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高性能战斗机飞行员医学选拔若干问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨高性能战斗机飞行员医学选拔中存在的问题,为选拔合格的高性能战斗机飞行员提供依据和指导。方法 采用询问病史、全面体检和综合评价的方法,对214例低机种歼击机飞行员体检发现的问题进行评价。结果 在参选低机种歼击机飞行员中,高性能战斗机改装合格192例,改装不合格并原机种合格,19例,原机种不合格3例。结论 飞行员基本身体状况、基础飞行耐力和加速度耐力是高性能战斗机飞行员的选拔评价重点。  相似文献   

基础改装合格高性能战斗机飞行员飞行前的健康调查   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了适应空军武器装备建设跨越式发展的要求 ,一些低机种飞行员将改装为高性能战斗机飞行员[1,2 ] 。这些飞行员经过改装体检、飞行理论学习和模拟飞行改装 ,已准备进入实际飞行训练。为了保障飞行安全 ,我们对某部基础改装完成的飞行员进行实际飞行前的健康调查 ,结果如下。一、对象与方法1.对象 :某部驾驶高性能战斗机的飞行员 ,男性 ,平均年龄 31.9岁 ,原机种平均飞行时间 1180h。2 .方法 :空军体检队组织空军总医院有关专家对该部队高性能战斗机飞行员采取追踪病史、系统检查和综合评价方法进行医学评价。(1)追踪病史 :通过对飞行员的询…  相似文献   

1 临床资料 歼-7飞行员,男,27岁,飞行总时间630h。既往身体健康,飞行耐力良好。于2002年1月改装高性能战斗机体检时经磁共振检查发现第5颈椎水平长约2cm脊髓空洞,头颅磁共振检查正常。诊断为脊髓空洞症。结论:①高性能战斗机飞行不合格;②原机种暂不合格。按要求1个月后复查,四肢感觉存在且对称,肌力、肌张力正常,四肢诱发电位、  相似文献   

为探讨上颌窦粘膜囊肿对飞行的影响,对15名飞行员患者进行了资料分析。发现:7例有症状入院者6例手术治疗,其中1例术后永久停飞,另5例和1例未治疗者飞行合格,8例因改装体检入院者1例手术治疗,术后低压舱检查正常,改装体检合格,发其余7例均未治疗,其中3例改装体检不合格,4例改装体检合格。提示,有症状的上颌窦粘膜囊肿治疗后,低压舱检查正常者可原机种飞行合格,无症状的较小的单纯上颌窦粘膜囊肿,经低压舱检  相似文献   

一、临床资料 患者,男性,29岁,歼-7飞行员,飞行时间:700 h.2006年12月高性能战斗机改装体检时腹部B超检查双肾无异常,CT示右肾上极有1个约2 mm×3 mm大小结石,腹部X线平片及静脉肾盂造影检查均未见肾结石,倾斜试验阳性,无任何不适,查体无异常,结论:改装体检飞行不合格,原机种暂时飞行不合格;建议地面观察3个月后返院复查.  相似文献   

一、临床资料患者男性 ,34岁 ,歼 - 6飞行员 ,飞行时间 130 0 h,因改装高性能战斗机于1999年 2月 2 2日入院体检。既往有右小腿痉挛病史 ,尤以右腿用力时发作明显 ,余无特殊病症。入院后体检无阳性体征 ,心、肝、肾及脊柱等的主要辅助检查项目无异常 ,离心机检查加速度耐力好 ,故予改装高性能战斗机合格。该飞行员在飞模拟机进行脚刹车时常出现右小腿痉挛 ,于 2 0 0 0年 6月 2 8日再次入院检查。辅助检查 :肌电图提示右肌内肌、胫前肌、腓肠肌呈神经元性损害 :1腰 4、腰 5、骶 1 根性受损 ;2腓肠肌功能性兴奋性增高。考虑到该飞行员做脚刹车…  相似文献   

飞行员腰椎椎弓根峡部裂的医学鉴定   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的总结飞行员腰椎椎弓根峡部裂的医学鉴定经验。方法对62名腰椎椎弓根峡部裂飞行员的资料进行分析,对其中14名高性能歼击机飞行员进行了1~4年的随访。结果62例中:27例改装合格,21例原机种合格,10例暂不合格,4例停飞。其中10例暂不合格中,有6例因腰椎峡部裂或伴滑脱,并有长期腰腿痛症状暂不合格,4例因其他疾病而暂不合格。停飞4例中:有2例因腰椎峡部滑脱合并长期腰腿痛症状或伴有腰椎间盘突出停飞,2例因其他疾病而停飞。结论在飞行员腰椎椎弓根峡部裂的医学鉴定时应考虑身体状况、飞行任务等各种因素的影响。  相似文献   

改装体检飞行员鼻科资料分析   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
目的 总结飞行员改装体检经验,提出飞行员鼻科体检的操作规范. 方法 分析改装体检和随访飞行员的×××份鼻科资料. 结果 鼻镜检查鼻中隔偏曲122例、下鼻甲肥大25例、中鼻甲肥大15例、均排除Ⅰ类疾病(地面有症状)和Ⅱ类疾病(地面无症状,飞行中有继发性气压伤表现),判断为生理性变异.诊断鼻窦囊肿9例、慢性肥厚性鼻炎2例、变应性鼻炎3例、慢性鼻窦炎鼻息肉21例(34例为Ⅰ类疾病,1例为Ⅱ类疾病).11例改装体检不合格,其余鼻科体检合格.新机飞行员中2例因鼻科疾病停飞,4例治疗后恢复飞行. 结论 飞行员患鼻科疾病可直接或因继发性气压伤而危及飞行安全.根据随访资料看,改装体检时所做的结论是恰当的,按操作规范进行鼻科体检,是保证体检和健康鉴定质量的重要措施之一.  相似文献   

新型歼击机飞行员改装体检不合格的原因分析   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
目的 从不同层面总结新型歼击机飞行员改装体检的经验。方法 对93名新型歼击机飞行员改装体检不合格的资料进行综合分析。结果 改装体检不合格原因中内科病症12例,神经科病症3例,外科病症20例,眼科病症7例,耳鼻咽喉科病症4例,临床心理科异常1例,特殊功能检查不合格46例,分别占改装体检不合格的12.9%、3.2%、21.5%、7.5%、4.3%、1.1%和49.5%。结论 新型歼击机飞行员改装体检不合格的主要原因是离心机检查未达标和骨科病症,分别占改装体检不合格的46.2%和17.2%,应当引起高度重视。  相似文献   

随着空军发展步伐的加快,高性能战斗机逐步装备部队,对高性能战斗机飞行员的身体素质提出了更高的要求.如何更好地适应现代高性能战斗机的持续高载荷、高载荷增长率、高角加速度[1-2]等特点,充分发挥飞行员自身的潜能,更加熟练地驾驭战斗机,体质在其中起到了非常关键的作用.我院空勤科通过对310名不同年龄段经高性能战斗机改装体检合格后的飞行员身高、体重进行测量,计算出体质指数(kg/m2),同时收集飞行员的飞行时间,在离心机上进行测试,从而得出+Gz耐力与身高、体重、体质指数及飞行时间的关系,为高性能战斗机改装体检提供了客观依据;为飞行员的合理膳食及有效地进行专项体能训练起到了很好的指导作用,现报道如下.  相似文献   

The Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) is a self-administered instrument measuring outcome after knee injury at impairment, disability, and handicap level in five subscales. Reliability, validity, and responsiveness of a Swedish version was assessed in 142 patients who underwent arthroscopy because of injury to the menisci, anterior cruciate ligament, or cartilage of the knee. The clinimetric properties were found to be good and comparable to the American version of the KOOS. Comparison to the Short Form-36 and the Lysholm knee scoring scale revealed expected correlations and construct validity. Item by item, symptoms and functional limitations were compared between diagnostic groups. High responsiveness was found three months after arthroscopic partial meniscectomy for all subscales but Activities of Daily Living.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate endovascular treatment of traumatic direct carotid-cavernous fistulas (CCF) and their complications such as pseudoaneurysms. Methods: Over a five-year period, 22 patients with traumatic direct CCFs were treated endovascularly in our institution. Thirteen patients were treated once with the result of CCF occluded, 8 twice and 1 three times. Treatment modalities included balloon occlusion of the CCF, sacrifice of the ipsilateral internal carotid artery with detachable balloon, coll embolization of the cavernous sinus and secondary pseudoaneurysms, and covered-stem management of the pseudoaneurysms. Results All the direct CCFs were successfully managed endovascularly. Four patients developed a pseudoaneurysm after the occlusion of the CCF with an incidence of pseudoaneurysm formation of 18.2% (4/22). A total number of 8 patients experienced permanent occlusion of the ICA with a rate of ICA occlusion reaching 36.4% (8/22). Followed up through telephone consultation from 6 months to 5 years, all did well with no recurrence of CCF symptoms and signs. Conclusion Traumatic direct CCFs can be successfully managed with endovascular means. The pseudoaneurysms secondary to the occlusion of the CCFs can be occluded with stent-assisted coiling and implantation of covered stents.  相似文献   

Acute limping may be the result of multiple pathologies in children. The differential diagnosis varies based on the age of the child. Irrespective of age, the initial imaging work-up includes AP and frog leg radiographs of the pelvis and ultrasound; MRI may sometimes be helpful. In children less than 3 years, infections and trauma are most frequent. MRI is the imaging modality of choice when osteomyelitis is clinically suspected. Between the ages of 3 and 10 years, transient synovitis of the hip and Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease are main considerations but infection, inflammation and focal bony lesions are also considered. In children over 10 years, slipped capital femoral epiphysis also is considered.  相似文献   

Introduction Interventional Radiology has evolved into a specialty having enormous input into the care of the traumatized patient.In all hospitals,regardless of size,the Interventional Radiologist must consider their relationships with the trauma service in order to  相似文献   

人体中的镭-226、镭-228、钋-210、铅-210   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
本文报道了广东阳江高本底地区6名、对照地区8名人尸体的骨226Ra、226Ra的浓度以及部分居民内脏器官中。210Po、210Pb的浓度。结果轰明阳江高本底地区和对照地区居民骨镭-226、镭-228的浓度分别为29.9pCi/kg, 26.9pCi/kgl 8.7pCi/kg, 8.2pCi/kg.由此估算出阳江高本底地区屠民骨中226Ra、228Ra的负薄璧及对骨衬、骨髓所产生的剂量当量分别为对照地区民民的3.4倍, 3.3倍。两地区居民内脏器官中210Po、210Pb的测定分析铡数较少但仍看出, 高本底地区均明显高于对照地区.  相似文献   

Introduction Ankle sprains are the most common musculo-skeletal injury that occurs in athletes,particularly in sports that require jumping and landing on one foot such as soccer,and basketball(1-4).These injuries often result in significant time loss from participation,long-term disability,and have a major impact on health care costs and resources(5-8).  相似文献   

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