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西双版纳热带植物园引种植物物候特征比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
迁地保护是生物多样性保护的重要手段之一,前期的植物引种研究呵为迁地保护提供必要的理论支持。通过对西双版纳热带植物园内不同来源的引种植物和本地植物的4个物候期(萌叶期、落叶期、开花期和果熟期)分布格局及其气候影响因子进行对比,阐明引种植物对环境的适应性和对策。结果表明,引种植物比本地植物萌叶生长盛期更长,但对低温和干旱更加敏感的引种植物,在旱季其落叶比例明显高于本地植物,而3、4月由于气温的回升,使引种植物和本地植物在雨季之前就进入了萌叶盛期。而在繁殖物候方面,由于受气候因子影响较小,引种植物和本地植物的开花期和果熟期格局季节性表现都不明显。且规律性不强。总体上,各来源地的引种植物能根据环境的改变形成相应的生长与繁殖适应对策,可较好地适应西双版纳的环境。  相似文献   

气温被普遍认为是春季物候期最主要的控制因子之一,然而低温对植物物候的影响效应一直都存在不同的观点。西双版纳由于地处热带地区的北缘,其气温相对于赤道附近的热带地区较低。自1959年以来,西双版纳热带植物园引入了来自世界各个热带地区的4万余种植物进行保护,之前的研究证明西双版纳的低温对这些引种植物的生长有很大影响。因此,1974年西双版纳出现的极端低温势必对引种植物造成极大威胁,同时也是对这些植物低温适应能力的一个考验。通过对比43种引种植物物候期(生长抽梢期与开花期)在1974年与常年的差异情况,分析不同来源(热带亚洲、热带美洲与热带非洲)引种植物对西双版纳低温的适应性。结果表明,经历西双版纳1974年初的极端低温之后,使81%的引种植物生长抽梢期提前,同时也造成35%的引种植物在该年没有开花;而植物生长抽梢提前的主要原因则是极端低温以及低温过后气温迅速回升。引种植物均能顺利度过1974年的最冷时期,并出现生长抽梢物候,这意味着引种植物在经历极端低温之后都能够进行正常的生长活动,但极端低温对引种植物繁殖活动的不利影响大于其对生长活动的影响;引种植物对西双版纳极端低温的适应能力由大到小顺序依次为:亚洲来源植物〉美洲来源植物〉非洲来源植物。因此在迁地保护植物的选择过程中,应多选择亚洲热带植物,其次为美洲热带植物,而对非洲热带植物的引入则需谨慎考察。  相似文献   

气温被普遍认为是春季物候期最主要的控制因子之一, 然而低温对植物物候的影响效应一直都存在不同的观点。西双版纳由于地处热带地区的北缘, 其气温相对于赤道附近的热带地区较低。自1959年以来, 西双版纳热带植物园引入了来自世界各个热带地区的4万余种植物进行保护, 之前的研究证明西双版纳的低温对这些引种植物的生长有很大影响。因此,1974年西双版纳出现的极端低温势必对引种植物造成极大威胁, 同时也是对这些植物低温适应能力的一个考验。通过对比43种引种植物物候期(生长抽梢期与开花期)在1974年与常年的差异情况, 分析不同来源(热带亚洲、热带美洲与热带非洲)引种植物对西双版纳低温的适应性。结果表明, 经历西双版纳1974年初的极端低温之后, 使81%的引种植物生长抽梢期提前, 同时也造成35%的引种植物在该年没有开花; 而植物生长抽梢提前的主要原因则是极端低温以及低温过后气温迅速回升。引种植物均能顺利度过1974年的最冷时期, 并出现生长抽梢物候, 这意味着引种植物在经历极端低温之后都能够进行正常的生长活动, 但极端低温对引种植物繁殖活动的不利影响大于其对生长活动的影响; 引种植物对西双版纳极端低温的适应能力由大到小顺序依次为: 亚洲来源植物>美洲来源植物>非洲来源植物。因此在迁地保护植物的选择过程中, 应多选择亚洲热带植物, 其次为美洲热带植物, 而对非洲热带植物的引入则需谨慎考察。  相似文献   

濒危植物狭叶坡垒的迁地保护   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
张玲  肖春芬  王坚 《广西植物》2001,21(3):277-280
濒危植物狭叶坡垒 (H opea chinensis)是国家一级保护植物 ,原产我国广西十万大山、大青山。 1 990年 1 2月引入云南西双版纳热带植物园 (以下简称植物园 )栽培 ,9年来生长良好 ,树高年平均增加 0 .84m,地径年均加粗 1 .1 3 cm,比广西植物所种质园的植物生长快 ,树龄 3~ 5 a即开花结果 ,花期 5~ 7月 ,果熟期 9~ 1 0月 ,我园保存的 1 5 0株狭叶坡垒中有 1 0 0株已开花结果 ,种子发芽率极高 ,可达 94%± 6.0 % ;种子含水量与种子萌发的试验结果表明 :种子含水量与发芽率成显著的正相关关系 ,与播后首萌时间成显著的负相关关系。经多年观察 ,未见任何寒害和严重的病虫害 ,说明狭叶坡垒在西双版纳热带植物园迁地保护获得成功。  相似文献   

民勤荒漠区植物物候型特征及其与气温的关系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
对民勤荒漠区34年的物候观测资料进行了物候型分析。结果表明:植物的萌动期有2种物候型,展叶期和开花期各有4种物候型,果熟期有2种物候型,1974年以来,当地年平均气温和2、3、6月月平均气温有较显著的增温趋势,与此同时,植物的春季物候期亦有明显的提前趋势,低温-短日照-早萌动物候型的芽膨大期34年提前了9.7 d;从萌动期→展叶期→开花期→果熟期,物候期的提前幅度逐渐减小;物候期提前主要与当月气温升高有关;萌动期2种物候型和展叶期4种物候型是植物对春季气温和秋末冬初气温适应性的分异,开花期4种物候型和果熟期2种物候型是植物花期多样性和果熟期多样性对当地干旱环境适应性的反应。  相似文献   

广西国家级保护植物迁地保护研究   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
王才明  王燕  黄仕训   《广西植物》1994,14(1):39-53
分布于广西的第一批国家珍稀濒危保护植物共123种.用迁地保存方法,引种栽培其中的102种,占广西分布种类总数的82.92%。对其中的33种进行了播种繁殖和21种的扦插繁殖试验,已成功地繁殖出一批苗木。对引种植物进行了物候期记录和生长量测定,并观察了引种植物的适应性。另外还引种保存区外产的国家保护植物41种。现已初步建成面积1.33公顷的广西珍稀濒危植物种质资源园。  相似文献   

本文立足于对深圳市城区几大公园的园林植物调查和统计,对主要园林树种的抽梢展叶期、生长期、落叶期、开花期、结果期、果熟期等物候指标进行观察记录,确定植物物候特征,并分析其对植被景观的影响,对植被景观改造以及树种的选择提供合理建议。  相似文献   

滇南热带植物物种多样性的迁地保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文论述了滇南热带植物多样性迁地保护区的建设与稀有濒危植物的保护。进行了种子贮藏与萌发、幼苗生长条件和不同栽培条件等试验以及生物学特性观察等。雨季成熟的大粒型种子一般不耐贮藏,中、小粒型种子较耐贮藏,细小种子耐贮藏。育苗中幼苗除强阳性树种不需遮荫外,大多数热带雨林树种幼苗和幼树期都需要一定的荫蔽条件才能生长良好。西双版纳热带植物的发芽、抽梢、开花高峰期都集中在日平均温达20℃左右的3月。大量开始落叶是在1~2月,3月为多数植物的落叶盛期。果实在干凉季(11~2月)成熟的占23.9%,干热季(3~5月)成熟的占36.4%,湿热季(6~10月)成熟的占40%。  相似文献   

渐危树种青梅的迁地保护研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨清  肖来云  普正和  张玲   《广西植物》1996,16(1):64-68
国家三级保护树种青梅Vaticamangachapoi原产海南省,在西双版纳热带植物园迁地栽培,树高年平均生长量达0.61~0.73m,胸径年平均生长量达0.82~1.15cm,超过原产地野生和其他引种地同龄的植株。花期5~6月,果熟期9~10月,种子发芽率96.7%。经多年观察,未见寒害和严重的病虫害。现已繁衍了3代并扩大种植186株,说明青梅在西双版纳热带植物园迁地保护获得成功。  相似文献   

通过果熟率和存活率的统计分析,研究了原产澳大利亚的引种植物在中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园的生长适应性。结果表明,原产澳大利亚的引种植物引入西双版纳后总体适应性较差,在557号引种植物中,存活率和果熟率分别仅为5.0%和3.6%。植物区系地区、气候区、植物类群、引种途径和引种年代等因素对引种植物的适应性都有一定的影响,其中气候区和植物区系地区是影响引种植物适应性的主要因素,间接引种植物的适应性高于直接引种植物。因此,从气候相似且在植物区系发生上有亲缘关系的地区进行引种易于成功。  相似文献   

目前全球变暖已经致使地球上生物群系的格局发生了显著的变化。高纬度地区的植物生长由此变得更加活跃,而热带地区植物生长的趋势仍然是一个具有争论的问题。西双版纳热带植物园地处中国西南地区,20世纪70年代以来,这里气候发生了显著的变化,其气温以每10年0.18℃的速度上升。本研究利用西双版纳热带植物园中的48种热带植物(28科)的株高生长数据(1974~2003年)来分析其对西双版纳区域气候变化的长期变化响应,通过对株高与气候因子的相关分析选出对植物株高生长影响最大的气候因子。结果表明,植物在研究期间的株高生长年间波动比较强烈,但没有表现出明显的趋势;植物的株高生长主要受到干热季(3、4月份)的日照时数(负)与月均最低气温(正)所影响,而干热季正是这些植物每年开始萌叶的时期;另外,降雨并没有对引种植物株高生长产生显著的影响;从2个关键因子的长期变化趋势来看,西双版纳气候变化将有利于保护植物的生长,进而将有利于植物园内热带植物的保护与保存。  相似文献   

In tropical dry forests most plants are deciduous during the dry season and flush leaves with the onset of the rains. In Costa Rica, the only species displaying the opposite pattern is Bonellia nervosa. To determine if seasonal changes in light availability are associated with the leaf and reproductive phenology of this species, we monitored leaf production, survival, and life span, as well as flower and fruit production from April 2000 to October 2001 in Santa Rosa National Park. Leaf flushing and flower bud production took place shortly after the autumnal equinox when day length starts to decrease. Leaves began expansion at the end of the wet season, and plants reached 70 % of their maximum leaf area at the beginning of the dry season, maintaining their foliage throughout the entire dry period. Leaf shedding occurred gradually during the first three months of the wet season. Leaf flushing and shedding showed high synchrony, with leaf numbers being related to light availability. Maximum leaf production coincided with peaks in radiation during the middle of the dry season. Decreasing day length induces highly synchronous flower bud emergence in dry forest species, but this is the first study indicating induction of leaf flushing by declining day length.  相似文献   

In the present study, conducted in a secondary dry-seasonal forest in the pacific lowlands of southwestern Panama over 2 years, fungal diversity is linked to plant phenology, litter, and climatic data. Agaricales fungi showed maximum species richness at the beginning of rainy seasons, probably due to the important litter accumulation during the dry season and the increase in humidity favoring fungal growth. Species richness declined during the wet season possibly due to torrential rains, moulds, and decreasing availability of nutrients. Occurrence of foliar pathogenic microfungi correlated negatively with flushing of new leaves at the beginning of the rainy season. Their incidence increased during the wet season and remained high during the dry season. Synchronization of leaf shedding in most tree species significantly reduced the yearly incidence of foliar pathogenic fungi causing an annual turn-over of fungal pathogens that probably contributes to maintain a high diversity of plant pathogenic species.  相似文献   

物种多样性海拔分布格局及其形成机制的研究是生物地理学和宏观生态学的重要议题之一。本文利用西双版纳植物专著资料, 结合高分辨率的地形和气候等数据, 探讨了面积、边界限制和现代气候对西双版纳野生种子植物物种丰富度及物种密度海拔分布格局的影响。结果表明: (1)物种丰富度呈单峰分布格局, 面积(81.9%)、边界限制(17.5%)和气候(60.0-69.3%)都不同程度地解释了物种丰富度的单峰格局; (2)利用幂函数种-面积关系计算的物种密度沿海拔大致呈减小的分布趋势, 气候的解释率降低为32.6-40.6%, 与边界限制无显著相关关系; (3)利用等面积高度带划分得到的物种密度沿海拔呈单峰变化趋势, 物种密度与边界限制无显著相关性, 但气候对物种密度的解释率为81.6-89.9%。研究结果有助于准确全面地理解物种多样性的海拔分布格局及其成因机制, 为西双版纳生物多样性保护提供理论支撑和实践指导。  相似文献   

Species‐specific responses to climate change will lead to changes in species interactions across multiple trophic levels. Interactions between plants and their insect herbivores, in particular, may become increasingly disrupted if mobile herbivores respond more rapidly to climatic change than their associated host plants. We present a multispecies transplant experiment aimed at assessing potential climatic impacts on patterns of leaf herbivory. Four shrubby understorey plant species were transplanted outside their native range into a climate 2.5°C warmer in annual mean temperature. After 12 months, we assessed the types and amount of herbivore leaf damage, compared with plants transplanted to a control site within their native range. The overall amount of foliage loss to herbivores ranged from approximately 3–10% across species and sites, a range consistent with most estimates of leaf loss in other studies. The most common types of leaf damage were sucking and chewing and this pattern was consistent for all four plant species at all sites. There were no significant differences in levels and patterns of herbivory between control and warm sites for three out of four plant species. This suggests that with moderate climate warming, most herbivory will continue to be dominated by chewers and suckers, and that the overall level of foliage loss will be similar to that experienced presently.  相似文献   

Schizolobium parahyba is a tropical species that has expanded its distribution. However, little is known about its ecological performance beyond the tropics. Therefore, the objective of this research was to describe for this species, south of its original distribution, intra-annual variations in primary growth phenology (leaf flushing, leaf shedding, flowering and fruiting) and secondary growth (radial increase of the trunk), as well as secondary growth on an interannual scale (radial xylem increase) and to analyze the influences of climatic conditions on the evidenced phenological patterns. For this purpose, on an intra-annual scale, ten individuals had their phenophases observed fortnightly for 23 months and were described and correlated to climatic variables of photoperiod, temperature and precipitation. Inter-annual activity samples were obtained from the growth rings of 16 individuals, which were evaluated according to dendrochronological protocols and correlated to climatic variables of temperature and precipitation. South of its original distribution, S. parahyba trees presented seasonal growth rates in all observed scales and associations with variations in phenological rhythms and climatic conditions. Differences were found in the climatic response of the species in comparison to studies already performed in the tropics. In this study, on an intra-annual scale, this association is manifested by relationships with photoperiod, being positive for leaf flushing and fruiting and negative for leaf shedding. In the secondary growth, the intra-annual scale positive relationship was found with temperature, but on an inter-annual scale a positive influence of winter rainfall was found. The consistence of those patterns in broader spatial scales deserves further investigation.  相似文献   

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