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综述了新生儿科医患沟通的研究进展,主要从新生儿科医患沟通的特点和新生儿科医患沟通技巧两方面进行总结,以期为临床医务人员对新生儿科医患沟通的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

加强医患沟通.建立开放式管理制度和医患沟通监督机制,保证医患沟通渠道畅通,构筑和谐医患关系是医院管理的一项重要内容,把解决医患冲突问题“前移”,以预防为主,利用语言和行为沟通技巧,加强医患沟通,变被动为主动.将医疗纠纷化解在萌芽状态,从而达到和谐医患关系和稳定就医环境的目的。现将我们整理的医患沟通技巧和大家做一些共同探讨。  相似文献   

面对目趋紧张的医患关系,对医患关系的影响因素进行分析,寻找症结,已成为当务之急。医患关系紧张的关键在于沟通,对医患沟通的现状进行调研,分析造成沟通障碍的主要因素,总结归纳出良好医患沟通的方法和措施。  相似文献   

新型医患沟通范式及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨新型医患沟通范式的临床价值。方法分析新型医患沟通范式的基本文书和临床应用效果。结果自2002年1月2009年12月,新型医患沟通范式应用于9800余例住院患者,无1起医疗事故发生。结论新型医患沟通范式从形式上和内容上对患者知情权进行了充分的保障,对构建和谐医患关系具有重大价值。  相似文献   

刘红  陈晓勤 《华西医学》2012,(10):1554-1556
目的分析当前医患沟通学课程教学中存在的问题,探索提高教学质量的有效途径。方法2011年12月-2012年1月通过收集相关文献及实际教学中有关医患沟通的事例,对医患沟通中存在的问题进行归类梳理,并针对各结症提出解决措施及建议。结果目前国内医患沟通学教学中存在以下问题:医学生对医患沟通学课程不够重视;缺乏系统的教学质量考评体系;医患沟通学课程的理论与实践课学时比例缺乏科学的设置标准;教学方式、课程开设对象等不统一。结论要提高医患沟通学教学质量,其提高医学生对沟通能力重要性的认识是前提,建立健全医患沟通学课程的教学模式和考核体系是关键,为学生构建早期接触临床实践的平台是保障。  相似文献   

摘要 目的:分析探讨康复医学专业住院医师规范化培训中住院医师对医患沟通的认知及培养的需求。 方法:对2021年全省康复医学专业在培的住院医师进行问卷调查,内容包括住院医师的一般情况、学历、医患沟通基本要素评价、医患沟通培训需求。 结果:医患沟通培训现状部分87.67%的住院医师认为医患沟通很重要,61.64%的住院医师认为自身医患沟通能力一般,三个年度的学员在医患沟通重要性的认识方面没有显著性差异(F=1.438,P=0.244),自身医患沟通能力自评方面差异也无显著性意义(F=1.096,P=0.340);医患沟通要素中“询问病人是否还有其它的问题需要探讨”“给病人说话的时间和机会/无尴尬停顿”“让病人讲述对其健康问题和/或疾病发展过程的看法”“解释诊断性操作的理论依据”和“系统询问影响疾病的社会、心理、情感因素”得分排在最后5位。医患沟通培训开展及需求分析表明,全省康复医学专业住院医师规范化培训基地中仅有56.16%开设了相关医患沟通课程,其中设置形式84.93%为理论授课,对于课程设置的满意率为61.65%,康复医学专业住培学员希望的医患沟通课程设置形式前3位的为视频教学、理论讲授和角色扮演,分别占比69.86%、67.12%、61.64%。 结论:康复医学住院医师在医患沟通能力重要性的认知上存在差距,康复医学专业住院医师规范化培训基地医患沟通相关课程开设率偏低并存在授课形式单一的问题,针对康复医学住院医师医患沟通上的医学教育及实践形式仍需进一步加强。  相似文献   

服务热线电话在医患沟通中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,医患纠纷已经成为社会关注的热点问题。医患沟通是医患关系的重要组成部分,已经引起医院管理者和医护人员的重视。由于医患沟通不当而引起的误解和纠纷屡见不鲜。许多医院把医患沟通作为一种制度规定下来,但是要真正实现医患沟通还有许多问题需要解决和探讨。  相似文献   

针对医学院校教学中重临床技能、轻医患沟通的问题,以及妇科肿瘤硕士研究生医患沟通方面的特殊性,探讨妇科肿瘤硕士研究生医患沟通技能的培养方法。从而做到思想上医患沟通能力与医学临床技术并重,实践中沟通游刃有余,以期为妇科肿瘤硕士研究生进入临床奠定坚实的基础,建立和谐的医患关系,减少医患矛盾及医疗纠纷。  相似文献   

和谐医患沟通的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 探讨和谐的医患沟通.方法 分析医患沟通的现实要求、方式、内容及交流技巧.结果 和谐的医患沟通需要医生占主导,医患双方共同努力.结论 和谐医患沟通是医学人文精神的需要,是医学发展的需要,更重要的是提高医疗服务质量,减少医患纠纷的需要.  相似文献   

对医患沟通在医患矛盾中的作用体会探讨如下。 1医患沟通的目的 医患沟通是人际沟通的一种具体形式。人际沟通是人们将思想、感受、意念传递给对方并为对方所接受,是接受和了解对方的双向过程,是人类特有的需求。医患沟通是医护人员和患者间的思想、感受、情感、  相似文献   

Concerns have been expressed about gaps between available medical research evidence and current medical practice. These gaps have been attributed to process problems with the implementation of evidence previously judged to be appropriate, rather than to problems with the appropriateness of the evidence provided for implementation. Two such 'appropriateness' problems are the applicability of research evidence to an individual patient, and the acceptability to an individual patient of a proposed treatment. Part of both these problems is due to the pre-eminence of the scientific paradigm within the medical research domain, and of the randomized controlled clinical trial within that domain. However, there is an opportunity beneficially to address both these problems by supporting reciprocal communication between medical research 'producers' and medical research 'consumers'– both practising clinicians and patients' representatives – in the setting of research priorities, selection of topics for research, development of research questions and study designs, in-progress reviewing, and final reporting of medical research projects. Such communication could allow researchers to understand, and respond to, clinicians' and patients' inputs concerning the applicability, utility and acceptability issues that will ultimately affect whether, and how, medical research findings can be applied. Such communication could also assist with some post-research implementation issues: integration of appropriate evidence into everyday practice; access to appropriate information sources; and a critical lack of necessary time.  相似文献   

It is claimed that health care students who learn together will be better prepared for contemporary practice and more able to work collaboratively and communicate effectively. In Australia, although recognised as important for preparing nursing, pharmacy and medical students for their roles in the medication team, interprofessional education is seldom used for teaching medication safety. This is despite evidence indicating that inadequate communication between health care professionals is the primary issue in the majority of medication errors. It is suggested that the pragmatic constraints inherent in university timetables, curricula and contexts limit opportunities for health professional students to learn collaboratively. Thus, there is a need for innovative approaches that will allow nursing, medical and pharmacy students to learn about and from other disciplines even when they do not have the opportunity to learn with them. This paper describes the development of authentic multimedia resources that allow for participative, interactive and engaging learning experiences based upon sound pedagogical principles. These resources provide opportunities for students to critically examine clinical scenarios where medication safety is, or has the potential to be compromised and to develop skills in interprofessional communication that will prepare them to manage these types of situations in clinical practice.  相似文献   

We trust that this communication will further the understanding of the concepts involved in wrongful life and wrongful birth and will assist the conduct of medical practice in such a way to minimize risks to patients and ultrasound physicians with regard to their liability. When these physicians are involved in wrongful life cases, we believe that the concepts presented will assist them in understanding the legal and societal environment in which they find themselves. We hope also that this communication may assist the defense attorney to more effectively prepare a response to the plaintiff's legal theory. Knowledge should provide understanding, if not relief.  相似文献   

Clare Lamontagne  MS  RN  CNE 《Nursing forum》2010,45(1):54-65
PROBLEM.  Patient safety is being compromised by intimidating communication and ineffective teamwork among healthcare providers. The Joint Commission Update indicates that ineffective communication has been the leading root cause of the majority of sentinel events since 1996. Furthermore, the organizational implementation of policies and procedures for addressing this dangerous situation is now mandated by The Joint Commission Sentinel Event Alert. However, in order to consistently identify and address this problem, there must be a clear and universal definition of intimidation.
METHODS.  The purpose of this article is to clarify the definition of intimidation in healthcare settings. Without this clarity, the role of intimidation as a precursor to the occurrence of medical errors will inevitably be obscured. The framework for concept analysis proposed by Walker and Avant is used to explicate the definition, attributes, antecedents, consequences, and cases of intimidation.
FINDINGS.  Analyzing the extent of the relationship between intimidation and medical errors will provide healthcare organizations and professionals with a foundation for the development of strategies to combat the effects of intimidation on medical errors and patient safety.
CONCLUSIONS.  The necessity to create a culture of safety in healthcare settings is paramount.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To identify the documentation and communication requirements an oncology nurse should follow to avoid negligence or malpractice suits. DATA SOURCES: Lexis, Medline, Westlaw, nursing and medical literature, and nursing legtal texts. CONCLUSIONS: Effective communication and documentation is an essential part of an oncology nurses' role and will reduce the risk of liability. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE: The old adage "not documented, not done" applies more today than ever before. Continuous, meticulous documentation and communication are essential for quality care as well as reduction of liability in every setting the oncology nurse practices.  相似文献   

In increasingly multilingual healthcare environments worldwide, ensuring accurate, effective communication is requisite. Language proficiency is essential, particularly medical language proficiency. Medical language is a universal construct in healthcare, the shared language of health and allied health professions. It is highly evolved, career-specific, technical and cultural-bound—a language for specific purposes. Its function differs significantly from that of a standard language. Proficiency requires at minimum, a common understanding of discipline-specific jargon, abstracts, euphemisms, abbreviations; acronyms. An optimal medical language situation demands a level of competency beyond the superficial wherein one can convey or interpret deeper meanings, distinguish themes, voice opinion, and follow directions precisely. It necessitates the use of clarity, and the ability to understand both lay and formal language—characteristics not essential to standard language. Proficiency influences professional discourse and can have the potential to positively or negatively affect patient outcomes. While risks have been identified when there is language discordance between care provider and patient, almost nothing has been said about this within care teams themselves. This article will do so in anticipation that care providers, regulators, employers, and researchers will acknowledge potential language-based communication barriers and work towards resolutions. This is predicated on the fact that the growing interest in language and communication in healthcare today appears to be rested in globalization and increasingly linguistically diverse patient populations. Consideration of the linguistically diverse healthcare workforce is absent. An argument will be posited that if potential risks to patient safety exist and there are potentials for disengagement from care by patients when health providers do not speak their languages then logically these language-based issues can also be true for a care team of mixed linguistic backgrounds. Members may disengage from each other or adverse events may occur as a result of misunderstanding or other language-based confounds. While the greater goal of the article is to address the issues of medical language across languages, English and medical English are used to illustrate points. Questions will be posed to stimulate thought and identify a need for research. Recommendations include collaboration between the health and language disciplines.  相似文献   

刘云章 《临床荟萃》2022,37(1):62-65
医患沟通究其本质是医患双方就患者所患疾病与健康状况在医学认知、医疗能力及医疗价值取向等方面相互交流,弥合分歧,形成共识,并采取相应医疗对策的过程,期间需要医患双方对相关信息进行有效的阐释并接受.基于阐释学理论与原则,在沟通过程中,医患相互尊重对疾病与医学的认知"前理解"是进行医患沟通的前提,正视并理性对待医疗过程中的现...  相似文献   

An organised disaster plan has been developed in Singapore to provide a coordinated and rapid medical response to a civil disaster situation.On notification of a civil disaster incident, medical teams from government and restructured hospitals will be despatched to the disaster site. Each team of two doctors and four nurses will also carry a set of pre-packaged medical supplies.These teams are coordinated by a Disaster Site Medical Command (DSMC) headquarters team which maintains radio contact with them. Through such contact, information regarding the casualty situation, requirements for ambulances, stretchers and medical supplies can be relayed. The teams carry out only trauma resuscitative procedures prior to transportation to hospitals.Constant communication is also maintained with the Ministry of Health Coordination Centre at the Singapore General Hospital, to enable the Medical Command to direct ambulance transport of patients from the disaster site to the appropriate hospitals.  相似文献   

It is the norm for medical professionals to encourage school reentry for the terminally ill student. Their commitment to and belief in the benefits of school involvement are to be commended. It is essential, however, that the hospital staff be directly involved with facilitating school reentry. Research into the needs of chronically and terminally ill students has historically been done by the medical community. Educators lack basic knowledge and the expertise to ensure that the school experience will be successful. It is hoped that the educational community will become more aware and actively seek to guarantee that every child is provided with an appropriate education in future years. For the time being, however, the medical professional must assume the role of coordinator, bringing together the terminally ill child, parents, peers, and educators, and fostering open, ongoing communication between all. The success of these efforts will bring about healthy attitudes toward death and dying; a rich, rewarding experience for all children involved; and ultimately an opportunity for a dying child to live life to its fullest.  相似文献   

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