired power plants and electricity-driven gas compressor. Therefore, the integrated energy system has attracted much attention. This paper establishes a gas-electricity joint operation model, proposes a system evaluation index based on the energy quality character after considering the grade difference of the energy loss of the subsystem, and finds an optimal scheduling method for integrated energy systems. Besides, according to the typical load characteristics of commercial and residential users, the optimal scheduling analysis is applied to the integrated energy system composed of an IEEE 39 nodes power system and a 10 nodes natural gas system. The results prove the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

针对单辆城轨列车在起动、制动过程中对牵引网电压造成冲击从而引起网压不稳定的问题,提出一种基于MMC的车载超级电容储能系统(车载MMC-SCESS),该系统以MMC拓扑结构作为主电路,通过将超级电容储能单元分散接入MMC子模块中,提高系统的控制灵活性与容错性;其次以车载MMC-SCESS的整体结构为研究对象,详细分析其a相桥臂电路工作原理,总结出每个储能子模块的一般工作模式。针对该储能系统主电路结构,提出采用综合控制策略,通过控制超级电容储能单元的充放电状态来实现能量在城轨列车、直流牵引网、超级电容储能系统三者之间流动。最后在Matlab/Simulink中搭建三相五电平车载MMC-SCESS仿真模型,仿真波形验证了储能系统控制策略的可行性。  相似文献   

Focusing on the traditional principle of physical energy utilization, new integration concepts for combined cooling, heating and power (CCHP) system were identified, and corresponding systems were investigated. Furthermore, the principle of cascade utilization of both chemical and physical energy in energy systems with the integration of chemical processes and thermal cycles was introduced, along with a general equation describing the interrelationship among energy levels of substance, Gibbs free energy of chemical reaction and physical energy. On the basis of this principle, a polygeneration system for power and liquid fuel (methanol) production has been presented and investigated. This system innovatively integrates a fresh gas preparation subsystem without composition adjustment process (NA) and a methanol synthesis subsystem with partial-recycle scheme (PR). Meanwhile, a multi-functional energy system (MES) that consumes coal and natural gas as fuels simultaneously, and co-generates methanol and power, has been presented. In the MES, coal and natural gas are utilized synthetically based on the method of dual-fuel reforming, which integrates methane/steam reforming and coal combustion. Compared with conventional energy systems that do not consider cascade utilization of chemical energy, both of these systems provide superior performance, whose energy saving ratio can be as high as 10%–15%. With special attention paid to chemical energy utilization, the integration features of these two systems have been revealed, and the important role that the principle of cascade utilization of both chemical and physical energy plays in system integration has been identified.  相似文献   

综合能源系统作为实现智慧能源的关键技术形式,其优化运行问题是一门重要课题。针对综合能源系统优化运行问题,考虑到系统多能互补协调,基于主从博弈理论进行建模。其中:主体博弈模型以多能互补协调计划为博弈策略,以综合能源系统综合运行成本最小化为博弈支付,计及多能互补协调约束等必要约束条件;从体博弈模型以各个形式能源子网的运行计划为博弈策略,以能源子网运行收益最大化为博弈支付,计及分布式供能设备运行约束等必要约束条件。分析得到主从博弈模型的纳什均衡,基于混沌粒子群算法设计模型求解流程。最后通过仿真算法表明,所建立的模型适用于综合能源系统优化运行方案制定,能够显著降低系统运行成本。  相似文献   

中央空调采用合同能源管理节能的应用实例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
薛遵义  李宜阳 《节能》2010,29(10):69-71
针对第四军医大学某门诊大楼中央空调系统,分析系统能耗偏大的主要原因,采用合同能源管理新机制,进行相应的节能改造。实践证明,改造后系统总能耗大幅度降低,具有显著的节能效果和经济效益。  相似文献   

Vasudeo Virulkar  Mohan Aware  Mohan Kolhe   《Energy》2011,36(5):2392-2398
In this article, an improved integrated battery energy storage system (BESS) controller for distributed energy system is presented. The BESS is integrated in parallel with the full wave bridge converter into the distributed energy system network. In a normal operating mode, the BESS serves as a power conditioner as well as an active power filter in a distributed power system network. This work presents BESS controller which is designed for regulating the state of charge of the batteries and also to manage the active power in a distributed power system network. The off peak load energy is used to recover the batteries’ state of charge through the BESS controller. In this BESS controller, the constant current-constant voltage (CC-CV) mode is used and it helps to keep the batteries’ state of charge conditions for improving the reliability of the distributed power system system. This control strategy is incorporated into the main converter. The controller helps in managing the phase, amplitude and waveform of the current and voltage on the distributed power system network. The controller ensures the power quality and also assists in improving the power factor with respect to the utility for the intermittent distributed generation as well as the load. In this article, the test results of a prototype system are presented, which validates the proposed controller strategy of BESS in a distributed power system network.  相似文献   

Heat metering and energy efficiency retrofit of existing residential buildings in northern heating areas of China is organized and implemented in a large scale by local government in 15 provinces of North China with the unified guidance and control of central government. Firstly, this paper introduced the target of energy-saving reformation of existing residential buildings in North China and the importance of check and evaluation on this target, then pointed out the necessity of building up an evaluation system for energy-saving retrofit. According to the analytical hierarchy process (AHP), three-grade evaluation system was built up for heat metering and energy efficiency retrofit of existing residential buildings in northern heating areas of China. Also, based on multi-index comprehensive evaluation method combined with life cycle assessment (LCA) theory, post-evaluation thought and successful degree evaluation method, a mathematical model was established. Finally, a set of scientific method for evaluating heat metering and energy efficiency retrofit of existing residential buildings in northern heating areas of China systematically, scientifically, comprehensively and objectively was created.  相似文献   

With the increasing demand of energy and the growing intensity of energy crisis, various smart energy systems are developed on the distribution level, such as integrated energy system (IES). In this article, a trading mechanism among various energy retailers and consumers is designed under the open market environment. The trading problem is formulated as a multi‐leader and multi‐follower Stackelberg game, which is built with the strategy set of energy bidding price and purchasing pattern. In particular, consumer's demand is described with the price elasticity property of demand, and non‐cooperative competition behavior among retailers is analyzed mathematically. To implement the proposed game approach, a distributed algorithm is presented by combining particle swarm optimization (PSO) and interior point method (IPM). Finally, simulation results show that the proposed trading mechanism will contribute to the development of heterogeneous energy market and the overall profit of retailers in the traditional trading mechanism is 37.8% lower than the profit in the proposed mechanism.  相似文献   

Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and the US Department of Energy (DOE) have been funding a number of case studies under the initiative entitled “Economic Development through Biomass Systems Integration”, with the objective of investigate the feasibility of integrated biomass energy systems, utilizing a dedicated feedstock supply system (DFSS) for energy production. This paper deals with the full fuel cycle for four of these case studies, which have been examined with regard to the emissions of carbon dioxide, CO2. Although the conversion of biomass to electricity in itself does not emit more CO2 than is captured by the biomass through photosynthesis, there will be some CO2 emissions from the DFSS. External energy is required for the production and transportation of the biomass feedstock, and this energy is mainly based on fossil fuels. By using this input energy, CO2 and other greenhouse gases are emitted. However, by utilizing biomass with fossil fuels as external input fuels, we would get about 10–15 times more electric energy per unit fossil fuel, compared with a 100% coal power system. By introducing a DFSS on former farmland the amount of energy spent for production of crops can be reduced, the amount of fertilizers can be decreased, the soil can be improved and a significant amount of energy will be produced compared with an ordinary farm crop. Compared with traditional coal-based electricity production, the CO2 emissions are in most cases reduced significantly by as much as 95%. The important conclusion is the great potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions through the offset of coal by biomass.  相似文献   

In view of the disadvantages of the traditional energy supply systems, such as separate planning, separate design, independent operating mode, and the increasingly prominent nonlinear coupling between various sub-systems, the production, transmission, storage and consumption of multiple energy sources are coordinated and optimized by the integrated energy system, which improves energy and infrastructure utilization, promotes renewable energy consumption, and ensures reliability of energy supply. In this paper, the mathematical model of the electricity-gas interconnected integrated energy system and its state estimation method are studied. First, considering the nonlinearity between measurement equations and state variables, a performance simulation model is proposed. Then, the state consistency equations and constraints of the coupling nodes for multiple energy sub-systems are established, and constraints are relaxed into the objective function to decouple the integrated energy system. Finally, a distributed state estimation framework is formed by combining the synchronous alternating direction multiplier method to achieve an efficient estimation of the state of the integrated energy system. A simulation model of an electricity-gas interconnected integrated energy system verifies the efficiency and accuracy of the state estimation method proposed in this paper. The results show that the average relative errors of voltage amplitude and node pressure estimated by the proposed distributed state estimation method are only 0.0132% and 0.0864%, much lower than the estimation error by using the Lagrangian relaxation method. Besides, compared with the centralized estimation method, the proposed distributed method saves 5.42 s of computation time. The proposed method is more accurate and efficient in energy allocation and utilization.  相似文献   

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