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鉴于N2O排放量占施用氮肥量的比例即N2O排放系数还有很大不确定性,室外盆栽试验于2002~2003年选取3个供试土壤,各土壤设置对照和低、中、高氮肥水平,全年施尿素量 (以N计) 分别为334、 670和1 004 kg/hm2.结果表明,水稻生长季,各个土壤的N2O累积排放量与其对照相比的增加量在低、中、高氮肥水平间无明显差异;而小麦生长季,随氮肥施用量增加,各个土壤的N2O累积排放量与其对照相比的增加量在3种氮肥水平之间的差异显著.整个稻麦轮作系统,随氮肥用量的增加明显促进麦田N2O的排放.无论水稻或小麦生长季,对照3个土壤的N2O累积排放量并无显著差异,F土壤(江苏溧水)、G土壤(江苏涟水)和H土壤(江苏农科院)的N2O累积排放量,在水稻生长季分别为168、 127和146 mg/m2;小麦生长季,分别为134、 124和168 mg/m2.在施氮肥后,3个土壤的N2O排放量出现差异,如在中氮水平下,小麦生长季,F土壤、G土壤和H土壤N2O累积排放量分别为976、 744和626 mg/m2.稻麦轮作生长季内,在低氮与中氮2个水平下,不同土壤间N2O排放系数存在显著差异.以1个稻麦轮作周期为时间尺度,F土壤、G土壤和H土壤总的N2O排放系数分别为1.1%±0.23%、 0.75%±0.17%和1.01%±0.11%,表明不同土壤对N2O排放系数的影响不同.  相似文献   

田琳琳  朱波  汪涛  赵原  董宏伟  任光前  胡磊 《环境科学》2017,38(5):2074-2083
农田周边的排水沟渠不仅是农田养分迁移的重要通道,也是氮转化非常活跃的场所和潜在的氧化亚氮(N_2O)排放源.本研究以川中丘陵区农田源头沟渠为对象,在6~9月的玉米季(雨季),采用静态箱-气相色谱法对其N_2O排放开展原位观测.结果表明,在整个观测期有自然植被覆盖的沟渠生态系统(V)N_2O累积排放量(以N计)为0.43 kg·hm~(-2),而无自然植被覆盖的对照处理(NV,代表沟渠中的沉积物-水界面系统)则为0.07 kg·hm~(-2).该沟渠生态系统的N_2O平均排放通量[14.7μg·(m~2·h)-1]已达到本地区玉米农田直接排放的水平,表明玉米季中农田源头沟渠是不容忽视的N_2O源.川中丘陵区雨季丰富的降雨径流携带大量农田硝态氮进入沟渠,促进N_2O产生和排放,此外,植物的存在可大幅度提高农田沟渠的N_2O间接排放系数(V:0.05%vs.NV:0.01%).由于本研究的N_2O间接排放系数远低于2006年IPCC建议的缺省值(0.25%),如果仅采用IPCC缺省值来估算本地区沟渠生态系统的N_2O排放,可能导致较大误差.未来研究中应对原位观测多予以重视,为进一步修正其缺省值提供理论依据.  相似文献   

水氮组合模式对双季稻甲烷和氧化亚氮排放的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
傅志强  龙攀  刘依依  钟娟  龙文飞 《环境科学》2015,36(9):3365-3372
为给双季稻水肥高效利用调控技术提供理论基础,设置间歇灌溉和淹水灌溉两种灌溉方式,高氮、中氮、低氮和不施氮这4种施肥方式,开展大田小区试验,探讨了水氮组合模式对双季稻CH4和N2O排放的影响.结果表明,间歇灌溉显著降低了CH4积累排放量,与淹水灌溉相比,早晚稻分别降低13.18~87.90 kg·hm-2和74.48~131.07 kg·hm-2,分别减排了24.4%~67.4%和42.5%~66.5%;但促进了N2O排放,早晚稻的增排量分别为0.03~0.24 kg·hm-2和0.35~1.53 kg·hm-2,分别比淹水灌溉增加6.2%~18.3%和40.2%~80.9%.总体上,间歇灌溉降低了稻田温室气体的增温潜势,其中早稻降低了18.8%~58.6%,晚稻降低34.4%~60.1%,两季综合降低2 388~4 151 kg·hm-2(以CO2eq计),下降41%~54%.通过相关分析发现,土壤CH4排放和土壤溶液Eh显著负相关,和溶液CH4浓度显著正相关.与淹水灌溉相比间歇灌溉模式有利于减排CH4,虽增排了N2O,但增温潜势显著减少.综合来看,间歇灌溉配施中氮更有利于双季稻种植.  相似文献   

为了解UV-B增强条件下农田N2O响应规律,采用室外盆栽实验,研究了地表UV-B辐射增强20%对土壤-冬小麦系统N2O排放的影响及其影响机理.结果表明,在小麦返青期,UV-B辐射增强处理对该系统N2O的排放影响不显著;在小麦的拔节期,UV-B辐射增强处理显著降低了土壤-小麦系统N2O的排放,并减少了该系统的呼吸速率.UV-B辐射增强对N2O的影响机理主要表现在对小麦植株N代谢过程的影响,如显著增加  相似文献   

为了解UV-B增强条件下农田N2O响应规律,采用室外盆栽实验,研究了地表UV-B辐射增强20%对土壤-冬小麦系统N2O排放的影响及其影响机理.结果表明,在小麦返青期,UV-B辐射增强处理对该系统N2O的排放影响不显著;在小麦的拔节期,UV-B辐射增强处理显著降低了土壤-小麦系统N2O的排放,并减少了该系统的呼吸速率.UV-B辐射增强对N2O的影响机理主要表现在对小麦植株N代谢过程的影响,如显著增加  相似文献   

通过室外盆栽实验,用静态箱-气相色谱法测定土壤-冬小麦系统的呼吸速率和N2O排放通量,研究了UV-B辐射增强20%对土壤-冬小麦系统的呼吸速率和N2O排放的影响.结果表明,相同的气象条件和田间管理下,UV-B辐射增强处理对呼吸速率和N2O排放的季节变化模式无明显影响.在返青期,UV-B辐射增强显著降低了土壤-冬小麦系统的呼吸速率,但对N2O的排放通量没有产生显著影响;在拔节孕穗期,UV-B辐射增强处理显著降低了土壤-冬小麦系统的呼吸速率和N2O的排放通量;在抽穗-成熟期,UV-B辐射增强处理对土壤-冬小麦系统的呼吸速率和N2O的排放没有显著影响.返青-齐穗期,UV-B增强处理显著降低土壤-冬小麦系统的N2O累积排放量;但从齐穗开始至小麦成熟,UV-B增强处理对土壤-冬小麦系统的N2O累积排放量没有显著影响.  相似文献   

为定量研究有机物料还田对农田土壤N2O排放的影响,采用静态暗箱-气相色谱法对关中平原冬小麦-玉米轮作24 a长期定位施肥试验地土壤N2O排放速率和相关环境因子进行了周年观测,试验处理为对照(CK,0 kg·hm~(-2))、氮磷钾(NPK,353kg·hm~(-2))、氮磷钾加秸秆还田[NPKS,(353+40)kg·hm~(-2)]和氮磷钾加牛粪[NPKM,(238+115)kg·hm~(-2)]4个处理.结果表明观测期内,CK处理N2O排放速率较小[2.9 g·(hm~2·d)~(-1)];施肥处理在冬小麦季施肥和玉米季灌溉后均出现排放峰,最高值分别为NPKS[113.4 g·(hm~2·d)~(-1)]和NPKM[495.0 g·(hm~2·d)~(-1)]处理.各处理N2O排放通量与土壤湿度均呈显著正相关关系(r0.28,P0.05).CK、NPK、NPKS和NPKM处理N2O年排放总量分别为(0.1±0.0)、(2.6±0.1)、(3.4±0.7)和(2.9±0.3)kg·hm~(-2),施肥处理排放总量显著高于CK处理(P0.05),但施肥处理之间差异不显著(P=0.06),说明施肥促进了N2O排放,但有机物料还田未能显著增加N2O排放.各施肥处理N2O直接排放系数分别为0.72%、0.83%和0.80%,均低于IPCC缺省值1%.施肥处理中,NPKM处理的单位产量N2O排放量最低.  相似文献   

旱地农田土壤被认为是重要的N_2O排放源,但排放通量及影响因素仍存在不确定性。对西北干旱半干旱地区农田土壤N_2O的排放分析表明,全区N_2O排放通量相对较低,20世纪80—90年代呈波动式增长。N_2O排放的空间格局总体呈现从东南向西南逐渐减少的趋势。陕西地区排放量为75.58 t?a-1,贡献了全区50%的N_2O排放。过量的氮肥施用、较高的降水量以及明显的增温效应是陕西南部N_2O排放增强的主要原因。  相似文献   

南极菲尔德斯半岛植被土壤N2O排放特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用密闭箱法首次测定了南极菲尔德斯半岛苔藓、地衣植被土壤N2O的排放通量,并估算了该半岛植被区土壤在夏季2个月内N2O的排放总量.结果表明:在晴天和雨天,苔藓土壤N2O的排放通量与温度有较好的响应关系,呈现单峰型变化趋势;但在雪天,与温度的变化不一致;苔藓、地衣这2种不同的植被土壤N2O排放通量日变化基本一致;温度是影响苔藓土壤N2O的排放通量季节变化的主要因子,同时还受降水的影响,干湿交替有利于N2O的排放;苔藓土壤N2O的排放总量为3.7152kg;地衣土壤N2O的排放总量为2.5344kg.由此可见,南极菲尔德斯半岛苔藓、地衣植被土壤N2O排放量虽然很小,但仍起着大气N2O源的作用.  相似文献   

太湖地区湖水与河水中溶解N2O及其排放   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
水体是N2O排放的重要来源.2000-09~2001-09,每月2次采样(重复3次)连续监测太湖地区太湖和大运河水体N2O排放通量和水中溶解的N2O浓度,还同时监测不同深度水样中的N2O浓度.结果表明,太湖N2O-N的年均排放通量为3.53 μg/(m2·h),而大运河已高达122.5,μg/(m2·h).太湖湖水中溶解N2O-N浓度为0.36μg/L,大运河河水中浓度高达11.31μg/L,浅水型水体是N2O排放的源.结果还表明,不同深度水中N2O浓度差异不明显,而时间差异显著.水面N2O的排放通量和水中溶解的N2O浓度呈显著正相关关系,二者又都与水温呈显著正相关. .  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide emissions from black soils with different pH   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
N2O fluxes as a function of incubation time from soil with different available N contents and pH were determined. Cumulative carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions were measured to indicate soil respiration. A 144-hr incubation experiment was conducted in a slightly acidic agricultural soil (pHH2O 5.33) after the pH was adjusted to four different values (3.65, 5.00, 6.90 and 8.55). The experiments consisted of a control without added N, and with NH4+-N and NO3--N fertilization. The results showed that soil pH contributed significantly to N2O flux from the soils. There were higher N2O emissions in the period 0-12 hr in the four pH treatments, especially those enhanced with N-fertilization. The cumulative N2O-N emission reached a maximum at pH 8.55 and was stimulated by NO3--N fertilization (70.4 μg/kg). The minimum emissions appeared at pH 3.65 and were not stimulated by NO3--N or NH4+-N fertilization. Soil respiration increased significantly due to N-fertilization. Soil respiration increased positively with soil pH (R2 = 0.98, P < 0.01). The lowest CO2-C emission (30.2 mg/kg) was presented in pH 3.65 soils without N-fertilization. The highest CO2-C emissions appeared in the pH 8.55 soils for NH4+-N fertilization (199 mg/kg). These findings suggested that N2O emissions and soil respiration were significantly influenced by low pH, which strongly inhibits soil microbial nitrification and denitrification activities. The content of NO3--N in soil significantly and positively affected the N2O emissions through denitrification.  相似文献   

为探究锌(Zn)污染对农田土壤氧化亚氮(N2O)排放的影响,分别以猪粪和尿素为肥源进行室内培养实验,对比分析不同含量Zn (0、50、500、1500和5000mg/kg)对N2O排放的影响及其机制,并在培养第52d向所有处理再次添加尿素以探究其长期效应,共培养80d.结果表明:第1次添加肥料阶段,在尿素为肥源处理中不同含量Zn均表现为显著抑制作用(P<0.05),而猪粪为肥源处理中除50mg/kg无显著影响外(P>0.05),其它含量处理均显著促进N2O排放(P<0.05).第2次添加肥料阶段,不同肥源条件下Zn的作用规律一致,即50mg/kg无显著影响(P>0.05),500和1500mg/kg显著提高N2O排放而5000mg/kg处理与之相反(P<0.05).此阶段500、1500和5000mg/kg处理以猪粪和尿素为肥源时其N2O累积排放量与同肥源对照的比值分别为3.49、3.13、0.01和2.53、2.74、0.04,可见同等含量Zn在猪粪为肥源条件下作用更强,500和1500mg/kg Zn的促进机制为Zn提高了土壤中NH4+-N、NO3--N含量以及控制反硝化过程N2O产生和还原功能基因相对丰度的比值(nirS/nosZ),而5000mg/kg Zn抑制了土壤中NH4+-N进一步转化为NO3--N,从而降低了N2O排放.  相似文献   

腐秆剂与秸秆配施对稻田N2O排放的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用静态箱-气相色谱法对长江流域稻麦轮作系统下稻田N2O排放进行田间原位观测,研究了配施腐秆剂(瑞莱特催腐剂和金葵子腐秆剂)对水稻生长季N2O排放的影响,旨在为腐秆剂与秸秆配施条件下稻田N2O排放规律的研究提供科学依据.结果表明:配施腐秆剂对稻田N2O排放的季节变化趋势无明显影响,但腐秆剂与秸秆配施可降低水稻生育期N2O排放总量;与单施秸秆相比,配施瑞莱特和金葵子腐秆剂处理N2O排放总量分别下降12.7%和8.9%(p0.05);水稻全生育期内,仅施秸秆、秸秆与瑞莱特配施和秸秆与金葵子配施处理N2O平均排放通量依次为63.35、55.30和57.68μg·m-2·h-1(以N计).N2O排放主要集中在烤田期与复水后干湿交替阶段.全生育期内,N2O排放通量与土壤温度间无显著相关性(p0.05).  相似文献   

微塑料污染和蚯蚓活动对黄棕壤温室气体排放的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确蚯蚓暴露于不同量聚丙烯(PP)微塑料后对土壤CO2、N2O排放的影响,采用湖北当阳橘园土壤,进行室内培养试验,设置了5个处理:对照(CK)、接种蚯蚓(E)、接种蚯蚓并添加低量聚丙烯(0.25%干土重m/m,M1+E)、接种蚯蚓并添加中量聚丙烯(2%干土重m/m,M2+E)和接种蚯蚓并添加高量聚丙烯(7%干土重m/m,M3+E).结果表明:接种蚯蚓可以显著增加土壤CO2、N2O的排放,相比未接种蚯蚓(CK)处理,土壤的CO2、N2O累积排放量分别增加了4.17、1.79倍,且接种蚯蚓显著提高了土壤p H.而微塑料添加后显著降低了土壤CO2、N2O排放,其中,接种蚯蚓并添加高量微塑料对土壤的CO2、N2O排放抑制效果最明显,分别降低了16.99%、27.28%.微塑料的添加会显著降低蚯蚓生物量,低、中、高量微塑料处理下蚯蚓生物量损失值较仅接种蚯蚓增加了29%、48%、...  相似文献   

At present,continuous observation data for atmospheric nitrous oxide(N_2O) concentrations are still lacking,especially in east Antarctica.In this paper,nitrous oxide background concentrations were measured at Zhongshan Station(69°22′25″S,76°22′14″E),east Antarctica during the period of 2008–2012,and their interannual and seasonal characteristics were analyzed and discussed.The mean N_2O concentration was 321.9 n L/L with the range of 320.5–324.8 n L/L during the five years,and it has been increasing at a rate of 0.29% year-1.Atmospheric N_2O concentrations showed a strong seasonal fluctuation during these five years.The concentrations appeared to follow a downtrend from spring to autumn,and then increased in winter.Generally the highest concentrations occurred in spring.This trend was very similar to that observed at other global observation sites.The overall N_2O concentration at the selected global sites showed an increasing annual trend,and the mean N_2O concentration in the Northern Hemisphere was slightly higher than that in the Southern Hemisphere.Our result could be representative of atmospheric N_2O background levels at the global scale.This study provided valuable data for atmospheric N_2O concentrations in east Antarctica,which is important to study on the relationships between N2 O emissions and climate change.  相似文献   

Cover crop effects on nitrous oxide emission from a manure-treated Mollisol   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Agriculture contributes 40–60% of the total annual N2O emissions to the atmosphere. Development of management practices to reduce these emissions would have a significant impact on greenhouse gas levels. Non-leguminous cover crops are efficient scavengers of residual soil NO3, thereby reducing leaching losses. However, the effect of a grass cover crop on N2O emissions from soil receiving liquid swine manure has not been evaluated. This study investigated: (i) the temporal patterns of N2O emissions following addition of swine manure slurry in a laboratory setting under fluctuating soil moisture regimes; (ii) assessed the potential of a rye (Secale cereale L.) cover crop to decrease N2O emissions under these conditions; and (iii) quantified field N2O emissions in response to either spring applied urea ammonium nitrate (UAN) or different rates of fall-applied liquid swine manure, in the presence or absence of a rye/oat winter cover crop. Laboratory experiments investigating cover crop effects N2O emissions were performed in a controlled environment chamber programmed for a 14 h light period, 18 °C day temperature, and 15 °C night temperature. Treatments with or without a living rye cover crop were treated with either: (i) no manure; (ii) a phosphorus-based manure application rate (low manure): or (iii) a nitrogen-based manure application rate (high manure). We observed a significant reduction in N2O emissions in the presence of the rye cover crop. Field experiments were performed on a fine-loamy soil in Central Iowa from October 12, 2005 to October 2, 2006. We observed no significant effect of the cover crop on cumulative N2O emissions in the field. The primary factor influencing N2O emission was N application rate, regardless of form or timing. The response of N2O emission to N additions was non-linear, with progressively more N2O emitted with increasing N application. These results indicate that while cover crops have the potential to reduce N2O emissions, N application rate may be the overriding factor.  相似文献   

Temperature is an important physical factor, which strongly influences biomass and metabolic activity. In this study, the effects of temperature on the anoxic metabolism of nitrite(NO-2) to nitrous oxide(N2O) by polyphosphate accumulating organisms, and the process of the accumulation of N2O(during nitrite reduction), which acts as an electron acceptor, were investigated using 91% ± 4% Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis sludge. The results showed that N2O is accumulated when Accumulibacter first utilize nitrite instead of oxygen as the sole electron acceptor during the denitrifying phosphorus removal process. Properties such as nitrite reduction rate, phosphorus uptake rate, N2O reduction rate, and polyhydroxyalkanoate degradation rate were all influenced by temperature variation(over the range from 10 to 30°C reaching maximum values at 25°C). The reduction rate of N2O by N2O reductase was more sensitive to temperature when N2O was utilized as the sole electron acceptor instead of NO2, and the N2O reduction rates, ranging from 0.48 to 3.53 N2O-N/(hr·g VSS), increased to 1.45 to 8.60 mg N2O-N/(hr·g VSS). The kinetics processes for temperature variation of 10 to 30°C were(θ1 = 1.140–1.216 and θ2= 1.139–1.167). In the range of 10°C to 30°C, almost all of the anoxic stoichiometry was sensitive to temperature changes. In addition, a rise in N2O reduction activity leading to a decrease in N2O accumulation in long term operations at the optimal temperature(27°C calculated by the Arrhenius model).  相似文献   

陈玲  范会  蒋静艳 《环境科学》2014,35(8):3102-3109
通过室内培养实验,研究了不同生态系统土壤生化特征及其对土壤呼吸和N2O排放的影响.结果表明,不同生态系统土壤的生化特征不同,土壤呼吸和N2O排放也不相同.一般果园细菌数量最多,草地放线菌数量最多,林地真菌数量最多,而竹园细菌放线菌数量最少,果园真菌最少;微生物碳氮含量一般果园>林地>农田.相关分析表明细菌数量与微生物碳氮呈显著正相关,放线菌数量与土壤有机碳和全氮含量呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),而真菌数量仅与全氮含量呈显著正相关(P<0.05).土壤呼吸累积排放量从高到低为果园>竹林>农田>林地>草地.N2O累积排放量为农田>果园>草地>林地>竹林.土壤呼吸与细菌、微生物碳氮呈显著正相关(P<0.05);土壤的N2O排放与三大微生物、铵态氮呈显著正相关(P<0.05).逐步回归分析表明土壤呼吸主要取决于土壤细菌数量和pH的变化;土壤N2O排放主要取决于土壤细菌数量和铵态氮含量的变化.  相似文献   

Physiological changes in crop plants in response to the elevated tropospheric ozone (O3) may alter N and C cycles in soil. This may also affect the atmosphere-biosphere exchange of radiatively important greenhouse gases (GHGs), e.g. methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) from soil. A study was carried out during July to November of 2007 and 2008 in the experimental farm of Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi to assess the effects of elevated tropospheric ozone on methane and nitrous oxide emissions from rice (Oryza sativa L.) soil. Rice crop was grown in open top chambers (OTC) under elevated ozone (EO), non-filtered air (NF), charcoal filtered air (CF) and ambient air (AA). Seasonal mean concentrations of O3 were 4.3 ± 0.9, 26.2 ± 1.9, 59.1 ± 4.2 and 27.5 ± 2.3 ppb during year 2007 and 5.9 ± 1.1, 37.2 ± 2.5, 69.7 ± 3.9 and 39.2 ± 1.8 ppb during year 2008 for treatments CF, NF, EO and AA, respectively. Cumulative seasonal CH4 emission reduced by 29.7% and 40.4% under the elevated ozone (EO) compared to the non-filtered air (NF), whereas the emission increased by 21.5% and 16.7% in the charcoal filtered air (CF) in 2007 and 2008, respectively. Cumulative seasonal emission of N2O ranged from 47.8 mg m−2 in elevated ozone to 54.6 mg m−2 in charcoal filtered air in 2007 and from 46.4 to 62.1 mg m−2 in 2008. Elevated ozone reduced grain yield by 11.3% and 12.4% in 2007 and 2008, respectively. Global warming potential (GWP) per unit of rice yield was the least under elevated ozone levels. Dissolved organic C content of soil was lowest under the elevated ozone treatment. Decrease in availability of substrate i.e., dissolved organic C under elevated ozone resulted in a decline in GHG emissions. Filtration of ozone from ambient air increased grain yield and growth parameters of rice and emission of GHGs.  相似文献   

N2O是一种重要的温室气体。过去一直认为生物源N2O仅由土壤中的微生物过程所产生,但近些年来的研究表明,植物作为陆地生态系统的重要组成部分,也参与了N2O的产生、排放,对N2O的通量有着重要影响。本文以国内外相关研究为基础,综合报道了多年来植物排放N2O的研究进展。研究表明:植物本身可以产生N2O,某些植物排放量可达到与土壤排放相当的水平,影响N2O释放的因素有植物种类、生长发育阶段、养分供给、光照强度及N2O浓度等;植物影响土壤N2O的产生、传输、释放,植物通过影响土壤的理化性质从而影响到土壤微生物的活动进而影响N2O的产生、排放,同时对淹水土壤中N2O的释放起到了重要的通道作用;植物类型和不同环境因素对N2O产生、排放影响不同,尤其是豆科植物根瘤菌对N2O的影响应引起更大的关注。文章最后提出了当前研究的不足及需要进一步深入研究的问题。  相似文献   

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