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贵州凯里药市的侗族药用植物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
凯里药市最初由当地少数民族自发组织,药市中不仅有大量的苗族传统药用植物,而且侗族传统药用植物十分丰富,为了掌握该药市侗族药用植物的现状,该研究运用民族植物学和植物分类学等方法于2014—2017年对凯里药市交易的侗族药用植物进行了6次详细调查。结果表明:该药市出售的侗族药用植物种类较多,共有65科100属111种,其中以广义百合科(Liliaceae)植物(6种,5.4%)为主,其次为伞形科(Umbelliferae)、菊科(Compositae)、天南星科(Araceae)植物(各5种,各占4.5%),再次为苦苣苔科(Gesneriaceae)植物(4种,3.6%)。从植物生活型来看,草本占有绝对优势,共有88种,占79.3%;用药部位具有多样化,但全草类药材占总数的一半。该研究还对药市中侗族和苗族交易的药用植物进行了比较分析,得出凯里药市交易的侗族药材具有独特的地域性和民族性,尤以治疗风湿关节、跌打损伤等常见疾病为主,并对凯里药市的可持续发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

中国南方一些少数民族地区民间“端午药市”流传至今,体现了民族医药的独具特色及其深远影响。为了解瑶族端午药市交易现状和发掘民族医药传统知识,采用民族植物学等方法对湖南省蓝山县端午药市进行调查,完成包括基原、地方名、药用部位、用途和用法、出现频度等内容的药用植物编目。结果表明:蓝山县端午药市药用植物种类丰富,共收集鉴定103科 222属262种,药用植物种类广泛分布于各科和各属中,其中种类较多的科有五加科(11种)、茜草科(11种)、菊科(11种)、百合科(10种)、唇形科(9种)、蝶形花科(8种)、芸香科(7种)。药市药浴植物畅销且种类多样,达94种,占总数的35.9%,体现瑶族在治疗疾病上以预防保健为主的理念。经统计药市上均未被国家药典和地方标准收录的药用植物有131种,占总数的50.2%,成为发掘新药源、新用途的潜在资源。对端午药市售药者年龄的调查发现,售药者的年龄主要集中在50~59岁间,占总人数的67%,40岁以下的仅占总人数的3%,可见民族药用传统知识的传承存在传承人老龄化、潜在传承人数量锐减的现象。此外,还对药市交易药用植物的种类组成和民族药用特色进行分析,探讨了端午药市对药用传统知识保护与传承的影响,并对蓝山端午药市的可持续发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

对贵州省毕节地区端午节的传统药市进行了初步的民族植物学调查。毕节地区的端午药市出售药物种类繁多,经过2008年至2012年5次的调查,共记录了250多种植物药,其中鉴定整理的药用植物有131种,隶属于55科121属;此文对131种药用植物进行了编目,包括名称、药用部位、用途和用法。此外,还对毕节地区端午药市的可持续发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

为探究四川盆地唐家河国家级自然保护区药用植物资源种类、分布状况及保护现状,为该区药用植物的有效保护和管理提供科学依据。该研究于2014至2017年采用覆盖全区的野外样线实地考察、照片收集、走访和查阅文献等方法,对唐家河自然保护区药用植物多样性进行分析。结果显示:(1)唐家河保护区药用植物130科399属602种,其中蕨类植物17科26属36种,裸子植物3科3属3种,被子植物110科370属563种。在种属构成多样性上,寡种科(2~5个种)优势明显,占总科数的40.77%,共有165种,占总种数的27.41%;单种属有284属,占总属数的71.18%。(2)在生活型多样性上,草本药用植物占有明显的优势,共有450种,占总种数的74.75%。(3)全草(全株)类、根与根茎类是唐家河药用植物的主要药用部位。(4)唐家河药用植物在植物区系上表现为以温带分布为主。研究表明:唐家河保护区药用植物种类丰富,药用植物生活型、部位、功效等类型多样,具有科研、保护和利用价值。  相似文献   

依托第四次全国中药资源普查工作,摸清马尾区药用植物资源种类、分布、重点中药材品种以及药材栽培等情况。根据第四次全国中药资源普查要求,通过实地调查、走访以及栽培基地调查等方法对马尾区药用植物资源进行调查,查阅相关资料确定野生药用植物的药用部位、生活型等。马尾区野生药用植物种类共计506种,隶属于132科360属,含2~5种的寡种科占绝对优势地位;草本为主要生活型,药用部位集中在根类和全草类;有福建省重点药材50种、特色药材22种。由于长期受人为干扰,马尾区原生植被破坏严重,药用植物种类较为贫乏。因此,可考虑林下种植中药改善土壤环境,实现中药资源可持续发展。  相似文献   

为摸清云南省龙陵县药用植物资源的分布状况及蕴藏量,2015年1月至2016年12月,开展全国第四次中药资源普查云南省第二批试点县龙陵县的普查工作。按照普查工作要求,普查队对云南省龙陵县的野生药用植物资源、栽培药用植物资源、传统医药知识及中药材市场进行调查。在龙陵县10个乡镇37块样地进行了野外普查、样线调查、标本采集、药材采集、实地采访及标本鉴定,调查采集药用植物腊叶标本653个,通过鉴定和查证有明确药用功效的植物有142科,437属,606种。调查到重点药材84种,其中包括野生药材基源植物48种,栽培药材基源植物36种(其中3个种既有野生,也有栽培);调查到国家珍稀濒危药用植物24种,根据调查,龙陵县野生分布较多、分布广泛的重点药材主要有石松、白茅根、金荞麦、葛根、常山、黄精、天南星等20余种;栽培药用植物主要有石斛、草果、重楼、龙胆、附子、续断、三七、白花蛇舌草、丹参、桔梗、半支莲、黄精、当归、玛卡、栀子等10余种,其中栽培面积较大的中药材主要有石斛、草果、重楼3种。本研究对当地药用植物资源的分布概况、消长情况及调查、收集到的药用植物资源种类进行了鉴定评价及分析,为龙陵县药用植物资源的可持续发展提供参考依据。  相似文献   

依托第四次全国中药资源普查,采用代表区域-样地-样方-样方套,结合样线调查方法,通过野外调查、走访调查及查阅相关资料等,对福建安溪药用植物资源种类和分布进行分析。结果显示,安溪县药用植物有1515种,隶属215科844属,草本为主要生活类型,药用部位主要以根及根茎类和全草类为主;其中福建重点药材115种、特色药材46种。安溪县药用植物资源丰富,物种多样性高,今后应加强资源保护与规划,合理开发利用该地药用植物资源。  相似文献   

对湖北省野生药用植物资源种类、地道植物药材种类、中国特有科、属、种和珍稀、濒危物种等在湖北省的分布情况进行了分析,为政府制定有力的资源保护政策以及湖北省和全国的生物物种(含野生物种,药用动、植物物种)保护执法评估标准的制定提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

目的:对鄄城县药用植物资源及中药材市场进行全面调查,旨在摸清鄄城县中药资源分布情况。方法:通过文献研究、实地调查、标本采集等方法,对该县药用植物资源及中药材市场进行调查分析。结果:鄄城县共有药用植物156种,隶属59科136属,重点中药材61种,归属于54种药用植物。主要栽培药用植物10种,其中金银花和防风栽培面积较大。市场中流通的中药材品种丰富,以植物源中药材为主。结论:鄄城县药用植物资源相对丰富,栽培品种多样,其市场发展前景广阔。该调查结果为开发利用当地中药资源提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

新疆巩乃斯沟药用植物资源多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从数量、生活型、药用部位等方面对巩乃斯沟药用植物多样性进行了研究。巩乃斯沟的药用植物资源具有丰富的多样性,共有野生药用植物54科260多种,分别占伊犁河谷地区药用植物科、种数的54.54%和46.34%。其中珍稀濒危药用种子植物21种,新疆道地药材8种,蒙医药地道药材38种;多年生草本类型占该区药用种子植物总数的70%以上;全草类和根类药用植物最多,分别占该区药用种子植物总数的50.84%和21.40%,大多数种类属于北温带分布区类型;优势科主要有菊科、蔷薇科、毛茛科和豆科,优势属主要有蒿属,毛茛属和委陵菜属。本文提出了保护和开发利用的具体建议。  相似文献   



The traditional medicinal markets held during the Dragon Boat Festival are common and important in China’s countryside. In Jianghua, a Yao autonomous county in Hunan Province in China, the medicinal market also plays an important role for the application, conservation, and communication of traditional Yao medicinal knowledge.


During the Dragon Boat Festival in 2016 and 2017, ethnobotanical surveys and inventories were conducted in the medicinal market of Jianghua County, and voucher plant specimens were collected, identified, and deposited in a herbarium. Quantitative analysis included measurement of frequency of occurrence for species in the marketplace and the relative importance index for the number of uses for a given species.


A total of 306 plant species (249 genera, 113 families) and their related information about the medicinal market were collected. Some major findings include the following: (1) Using the whole plant as medicine is more common than other medicinal plant parts; (2) treating rheumatism and clearing inner heat are the most frequent medicinal uses; and (3) taking a medicinal bath is the most frequent modality to administer the traditional medicine. The frequency of occurrence and the relative importance index of some medicinal plants were analyzed, as well as the demographics and the number of stalls and the status of traditional Yao medicinal knowledge in Jianghua. Based on the investigation, suggestions were proposed for better protecting the medicinal market and preserving traditional medicinal knowledge in Jianghua County.


The medicinal market during the Dragon Boat Festival in Jianghua County possesses an important cultural value and helps to conserve the traditional Yao medicinal knowledge. The medicinal plants sold at the market showed great diversity and unique local characteristics. The medicinal market is facing some challenges in such a rapidly developing era. Cultivation of young healers and maintaining the local biodiversity might be the key solutions for the development of local medicinal market and local Yao medicinal knowledge.



The study of plants and fungi sold in open-air markets is an important part of ethnobotanical enquiry. Only few such studies were carried out in Europe.


Four of the largest open-air markets of south-eastern Poland were visited regularly, and the plants sold in them were recorded between 2013 and 2015. The aim of the study was to record native and/or wild species sold in the markets. All the plants sold in the markets were photographed regularly. In each market, 25 sellers were interviewed. Voucher specimens were collected and fungi were identified using DNA barcoding.


Altogether, 468 species of plants were recorded, 117 of them native to south-eastern Poland – 19 only collected from the wild and 11 both wild and cultivated. Seventeen of the species are under legal protection. Most protected plants were sold from cultivation, although proper authorization procedures had not been performed. Thirty-two species of fungi were sold (including two cultivated species), all of them for culinary purposes. Two species (Lactarius quieticolor, Leccinum schistophilum) are new to the mycobiota of Poland.Ornamental plants constituted a large section of the market, and they dominated the group of native species. Food plants dominated among wild-collected plants and were sold mainly as fruits for jams, juices and alcoholic drinks, or as culinary herbs. Very few medicinal or green vegetable plants were sold. An interesting feature of the markets was the sale of Ledum palustre as an insect repellent.


Finding two species of fungi which are new to Poland highlights the importance of DNA barcoding in ethnomycological studies. Most items in the markets are ornamental plants, or edible fruits and mushrooms. Very few medicinal plants and green vegetables are sold, which differentiates the markets from southern European ones. Such a pattern is probably the model for most central European markets.

A medicinal plant study was carried out in eighteen parishes and 54 villages of Erute county, Lira district, Uganda. Parishes and villages were selected using stratified random sampling techniques. Questionnaires, interviews and discussions with the local people were used to obtain information on the names of the plants, their medicinal uses and conservation methods. The number of the medicinal plants species used was 180 belonging to 144 genera and 57 families of flowering plants. The major families recorded for medicinal purpose included Fabaceae (37 species), Asteraceae (26 species), Euphorbiaceae (eleven species), Vitaceae (eight species), Verbenaceae (seven species), Poaceae (six species), Solanaceae (five species), and Rubiaceae (four species). There is a need for putting in place measures to conserve these plants. Unfortunately, most of the healers or users were not interested in cultivation of the plants. The situation could worsen with the social changes and demand for land for agriculture in the district.  相似文献   

湘西地区祛风除湿的医药传统知识历史悠久,但相关药用植物的资源本底和传统知识现状还不够清楚。该文基于民族植物学调查方法,对湘西地区祛风除湿药用植物的组成、相关传统知识、定量评价、实际估价和在《湖南省中药材标准》(2009年版)收录情况等方面进行了系统梳理,并就该类资源的可持续利用提出了相关建议。结果表明:(1)湘西地区目前利用的祛风除湿药用植物共有48科65属71种,以毛茛科(Ranunculaceae)和五加科(Araliaceae)居多。(2)根、全株、茎(藤)为主要利用部位。(3)生活型主要是草本、藤本和灌木,乔木较少。(4)与药用植物相关的传统知识在代际传播方面存在不确定性。(5)寻骨风(Aristolochia mollissima)、威灵仙(Clematis chinensis)和广防风(Anisomeles indica)显示出最高的知识一致性水平,是本次调查中3种最常用的祛风除湿药用植物。(6)当地药用植物的本地价格受市场影响较小,总体维持在较为平稳的水平,且缺乏对药材消费需求的了解。(7)有25种祛风除湿药用植物在《湖南省中药材标准》(2009年版)收录的功能与主治为祛风除湿、关节痹痛、风湿等。随着现阶段我国资源立法的不断完善,建议对湘西地区祛风除湿药用植物相关传统知识加强保护,提高该类资源的生物多样性和可持续利用水平; 并充分利用多学科交叉知识和技术手段,加强区域内传统医药资源的发掘和创新,使湘西丰富的药用植物资源更好地为人类健康做出贡献。  相似文献   

In order to understand the pattern of indigenous uses of medicinal plants available in the Uttaranchal state of the Indian Himalaya, this study was undertaken through literature survey and fieldwork in various parts of the state. A list of all the major and most of the lesser categories of ailments was prepared and categorized with the help of medical practitioners. A total of 300 plant species used in curing 114 ailments prevailing in various ethnic and non-ethnic communities of Uttaranchal were documented. These 114 ailments were further grouped into 12 broad classes of diseases in order to project the indigenous uses of medicinal plants for various ailments. It was found that herbs contributed the highest number of medicinal plants (65%), followed by shrubs (19%) and trees (16%). The maximum number of plant species were used to cure generalized body aches and colic, followed by gastrointestinal and dermatological problems. Vitex negundo was the most important species, used for the treatment of more than 48 ailments. Azadirachta indica, Woodfordia fruticosa, Centella asiatica, Aegle marmelos, Cuscuta reflexa, Butea monosperma, Phyllanthus emblica, and Euphorbia hirta were among other important medicinal plants based on their high use values. The underground parts of the plant were used in the majority of cases. Of 300 medicinal plants, 35 were rare and endangered species, of which about 80% was restricted to the high altitude alpine region of Uttaranchal Himalaya. A priority list of 17 medicinal plant species was prepared on the basis of endemism, use value, mode of harvesting and rarity status. Strategies for long-term conservation of these valuable medicinal plants are discussed.  相似文献   

为弄清金佛山的濒危野生药用植物资源,经过5年的野外调查、标本采集与鉴定,建立了以蕴藏系数、濒危系数、遗传价值系数等6项指标在内的金佛山濒危药用植物评价体系。结果表明,金佛山有73科113属149种野生药用植物(含变种、变型)的生存受到较为严重的威胁,其中急需重点保护的物种有74种,需要采取保护措施的有65种,需要采取一般保护措施的有10种。根据各物种的优先保护值和资源利用情况,列出了149种濒危药用植物的建议保护等级,其中建议列为Ⅰ级保护的53种,列为Ⅱ、Ⅲ级保护的各48种。  相似文献   

The present study aims to document data about the traditional uses of plants in health-care trainers among the local peoples of areas which may lead to natural drug invention development. There is urgency in recording such data for ethnobotanical studies using many statistical calculations were applied. Totally, 137 informants were selected from 8 villages by their traditional knowledge about medicinal plants. The collected specimens were statistically analyzed by Frequency citation (FC), Relative frequency citation (RFC), Use values (UV), Relative importance (RI), Cultural index (CI), Frequency index (FI) and Pearson correlation Co-efficient. Totally, 85 medicinal plants belonging to 73 families were documented through traditional people of Thanjavur for the treatment of 17 different ailments in which paste based herbal medicine is highly used (30%). Among the families, Acanthaceae, Euphorbiaceae and Malvaceae are dominant species with each five, Solanaceae with four species, Amaranthaceae, Apiaceae, Convulcacaeae, Aizoaceae, Apocynaceae, Lamiaceae and Rubiaceae with each three species and Capparaceae, Lythraceae, Anacardiaceae are recorded each two species and remaining families were one species respectively. In this quantitative ethnobotanical analysis, the high use values were recorded as Solanum trilobatum (1.31), Thespesia populnea (1.30), Cissus quadrangularis (1.26), Trianthema portulacastrum (1.76), and Hygrophila auriculata. Phyllanthus niruri showed high RI values than other plants. Pearson correlation coefficient between RFC and UV was 0.802 with P-value <1%. From this study, we can recommend that statistically proved medicinal plants like Solanum trilobatum, Thespesia populnea, Cissus quadrangularis, Trianthema portulacastrum, Hygrophila auriculata, Phyllanthus niruri and Achyranthes aspera were also needed for further investigation on pharmacologically which leads to natural drug invention development.  相似文献   

The use of medicinal plants in the treatment and prevention of diseases is attracting the attention of scientists worldwide. Approximately 3000 plant species are currently used by an estimated 200,000 indigenous traditional healers in South Africa. The specific part of the plant used for medicinal applications varies from species to species, and from one traditional healer to another. This study was carried out to explore and record those plants and plant parts used for treating various human ailments by the traditional healers of the Lwamondo area in the Limpopo province, South Africa for medicinal purposes. Ethnobotanical data were collected from 30 traditional healers (24 females and 6 males) in the Lwamondo area of Venda, by means of a data capture questionnaire focusing on the local names of the medicinal plants, their medicinal uses, the plant parts used, and methods of preparation and of administering treatments to patients. The survey identified 16 medicinal plants from 7 families, with 14 genera, used to treat a range of ailments in the Lwamondo area. The Fabaceae family was the most commonly used plant family representing 43.8% of all the medicinal plants species recorded by this study, followed by the Varbenaceae family at 18.8%. The plant parts most frequently used were the roots (44.5%), followed by the leaves (25.9%), bark (14.8%), the whole plant (11%), and flowers (3.7%). Most of the traditional healers obtained their extracts by boiling the medicinal plants. The most often recurring ailment treated by healers was stomach problems, using 31.3% of all the medicinal plants reported in this study for preparing such treatments. The following medicinal plants were covered by this study: Annona senegalensis, Schkuhria pinnata, Diospyros mespiliformis, Piliostigma thonningii, Senna obtusifolia, Bauhinia galpinii. The rural communities of the Lwamondo area possess a wealth of information on medicinal plants and their applications. This ethnobotanical survey can help scientists identify for further research those plants whose medicinal properties may be useful in the development of new drugs.  相似文献   

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