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AIMS—To evaluate the effectiveness of home visiting programmes on parenting and quality of the home environment.DESIGN—Systematic review of the literature of randomised controlled trials and quasi-experimental studies evaluating home visiting programmes involving at least one postnatal visit.SUBJECTS—Thirty four studies reported relevant outcomes; 26 used participants considered to be at risk of adverse maternal or child health outcomes; two used preterm or low birth weight infants; and two used infants with failure to thrive. Only eight used participants not considered to be at risk of adverse child health outcomes.RESULTS—Seventeen studies reported Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment (HOME) scores, 27 reported other measures of parenting, and 10 reported both types of outcome. Twelve studies were entered into the meta analysis. This showed a significant effect of home visiting on HOME score. Similar results were found after restricting the analyses to randomised controlled trials and to higher quality studies. Twenty one of the 27 studies reporting other measures of parenting found significant treatment effects favouring the home visited group on a range of measures.CONCLUSIONS—Home visiting programmes were associated with an improvement in the quality of the home environment. Few studies used UK health visitors, so caution must be exercised in extrapolating the results to current UK health visiting practice. Further work is needed to evaluate whether UK health visitors can achieve similar results. Comparisons with similar programmes delivered by paraprofessionals or community mothers are also needed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To assess the relation between cigarette smoking during pregnancy and neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) in very preterm birth, and to analyse the differential effect of antenatal steroids on RDS among smokers and non-smokers. DESIGN: A population based cohort study (the French Epipage study). SETTING: Regionally defined births in France. METHODS: A total of 858 very preterm liveborn singletons (27-32 completed weeks of gestation) of the French Epipage study were included in this analysis. The odds ratio for RDS in relation to smoking in pregnancy was estimated using a logistic regression to control for gestational age. The odds ratio for RDS in relation to antenatal steroids was estimated taking into account an interaction between antenatal steroids and cigarette smoking, using multiple logistic regression to control for gestational age, birthweight ratio, main causes of preterm birth, mode of delivery, and sex. RESULTS: The odds ratio for RDS in relation to smoking in pregnancy adjusted for gestational age (aOR) was 0.59 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.44 to 0.79). The aOR for RDS in relation to antenatal steroids was 0.31 (95% CI 0.19 to 0.49) in babies born to non-smokers and 0.63 (95% CI 0.38 to 1.05) in those born to smokers; the difference was significant (p = 0.04). CONCLUSIONS: Cigarette smoking during pregnancy is associated with a decrease in the risk of RDS in very preterm babies. Although antenatal steroids reduce the risk of RDS in babies born to both smokers and non-smokers, the reduction is smaller in those born to smokers.  相似文献   

AIMS: To evaluate the effectiveness of home visiting programmes on parenting and quality of the home environment. DESIGN: Systematic review of the literature of randomised controlled trials and quasi-experimental studies evaluating home visiting programmes involving at least one postnatal visit. SUBJECTS: Thirty four studies reported relevant outcomes; 26 used participants considered to be at risk of adverse maternal or child health outcomes; two used preterm or low birth weight infants; and two used infants with failure to thrive. Only eight used participants not considered to be at risk of adverse child health outcomes. RESULTS: Seventeen studies reported Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment (HOME) scores, 27 reported other measures of parenting, and 10 reported both types of outcome. Twelve studies were entered into the meta analysis. This showed a significant effect of home visiting on HOME score. Similar results were found after restricting the analyses to randomised controlled trials and to higher quality studies. Twenty one of the 27 studies reporting other measures of parenting found significant treatment effects favouring the home visited group on a range of measures. CONCLUSIONS: Home visiting programmes were associated with an improvement in the quality of the home environment. Few studies used UK health visitors, so caution must be exercised in extrapolating the results to current UK health visiting practice. Further work is needed to evaluate whether UK health visitors can achieve similar results. Comparisons with similar programmes delivered by paraprofessionals or community mothers are also needed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Developmental dyslexia is typically defined by deficits in phonological skills, but it is also associated with anomalous performance on measures of balance. Although balance assessments are included in several screening batteries for dyslexia, the association between impairments in literacy and deficits in postural stability could be due to the high co-occurrence of dyslexia with other developmental disorders in which impairments of motor behaviour are also prevalent. METHODS: We identified 17 published studies that compared balance function between dyslexia and control samples and obtained effect-sizes for each. Contrast and association analyses were used to quantify the influence of hypothesised moderator variables on differences in effects across studies. RESULTS: The mean effect-size of the balance deficit in dyslexia was .64 (95% CI = .44-.78) with heterogeneous findings across the population of studies. Probable co-occurrence of other developmental disorders and variability in intelligence scores in the dyslexia samples were the strongest moderator variables of effect-size. CONCLUSIONS: Balance deficits are associated with dyslexia, but these effects are apparently more strongly related to third variables other than to reading ability. Deficits of balance may indicate increased risk of developmental disorder, but are unlikely to be uniquely associated with dyslexia.  相似文献   

The effect of breastfeeding on the development of allergic rhinitis and other atopic conditions has been assessed in many studies but remains controversial. To elucidate this issue, a systematic review was conducted of prospective studies that evaluated the association between exclusive breastfeeding during the first 3 mo after birth and allergic rhinitis. The 1966-2000 MEDLINE databases were searched and the reference lists of relevant articles were reviewed according to predetermined inclusion criteria. The methodological aspects of each study, duration and exclusivity of breastfeeding, outcome measures, control for potential confounding variables and other factors were assessed, and estimates of the association between breastfeeding and allergic rhinitis were abstracted independently by the investigators using a standardized approach. Six prospective studies met the inclusion criteria. The summary odds ratio for the protective effect of breastfeeding was 0.74 (95% confidence interval 0.54-1.01). The effect estimate in studies of children with a family history of atopy was 0.87 (95% confidence interval 0.48-1.58).

Conclusion : Exclusive breastfeeding during the first 3 mo after birth protects against allergic rhinitis in children, both with and without a family history of atopy. The protective association, although of borderline statistical significance, was substantial. Larger prospective studies with strict methodology and longer periods of follow-up are needed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Previous empirical studies of the cognitive sequelae of failure to thrive in infancy have led to apparently inconsistent conclusions. METHODS: Studies of cognitive abilities in failure to thrive were located through published bibliographies, supplemented by a search through MEDLINE. They were classified (a) into those in which the cases were identified in hospital or other specialist clinics, and those in which they were identified in primary care or by whole population screening; (b) into those that were controlled and those that were not controlled; and (c) into those with a cross-sectional and those with a longitudinal design. Effect sizes in controlled studies were summarised using D statistics for the principal cognitive outcome measure, from the last occasion on which the child was tested if the study was longitudinal. RESULTS: In studies with cases identified in hospital or other specialist clinics (52 cases, 36 controls), the pooled effect size (weighted standardised mean difference) for cognitive outcomes was -.85 (95% CI -.41 to -1.30). In studies with cases identified in primary care (552 cases, 573 controls), it was -.30 (95% CI -.18 to -.42). In each longitudinal study testing the same children at different ages, the effect size was smaller when the children were older. To obtain an overall estimate of the long-term cognitive outcome of failure to thrive in infancy, data from controlled studies in which cases were identified in primary care, and restricted to IQ or McCarthy scale scores in older children (502 cases, 523 controls), were used. The weighted mean difference was -.28 (95% CI -.16 to -.41), equivalent to 4.2 IQ points (95% CI 2 to 6). CONCLUSIONS: Evidence from reasonably well-controlled studies indicates that failure to thrive in infancy is associated with adverse intellectual outcomes sufficiently large to be of importance at a population level.  相似文献   

Background:  This study investigated whether providing self-directed and web-based support for parents enhanced the effects of viewing a reality television series based on the Triple P – Positive Parenting Programme.
Method:  Parents with a child aged 2 to 9 ( N  =   454) were randomly assigned to either a standard or enhanced intervention condition. In the standard television alone viewing condition, parents watched the six-episode weekly television series, 'Driving Mum and Dad Mad'. Parents in the enhanced television viewing condition received a self-help workbook, extra web support involving downloadable parenting tip sheets, audio and video streaming of positive parenting messages and email support, in addition to viewing the television series.
Results:  Parents in both conditions reported significant improvements in their child's disruptive behaviour and improvements in dysfunctional parenting practices. Effects were greater for the enhanced condition as seen on the ECBI, two of the three parenting indicators and overall programme satisfaction. However, no significant differences were seen on other measures, including parent affect indicators. The level of improvement was related to number of episodes watched, with greatest changes occurring in families who watched each episode. Improvements achieved at post-intervention by parents in both groups were maintained at six-month follow-up. Online tip sheets were frequently accessed; uptake of web-based resources was highest early in the series.
Conclusions:  The value of combining self-help approaches, technology and media as part of a comprehensive public health approach to providing parenting support is discussed.  相似文献   

Optimising child feeding behaviours could improve child health in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, where undernutrition rates remain high. However, the design of interventions to improve child feeding behaviours is limited by piecemeal, theoretically underdeveloped evidence on factors that may influence these behaviours. Between July 2018 and January 2020, we systematically searched Cochrane, Medline, EMBASE, Global Health and LILACS databases, grey literature websites and reference lists, for evidence of region‐specific causes of child feeding behaviours and the effectiveness of related interventions and policies. The Behaviour Change Wheel was used as a framework to synthesise and map the resulting literature. We identified 2,905 records and included 68 relevant studies of mixed quality, published between 1964 and 2019. Most (n = 50) were quantitative, 15 were qualitative and three used mixed methods. A total of 39 studies described causes of child feeding behaviour; 29 evaluated interventions or policies. Frequently cited barriers to breastfeeding included mothers' beliefs and perceptions of colostrum and breast milk sufficiency; fears around child illness; and familial and societal pressures, particularly from paternal grandmothers. Child diets were influenced by similar beliefs and mothers' lack of money, time and control over household finances and decisions. Interventions (n = 22) primarily provided foods or supplements with education, resulting in mixed effects on breastfeeding and child diets. Policy evaluations (n = 7) showed positive and null effects on child feeding practices. We conclude that interventions should address context‐specific barriers to optimal feeding behaviours, use behaviour change theory to apply appropriate techniques and evaluate impact using robust research methods.  相似文献   



To report the scope, feasibility and learning experience of operating on neonates on the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).


(1) Review of all NICU operations performed by general neonatal surgeons over 10?years; (2) 6-month prospective comparison of procedures performed in NICU or operating room; (3) structured interviews with five surgeons with 1–13?years experience of operating on NICU.


312 operations were performed in 249 infants. Median birth weight was 1,494?g (range 415–4,365), gestational age 29?weeks (22–42), and age at operation 25?days (0–163). Nearly half (147) were laparotomy for acute abdominal pathology in preterm, very low birth-weight infants There were no surgical adverse events related to location of surgery. Surgeon satisfaction with operating on NICU for this population was high (5/5). Several factors contribute to making this process a success.


This is the largest reported series of general neonatal surgical procedures performed on NICU. Operating on NICU is feasible and safe, and a full range of neonatal operations can be performed. It removes risks associated with neonatal transfer and is likely to reduce physiological instability. We recommend this approach for all ventilated neonates and urge neonatal surgeons to operate at the cotside of unstable infants.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo investigate the problems in the primary care of children with spina bifida and to analyze their impact on neuro-urological outcome in Turkey. Information from mothers about the disease, difficulties in getting medical services, availability and efficacy of prenatal ultrasound, and folic acid intake was also assessed.PatientsA retrospective review of 476 children registered in the pediatric urology section of our institutional multidisciplinary spina bifida clinic between 1996 and 2005 was made. All children were assessed for the time of primary repair, time to first neuro-urological visit, and compliance to follow up. A phone interview was made with 166 mothers to obtain data regarding their educational status, supplementary folic acid intake before/during gestation, compliance to obstetric follow up, prenatal diagnosis and counseling, information about the importance of neuro-urological surveillance, and difficulties in neuro-urological follow up.ResultsTwo-thirds of the mothers had an educational status of elementary school or lower. Phone interviews revealed inadequate obstetric follow up in 42% and a low prenatal diagnosis rate (49%) in those under regular follow up. Chart review revealed a significant delay in timing of primary surgical closure (mean 3 months and 2.9 years for open and closed lesions, respectively) and first neuro-urological follow-up visit (mean 1.8 years and 9.7 months after primary repair for open and occult lesions, respectively). Reasons for delayed closure were misguided advice of the nurse/midwife involved in delivery and inability to obtain tertiary health care. Socioeconomic inadequacy of the families and inefficacy of the health insurance system were the most important factors impairing follow up.ConclusionsSerious problems exist in the prevention, prenatal diagnosis and primary management of children with myelodysplasia in Turkey. As a consequence, neuro-urological follow up starts relatively late, which adversely affects the urological prognosis.  相似文献   

Aim: To determine whether an e‐learning resuscitation programme was able to improve the knowledge and competence of doctors and nurses in providing cardiopulmonary resuscitation to children in a simulated cardiac arrest. Method: A prospective before and after pilot study comprising of a simulated paediatric resuscitation before and after participants undertook an e‐learning programme. Participants were emergency department doctors and new graduate nurses from The Children's Hospital at Westmead, Australia. Primary outcome measures were the ability to perform successful basic life support (BLS) and advanced life support (ALS) according to published guidelines. Secondary outcome measures were the individual steps in performing the overall resuscitation and subjective feedback from participants. Results: Fifty‐six clinicians were enrolled in the study (29 doctors and 27 nurses). Thirty‐seven were re‐tested (25 doctors and 12 nurses). The mean time between tests was 49 days (17 standard deviation). The e‐learning module led to an improvement in participants' ability to perform BLS by 51% (P < 0.001) and ALS by 57% (P= 0.001) overall resulting in an overall competence of 89% (BLS) and 65% (ALS). There were also significant improvements in time to rhythm recognition (P= 0.006), time to first defibrillation (P= 0.009) and participants' self‐reported knowledge and confidence in BLS and ALS (P < 0.001). Conclusions: E‐learning does improve both the knowledge and competence of doctors and nurses in providing cardiopulmonary resuscitation to children in the simulation environment.  相似文献   

Background: Although impaired sensory processing accompanies various clinical conditions, the question of its status as an independent disorder remains open. Our goal was to delineate the comorbidity (or lack thereof) between childhood psychopathology and sensory over‐responsivity (SOR) in middle childhood using phenotypic and behavior‐genetic analyses. Method: Participants (N = 970) were drawn from the Wisconsin Twin Project, a population‐based sample of twins and their families. Mothers completed a sensory responsivity checklist when their offspring were on average 7 years old, followed by a diagnostic interview (Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children; DISC) within 6–12 months. We examined the incidence of DISC diagnoses – attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, agoraphobia, general anxiety, obsessive‐compulsive disorder, panic disorder, separation anxiety, social phobia, specific phobia, depression, enuresis, trichtollomaniatics, selective mutism, and pica – among children with SOR, and vice versa. Children with autism or pervasive developmental disorders were excluded from the present study. In addition, we examined parent‐reported physical health diagnoses among nondiagnosed children and three groups of children with SOR and/or DISC diagnoses. Biometric models explored common underlying genetic and environmental influences on symptoms of SOR and psychopathology. Results: A majority of individuals who screened positive for SOR did not qualify for a DISC diagnosis (58.2%), and vice versa (68.3%). Children who screened positive for SOR only and typical children had similar rates of physical health problems. Turning to a dimensional approach, multivariate twin models demonstrated that modest covariation between SOR and DISC symptoms could be entirely accounted for by common underlying genetic effects. Conclusions: Our results suggest that SOR occurs independently of recognized childhood psychiatric diagnoses but is also a relatively frequent comorbid condition with recognized diagnoses. Genetic sources of this comorbidity are implicated.  相似文献   

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