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This review article investigates the encoding and storage functions of note-taking. The encoding function suggests that the process of taking notes, which are not reviewed, is facilitative. Research specifying optimal note-taking behaviors is discussed as are several means for facilitating note-taking, such as viewing a lecture multiple times, note-taking on a provided framework, or generative note-taking activities. The storage function suggests that the review of notes also is facilitative. Research addressing particular review behaviors, such as organization and elaboration, is discussed as are the advantages of reviewing provided notes, borrowed notes, or notes organized in a matrix form. In addition, cognitive factors related to note-taking and review are discussed. The article concludes with an alternative means for defining and investigating the functions of note-taking, and with implications for education and for research.  相似文献   


This study examines the internal consistency of Novak and Gowin's scoring scheme and its effect on the prediction validity of concept mapping as an alternative science classroom achievement assessment. Data were collected in three typical situations: very limited concept mapping experience with free‐style concept mapping; some concept mapping experience with questions provided; extensive concept mapping experience with a list of concepts provided for. It was found that Novak's scoring scheme was not internally consistent, and therefore there was generally no significant correlation between students’ scores on concept mapping and students’ scores on conventional classroom achievement assessments. The need for a new scoring scheme when concept mapping is used as an alternative science assessment is discussed.  相似文献   

本文主要综述了新疆少数民族汉字教学研究现状.  相似文献   

实践教学基地建设的概念与特征   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
一、实践教学基地建设在高等职业教育中的地位 实践教学基地建设是实践教学体系的重要组成部分。在以能力培养为主线的高等职业教育中,建设高质量的实践教学基地是培养生产、服务、管理第一线的高层次应用型人才的必备条件。实践教学基地的建设管理水平直接影响着培养目标的实现,是高等职业教育办学水平的重要标志之一。实践证明,实践教学基地为实践教学提供了良好的、能适应岗位需要的、规范有序的实践场所。其中校内基地着重模拟生产现场的实际,训练学生的专业基础技能,并以此激发学生  相似文献   

Tasks tapping visual skills, orthographic knowledge, phonological awareness, speeded naming, morphological awareness and Chinese character recognition were administered to 184 kindergarteners and 273 primary school students from Beijing. Regression analyses indicated that only syllable deletion, morphological construction and speeded number naming were unique correlates of Chinese character recognition in kindergarteners. Among primary school children, the independent correlates of character recognition were rime detection, homophone judgement, morpheme production, orthographic knowledge and speeded number naming. Results underscore the importance of some dimensions of both phonological processing and morphological awareness for both very early and intermediate Chinese reading acquisition. Although significantly correlated with character recognition in younger (but not older) children, visual skills were not uniquely associated with Chinese character reading at any grade level. However, orthographic skills were strongly associated with reading in primary school but not kindergarten, suggesting that orthographic skills are more important for literacy development as reading experience increases.  相似文献   

《汉语拼音方案》是拼写汉民族共同语的拼音方案。自它被公布施行至今,得到了国际社会的普遍认可与运用。但是《汉语拼音方案》在运用过程中也存在着一些不尽如人意的问题,有一定的局限性。对于《汉语拼音方案》的一些有待完善的方面,已经有人作过一些研究,这些成果为我们正确认识《汉语拼音方案》的局限提供了很好的借鉴。本文将对字母表、声母表、韵母表、声调符号、隔音规则、省略规则这些方面存在的不足加以进一步说明。  相似文献   

语音意识及其各成份的发展以及语音意识与阅读的关系是目前语音意识研究的热点,目前,更多的研究集中在语音意识对阅读影响方面,在语音意识获得与发展的研究相对过少,尤其是普通话儿童汉语语音意识与英语语音意识发展的研究。本文通过纵向与横向研究的方法,研究汉语与英语语音意识的相互关系,探讨英语学习对汉语及英语语音意识的影响。  相似文献   

2005年中俄睦邻合作成果丰硕,进入了前所未有的高位发展阶段。双方在政治军事、经贸科技、文化教育卫生体育环保等多个领域展开了积极富有成效的合作与交流。中俄战略协作伙伴关系得到了深化与发展。  相似文献   


Establishing causal relationships is an elusive process for criminal justice researchers. Elimination of rival causal factors tends to be the most problematic area. This practice note first describes the methodology of a recent study conducted by the authors and then elaborates on the methodological problems inherent in the search to establish a causal relationship between course work and attitudinal change among students enrolled in introductory criminal justice classes.  相似文献   


In China, unlike in many of the other cases treated in this special issue, it would seem that the standard style of writing by hand did not undergo any significant changes over the course of the twentieth century. Accordingly, the development of everyday Chinese handwriting has not been studied much. This article, however, shows that subtle yet significant changes occurred in both handwriting and the teaching of handwriting. Those changes were part and parcel of China’s twentieth-century quest for identity in a changing world. By analysing curricula and handwriting manuals from the 1900s to the 1980s, I demonstrate how, within a standard framework of “good” handwriting inherited from Imperial China, economic, societal, and nationalist considerations of the Republican, Maoist, and reform-era regimes caused the emphasis to shift back and forth between speed, down-to-earth pragmatism, and aesthetics – or, in other words, between utility and identity. Even within one given standard style of handwriting, therefore, seemingly minor shifts can tell us a lot about larger political and economic developments. To provide some background, I also briefly refer to the debates and measures regarding the abandonment or simplification of Chinese characters during the first half of the twentieth century.  相似文献   

对外汉语语音教学是整个汉语教学的基础.在面向零基础的汉语学习者时,我们通常会先进行一段比较集中的语音教学,此后在很长一段时间内也会对学生的发音进行纠正.学生如果掌握不好汉语的语音,就会影响到词汇、语法和汉字等方面的学习,也会影响到用汉语进行交际.因此,对语音教学方面的研究就显得非常重要.  相似文献   

周婧 《黄山学院学报》2009,11(4):118-120
母语形声字教学与留学生的形声字教学存在一定的异同之处.两类学习者在学习形声字的过程中,声旁形旁都发挥了作用,但在学习各阶段中发挥的作用不同,学习者对其掌握理解的情况也不一样.对两类学习者的形声字教学在高级阶段都应以部件教学为主,以旧带新,但在对两类学习者的教学方法上侧重点应有所区别.  相似文献   

从2003年,中国电影化市场改革开始,连续10年的高速市场扩张,带来了中国电影票房的一路狂飙突进,但中国商业电影的品质良莠不齐,在追求商业价值的同时更应该重视艺术价值,让中国商业电影找到自我,回归自我。  相似文献   

This study investigates the Chinese reading patterns of students with learning disabilities (LD). The performances of students with LD in reading the three categories of Chinese characters were particularly analysed: regular, irregular, and pseudo-characters. Fifty-three students with LD in reading and 44 students without LD of Year 4 were selected from five Hong Kong primary schools. Their abilities for reading Chinese characters were measured using Rasch analysis. Both types of students found regular characters as the easiest to read. Students without LD showed better performance in reading irregular characters than pseudo-characters, whereas students with LD exhibited no significant performance difference in reading these two categories. The implication of these results is that the students without LD might rely on using the orthographic processing than that of phonological processing to read. On the other hand, students with LD might not have the preference of using the orthographic processing.  相似文献   

Relations between parents within a neighborhood have the potential to provide a supportive environment for healthy and positive parenting. Neighborhood social cohesion, or the mutual trust and support among neighbors, is one process through which parenting may be improved. The current study investigates the association between neighborhood social cohesion and abuse and neglect, as well as specific types of abuse and neglect. The sample for the study is comprised of 896 parents in one urban Midwestern County in the United States. Participants were recruited from Women, Infants, and Children clinics. Negative binomial regression is used to examine the association between neighborhood social cohesion and child maltreatment behaviors, as measured by the Conflict Tactics Scale, Parent-to-Child Version (Straus et al., 1998). In this sample of families, neighborhood social cohesion is associated with child neglect, but not abuse. In examining the relationship with specific types of abuse and neglect, it was found that neighborhood social cohesion may have a protective role in some acts of neglect, such as meeting a child's basic needs, but not potentially more complex needs like parental substance abuse.  相似文献   

学业成绩作为教育的一部分,自朱利安以来备受比较教育学者的重视。其中的诺亚与埃克斯坦就对学生的学业成绩进行了比较研究,并在《从事比较教育研究:三十年的合作》、《国家案例研究:21国教育制度的经验比较研究》等书中讲述了研究的主要方法,并且对影响学生学业成绩不同的原因进行了深入的分析。  相似文献   

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